Posts Tagged ‘Strategies’

What Is an Assortment Strategy in Retail, and How Does It Work?

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Is an Assortment Strategy in Retail, and How Does It Work?


What Is an Assortment Strategy?

An assortment strategy in retailing involves the number and type of products that stores display for purchase by consumers. Also called a “product assortment strategy,” it is a strategic tool that retailers use to manage and increase sales. The strategy is made up of two major components:

  1. The depth of products offered, or how many variations of a particular product a store carries (e.g. how many sizes or flavors of the same product).
  2. The width (breadth) of the product variety, or how many different types of products a store carries.

Key Takeaways

  • An assortment strategy is a strategic retail industry sales tool that optimizes the variety of goods offered for sale.
  • This strategy is centered around the concepts of “a deep assortment” and “a wide variety.”
  • Product assortment strategies got their start in the context of brick-and-mortar stores, but have since been carried over successfully to e-commerce platforms.

How Assortment Strategies Work

Essentially, a product assortment strategy is a retail industry sales tool with the concepts of depth and breadth at its core. However, not all retailers will be able to use both components of this strategy at the same time.

An assortment strategy can have many layers of sub- and related strategies, as each store will need to tailor the strategy to address its own particular needs and goals.

A deep assortment—the opposite of a narrow assortment—of products means that a retailer carries a number of variations of a single product. A wide variety—the opposite of a narrow variety—of products means that a retailer carries a large number of different kinds of products.

An assortment strategy is not one-size-fits-all; it needs to be customized to respond to a business’s parameters.

A Challenge for Small Stores

Retailers face a trade-off when determining an assortment strategy. Choosing both a wide variety and a deep assortment of products simultaneously requires a large amount of space, and is typically reserved for big-box retailers.

Stores with smaller spaces may choose to specialize in a certain type of product and offer customers a variety of colors and styles; other stores may offer a deep assortment of products but a narrow variety—one reason why a 7-Eleven (private since 2005) might carry just one brand of canned cat food, for example, while a Kroger (NYSE: KR) likely would have the space to stock 12 brands of canned cat food, if it chose to.

A Brick-and-Mortar Term

Originally, assortment strategy referred only to brick-and-mortar stores because the strategy’s components of depth and breadth had a lot to do with physical space and the visual and tactile interaction between consumer and product. Recently, though, all sales venues—brick-and-mortar, click and mortar, and e-tailing—have used varieties of the strategy to gain competitive advantage.

Adjusting for Demographics

By grouping together items that they believe will appeal to certain types of customers, retailers may fine-tune their assortment strategies to target consumers’ demographic profiles. If a retailer wants to attract customers who are new parents, for example, it might fill the shelves with infant apparel from trendy brands, along with toys, bedding, and other products new parents need.

A Strategic Selling Tool

A strategically arranged product assortment can upsell customers on supplemental items as they search for the item that brought them to the store.

Grouping related items together strategically, whether or not they are necessities, is a common way to stimulate impulse buying:

  • By placing garden hoses near sprinklers and other lawn-care products, a retailer might drive more into a customer’s basket. Likewise, installing a luxurious patio dining set—complete with attractive outdoor dishware and bar accessories—in the middle of the more prosaic yard-care products could even send some customers scurrying to the housewares section of the store.
  • A presentation of flashlights—or any battery-driven product—could include a nearby display of the batteries needed to use the product. Or a manager could locate the batteries near the check-out counter to remind customers before they leave the store that the flashlight won’t work without batteries.

Potential Disadvantages of Assortment Strategies

Although the depth of product assortment may help attract customers, there are certain caveats to relying only on an assortment strategy. If items in an assortment are placed incorrectly, the demand for these products may vary drastically.

If less-popular items are mixed in with popular items, for example, they could detract from the more-popular items’ appeal. Or, if the assortment is too vast, customers may have difficulty finding the item they are seeking. Overwhelming shoppers with too many buying options can be counterproductive and discourage customer engagement.


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52-Week Range: Overview, Examples, Strategies

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is the 52-Week Range?

The 52-week range is a data point traditionally reported by printed financial news media, but more modernly included in data feeds from financial information sources online. The data point includes the lowest and highest price at which a stock has traded during the previous 52 weeks.

Investors use this information as a proxy for how much fluctuation and risk they may have to endure over the course of a year should they choose to invest in a given stock. Investors can find a stock’s 52-week range in a stock’s quote summary provided by a broker or financial information website. The visual representation of this data can be observed on a price chart that displays one year’s worth of price data.

Key Takeaways

  • The 52-week range is designated by the highest and lowest published price of a security over the previous year.
  • Analysts use this range to understand volatility.
  • Technical analysts use this range data, combined with trend observations, to get an idea of trading opportunities.

Understanding the 52-Week Range

The 52-week range can be a single data point of two numbers: the highest and lowest price for the previous year. But there is much more to the story than these two numbers alone. Visualizing the data in a chart to show the price action for the entire year can provide a much better context for how these numbers are generated.

Since price movement is not always balanced and rarely symmetrical, it is important for an investor to know which number was more recent, the high or the low. Usually an investor will assume the number closest to the current price is the most recent one, but this is not always the case, and not knowing the correct information can make for costly investment decisions.

Two examples of the 52-week range in the following chart show how useful it might be to compare the high and low prices with the larger picture of the price data over the past year.

Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2021

These examples show virtually the same high and low data points for a 52-week range (set 1 marked in blue lines) and a trend that seems to indicate a short-term downward move ahead.

Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2021

The overlapping range on the same stock (set 2 marked in red lines) now seems to imply that an upward move may be following at least in the short term. Both of these trends can be seen to play out as expected (though such outcomes are never certain). Technical analysts compare a stock’s current trading price and its recent trend to its 52-week range to get a broad sense of how the stock is performing relative to the past 12 months. They also look to see how much the stock’s price has fluctuated, and whether such fluctuation is likely to continue or even increase.

The information from the high and low data points may indicate the potential future range of the stock and how volatile its price is, but only the trend and relative strength studies can help a trader or analyst understand the context of those two data points. Most financial websites that quote a stock’s share price also quote its 52-week range. Sites like Yahoo Finance, and allow investors to scan for stocks trading at their 12-month high or low.

Current Price Relative to 52-Week Range

To calculate where a stock is currently trading at in relations to its 52-week high and low, consider the following example:

Suppose over the last year that a stock has traded as high as $100, as low as $50 and is currently trading at $70. This means the stock is trading 30% below its 52-week high (1-(70/100) = 0.30 or 30%) and 40% above its 52-week low ((70/50) – 1 = 0.40 or 40%). These calculations take the difference between the current price and the high or low price over the past 12 months and then convert them to percentages.

52-Week Range Trading Strategies

Investors can use a breakout strategy and buy a stock when it trades above its 52-week range, or open a short position when it trades below it. Aggressive traders could place a stop-limit order slightly above or below the 52-week trade to catch the initial breakout. Price often retraces back to the breakout level before resuming its trend; therefore, traders who want to take a more conservative approach may want to wait for a retracement before entering the market to avoid chasing the breakout.

Volume should be steadily increasing when a stock’s price nears the high or low of its 12-month range to show the issue has enough participation to break out to a new level. Trades could use indicators like the on-balance volume (OBV) to track rising volume. The breakout should ideally trade above or below a psychological number also, such as $50 or $100, to help gain the attention of institutional investors.


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Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO): Definition, Role, Example

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO): Definition, Role, Example


What Is an Asset-Liability Committee?

An asset-liability committee (ALCO), also known as surplus management, is a supervisory group that coordinates the management of assets and liabilities with a goal of earning adequate returns. By managing a company’s assets and liabilities, executives are able to influence net earnings, which may translate into increased stock prices.

Key Takeaways

  • Asset-liability committees (ALCOs) are responsible for overseeing the management of a company or bank’s assets and liabilities.
  • An ALCO at the board or management level provides important management information systems (MIS) and oversight for effectively evaluating on- and off-balance-sheet risk for an institution.
  • An ALCO’s strategies, policies, and procedures should relate to the board’s goals, objectives, and risk tolerances for operating standards.
  • One of the ALCO’s goals is ensuring adequate liquidity while managing the bank’s spread between the interest income and interest expense.

Understanding Asset-Liability Committees (ALCO)

An ALCO at the board or management level provides important management information systems (MIS) and oversight for effectively evaluating on- and off-balance-sheet risk for an institution. Members incorporate interest rate risk and liquidity consideration into a bank’s operating model.

One of the ALCO’s goals is ensuring adequate liquidity while managing the bank’s spread between the interest income and interest expense. Members also consider investments and operational risk.

ALCO meetings should be conducted at least quarterly. Member responsibilities typically include managing market risk tolerances, establishing appropriate MIS, and reviewing and approving the bank’s liquidity and funds management policy at least annually.

Members also develop and maintain a contingency funding plan, review immediate funding needs and sources, and determine liquidity risk exposures to adverse scenarios with varying probability and severity.

Special Considerations

An ALCO’s strategies, policies, and procedures should relate to the board’s goals, objectives, and risk tolerances for operating standards. Strategies should articulate liquidity risk tolerances and address the extent to which central elements of funds management are centralized or delegated in the institution.

Strategies should also communicate how much emphasis is placed on using asset liquidity, liabilities, and operating cash flows for meeting daily and contingent funding needs.

Example of an Asset-Liability Committee

Alfa Bank’s ALCO is appointed by a resolution of the bank’s executive board and includes seven or more members with the right to vote for a one-year period. The ALCO is headed by the ALCO chair appointed by the bank’s executive board. ALCO members without the right to vote are appointed upon presentation to the ALCO chair by order of the bank executive board from among bank specialists and managers for a one-year period.

The bank’s ALCO meetings are typically held every two weeks. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. The ALCO has the authority to resolve matters submitted for consideration if more than half of the members with the right to vote are present at the committee meeting. A resolution is passed when more than half the members with the right to vote are present and vote in favor of the resolution. ALCO’s resolutions are binding on all bank employees.


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Asset/Liability Management: Definition, Meaning, and Strategies

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Asset/Liability Management: Definition, Meaning, and Strategies


What Is Asset/Liability Management?

Asset/liability management is the process of managing the use of assets and cash flows to reduce the firm’s risk of loss from not paying a liability on time. Well-managed assets and liabilities increase business profits. The asset/liability management process is typically applied to bank loan portfolios and pension plans. It also involves the economic value of equity.

Understanding Asset/Liability Management

The concept of asset/liability management focuses on the timing of cash flows because company managers must plan for the payment of liabilities. The process must ensure that assets are available to pay debts as they come due and that assets or earnings can be converted into cash. The asset/liability management process applies to different categories of assets on the balance sheet.

[Important: A company can face a mismatch between assets and liabilities because of illiquidity or changes in interest rates; asset/liability management reduces the likelihood of a mismatch.]

Factoring in Defined Benefit Pension Plans

A defined benefit pension plan provides a fixed, pre-established pension benefit for employees upon retirement, and the employer carries the risk that assets invested in the pension plan may not be sufficient to pay all benefits. Companies must forecast the dollar amount of assets available to pay benefits required by a defined benefit plan.

Assume, for example, that a group of employees must receive a total of $1.5 million in pension payments starting in 10 years. The company must estimate a rate of return on the dollars invested in the pension plan and determine how much the firm must contribute each year before the first payments begin in 10 years.

Examples of Interest Rate Risk

Asset/liability management is also used in banking. A bank must pay interest on deposits and also charge a rate of interest on loans. To manage these two variables, bankers track the net interest margin or the difference between the interest paid on deposits and interest earned on loans.

Assume, for example, that a bank earns an average rate of 6% on three-year loans and pays a 4% rate on three-year certificates of deposit. The interest rate margin the bank generates is 6% – 4% = 2%. Since banks are subject to interest rate risk, or the risk that interest rates increase, clients demand higher interest rates on their deposits to keep assets at the bank.

The Asset Coverage Ratio

An important ratio used in managing assets and liabilities is the asset coverage ratio which computes the value of assets available to pay a firm’s debts. The ratio is calculated as follows:

Asset Coverage Ratio = ( BVTA IA ) ( CL STDO ) Total Debt Outstanding where: BVTA = book value of total assets IA = intangible assets CL = current liabilities STDO = short term debt obligations \begin{aligned} &\text{Asset Coverage Ratio} = \frac{ ( \text{BVTA} – \text{IA} ) – ( \text{CL} – \text{STDO}) }{ \text{Total Debt Outstanding} } \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{BVTA} = \text{book value of total assets} \\ &\text{IA} = \text{intangible assets} \\ &\text{CL} = \text{current liabilities} \\ &\text{STDO} = \text{short term debt obligations} \\ \end{aligned}
Asset Coverage Ratio=Total Debt Outstanding(BVTAIA)(CLSTDO)where:BVTA=book value of total assetsIA=intangible assetsCL=current liabilitiesSTDO=short term debt obligations

Tangible assets, such as equipment and machinery, are stated at their book value, which is the cost of the asset less accumulated depreciation. Intangible assets, such as patents, are subtracted from the formula because these assets are more difficult to value and sell. Debts payable in less than 12 months are considered short-term debt, and those liabilities are also subtracted from the formula.

The coverage ratio computes the assets available to pay debt obligations, although the liquidation value of some assets, such as real estate, may be difficult to calculate. There is no rule of thumb as to what constitutes a good or poor ratio since calculations vary by industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Asset/liability management reduces the risk that a company may not meet its obligations in the future.
  • The success of bank loan portfolios and pension plans depend on asset/liability management processes.
  • Banks track the difference between the interest paid on deposits and interest earned on loans to ensure that they can pay interest on deposits and to determine what a rate of interest to charge on loans.

[Fast Fact: Asset/liability management is a long-term strategy to manage risks. For example, a home-owner must ensure that they have enough money to pay their mortgage each month by managing their income and expenses for the duration of the loan.]


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