Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare’

Daily Analysis 20240129

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 29th, 2024

Good morning,

S&P 500 and Nasdaq fall Friday to snap six-day win streak, but both notch weekly gains

The S&P 500
closed slightly lower Friday, but clinched weekly gains as the latest economic data added to a positive picture of the economy.

Dow……38109 +60.3 +0.16%
Nasdaq15455 -55.1 -0.36%
S&P 500.4891 -3.2 -0.07%

FTSE…..7635 +105.4 +1.40%
Dax……16961 +54.5 +0.32%
CAC……7434 +169.9 +2.28%

Nikkei..35751 -485.40 -1.34%
HSI……15952 -259.7 -1.60%
Shanghai.2910 +4.1 +0.14%

IDX…..7137.09 -40.95 -0.57%
LQ45….951.49 -8.31 -0.87%
IDX30…482.83 -3.96 -0.81%

IDXEnergy..2115.97 -20.83 -0.97%
IDX BscMat.1284.91 -4.10 -0.32%
IDX Indstrl…1084.62 -3.73 -0.34%
IDXNONCYC.696.55 -4.51 -0.64%
IDX Hlthcare1311.94 -4.73. -0.36%
IDXCYCLIC…848.85 -6.10 -0.71%
IDX Techno4074.19 -53.93 -1.31%
IDX Transp 1620.81 -15.05 -0.92%
IDX Infrast 1581.62 -39.19 -2.42%
IDX Finance.1519.17 +3.02 +0.20%
IDX Banking.1274.35 -12.27 -0.95%
IDX Property.. 701 +3.10 +0.44%

Indo10Yr.6.6901 +0.0083 +0.12%
ICBI…375.1719 -0.2428 -0.06%
US2Yr.4.357 +0.058 +1.35%
US5Yr 4.038 +0.036 +0.90%
US10Yr4.139 +0.018 +0.44%
US30Yr.4.372+0.002 +0.05%
VIX…13.26 -0.19 -1.41%

USDIndx 103.4330❗️ -0.141 -0.14%
Como Indx..273.57 +1.17 +0.43%
BCOMIN……139.82 +0.51 +0.36%

IndoCDS..76.21 +2.46 +3.34%‼️
(5-yr INOCD5) (26/01)

IDR…..15825.00‼️ -1.00 -0.01%
Jisdor.15829.00 ‼️+62.00 +0.39%

Euro….1.0853 +0.0008 +0.07%

TLKM…25.45 +0.33 +1.37%
EIDO……21.34 -0.23 -1.07%
EEM……38.90 +0.03 +0.098%

Oil…….78.01 +0.96 +1.25%
Gold..2036.10 -3.00 -0.15%
Timah..26664.00 +16.00 +0.06%
(Closed 26/01)
Nickel..16595.50 -175.50 -1.04%
(Closed 26/01)
Silver……22.87 -0.15 -0.65%
Copper.385.20 -1.60 -0.41%

Iron Ore 62% 135.55 +0.01 +0.01%
Nturl Gas..2.180 -0.008 -0.37%
Ammonia China.3343.33. – -%
(Domestic Price)(26/01/02)

Coal price 119.00 +0.90 +0.76%
Coal price.117.15 +1.75 +1.52%
Coal price 118.15 +2.65 +2.29%
Coalprice.118.45 +2.85 +2.47%

Coal price .93.75 +1.50 +1.63%
Coal price..92.10 +2.55 +2.85%
Coal price..90.35 +2.15 +2.44%
Coal price..90.05 +2.65 +3.03%

CPO(Apr)..4021 +76 +1.93%

Corn……446.25 -5.50 -1.22%
SoybeanOil 46.93 +0.40 +0.86%
Wheat…600.25 -12.00 -1.96%

Wood pulp..5066.00 unch +0%
(Closed 28/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

DJI closing ijo jumat, tapi nasdaq dan sp500 merah, europe masih ijo, asia kebanyakan merah. Kemungkinan besar masih mau merah dulu IHSG hari ini, beresin ABC correction, mungkin juga sih mantul dulu karena kemaren merahnya dalem walau closing nya ditarik ke atas

US bond rates naik semua, jadi kayanya merah ini… USD index merah, tapi metal2 juga merah walau tipis, oil ijo das merah, coal mantul ijo, nanti kita liat apa udah waktunya masuk coal lagi. CPO ijo tebel, semoga ini dan IHSG beres ABC correction terus AALI LSIP berangkat

IHSG – masih FNS, BD flat, ABC correction belum beres, tapi mungkin aja minornya di wave A nya bikin abc kecil, kalo iya bisa jadi sekarang jadwal wave B. Tapi yang jelas masih berbahaya, masih mending banyak keep cash, masuk kecil di yang contrarian aja. MACD masih down, stoch tadinya up ini mau sell lagi, udah tembus EMA 50, kalo ikut pemain MA udah firm downtrend ini

Basic Materials, Infrastructure, Consumer Non-Cyclicals

Stochastic Buy Signal: HRUM INKP BSDE JSMR TKIM, ga ada yang big accum, malah HRUP TKIM big dist, BSDE spike

MACD buy signal: INTP MIKA OMED TAPG. healthcare mulai padagerak lagi ya, INTP big acc, TAPG spike

Stochastic Continuation Signal ga ada yang big accum, tapi keliatan Consumer Non-Cyclicals kompak gerak

Alligator Buy Signal: MTMH SSMS

Daily Analysis 20240123

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 23th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow rises more than 100 points to close above 38,000 for the first time ever

Stocks rose Monday as investors built on the previous session’s historic move to record highs.

Dow……38002 +138.01+0.36%
Nasdaq15360 +49.3 +0.32%
S&P 500.4950 +10.6 +0.22%

FTSE…..7488 +25.8. +0.35%
Dax……16683 +128.2 +0.77%
CAC……7413 +41.6 +0.56%

Nikkei..36547 +583.7 +1.62%
HSI…….14961 -347.5 -2.27%
Shanghai.2756 -75.9 -2.68%

IDX…..7247.93 +20.53 +0.28%
LQ45….973.37 +0.69 +0.07%
IDX30…496.54 -1.38 -0.28%

IDXEnergy..2132.52 -31.56 -1.46%
IDX BscMat.1293.47 +1.98 +0.15%
IDX Indstrl…1100.39 -12.25 -1.10%
IDXNONCYC.699.33 -4.12 -0.59%
IDX Hlthcare1304.96 -1.55 -0.12%
IDXCYCLIC…862.67 +1.03 +0.12%
IDX Techno4205.28 -23.54 -0.56%
IDX Transp 1653.77 -27.72 -1.65%
IDX Infrast 1545.48 +14.81 +0.97%
IDX Finance.1530.69 +22.59+1.50%
IDX Banking.1326.80+6.08 +0.46%
IDX Property.. 702 -3.10 -0.44%

Indo10Yr.6.6657👍 -0.0260 -0.39%
ICBI…375.5892👍 +0.6217 +0.17%
US2Yr.4.393 +0.005 +0.12%
US5Yr 4.029 -0.025 -0.62%
US10Yr4.104 -0.026 -0.63%
US30Yr.4.323 -0.014 -0.32%
VIX….13.19 -0.11 -0.83%

USDIndx 103.3310 +0.043 +0.04%
Como Indx..266.95 +1.58 +0.59%
BCOMIN……134.45 -0.45 -0.34%

IndoCDS..75.22 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (19/01)

IDR…..15636.50 +21.00 +0.14%
Jisdor.15628.00 -1.00 -0.01%

Euro….1.0877 -0.0021 -0.19%

TLKM…25.53 +0.15 +0.59%
EIDO……22.08 -0.13 -0.59%
EEM……38.05 -0.34 -0.89’%

Oil……..75.19 +1.78 +2.42%
Gold..2041.50 -7.20 -0.35%
Timah..25298.00 – -%
(Closed 19/01)
Nickel..16023.50 -29.00 -0.08%
(Closed 22/01)
Silver……22.17 -0.54 -2.37%
Copper.374.75 -3.90 -1.03%

Iron Ore 62% 135.88 – -%
Nturl Gas..2.143 -0.109 -4.84%‼️
Ammonia China.3343.33 +66.66 +2.03%
(Domestic Price)(19/02)

Coal price.127.45 -0.55 -0.43%
Coal price 123.95 +1.95 +1.56%
Coal price.120.25 +2.00 +1.69%
Coal price 119.95 +1.70 +1.44%

Coal price.105.35 -0.65 -0.61%
Coal price .92.35 -3.70 -3.85%‼️
Coal price…89.80 -3.00 -3.23%‼️
Coal price…87.90 -3.15 -3.46%‼️

CPO(Apr)..3916 -24 -0.61%

Corn……445.75 +0.25 +0.06%
SoybeanOil 48.16 +1.26 +2.69%
Wheat…596.50 +3.25 +0.56%

Wood pulp..5070.00 +4 +0.08%
(Closed 21/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo, europe ijo, asia china hongkong merah, jepang indonesia ijo. Lanjut ijo lah harusnya, apalagi US bond rates kebanyakan turun, yang 2 tahun yang naik

USD index naik, metal2 turun, oil naik, gas lanjut turun, coal masih turun, walau future yang newcastle naik, PTBA exit, ADRO udah kemaren exit duluan. MDKA ANTM INCO TINS kayanya masih sideways dulu. CPO turun dikit, masih belum kemana mana AALI LSIP

IHSG – masih FNS, masih belum pada masuk lagi, BD accum sih, stoch buy, macd still down, MFI w% sw, kalo diliat minor ABC flat correction, mungkin sekarang major mau wave B, masih belum bisa dibilang aman untuk aggressive, masih belum beres ABC correction

Tinggal Healthcare, sama yang mau bangun Basic Materials dan Infrastructure


MACD Buy Signal: SCMA, and ada spike

Stochastic Continuation Signal and big accum: ARTO BBTN MAPI

Supertrend Buy Signal: TPIA… udah lari, pegang BRPT aja deh

Daily Analysis 20240119

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 19th, 2024

Good morning,

Stocks close near record highs
Big Tech led a stock market rally on Tuesday as Apple (AAPL) had its best day since May 2023.

Dow……37469 +201.9 +0.54%
Nasdaq15056 +200.03+1.35%
S&P 500.4780 +41.7 +0.88%

FTSE…..7459 +12.8. +0.17%
Dax……16567 +135.7 +0.83%
CAC……7401 +82.7 +1.13%

Nikkei..35466 -11.6 -0.03%
HSI…….15392 +114.9 +0.75%
Shanghai.2845 +12.2 +0.43%

IDX…..7252.97 +52.33 +0.73%
LQ45….972.96 +4.02 +0.41%
IDX30…498.80 -1.13 -0.23%

IDXEnergy..2180.61 +1.26 +0.06%
IDX BscMat.1283.51 +34.75+2.78%
IDX Indstrl…1113.24 -1.14 -0.10%
IDXNONCYC.703.37 -2.26 -0.32%
IDX Hlthcare1320.50+20.33 +1.56%
IDXCYCLIC…862.35 +2.35 +0.27%
IDX Techno4264.01 -4.02 -0.09%
IDX Transp 1695.63 -13.44 -0.79%
IDX Infrast 1542.32 +14.76 +0.97%
IDX Finance.1504.08+0.28 -0.55%
IDX Banking.1324.28 -1.84 -0.14%
IDX Property.. 705 – -%

Indo10Yr.6.6837 -0.0157 -0.23%
ICBI…374.9675 +0.2794 +0.07%
US2Yr.4.354 -0.007 -0.16%
US5Yr 4.045 -0.061 -1.51%
US10Yr4.147 +0.041 +1.00%
US30Yr.4.365 +0.052 +1.21%
VIX….14.13 -0.66 -4.46%

USDIndx 103.5360❗️ +0.086 +0.08%
Como Indx..265.46 +2.42 +0.92%
BCOMIN……134.38 +0.09 +0.06%

IndoCDS..78.18 +2.49 +3.33%
(5-yr INOCD5) (17/01)

IDR…..15623.50 -19.50 -0.12%
Jisdor.15630.00 -9.00 -0.06%

Euro….1.0875 -0.0002 -0.02%

TLKM…25.50 -0.09 -0.39%
EIDO……22.20 +0.07 +0.29%
EEM……37.99 +0.31 +0.82%

Oil……..74.08 +1.52 +2.09%
Gold..2021.60 +15.10 +0.75%
Timah..25175.00 +58.00 +0.23%
(Closed 17/01)
Nickel..16162.00 +64.5 +0.40%
(Closed 18/01)
Silver……22.81 +0.14 +0.61%
Copper.374.50 +1.20 +0.32%

Iron Ore 62% 135.79 -0.96 -0.70%
Nturl Gas..2.714 -0.153 -5.34%‼️
Ammonia China.3250.0 – -%
(Domestic Price)(17/02)

Coal price.128.90 -0.60 -0.46%
Coal price 125.75 -0.45 -0.36%
Coal price.122.70 -1.00 -0.80%
Coal price 122.60 -0.50 -0.41%

Coal price.107.05 -0.05 -0.50%
Coal price .99.40 -1.30 -1.29%
Coal price…95.75 -1.50 -1.54%
Coal price…94.10 -1.50 -1.57%

CPO(Apr)..3901 +83 +2.17%

Corn……444.00 +1.75 +0.40%
SoybeanOil 47.62 -0.08 -0.17%
Wheat…585.50 +13.25 +0.51%

Wood pulp..5066.00+4.00 +0.08%
(Closed 17/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US europe rebound, asia rebound duluan, semoga lanjut tudei,

US bond rate yang pendek turun, yang panjang naik, fine aja kalo yang panjang tinggi mah, harusnya ga terlalu ngaruh dibanding yang pendek. USD index naik lagi, tapi ga banyak, metal2 naik kecuali iron ore, MDKA udah jalan duluan, baru buy signal kemaren. Oil up, gas drop, coal down, CPO up rada tinggi, semoga AALI LSIP finally jalan

IHSG – stoch revup, macd still down, 33 buy, MFI sw, w% sw, BD acc, FNS walau mengecil, kalo dari level harga, ada 2 target titik koreksi, ke suppport 7046 dan closing dap dibawah 6900, kayanya sih akan dibawa ke support, kalo dibanting tutup gap bisa goyang Indonesia

Yang confirmed tinggal Healthcare, Infrastructure sama Basic Materials mengintai gantian jalan

Stochastic Buy Signal: BUKA INTP MDKA TPIA BMTR HMSP WIFI, big accum MDKA WIFI


Stochastic Continuation Signal and big accum: ICBP ISAT

Alligator Buy Signal: INDF ELSA. INDF spike, ELSA Big accum

Daily Analysis 20240118

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 18th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow……37267 -94.5 -0.25%
Nasdaq14856 -88.7 -0.59%
S&P 500.4739 -26.8 -0.56%

FTSE…..7447 -112. -1.48%
Dax……16431 -139.99 -0.84%
CAC……7319 -79.3 -1.07%

Nikkei..35478 -141.4 -0.40%
HSI…….15276 -589.02 -3.71%‼️
Shanghai.2834 -60.4 -2.09%

IDX…..7200.63 -42.15 -0.58%
LQ45….968.94 -6.45 -0.66%
IDX30…499.93 -2.87 -0.57%

IDXEnergy..2179.35 -15.56 -0.71%
IDX BscMat.1248.76 -10.76 -0.86%
IDX Indstrl…1114.38 -8.62 -0.77%
IDXNONCYC.705.63 -3.28 -0.46%
IDX Hlthcare1300.17 -10.55 -0.80%
IDXCYCLIC…860.00 -4.62 -0.53%
IDX Techno4268.02 -42.68 -0.99%
IDX Transp 1709.08 -1.85 -0.11%
IDX Infrast 1527.56 -6.92 -0.45%
IDX Finance.1503.80 -8.43 -0.55%
IDX Banking.1326.11 -5.06 -0.38%
IDX Property.. 705 -8.60 -0.21%

Indo10Yr.6.6994 +0.0189 +0.29%
ICBI…374.6881 -0.3308 -0.09%
US2Yr.4.361 +0.139 +3.29%‼️
US5Yr 4.031 +0.097 +2.47%
US10Yr4.106 +0.042 +1.03%
US30Yr.4.313 +0.016 +0.37%
VIX….14.79 +0.96 +6.86%‼️

USDIndx 103.4500❗️ +0.093 +0.09%
Como Indx..263.05 -1.25 -0.47%
BCOMIN……134.29 -1.94 -1.43%

IndoCDS..74.69 +0.48 +0.65%
(5-yr INOCD5) (16/01)

IDR…..15643.00 +50.50 +0.32%
Jisdor.15639.00 +47.00 +0.30%

Euro….1.0877 -0.0072 -0.66%

TLKM…25.59 -0.21 -0.81%
EIDO……22.13 -0.30 -1.34%
EEM……37.68 -0.57 -1.49%

Oil……..72.56 +0.16 +0.22%
Gold..2006.60 -21.70 -1.17%
Timah..25175.00 +394.00 +1.59%
(Closed 16/01)
Nickel..16096.50 -130.5 -0.80%
(Closed 17/01)
Silver……22.67 -0.42 -1.84%
Copper.373.30 -3.35 -0.89%

Iron Ore 62% 136.75 -0.47 -0.34%
Nturl Gas..2.867 +0.038 +1.34%
Ammonia China.3183.33‼️ -66.67 -2.05%
(Domestic Price)(15/02)

Coal price.129.50 unch +0%
Coal price 126.20 -1.30 -1.02%
Coal price.123.70 -3.55 -2.79%
Coal price 125.85 +0.85 +0.68%

Coal price.107.10 -0.65 -0.60%
Coal price 100.70 -3.05 -2.94%
Coal price…97.25 -3.60 -3.57%‼️
Coal price…95.60 -3.70 -3.73%‼️

CPO(Apr)..3818 -63 -1.62%

Corn……442.50 -1.25 -0.28%
SoybeanOil 47.70 +0.45 +0.95%
Wheat…582.50 +0.50 +0.09%

Wood pulp..5062.00+8.00 +0.16%
(Closed 17/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Bond Rate naik tinggi, semua index regional merah. tadi malem masih naik lagi, usd index naik juga, masih kemungkinan lanjut merah hari ini…

metal2 merah semua kecuali timah, oil up gas up coal down, cpo down, semoga ga terlalu mukul emiten coal dan CPO

IHSG – memang jadwalnya ABC correction sih, tapi ga nyangka bantingannya sadis.Stoch down rev, macd down, 833 sell, MFI down w% down, BD dist, FNS juga, bahaya ini, yang ga yakin langsung exit aja keep cash

Goyang semua, kecuali healthcare sama financials

Stochastic Buy Signal: AMRT BMRI BRPT MNCN


Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum: AKRA EXCL