Posts Tagged ‘ACES’

Daily Analysis 20220704

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

Global Update:

July 04th, 2022

Good morning,

Stocks rally to end the first day of the second half, Dow jumps 300 points

Stocks rose on Friday to start the quarter after the S&P 500 closed out its worst first-half performance in decades.

Dow…….31097 +321.8 +1.05%
Nasdaq.11128 +99.1 +0.90%
S&P 500..3825 +39.95 +1.06%

FTSE…….7169 -0.6 -0.01%
Dax……..12813 +29.3 +0.23%
CAC……..5931 +8.2 +0.14%

Nikkei….25935 -457.4 -1.73%
HSI……..21860 closed +0%
Shanghai..3388 -10.98 -0.32%
ST Times..3096 -6.u -0.21%

IDX…….6794.33 -117.25 -1.70%
LQ45…..974.33 -17.61 -1.77%

IDX Energy…1609.52 -28.66 -1.75%
IDX Bsc Mat.1184.34 -36.53 -2.99%
IDX Industrl..1173.90 -36.59 -3.02%
IDXNONCYC..716.41 -6.86 -0.95%
IDX Hlthcare.1515.33 -4.53 -0.30%
IDXCYCLIC…..876.44 -15.40 -1.73%
IDX Techno..7750.25 -135.52 -1.72%
IDX Transp..1889.52 -85.10 -4.31%‼
IDX Infrast……957.25 -8.34 -0.86%
IDX Finance 1407.88 -29.44 -2.05%
IDX Property…….670 -8.30 -1.2 2%

Indo10Yr….7.3586 -0.0037 -0.05%
ICBI……….330.7144 -0.1895 -0.06%
US10Yr…..2.8890 -0.0830 -2.79%‼
VIX…………26.70 -2.61 -7.00%‼

USDIndx 105.1380 +0.4530 +0.43%
Como Indx….291.83 +0.68 +0.23%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……..151.71 -4.01 -2.58%‼

IndoCDS…144.02 -0.44 -0.30%‼
(5-yr INOCD5)  .

IDR……14942.00 +39.50 +0.26%‼
Jisdor..14956.00 +74.00 +0.50%‼

Euro………1.0414 -0.0064 -0.61%

TLKM……..27.25 +0.21 +0.78%
EIDO……….22.09 -0.29 -1.30%
EEM……….39.85 -0.25 -0.62%

Oil………….108.43 +2.55 +2.41%‼
Gold …… .1801.50 -4.10 -0.23%
Timah. .26774.00 -26 -0.10%
( Closed 29/6)
Nickel..21843.50 -902.00 -3.97%‼
(Closed 29/6)
Silver……….19.67 -0.48 -2.38%
Copper…..360.40 -7.35 -2.00%

Nturl Gas…..5.620 -0.050 -0.88%

Ammonia ..4790.00 +16.67 +0.35%
(Domestic Price)(30/6)

Coal price…388.00 +2.05 +0.53%
Coal price…375.00 +6.05 +1.64%
Coal price…369.00 -1.00 -0.27%
Coal price…350.90 -1.10 -0.31%
(Agt/ Rotterdam)

CPO(Sept)…..4703 -209 -4.25%‼
Corn…………..607.50 -12.25 -1.96%
SoybeanOil…..62.36 -2.08 -3.23%‼
Wheat……….846.00 -38.00 -4.30%‼

Wood pulp…6624.00 unch +0%
(Closed 02/7)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE

Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US closing jum’at ijo, vix turun, kemungkinan ihsg ijo dulu hari ini, sudah 4 hari merah terus, dan jum’at dalem banget

Oil coal rebound. Nickel cpo drop lagi, commodity lain pada merah juga

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-04 at 8.17.31 AM

Akhirnya index dipaksa turun juga, kita wait and see, prepare rebound di level 6500-an, kalo jebol kita tunggu di ujung wave C standar di 6047