Daily Analysis 20241007

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

October 07th, 2024

Dow jumps 300 points for record close as September’s big jobs report spurs rally

Stocks advanced on Friday after an expectation-defying jobs report gave investors confidence around the health of the economy.

Dow…….42353 +341.2 +0.81%
Nasdaq. 18138 +219.4 +1.22%
S&P 500 5751 +51.1 +0.90%

FTSE…..8281 -1.9 -0.02%
Dax……19121 +105.5 +0.55%
CAC……7451 +63.6 +0.85%

Nikkei….3863- +83.6 +0.22%
HSI……22737 +623.4 +2.82%
Shanghai.3337 closed. +0%

IDX…7496.09 -47.74 -0.63%
LQ45…929.73 -7.66 -0.82%
IDX30.479.49 -4.07 -0.84%

IDXEnergy…..2747.12 +2.52 +0.09%
IDX BscMat1398.31 -3.31 -0.24%
IDX Indstrl..1071.77 -5.24 -0.49%
IDXNONCYC.734.51 -1.29 -0.18%
IDX Hlthcare1579.34 +7.83 +0.50%
IDXCYCLIC…862.34 -6.80 -0.78%
IDXTechno 3667.05 -87.78 -2.34%
IDX Transp 1483.23 -10.86 -0.73%
IDX Infrast 1522.48 +1.74 +0.11%
IDX Finance1499.61 -11.00 -0.73%
IDX Banking1306.38 -14.09 -1.07%
IDX Property..782 -10.80 -2.34%

Indo10Yr.6.6366 +0.0397 +1.42%
ICBI….394.0557 -0.8889 -0.23%
US2Yr.3.924 +0.2190 +5.91%‼️
US5Yr 3.804 +0.176 +4.85%‼️
US10Yr3.969 +0.121 +3.14%‼️
US30Yr.4.181+0.072 +1.72%
VIX..19.21 -1.28 -6.25%

USDIndx 102.5200‼️+0.531 +0.52%
Como Indx….291.65 +0.50 +0.17%
BCOMIN….155.98 +1.59 +1.03%

IndoCDS..69.26 unch +0%
(5-yr INOCD5) (03/10)

IDR…….15485.00‼️ +56.50 +0.37%
Jisdor..15495.00 ‼️ +101.00 +0.66%

Euro…1.0974❗️ -0.0061 -0.55%

TLKM.18.70 -0.09 -0.48%
( 2898)
EIDO…21.60 -0.46 -2.09%
EEM…46.97 +0.47 +1.01%

Oil………..74.38 +0.55 +0.75%
Oil………..78.05 +0.43 +0.55%
Gold…2667.80 -7.60 -0.28%
Gold…2653.60 -2.38 -0.09%
Timah.33805.00 +96.00 +0.28%
(Closed 04/10)
Nickel.17825.50 +79.50 +0.46%
(Closed 04/10)
Silver… ..32.39 +0.07 +0.22%
Copper.457.40 +2.70 +0.59%

Iron Ore 62% 108.84 -0.53 -0.49%
Nturl Gas 2.831 -0.139 -4.68%
Ammonia China 2836.67 closed +0%
(Domestic Price)(03/10)

Coal price.148.20 +7.40 +5.26%‼️
Coal price.149.60 +7.00 +4.91%‼️
Coal price.151.50 +6.30 +4.34%‼️
Coal price.152.60 +6.35 +4.34%‼️

Coal price.122.05 +5.05 +4.32%‼️
Coal price.123.45 +5.85 +4.97%‼️
Coal price..123.95 +5.25 +4.43%‼️
Coal price..124.55 +4.65 +3.88%‼️

CPO(Des) 4305 +123 +2 94%‼️
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn………424.75 -3.50 -0.82%
SoybeanOil 43.97 -0.56 -1.26%
Wheat….589.76 -13.75 -2.28%

Wood pulp.4790.00 unch +0%
(Closed 06/10)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo tebel, europe mostly ijo, asua ijo kecuali IHSG yang merah rada dalem. Tapi US treasury bond naik tinggi juga, biasanya jelek buat pasar saham besoknya.

USD index juga up, metal2 masih kebanyakan up kecuali gold sama iron ore, oil up gas up coal CPO jump, harusnya AALI LSIP ADRO INDY ITMG menarik ini

IHSG – technical indicators masih jelek, tapi dari level wave 4 nya udah mau sampe target, bisa jadi kalo hari ini drop terus pada sepakat cukup, akan jadi doji dan jadi turning point wave 5 sampe akhir tahun

Basic Materials, Energy, Industrials, Infrastructure

Stochastic Buy Signal: AUTO ELSA, big accum juga

MACD Buy Signal: PGAS

ELSA – harusnya lagi wave 5, target di 555 an, stoch macd buy, MFI up OB, w% uptrend, oil price rise, BD FF acc big, vol breakout, bisa masuk ini ELSA tapi ga panjang2 targetnya ya

spike ga ada yang baru

Hati2 tapi BD nya jualan, pendek aja kalo mau masuk

AUTO – stoch macd buy,. MFI up, w% uptrend, BD FF acc, CNH hampir breakout, industrials jalan, menarik sih

hmm, udah done targetnya

price udah diatar average dan dist tipis dari sini mah, ga jadi ah, nanti kalo udah beres wave 4 index baru rada berani aggressive

PGAS – abis wave 5 belum beres ABC correction, walau technical indicators menarik tapi resiko tinggi apalagi index lagi wave 4. skip ah


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