Posts Tagged ‘Property’

Daily Analysis 20240422

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

April 22nd, 2024
Good morning,
Nasdaq falls more than 2% to post sixth straight losing day as Nvidia craters 10%
The Nasdaq Composite
fell for a sixth straight session on Friday, notching its longest losing streak in more than a year. The downtrend comes as Nvidia
dived, adding to recent market woes tied to geopolitical conflicts and sticky inflation.
Dow……37987  +211.02 +0.56%
Nasdaq15282   -319.5    -2.05%
S&P 500.4967   -43.9      -0.88%
FTSE…..7896  +18.8    +0.24%
Dax……17737  -100.04 -0.56%
CAC……8022   -0.9        -0.01%
Nikkei..37068  -1011.4  -2.66%
HSI……16224    -161.7    -0.99%
Shanghai.3065 -8.96      -0.29%
IDX…..7096.56  -70.25  -0.98%
LQ45….920.31  -15.20  -1.62%
IDX30..466.84   -7.61    -1.60%
IDXEnergy..2184.82  -0.77     -0.03%
IDX BscMat1344.31  -9.97    -0.74%
IDX Indstrl…1066.49  -13.04 -1.21%
IDXNONCYC.678.79   -6.32   -0.92%
IDX Hlthcare1330.06 +14.41+1.10%
IDXCYCLIC…778.30   -14.06  -1.77%
IDXTechno3230.05  -92.46  -2.78%
IDX Transp 1355.49 -34.24  -2.46%
IDX Infrast  1580.92    -6.65     -0.42%
IDX Finance.1427.98  -17.96   -1.24%
IDX Banking.1261.44  -22.21   -1.73%
IDX Property.. 611       -10.1     -1.62%
Indo10Yr.6.9768‼️ +0.0511 +0.74%
ICBI…375.6163  -0.9877 -0.26%
US2Yr.4.988‼️  -0.002  -0.04%
US5Yr 4.672‼️  -0.008  -0.17%
US10Yr4.623‼️  -0.009 -0.19%
US30Yr.4.713❗️-0.022  -0.46%
VIX…….18.71  +0.71   +3.94%‼️
USDIndx 106.1540‼️-0.03 +0.002%
Como Indx..298.15  +2.56  +0.56%
BCOMIN..158.81  +3.20  +2.06%
IndoCDS..81.18  +2.98  +3.81%‼️
  (5-yr INOCD5) (19/04)
IDR…..16260.00‼️ +81.00  +0.50%
Jisdor.16280.00‼️ +103.00+0.64%
Euro….1.0656 +0.0015  +0.14%
TLKM…19.66   -0.11   -0.56%
( 3198)
EIDO……20.78  -0.11  -0.50%
EEM……39.71  -0.17   -0.41%
Oil…….83.14  +0.53   +0.64%
Gold..2413.80‼️  +19.00  +0.79%
Timah..35582.00‼️+1603.00 +4.72%‼️
(Closed 19/04)
Nickel..19468.50‼️ +909.50  +4.99%‼️
(Closed 19/04)
Silver….29.13   +0.85    +3.00%‼️
Copper.452.60 +6.35    +1.42%
Iron Ore 62% 108.30  +0.30  +0.28%
Nturl Gas..1.760 +0.045  +2.62%
Ammonia China.3050.00 -33.33  -1.08%
(Domestic Price)(18/04)
Coal price.130.60  +1.00  +0.77%
Coal price 141.75 +0.75  +0.53%
Coal price.144.40 +0.70  +0.49%
Coal price.146.25  -0.55  -0.37%
Coal price..120.00  -0.35   -0.29%
Coal price.116.55   -1.35   -1.15%
Coal price.117.50   -0.50   -0.42%
Coal price 116.55   -0.25   -0.21%
CPO(J)..3928‼️  -61.00  -1.53%
Corn…….443.00    +6.75    +1.55%
SoybeanOil 44.94+0.28     +0.63%
Wheat..566.75    +13.75   +2.49%
Wood pulp..5708  unch   +0%
(Closed 18/04)
©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia

Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Nasdaq keseret NVIDIA, DJI nya ijo… Europe closing jum’at kebanyakan merah, asia merah dalem, tapi di US market US bind yield merah jadi harapannya IHSG hari ini ijo

USD index up, tapi metal2 juga up malah rada tinggi, oil gas coal juga up, rada anomali ini. CPO aja yang down, sudah pasti balik arah makanya udah cutloss AALI. Semoga ini ANTM ADRO dkk lanjut jalan

IHSG – technically masih waktunya turun, beresin ABC correction. Pas ribut ributan israel iran dll. masih hold cash kecuali selective buying di energy sama basic materials yang firm gerak

Masih energy dan basic materials, infrastructure kalo yang telco malah lagi drop banget, JSMR kali ya yang panen karena lebaran

Stochastic Buy Signal: BBNI GGRM NISP PTPP LTLS, big accum BBNI GGRM

MACD Buy Signal: LTLS

Stochastic Continuation signal and big accum: SIDO

INCO menarik, vol breakout lagi, udah full load juga sih, masih hold, semoga lanjut kenceng

Alligator Buy Signal: LPPF MTMH

Daily Analysis 20240403

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

April 03rd, 2024

Good morning,

Wall Street is coming off a losing session for the major benchmarks after sticky inflation data from last week, as well as some strong economic data, had investors concerned the Federal Reserve will take longer to cut interest rates. Treasury yields spiked, with the rate on the 10-year note touching its highest level since November. Oil prices also rose to five-month highs

Dow……39170 -396.6 -1.60%
Nasdaq16240 -156.4 -0.95%
S&P 500.5206 -37.96 -0.72%

FTSE…..7935 -17.5 -0.22%
Dax……18283 -209.4 -1.13%
CAC……8130 -75.8 -0.92%

Nikkei..39839 +35.8 +0.09%
HSI……16932 +390.1 +2.36%
Shanghai.3075 -2.4 -0.08%

IDX…..7236.98 +31.92 +0.44%
LQ45….968.37 -0.71 -0.71%
IDX30…491.79 -0.59 -0.12%

IDXEnergy..2137.49 +33.43 +1.59%
IDX BscMat1313.87 +20.74 +1.60%
IDX Indstrl…1093.62 +10.39 +0.96%
IDXNONCYC.722.05 +4.61 +0.64%
IDX Hlthcare1338.51 +16.16 +1.22%
IDXCYCLIC…818.65 +5.88 +0.72%
IDXTechno3561.36 +17.24 +0.49%
IDX Transp 1466.70 +20.93 +1.46%
IDX Infrast 1565.30 -2.65 -0.18%
IDX Finance.1485.34 -2.65 -0.18%
IDX Banking.1335.45 -13.01 -0.96%
IDX Property.. 660 +2.50 +0.39%

Indo10Yr.6.7156 +0.0041 +0.06%
ICBI…379.3888 -0.0289 -0.01%
US2Yr.4.693 -0.019 -0.40%
US5Yr 4.343 +0.016 +0.37%
US10Yr4.357 +0.045 +1.04%
US30Yr.4.497+0.045 +1.01%
VIX………14.61 +0.96 +7.03%‼️

USDIndx 104.8160 -0.203 -0.19%
Como Indx..294.23 +1.90 +0.65%
BCOMIN…..141.77 +1.50 +1.07%

IndoCDS..73.25 unch +0%
(5-yr INOCD5) (01/04)

IDR…..15897.00‼️+2.50 +0.02%
Jisdor.15934.00‼️+25.00 +0.16%

Euro….1.0767 +0.0028 +0.26%

TLKM…21.68 -0.21 -0.96%
EIDO……22.00 +0.05 +0.23%
EEM……41.28 +0.11 +0.27%

Oil…….85.50 +1.53 +1.82%‼️
Gold..2302.80 +31.80 +1.40%
Timah..27451.00 – -%
(Closed 29/03)
Nickel..17031.50 +349 +2.09%❗️
(Closed 02/04)
Silver….26.30 +1.08 +4.28%
Copper.407.95 +5.45 +1.34%

Iron Ore 62% 102.33 -7.20 -6.57%‼️
Nturl Gas..1.853 +0.013 +0.71%
Ammonia China.3073.33 -250 -7.52%‼️
(Domestic Price)(01/04/24)

Coal price.132.25 +0.25 +0.19%
Coal price 134.00 +1.00 +0.75%
Coal price.135.05 +1.05 +0.78%
Coal price.137.45 +1.40 +1.03%

Coal price..122.15 +2.60 +2.17%
Coal price.120.25 +2.50 +2.12%
Coal price.119.70 +2.05 +1.74%
Coal price 119.60 +2.95 +2.53%

CPO(Jun)..4308 +42.00 +0.98%

Corn……426.50 -9.00 -2.07%
SoybeanOil 48.60 +0.36 +0.75%
Wheat…545.25 -11.75 -2.11%

Wood pulp..5700 +10. +0.18 %
(Closed 02/04)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US merah, europe merah, asia kebanyakan ijo, sepertinya hari ini akan merah liat US bond yield rata2 naik semua dan US market nya merah

USD index down, jelas lanjut gold dan precious metals kecuali iron ore, oil up, gas up, coal up, CPO up, harusnya sih, akan ada yang dikorbanin doang kaya TLKM kemaren, tapi saham saham terkait komoditas yang naik tetep jalan, ANTM ADRO AALI LSIP

IHSG – technically masih jelek, stoch macd MFI down, w% sw, BD accum FF exit. Harusnya sekarang bikin wave B dulu, baru wave C flat berhenti di low kemaren. Semoga cuma segitu aja koreksinya, kalo ga bisa berdarah darah market

Consumer Non Cyclicals, Energy. Yang terlihat mau jalan lagi Basic Materials,Property, Financials


MACD buy signal: INDF SMAR, INDF big accum

Daily Analysis 20240401

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

April 01st, 2024

Good morning,

S&P 500 closes at a fresh record, posts strongest first-quarter performance since 2019

The S&P 500
rose Thursday, registering its best first-quarter performance in five years.

Dow……39807 +47.3 +0.12%
Nasdaq16379 -20.2 -0.12%
S&P 500.5254 +5.9 +0.11%

FTSE…..7953 +20.64 +0.26%
Dax……18493 +15.4 +0.15%
CAC……8205 +1.0 +0.01%

Nikkei..40370 +201.4 +0.50%
HSI……16541 closed +0%
Shanghai.3041+30.5 +1.01%

IDX…..7262.54 closed +0%
LQ45….985.97 closed +0%
IDX30…501.16 closed +0%

IDXEnergy..2122.53 closed +0%
IDX BscMat1288.43 closed +0%
IDX Indstrl…1088.02 closed +0%
IDXNONCYC.724.74 closed +0%
IDX Hlthcare1343.34closed +0%
IDXCYCLIC…820.13 closed +0%
IDXTechno3580.27 closed +0%
IDX Transp 1468.77 closed. +0%
IDX Infrast 1559.62 closed +0%
IDX Finance.1529.62closed +0%
IDX Banking.1397.26closed +0%
IDX Property.. 670 closed +0%

Indo10Yr.6.7239❗️closed +0%
ICBI…378.8753 ❗️closed +0%
US2Yr.4.628 +0.060 +1.31%
US5Yr 4.220 +0.037 +0.88%
US10Yr4.210 +0.022 +0.53%
US30Yr.4.349 unch +0%
VIX………13.01 +0.23 +1.80%

USDIndx 104.4870 ❗️ -0.060 -0.06%
Como Indx..290.29 +3.53 +1.23%
BCOMIN…..139.75 +1.19 +0.86%

IndoCDS..73.25 +0.04 +0.05%
(5-yr INOCD5) (29/03)

IDR…..15856.50‼️closed +0%
Jisdor.15873.00‼️closed +0%

Euro….1.0790 +0.00 +0.01%

TLKM…22.26 -0.01 -0.04%
EIDO……22.53 -0.12 -0.53%
EEM……41.08 +0.16 +0.39%

Oil…….83.17 +1.82 +2.24%
Gold..2238.40‼️ +25.70 +1.16%
Timah..27451.00 -73.00 -0.27%
(Closed 28/03)
Nickel..16682.50 +39.50 +0.24%
(Closed 29/03)
Silver…..24.92 +0.16 +0.66%
Copper.400.70 +0.70 +0.17%

Iron Ore 62% 109.53 -0.31 -0.28%
Nturl Gas..1.752 +0.034 +1.98%
Ammonia China.3373.33 -60 -1.75%
(Domestic Price)(28/03/24)

Coal price.132.00 +0.90 +0.69%
Coal price 133.00 +0.90 +0.68%
Coal price.134.00 +0.65 +0.49%
Coal price.136.05 +0.70 +0.52%

Coal price..119.55 -0.90 -0.75%
Coal price.117.75 -1.20 -1.01%
Coal price.117.65 -0.65 -0.55%
Coal price 116.65 -0.70 -0.60%

CPO(Jun)..4197 +62.00 +1.50%

Corn….442.00 +15.25 +3.57% ‼️
SoybeanOil 47.95 +0.28 +0.59%
Wheat…560.25 +12.75 +2.33%

Wood pulp..5690.00 unch +0%
(Closed 31/03)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Terakhir market open kamis, sebeum good friday, dan US mostly ijo walau ga tebel, nasdaq merah tipis, europe ijo, asia ijo, IHSG ngotot beresin ABC correction, yang belum kejadian aja, ini US udah naik naik terus IHSG jadi ga sejalan. US bond yield naik semua jadi umumnya ga bagus buat saham

USD index turun, gold dan precious metals pada naik kecuali timah dan iron ore, semoga ANTM mantul, ga ada apa apa dibanting simply karena big cap aja kayanya, ASII juga gitu. Oil up, gas up, coal up, CPO up, semoga saham terkait komoditi nya jalan lagi

IHSG – mungkin ga akan dibawa terjun sampe level situ, kayanya akan flat style ABC nya, kecuali US tau2 crash. stoch down macd down MFI sw, w% down, BD flat FNS terus, still downtrend minornya, semoga ga asal ngorbanin big caps lagi kaya kemaren

Masih banyak yang terlihat jalan, yang leading dan belum banyak gerak masih Consumer Non-Cyclicals, lanjut Helathcare dan Energy, Basic materials terlihat melemah tapi BRPT nya menarik banget. Technology Property Consumer Cyclicals terlihat bagus tapi kemaren keseret semua sama index


MACD Buy Signal: BFIN SGRO… Skip. UNTR Sell signal, waduh mesti di check ini, siapa tau perlu cutloss

Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum: ESSA ICBP TINS

Daily Analysis 20240328

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 28th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow surges more than 450 points, S&P 500 closes at a fresh record

The S&P 500
rose Wednesday, closing at a record as the index heads for its best first quarter since 2019.

Dow……39760 +477.8 +1.22%
Nasdaq16400 +83.8 +0.51%
S&P 500.5248 +44.9 +0.86%

FTSE…..7932 +1.02 +0.01%
Dax……18477 +92.7 +0.50%
CAC……8205 +20.1 +0.25%

Nikkei..40762 +364.7 +0.90%
HSI……16393 -225.5 -1.36%
Shanghai.2993-38.3 -1.26%

IDX…..7325.13 -40.54 -0.55%
LQ45….990.37 -7.43 -0.74%
IDX30…503.32 -4.14 -0.82%

IDXEnergy..2137.76 -2.59 -0.12%
IDX BscMat1289.45 -9.08 -0.70%
IDX Indstrl…1102.29 -1.59 -0.14%
IDXNONCYC.719.39 -1.87 -0.26%
IDX Hlthcare1354.31 -12.77 -0.93%
IDXCYCLIC…826.90 -4.24 -0.51%
IDXTechno3549.98 -34.69 -0.97%
IDX Transp 1512.95 -38.50 -2.48%
IDX Infrast 1566.69 -9.21 -0.58%
IDX Finance.1532.87 +1.14 +0.07%
IDX Banking.1405.48 -2.98. -0.21%
IDX Property.. 670 -4.70 -0.70%

ICBI…378.8459 ❗️-0.2104 -0.06%
US2Yr.4.568 -0.025 -0.54%
US5Yr 4.183 -0.040 -0.95%
US10Yr4.188 -0.046 -1.09%
US30Yr.4.349, -0.051 -1.16%
VIX………12.78 -0.46 -3.47%👍

USDIndx 104.3480 ❗️ +0.058 +0.06%
Como Indx..286.76 -1.05 -0.37%
BCOMIN…..138.56 -0.33 -0.24%

IndoCDS..72.26 +0.03 +0.04%
(5-yr INOCD5) (26/03)

IDR…..15858.00‼️+65.50 +0.41%
Jisdor.15853.00‼️ +56.00 +0.35%

Euro….1.0812 -0.0020 -0.18%

TLKM…22.27 -0.51 -2.22%‼️
EIDO……22.67 -0.11 -0.46%
EEM……40.93 +0.08 +0.18%

Oil…….81.68 +0.06 +0.07%
Gold..2212.70+11.10. +0.50%
Timah..27446.00 -134.00 -0.49%
(Closed 26/03)
Nickel..16643.50 -48.50 -0.29%
(Closed 27/03)
Silver…..24.75 +0.16 +0.65%
Copper.400.75 +0.75 +0.19%

Iron Ore 62% 110.28 -0.39 -0.35%
Nturl Gas..1.715 -0.069 -3.87%
Ammonia China.3433.33 – -%
(Domestic Price)(27/03/24)

Coal price.129.00 +0.10 +0.08%
Coal price 131.1;0 +2.60 +2.02%
Coal price.132.10 +2.95 +2.28%
Coal price.133.35 +2.80 +2.14%

Coal price..113.60 +0.35 +0.62%
Coal price.120.45 +6.15 +5.38%‼️
Coal price.118.95 +6.10 +5.41%‼️
Coal price.118.30 +6.35 +5.77%‼️

CPO(Jun)..4135 -102.00 -2.41%

Corn….426.75 -5.75 -1.33%
SoybeanOil 47.67 -0.75 -1.55%
Wheat…547.50 +4.00 +0.74%

Wood pulp..5650.00 +50.00 +0.89%
(Closed 27/03)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US loncat, SP500 new record high, europe ijo, asia kemaren mostly masih merah, hari ini harusnya ijo juga. US bind yield turun, VIX turun, bagus buat saham

USD index up, gold masih up juga tapi along with Silver Copper, metal lain down. gas down oil coal up, kita pantau re-entry ADRO. CPO drop, bisa jadi harus exit dulu ini AALI LSIP

IHSG – stoch down macd down MFI sw, w% downtrend, BD flat FNS, masih jadwal koreksi, masih selective buying

Terlihat banyak yang jalan, leading Consumer Non-Cyclicals, Healthcare, Energy, nyusul technology, Property, Consumer Cyclicals terus Financials, Kalo bener Financials jalan, bisa break ABC correction nya

Stochastic Buy Signal: BBNI SRTG


Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum: JSMR