Daily Analysis 20230614

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 14th, 2023

Good morning,

Stocks rise after inflation report, S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit fresh 13-month highs

Stocks rose Tuesday after new inflation data showed price pressures slowed again in May, adding to investor optimism that the Federal Reserve could skip a rate hike when it next decides on policy this week.

Dow……34212 +145.8 +0.43%
Nasdaq13573 +111.4 +0.83%
S&P 500.4369 +30.1 +0.69%

FTSE…..7595 +24.1 +0.32%
Dax……16231 +132.8 +0.83%
CAC……7291 +40.5 +0.56%

Nikkei…..33019 +584.7 +1.80%
HSI………19521 +117.1 +0.60%
Shanghai.3234 +4.8 +0.15%

IDX…..6719.01 -3.36 -0.05%
LQ45….952.58 -0.14 -0.01%
IDX30…496.11 -0.14 -0.03%

IDXEnergy…1777.30 -7.14 -0.40%
IDX BscMat…985.27 -9.18 -0.92%
IDX Indstrl…1168.69 -1.37 -0.12%
IDXNONCYC.748.08 -5.91 -0.78%
IDX Hlthcare1526.32 +3.42 +0.22%
IDXCYCLIC…888.71 +3.47 +0.39%
IDX Techno..4933.63 -10.40 -0.21%
IDX Transp..1957.65 -25.04 -1.21%
IDX Infrast…..852.76 -2.39 -0.28%
IDX Finance.1404.88 -1.19 -0.08%
IDX Banking.1180.00 +2.33 +0.20%
IDX Property..744 – -%

Indo10Yr.6.3541 -0.0476 -0.74%👍
ICBI..366.7342 +1.1445 +0.31%👍
US2Yr.4.669 +0.089 +1.94%
US5Yr 4.001 +0.099 +2.54%
US10Yr3.8150+0.072 +1.92%
US30Yr.3.9260+0.039 +1.00%
VIX……14.61 -0.40 -2.66%

USDIndx103.3380 -0.3160 -0.30%
Como Indx.260.81 +3.87 +1.50%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……145.23 +2.66 +1.86%

IndoCDS.84.19👍 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (12/06)

IDR…..14863.50 +0.50 +0.00%
Jisdor.14868.00 -6.00 -0.04%

Euro……1.0792 +0.0031 +0.29%

TLKM…27.93 -0.15 -0.53%
EIDO….23.48 -0.03 -0.13%
EEM…..40.34 +0.40 +0.30%

Oil……69.16 +1.76 +2.61%
Gold…1957.90 -15.00 -0.76%
Timah..25901.00 -601.00 -2.27%
(Closed 02/06)
Nickel..22047.50 +1098.00 +5.24%‼
(Closed 13/06)
Silver……23.75 -0.40 -1.66%
Copper..382.90 +7.70 +2.05%

Iron Ore 62% 111.14 -1.82 -1.61%
Nturl Gas.2.328 +0.049 +2.15%

Coal price.132.25 -1.75 -1.31%
Coal price.137.25 -2.75 -1.96%
Coal price.139.65 -2.35 -1.65%
Coal price.142.50 -2.35 -1.62%

Coal price117.50 +2.85 +2.49%
Coal price.115.80 +3.80 +3.39%‼
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.112.60 +4.00 +3.68%‼
Coal price.111.45 +3.95 +3.67%‼

CPO(Agt)..3422 +74 +2.21%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn……561.25 +2.00 +0.36%
SoybeanOil 53.55 +1.63 +3.14%
Wheat…636.25 +2.50 +0.39%

Wood pulp..4334.00 -10 -0.23%
(Closed 13/06)

©Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Lanjut ijo semua index regional, IHSG merah tipis, siap lanjut today

Oil gas rebound, coal newcastle merah rotterdam ijo, gold silver merah, copper ijo, timah iron ore merah nikel ijo, CPO ijo. Kayanya MDKA mau dibawa koreksi dulu ini…

IHSG – masih ok semua kecuali FF yang masih dist, tapi kayanya bandar lokal compensate dengan akum gede

Masih Energy, Basic Materials, yang leading Technology, Transportation, Healthcare, Industrials



Alligator Buy Signal: BBNI HRUM TLKM ANJT

Supertrend Buy Signal: AGRO

AKRA – stoch buy macd up,MFI down w%uptrend, BD FF dist, abis wave 5 belumberes ABC correction, ga dulu deh

CPIN – stoch buy macd down sw, BD FF dist, MFI w% sw, abis drop ketemu regbulldiv mantul ke fibo 23, mentok terus koreksi, abis bikin higher low ketemu hidbull lanjut, belum berani sih, consumer juga belum jalan lagi

INTP – stoch buy,macd almostbuy, MFI sw, w%sw, BD FF acc, ada freq spike keliatannya, regbull div confirmed, lagi di modus vol profile, bisa buy harusnya, check spike dulu

Spike lama belum done, abis itu ga ada spike significant lagi

Bisa buy tapi SL ketat

JFPA – stoch buy, macdbuy.MFI sw w% sw, BD FF acc, ew reverse down terus ketemu regbull div mantul, udah bikin higher low, ok sih ini bisa buy

Spike ada tapi ga significant, bisa spec buy half

TPIA – belum saatnya

MYOR – Menarik, vol breakout, tapi candlenya long upper shadow, BD FF dist, padahal stoch up dan MACD buy, MFI W% sw, belum dulu deh

Spike lumayan, tapi belum dulu deh

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