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What Are Articles of Incorporation? What’s Included

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

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What Are Articles of Incorporation?

Articles of incorporation are a set of formal documents filed with a government body to legally document the creation of a corporation. Articles of incorporation generally contain pertinent information such as the firm’s name, street address, agent for service of process, and the amount and type of stock to be issued. The articles of incorporation are used to legally form the corporation.

Key Takeaways

  • Articles of incorporation is the documents filed with a government body (usually the state) that signifies the creation of a corporation.
  • In the U.S., articles of incorporation are filed with the Office of the Secretary of State where the business chooses to incorporate.
  • Broadly speaking, articles of incorporation include the company’s name, type of corporate structure, and number and type of authorized shares.
  • While the articles of incorporation are used almost exclusively outside of the company, other documents such as bylaws, operating agreements, or business plans are more useful internally.
  • By filing articles of incorporation, corporations may gain favorable tax advantages, the ability to issue stock and raise capital, or shield owners from liability.

Understanding Articles of Incorporation

Many businesses in the U.S. and Canada are formed as a corporation, which is a type of business operation that is formed in the state where the company carries out its operations. To be recognized legally as a corporation, a business must incorporate by taking certain steps and making certain decisions required under corporate law. One such step is filing a document known as articles of incorporation.

Articles of incorporation are in the document necessary to register a corporation with a state and acts as a charter to recognize the establishment of a corporation. The document outlines the basic information needed to form a corporation, the governance of a corporation, and the corporate statutes in the state where the articles of incorporation are filed.

Articles of incorporation are also referred to as the “corporate charter,” “articles of association,” or “certificate of incorporation.”

Where to File Articles of Incorporation

In the U.S., articles of incorporation are filed with the Office of the Secretary of State in the state where the business chooses to incorporate. Some states offer more favorable regulatory and tax environments and, as a result, attract a greater proportion of firms seeking incorporation.

For example, Delaware and Nevada attract about half of the public corporations in the U.S., in part because of the state laws that protect their corporations. Once established, the articles become a public record and provide important information about the corporation.

Many states charge filing fees for a business that incorporates in the state, whether the business operates there or not. A business that is incorporated in one state and is physically located or doing business in another state must register in the other state as well, which involves paying that state’s filing fees and taxes.

Depending on the state of incorporation, a company may pay filing fees ranging from $50 (as in Iowa, Arkansas, and Michigan) to $275 (as in Massachusetts) as of 2020. The fees can vary depending on whether the articles of incorporation were filed online or by mail.

Articles of Incorporation Document Requirements

The articles in the document vary by state, but the following items (i.e. “articles” are typically included:

  1. Name of corporation
  2. Name and address of the registered agent
  3. Type of corporate structure (e.g., profit corporation, nonprofit corporation, non-stock corporation, professional corporation, etc.)
  4. Names and addresses of the initial board of directors
  5. Number and type of authorized shares
  6. Duration of the corporation, if it wasn’t established to exist perpetually
  7. Name, signature, and address of the incorporator, who is the person in charge of setting up a corporation

Most states also require the articles to state the firm’s purpose, though the corporation may define its purpose very broadly to maintain flexibility in its operations. Amazon’s certificate of incorporation, for example, states that the corporation’s purpose is “to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of Delaware.”

Other provisions outlined in a company’s articles of incorporation may include the limitation of the directors’ liability, actions by stockholders without a meeting, and the authority to call special meetings of stockholders. Each state has certain mandatory provisions that must be contained in the articles of incorporation and other optional provisions that the company can decide whether to include.

While domestic companies will submit an article of incorporation, foreign corporate entities must file a certificate of registration to operate in a given state.

Articles of Incorporation vs. Other Documents

Articles of Incorporation vs. Bylaws

While the articles of incorporation are externally-filed formation documents, bylaws are more of use to a company when used internally. Bylaws set the internal processes and organization of how the company should be run. Bylaws outline the rules and procedures for the management of a company. Not all states require a company to maintain bylaws, though many require a company to formally memorialize the bylaws.

Articles of Incorporation vs. LLC Operating Agreement

Articles of incorporation are required state filings to form a corporation, while LLC operating agreements are used exclusively for LLCs. In addition, the articles of incorporation outline the information structure of the company. Meanwhile, operating agreements often outline how internal disputes will be resolved between members or owners. An LLC operating agreement acts more of a personal protection document than the articles of incorporation.

Articles of Incorporation vs. Business License

A business license often permits a company to operate within a specific jurisdiction or industry. It gives the holder the right to start and run a business in the designed geographical location that issues the license. The rights granted by a business license are often more specific and niche than the articles of incorporation; though similar information may be required for both, the articles of incorporation simply legally form an organization and is the highest governing document for a corporation.

Articles of Incorporation vs. Business Plan

A business plan is an internal document that may be shared with major customers, investors, or lending institutions that communicates the formal operating plan of a company. Often a strategic document, a business plan is mainly used by internal management as a roadmap for decision-making. This is in stark contrast of the articles of incorporation which are information-only, non-strategic requirements for legal reasons.

A company should internally maintain a copy of its articles of incorporation request.

Importance of Articles of Incorporation

A corporation should take care when filings its articles of incorporation as these formation documents carry great significance. For starters, they are legally required to structure a new business or company. The corporation can not form and be recognized by the state as a legal business entity until the forms are registered.

Once a business is incorporated, it often has a greater ability to raise capital via stock issuances. A corporation cannot sell stock until is incorporated via the filing of its articles of incorporation. Corporations may also receive more favorable tax treatment compared to individual or personal tax rates.

In addition, there are personal liability considerations for companies being formed. Individuals are often held liable for a company’s obligations until it is incorporated. By forming a legal corporation, business owners may be shielded from some personal liability for the company’s debts. This liability protection cannot occur until the articles of incorporation have been filed.

Example of Articles of Incorporation

The image below captures the first few requirements from the Secretary of State form required by the state of Washington. This form is to be completed and returned to the government agency for review.

Articles of Incorporation, Sample (WA State).

Some sections simply require a check mark for applicability or a ‘yes/no’ mutually exclusive selection. Other areas (such as the purpose of the corporation) require written response. As designated by the top of the form, this specific article of incorporation document template is for specific use for the formation of non-profit corporations.

The Washington State Articles of Incorporation form ends with the certification section in which an incorporator must certify the information given is correct to the best of their knowledge. The incorporator is also required to provide some personal information along with their signature.

Articles of Incorporation, Certification Section (WA State).

The form above had been filed by Parrot Foundation, a Washington nonprofit organization. A snipped of Parrot Foundation’s articles of incorporation has been provided below as an example of the dates, structure, and business purpose a company may request when filing its articles of incorporation.

Parrot Foundation, Articles of Incorporation.

What Is the Purpose of the Articles of Incorporation?

The purpose of the articles of incorporation is to legally form a corporation. The filing submits information to a state agency, and the state agency officially determines whether the corporation can be recognized as a formal company. Once incorporated, the business may receive a number of different benefits (mentioned below) via its status as a corporation.

What Are the Benefits of Filing Articles of Incorporation?

By filing articles of incorporation, a company can officially become incorporated. Once incorporated, the company may receive favorable tax benefits and have the ability to raise capital by issuing stock. In addition, the owners of the corporation have different liability over company debts once a corporation is formed.

How Do You Write Articles of Incorporation?

Articles of incorporation are filed with your state’s Secretary of State office. That department provides a form that requests a variety of information about your newly forming corporation. Upon completing the required fields, the form is submit back to the Secretary of State for review. The state agency that reviews the form will contact you should they have any clarifying questions regarding your information.

Can One Person Submit Articles of Incorporation?

Yes, it is possible to incorporate a business with just one employee. That single owner will be responsible for all aspects of the company. In addition, that sole individual will be the only shareholder. However, they may be listed as the only member on the articles of incorporation.

The Bottom Line

If a company wants to become a corporation, it must file articles of incorporation with its appropriate state agency. This formation document is required as part of the incorporation process, and the articles provide the state a variety of information about the company and its incorporators. Different from other legal documents that outline how a company will operate internally, the article of incorporation is intended to help external parties evaluate and form a corporation.


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10-K: Definition, What’s Included, Instructions, and Where to Find it

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is a 10-K?

A 10-K is a comprehensive report filed annually by a publicly-traded company about its financial performance and is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The report contains much more detail than a company’s annual report, which is sent to its shareholders before an annual meeting to elect company directors.

Some of the information a company is required to document in the 10-K includes its history, organizational structure, financial statements, earnings per share, subsidiaries, executive compensation, and any other relevant data.

The SEC requires this report to keep investors aware of a company’s financial condition and to allow them to have enough information before they buy or sell shares in the corporation, or before investing in the firm’s corporate bonds.

Understanding 10-Ks

Because of the depth and nature of the information they contain, 10-Ks are fairly long and tend to be complicated. But investors need to understand that this is one of the most comprehensive and most important documents a public company can publish on a yearly basis. The more information they can gather from the 10-K, the more they can understand the company.

The government requires companies to publish 10-K forms so investors have fundamental information about companies so they can make informed investment decisions. This form gives a clearer picture of everything a company does and what kinds of risks it faces.

Investors in the know are aware that 10-Ks can also be retrieved by using the company search function through the SEC’s EDGAR database.

The 10-K includes five distinct sections:

  • Business. This provides an overview of the company’s main operations, including its products and services (i.e., how it makes money).
  • Risk factors. These outline any and all risks the company faces or may face in the future. The risks are typically listed in order of importance.
  • Selected financial data. This section details specific financial information about the company over the last five years. This section presents more of a near-term view of the company’s recent performance.
  • Management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations. Also known as MD&A, this gives the company an opportunity to explain its business results from the previous fiscal year. This section is where the company can tell its story in its own words.
  • Financial statements and supplementary data. This includes the company’s audited financial statements including the income statement, balance sheets, and statement of cash flows. A letter from the company’s independent auditor certifying the scope of their review is also included in this section.

A 10-K filing also includes signed letters from the company’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer. In it, the executives swear under oath that the information included in the 10-K is accurate. These letters became a requirement after several high-profile cases involving accounting fraud following the dot-com bust.

Where to Find a 10-K

Notably, 10-K filings are public information and readily available through a number of sources. In fact, the vast majority of companies include them in the Investor Relations section of their website. The information included in a 10-K can be difficult to move through, but the more familiar investors become with the layout and the type of information included, it will likely become easier to identify the most important details.

Key Takeaways

  • A 10-K is a comprehensive report filed annually by public companies about their financial performance.
  • The report is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is far more detailed than the annual report.
  • Information in the 10-K includes corporate history, financial statements, earnings per share, and any other relevant data.
  • The 10-K is a useful tool for investors to make important decisions about their investments.

10-K Filing Deadlines

Filing deadlines for the 10-K vary based on the size of the company. According to the SEC, companies with a public float—shares issued to the public that are available to trade—of $700 million or more must file their 10-K within 60 days after the end of their fiscal year. Companies with a float between $75 million and $700 million have 75 days, while companies with less than $75 million in their float have 90 days.

Forms 10-Q and 8-K

Along with the 10-K, the SEC requires that public companies regularly file forms 10-Q and 8-K.

Form 10-Q must be submitted to the SEC on a quarterly basis. This form is a comprehensive report of a company’s performance and includes relevant information about its financial position. Unlike the 10-K, the information in the 10-Q is usually unaudited. The company is only required to file it three times a year as the 10-K is filed in the fourth quarter.

The form 8-K though is required by the SEC whenever companies announce major events of which shareholders must be made aware. These events may include (but aren’t limited to) sales, acquisitions, delistings, departures, and elections of executives, as well as changes in a company’s status or control, bankruptcies, information about operations, assets, and any other relevant news.


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