Posts Tagged ‘trading’

Daily Analysis 20240118

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 18th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow……37267 -94.5 -0.25%
Nasdaq14856 -88.7 -0.59%
S&P 500.4739 -26.8 -0.56%

FTSE…..7447 -112. -1.48%
Dax……16431 -139.99 -0.84%
CAC……7319 -79.3 -1.07%

Nikkei..35478 -141.4 -0.40%
HSI…….15276 -589.02 -3.71%‼️
Shanghai.2834 -60.4 -2.09%

IDX…..7200.63 -42.15 -0.58%
LQ45….968.94 -6.45 -0.66%
IDX30…499.93 -2.87 -0.57%

IDXEnergy..2179.35 -15.56 -0.71%
IDX BscMat.1248.76 -10.76 -0.86%
IDX Indstrl…1114.38 -8.62 -0.77%
IDXNONCYC.705.63 -3.28 -0.46%
IDX Hlthcare1300.17 -10.55 -0.80%
IDXCYCLIC…860.00 -4.62 -0.53%
IDX Techno4268.02 -42.68 -0.99%
IDX Transp 1709.08 -1.85 -0.11%
IDX Infrast 1527.56 -6.92 -0.45%
IDX Finance.1503.80 -8.43 -0.55%
IDX Banking.1326.11 -5.06 -0.38%
IDX Property.. 705 -8.60 -0.21%

Indo10Yr.6.6994 +0.0189 +0.29%
ICBI…374.6881 -0.3308 -0.09%
US2Yr.4.361 +0.139 +3.29%‼️
US5Yr 4.031 +0.097 +2.47%
US10Yr4.106 +0.042 +1.03%
US30Yr.4.313 +0.016 +0.37%
VIX….14.79 +0.96 +6.86%‼️

USDIndx 103.4500❗️ +0.093 +0.09%
Como Indx..263.05 -1.25 -0.47%
BCOMIN……134.29 -1.94 -1.43%

IndoCDS..74.69 +0.48 +0.65%
(5-yr INOCD5) (16/01)

IDR…..15643.00 +50.50 +0.32%
Jisdor.15639.00 +47.00 +0.30%

Euro….1.0877 -0.0072 -0.66%

TLKM…25.59 -0.21 -0.81%
EIDO……22.13 -0.30 -1.34%
EEM……37.68 -0.57 -1.49%

Oil……..72.56 +0.16 +0.22%
Gold..2006.60 -21.70 -1.17%
Timah..25175.00 +394.00 +1.59%
(Closed 16/01)
Nickel..16096.50 -130.5 -0.80%
(Closed 17/01)
Silver……22.67 -0.42 -1.84%
Copper.373.30 -3.35 -0.89%

Iron Ore 62% 136.75 -0.47 -0.34%
Nturl Gas..2.867 +0.038 +1.34%
Ammonia China.3183.33‼️ -66.67 -2.05%
(Domestic Price)(15/02)

Coal price.129.50 unch +0%
Coal price 126.20 -1.30 -1.02%
Coal price.123.70 -3.55 -2.79%
Coal price 125.85 +0.85 +0.68%

Coal price.107.10 -0.65 -0.60%
Coal price 100.70 -3.05 -2.94%
Coal price…97.25 -3.60 -3.57%‼️
Coal price…95.60 -3.70 -3.73%‼️

CPO(Apr)..3818 -63 -1.62%

Corn……442.50 -1.25 -0.28%
SoybeanOil 47.70 +0.45 +0.95%
Wheat…582.50 +0.50 +0.09%

Wood pulp..5062.00+8.00 +0.16%
(Closed 17/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Bond Rate naik tinggi, semua index regional merah. tadi malem masih naik lagi, usd index naik juga, masih kemungkinan lanjut merah hari ini…

metal2 merah semua kecuali timah, oil up gas up coal down, cpo down, semoga ga terlalu mukul emiten coal dan CPO

IHSG – memang jadwalnya ABC correction sih, tapi ga nyangka bantingannya sadis.Stoch down rev, macd down, 833 sell, MFI down w% down, BD dist, FNS juga, bahaya ini, yang ga yakin langsung exit aja keep cash

Goyang semua, kecuali healthcare sama financials

Stochastic Buy Signal: AMRT BMRI BRPT MNCN


Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum: AKRA EXCL

Daily Analysis 20240117

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 17th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow closes more than 200 points lower Tuesday after 10-year Treasury yield tops 4%

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell Tuesday as bond yields ticked higher and Wall Street pored through the latest batch of fourth-quarter earnings.

Dow……37361 -231.9 -0.62%
Nasdaq14944 -28.4 -0.19%
S&P 500.4766 -17.9 -0.37%

FTSE…..7558 -36.6 -0.48%
Dax……16572 -50.5 -0.30%
CAC……7398 -13.7 -0.18%

Nikkei..35619 -15.42 -0.78%
HSI…….15866 -350.4 -2.16%
Shanghai.2894 +7.7 +0.27%

IDX…..7242.79 +18.70 +0.26%
LQ45….975.39 +1.34 +0.14%
IDX30…502.80 -0.35 -0.07%

IDXEnergy..2194.91 .91 +1.06%
IDX BscMat.1249.83 +0.41 +0.03%
IDX Indstrl…1127.74 +11.77+1.06%
IDXNONCYC.707.91 +1.34 +0.19%
IDX Hlthcare1310.72 -25.74 -1.93%
IDXCYCLIC…864.61 +8.98 +1.05%
IDX Techno4310.93 -26.38 -0.61%
IDX Transp 1710.92 -0.81 -0.05%
IDX Infrast 1534.48 +2.42 +0.16%
IDX Finance.1512.23 -4.22 -0.28%
IDX Banking.1331.17 -1.46 -0.11%
IDX Property.. 714 +1.40 +0.19%

Indo10Yr.6.6805 +0.0229 +0.34%
ICBI…375.0189 +0.0247 -0.01%
US2Yr.4.222 +0.076 +1.83%
US5Yr 3.934 +0.102 +2.66%
US10Yr4.064 +0.078 +1.96%
US30Yr.4.297 +0.122 +2.92%
VIX….13.84 +0.59 +4.45%‼️

USDIndx 103.3570❗️ +0.953 +0.93%
Como Indx..264.30 -0.08 -0.03%
BCOMIN……136.24 +0.24 +1.29%

IndoCDS..74.21 -0.02 -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (12/01)

IDR…..15592.50 +37.50 +0.24%
Jisdor.15592.00 +37.00 +0.24%

Euro….1.0877 -0.0072 -0.66%

TLKM…25.80 -0.12 -0.43%
EIDO……22.44 -0.21 -0.93%
EEM……38.25 -0.95 -2.42%

Oil……..72.40 -0.10 -0.14%
Gold..2030.20 -28.80 -1.40%
Timah..24781.00 +150.00 +0.61%
(Closed 15/01)
Nickel..16227.00 +59.5 +0.37%
(Closed 16/01)
Silver……23.09 -0.24 -1.01%
Copper.376.65 -1.75 -0.46%

Iron Ore 62% 137.22 – -%
Nturl Gas..2.829 -0.277 -8.92%‼️
Ammonia China.3183.33‼️ -66.67 -2.05%
(Domestic Price)(15/02)

Coal price.129.50 -0.35 -0.39%
Coal price 127.40 +1.15 +0.91%
Coal price.127.25: +1.00 +0.80%
Coal price 125.85 +0.85 +0.68%

Coal price.107.75 +0.25 +0.23%
Coal price 103.75 +2.25 +2.22%
Coal price..100.85 +1.80 +1.82%
Coal price…99.30 +1.80 +1.85%

CPO(Apr)..3881 +61 +1.61%

Corn……443.50 -3.50 -0.78%
SoybeanOil 48.25 -1.00 -2.07%
Wheat…582.00 -14.00 -2.35%

Wood pulp..5054.00+4.00 +0.10%
(Closed 16/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Weh, US lanjut merah, europe juga, asia cenderung merah, yang ijo tipis. IHSG kemaren ijo, jadi kemungkinan merah lagi hari ini.

US Bond rate up rada tingi, bad for stocks, USD index juga naik, bad for commodities in general. Kebanyakan metal down kecuali Tin and Nickel, Oil down, Gas Drop, tapi Coal and CPO up. Good for ADRO PTBA ITMG INDY AALI LSIP

IHSG – stoch down macd down MFI sw, w% sw, BD sw, FNB, hidden bullish divergence, 833 buy, semoga rada ada dorongannya minimal ga dibanting, sideways correction aja

Still financials, energy, yang ketangkep kemaren beli KLBF ini mulai keliatan healthcare mau bangun. Property yang kayanya udahan

Daily Analysis 20240116

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 16th, 2024

Good morning,

US markets on holiday due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Dow……37593 closed +0%
Nasdaq14973 closed +0%
S&P 500.4784 closed +0%

FTSE…..7595 -30.02 -0.39%
Dax……16622 -82.3 -0.49%
CAC……7411 -53.5 -0.72%

Nikkei..35902 +324.7 +0.91%
HSI…….16216 -28.3 -0.17%
Shanghai.2886 +4.3 +0.15%

IDX…..7224.00 -17.14 -0.24%
LQ45….974.06 -3.76 -0.38%
IDX30…503.15 -1.11 -0.22%

IDXEnergy..2200.27 +22.91 +1.06%
IDX BscMat.1249.83 +0.41 +0.03%
IDX Indstrl…1127.74 +11.77+1.06%
IDXNONCYC.707.58 +2.74 +0.39%
IDX Hlthcare1336.46 -10.26 -0.76%
IDXCYCLIC…855.64 -2.56 -0.30%
IDX Techno4337.21 +0.65 +0.02%
IDX Transp 1711.74 +50.08 +3.01%
IDX Infrast 1532.06 -3.09 -0.20%
IDX Finance.1516.45 -8.04 -0.53%
IDX Banking.1332.63 -2.16 -0.16%
IDX Property.. 714 – -%

Indo10Yr.6.6576 -0.0132 -0.20%
ICBI…375.0436 +0.2362 +0.06%
US2Yr.4.146 closed +0%
US5Yr 3.832 closed +0%
US10Yr3.986 +0.037 +0.94%
US30Yr.4.175 closed +0%
VIX….13.25 +0.55 +4.33%‼️

USDIndx 102.4040 closed +0%
Como Indx..264.38 closed +0%
BCOMIN……136.00 closed +0%

IndoCDS..74.23‼️ – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (12/01)

IDR…..15555.00 +5.00 +0.03%
Jisdor.15555.00 -4.00 -0.03%

Euro….1.0949 -0.0002 -0.02%

TLKM…25.93 closed +0%
EIDO……22.64 closed +0%
EEM……39.20 closed +0%

Oil……..72.50 -0.18 -0.25%
Gold..2059.00 +7.40 +0.36%
Timah..24631.00 – -%
(Closed 12/01)
Nickel..16167.50 -142.5 -0.87%
(Closed 15/01)
Silver……23.33 +0.06 +0.26%
Copper.378.40 +4.35 +1.16%

Iron Ore 62% 137.22 – -%
Nturl Gas..3.106 -0.225 -6.75%‼️
Ammonia China.3250.00‼️ – -%
(Domestic Price)(12/02)

Coal price.129.85 -1.00 -0.76%
Coal price 126.25 -1.00 -0.79%
Coal price.125.25 -0.50 -0.40%
Coal price 125.00 -0.20 -0.16%

Coal price.107.50 -1.30 -1.19%
Coal price 101.50 -3.75 -3.56%‼️
Coal price…99.05 -3.90 -3.79%‼️
Coal price…97.50 -3.50 -3.47%‼️

CPO(Apr)..3800 -43 -1.12%

Corn……447.00 closed +0%
SoybeanOil 48.25 closed +0%
Wheat…596.00 closed +0%

Wood pulp..5050.00 unch +0%
(Closed 15/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US market closed, europe merah, asia varied. masih sideways dulu ini kayanya IHSG. Metal2 kebanyakan naik, ada yang closed, nickel turun sendiri, oil merah gas drop, coal merah, cpo merah, rada lesu ini…

IHSG – technical masih jelek, BD juga distribusi, bagusnya masih FNB walau tipis. Masih belum waktunya aggressive

Financials, Energy, Industrials, Technology, Consumer Cyclicals

Stochastic Buy Signal: CPIN UNTR BELI BFIN DSNG. Big acc UNTR


Stochastic Continuation Signal and BigAcc: INDF ITMG PTBA

Supertrend Buy Signal: ISAT

Alligator Buy Signal: ACES

Daily Analysis 20240115

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 15th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow closes more than 100 points lower Friday, ekes out a weekly gain

The Dow Jones industrial Average
slipped Friday as traders parsed through the first batch of fourth-quarter earnings and digested the second in a pair of closely watched inflation reports this week.

Dow……37593 -118.04 -0.31%
Nasdaq14973 +2.6 +0.02%
S&P 500.4784 +3.6 +0.08%

FTSE…..7625 +48.3 +0.64%
Dax……16705 +157.5 +0.95%
CAC……7465 +77.5 +1.05%

Nikkei..35577 +527.3 +1.50%
HSI…….16245 -57.5 -0.35%
Shanghai.2882 -4.7 -0.16%

IDX…..7241.14 +21.17 +0.29%
LQ45….977.82 +7.88 +0.81%
IDX30…504.26 +5.06 +1.01%

IDXEnergy..2177.36 +16.81 +0.78%
IDX BscMat.1249.16 +9.25 +0.75%
IDX Indstrl…1115.97 +9.35 +0.84%
IDXNONCYC.704.84 -0.56 -0.08%
IDX Hlthcare1346.70 -2.44 -0.18%
IDXCYCLIC…858.20 -2.68 -0.31%
IDX Techno4336.56 -7.28 -0.17%
IDX Transp 1661.66 -17.61 -1.05%
IDX Infrast 1535.15 -14.66 -0.95%
IDX Finance.1524.48+1.99 +0.13%
IDX Banking.1334.79+12.45 +0.94%
IDX Property.. 717 – -%

Indo10Yr.6.6708 -0.0251 -0.37%
ICBI…374.6673 +0.5618 +0.15%
US2Yr.4.149 -0.103 -2.42%
US5Yr 3.832 -0.049 -1.26%
US10Yr3.939 -0.029 -0.73%
US30Yr.4.175-0.038 -0.85%
VIX….12.70 +0.26 +2.09%

USDIndx 102.4040 +0.092 +0.09%
Como Indx..264.38 +0.28 +0.11%
BCOMIN……136.00 -0.75 -0.55%

IndoCDS..74.23‼️ -0.03 -0.04%
(5-yr INOCD5) (12/01)

IDR…..15550.00 +1.50 +0.01%
Jisdor.15559.00 +1.00 +0.01%

Euro….1.0951 -0.0023 -0.21%

TLKM…25.93 +0.26 +1.01%
EIDO….22.64 +0.25 +1.12%
EEM….39.20 +0.14 +0.36%

Oil……..72.68 +0.67 +0.92%
Gold..2051.60 +32.40 +1.60%
Timah..24631.00 +77.00 +0.31%
(Closed 12/01)
Nickel..16310.00 -142 -0.86%
(Closed 12/01)
Silver……23.33 +0.62 +2.75%
Copper.374.05 -3.60 -0.95%

Iron Ore 62% 137.22 -1.63 -1.17%
Nturl Gas..3.331 +0.301 +9.93%‼️
Ammonia China.3250.00‼️ -56.67 -1.71%
(Domestic Price)(12/02)

Coal price.130.85 +0.10 +0.08%
Coal price 127.25 +1.00 +0.79%
Coal price.125.75 +0.50 +0.40%
Coal price 125.20 +0.50 +0.40%

Coal price.108.80 +2.30 +2.16%
Coal price 105.25 +2.95 +2.88%
Coal price.102.95 +2.75 +2.74%
Coal price.101.00 +2.95 +3.01%‼️

CPO(Mar)..3854 +58 +1.53%

Corn……447.00 -10.75 -2.35%
SoybeanOil 48.25 -0.47 -0.96%
Wheat…596.00 -7.75 -1.28%

Wood pulp..5050.00 unch +0%
(Closed 14/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US DJI merah nasdaq S&P500 ijo tipis, europe ijo, asia varied. US bond rates turun, USD index naik dikit, masih bisa kemana mana hari ini, kalo ikut closing US merah, tapi bond turun biasanya saham naik

Gold akhirnya ijo rada tebel, tin silver ijo, nickel copper iron ore merah, oil up gas jump, coal naik dikit, CPO lanjut ijo lagi. Kayanya udah harusnya AALI LSIP lari ini. ANTM MDKA chartnya masih belum ok, semoga mulai turnaround dengan harga emas yang naik

IHSG – Stoch down macd down,833 buy, MFI sw,w% sw, bd dist, FNB, minor sih up kayanya, tapi belum beres ABC correction, mungkin sekarang di wave B, belum firm… Keliatannya akan test support 7046, area belanja pas mantul dari situ

Arahnya menarik Financials, Consumer Cyclicals, Energy, Technology.

ADRO terlihat mau nyusul,kita check later, coal yang lain terlihat jenuh

Stochastic Buy Signal: ADRO KLBF MEDC AVIA BTPS HEAL JPFA PNLF, yang big accum ADRO AVIA BTPS, spike AVIA


Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum: BBCA BMRI INCO MEDC UNTR AVIA ELSA, spike INCO

Supertrend Buy Signal: ESSA BTPS