Posts Tagged ‘stocks’

Daily Analysis 20221027

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

Global update:

October 27th, 2022

Good morning,

Nasdaq snaps three-day winning streak as Big Tech weighs down index

The Nasdaq Composite and S&P 500 slid Wednesday, with both indexes snapping three-day winning streaks, as traders assessed disappointing earnings from tech giants Microsoft and Alphabet.

Dow…….31839 +2.4 +0.01%
Nasdaq.10971 -228.1 -2.04%
S&P 500..3831 -28.5 -0.74%

FTSE…….7056 +42.6 +0.61%
Dax……..13196 +142.9 +1.00%
CAC……..6276 +25.8 +0.41%

Nikkei….27432 +181.6 +0.67%
HSI……..15318 +152.1 +1 .10%
Shanghai..3000 +23.2 +0.78%
ST Times..3008 +24.2 +0.81%

IDX…….7034.94 -4.44 -0.0%
LQ45…1004.18 -1.65 -0.16%

IDX Energy..2036.49 +25.13 +1.25%
IDX Bsc Mat.1242.61 +2.19 +0.18%
IDX Industrl..1288.10 +7.18 +0.56%
IDXNONCYC..740.06 +7.05 +0.96%
IDX Hlthcare.1509.67 +12.62 +0.84%
IDXCYCLIC…..857.84 +5.26 +0.62%
*IDX Techno..6679.65 +213.03 +3.29%*
IDX Transp…1778.24 +9.91 +0.56%
IDX Infrast……937.31 -0.35 -0.04%
IDX Finance 1513.13 -0.10 -0.01%
IDX Banking.1179.25 -21.45 -1.52%
IDX Property……. – – -%

Indo10Yr….7.6238 +0.0101 +0.13%
ICBI……..330.1862 -0.0082 -0.00%
*US10Yr……4.1080 -0.1260 -2.98%‼️*
*VIX……….27.28 -1.18 -4.15%‼️*

*USDIndx 109.7000 -1.2500 -1.13%👍*
Como Indx..277.35 +3.36 +1.23%
(Core Commodity CRB)
*BCOMIN…..150.21 +4.96 +3.43%‼️*
*IndoCDS 146.26 -10.72 -6.83%‼️👍*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(26/10)*

*IDR……15563.00 -59.50 -0.38%‼️*
*Jisdor..15596.00 -20 -0.13%‼️*

*Euro……..1.0081 +0.0121 +1.21%👍*

TLKM……..28.07 +0.05 +0.18%
EIDO………23.65 -0.04 -0.17%
EEM……….34.77 +0.56 +1.64%

*Oil…………88.25 +3.32 +3.91%‼️*
*Gold ……1669.40 +13.10 +0.79%*
Timah….18477 +27 +0.15%
*(Closed 25/10)*
*Nickel…22669.50 +430.00 +1.93%*
*(Closed 26/10)*
Silver………19.54 +0.26 +1.35%
*Copper….353.95 +13.8 +4.05%‼️*

Nturl Gas…..6.173 -0.075 -1.20%

*Ammonia..4130.00 unch +0%*
(Domestic Price)(25/10)

Coal price….386.50 -1.65 -0.43%
*Coal price….374.45 -8.45 -2.20%*
*Coal price…372.35 -12.90 -0.21%*
Coal price….269.1 -0.95 -0.35%
*Coal price….244.40 -5.70 -2.28%*
(Nov/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price…..242.50 -6.50 -2.61%*

Coal(ICI 4)…..93.40 -1.75 -1.84%
Indonesial Coal Index (25/10)

CPO(Jan)……4107 -22 -0.53%

Corn………….685.00 -1.25 -0.18%
SoybeanOil…73.42 +1.14 +1.58%
Wheat………840.50 +5.75 +0.69%

Wood pulp…6816.00 unch +0%
(Closed 26/10)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_,

Nasdaq merah, DJI ijo tipis, europe ijo, asia ijo, IHSG minus tipis, hampir doji. 2 hari merah sudah cukup ya ya, lanjut ijo lagi…

Gold Silver Copper Timah Nikel naik semua. USD ini yang melemah sepertinya. Oil naik tinggi, gas turun, coal turun, gantian terus ini energy, ga mau koreksi wave c ya… CPO juga turun lagi

IHSG – Stoch up macd up 833 minor correction, masih mungkin 1-2 hari lagi sih, MFI downFF flat bd dist, masih firm wave 3, LR juga, DMI sw abis buy. Semoga hari ini atau besok lanjut ijo tebel

Cuma financials sama industrials

Financials – stoch 833 bilang koreksi dulu, stoch macd masih firm, mfi masih up, 2 hari FNS, semoga hari ini ijo lagi


BFIN – kemaren macd buy signal hari ini langsung diterbangin, hehehe… technical ok semua, BOW kalo emang berani buy disini. Saya pribadi ga beli saham leasing dan bank konven

Industrials – diluar ff yang masih diem, all good. Tinggal konfirmasi wave 1 kalo sudah bikin higher high dibanding wave B.


UNTR – technically all good, stoch macd mfi dmi bandar ff acc, cuma sebelumnya dia sideways dan belum breakout, udah ok buat spec buy, setengah lagi tunggu breakout with volume



Daily Analysis 20221026

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

October 26th, 2022

Good morning,

Stocks close higher for third consecutive day, Nasdaq adds 2.2% ahead of Big Tech earnings

Stocks closed higher another session Tuesday, as investors assessed sliding yields and new data for further clues into the health of the U.S. economy.

Dow…….31837 +337.1 +1.07%
Nasdaq.11199 +246.5 +2.26%
S&P 500..3859 +61.8 +1.63%

FTSE…….7014 -0.51 -0.01%
Dax……..13053 +121.5 +0.94%
CAC……..6251 +119.2 +1.94%

Nikkei….27250 +275.4 +1.02%
HSI……..15166 -15.1 -0.10%
Shanghai..2976 -1.3 -0.04%
ST Times..2984 +14.2 +0.48%

IDX…….7048.38 -4.66 -0.07%
LQ45…1005.83 -0.67 -0.07%

IDX Energy..2011.36 -22.87 -1.12%
IDX Bsc Mat.1240.43 -8.36 -0.67%
IDX Industrl..1280.93 +1.63 +0.13%
IDXNONCYC..733.02 -0.01 -0.13%
IDX Hlthcare.1497.04 +5.80 +0.39%
IDXCYCLIC…..852.57 -6.01 -0.70%
IDX Techno..6466.63 +47.04 +0.73%
IDX Transp…1768.34 -10.92 -0.61%
IDX Infrast……937.66 -0.08 -0.01%
IDX Finance 1513.13 -0.10 -0.01%
IDX Banking.1200.70 +0.32 +0.03%
IDX Property…….688 +7.30 +1.07%

Indo10Yr….7.6137 +0.0268 +0.35%
ICBI……..330.1944 -0.3156 -0.10%
US10Yr……4.1080 -0.1260 -2.98%‼️
VIX……….28.46 -1.39 -4.66%

USDIndx 110.9500 -1.0460 -0.93%👍
Como Indx..273.99 +2.17 +0.80%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..145.22 -0.23 -0.16%
IndoCDS 156.98 -3.88 -2.41%👍
(5-yr INOCD5) (24/10)

IDR……15585.50 -46.00 -0.29%‼️
Jisdor..15616.00 +26 +0.17%‼️

Euro……..0.9960 +0.0080 +0.81%‼️

TLKM……..28.02 -0.23 -0.81%
EIDO………23.69 -0.01 -0.04%
EEM……….34.21 +0.28 +0.83%

Oil…………84.93 +0.13 +0.15%
Gold ……1656.30 +1.30 +0.08%
Timah….18450 -34 -0.18%
(Closed 24/10)
Nickel…22239.50 +245.50 +1.10%
(Closed 25/10)
Silver………19.28 +0.08 +0.42%
Copper….340.15 -3.04 -0.89%

Nturl Gas…..6.248 +0.503 +8.76%‼️

Ammonia..4130.00 – -%
(Domestic Price)(20/10)

Coal price….388.15 -1.85 -0.47%
Coal price….382.90 -0.60 -0.16%
Coal price….385.25 -0.80 -0.21%
Coal price….270.05 +0.50 +0.19%
Coal price….250.10 +3.60 +1.46%
(Nov/ Rotterdam)
Coal price…..249.00 +3.60 +1.47%

Coal(ICI 4)…..95.15 – -%
Indonesial Coal Index (21/10)

CPO(Jan)……4129 +29 +0.71%

Corn………….686.25 +4.75 +0.70%
SoybeanOil…72.28 +0.41 +0.57%
Wheat………834.75 -4.00 -0.48%

Wood pulp…6816.00 -4 -0.06%
(Closed 25/10)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE

Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US lanjut ijo europe cuma inggris merah tipis, asia ihsg hsi sama shanghai merah tipis nikkei singapore ijo

Gold SIlver ijo, copper merah timah merah nikel ijo, oil ijo tipis gas naik tinggi, coal turun lagi, CPO naik tipis

Keliatannya saham coal lanjut koreksi, saham oil mungkin naik, kalo gas suka ga relate langsung ke AGII sama PGAS, tapi kita liat nanti.

IHSG – masih ok semua, cuma udah run 6 hari ijo, stoch 833 bilang koreksi minor, udah di overbought area. last day bd ff dist, wajar kali profit taking ya

RSI quadrant bilang financials sama industrials.

Daily Analysis 20221025

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

Global update:

October 25th, 2022

Good morning,

Stocks notch second day of gains Monday, Dow closes more than 400 points higher

The three major indexes closed higher Monday as traders tried to add to sharp gains seen last week and weighed the latest moves in rates.

Dow…….31499 +417.1 +1.34%
Nasdaq.10953 +92.9 +0.86%
S&P 500..3797 +44.6 +1.19%

FTSE…….7014 +44.3 +0.64%
Dax……..12931 +200.6 +1.58%
CAC……..6131 +95.97 +1.59%

Nikkei….26975 +84.3 +0.31%
*HSI……..15181 -1030.4 -6.36%‼️*
*Shanghai..2978 -61.4 -2.02%*
ST Times..2970 -52.8 -1.75%

IDX…….7053.04 +35.27 +0.50%
LQ45…1006.50 +6.14 +0.61%

IDX Energy..2034.23 +17.21 +0.85%
IDX Bsc Mat.1248.79 +1.43 +0.11%
IDX Industrl..1279.30 +16.15 +1.28%
IDXNONCYC..733.03 +0.47 +0.57%
IDX Hlthcare.1491.24 +14.11 +0.96%
IDXCYCLIC…..858.58 +4.95 +0.58%
IDX Techno..6419.58 -54.42 -0.84%
IDX Transp…1779.26 +1.09 +0.06%
IDX Infrast……937.73 -6.41 -0.68%
IDX Finance 1513.23 +22.68 +1.52%
IDX Banking.1200.38 +22.43 +1.90%
IDX Property…….681 -0.70 -0.10%

Indo10Yr….7.5869 +0.0289 +0.38%
ICBI……..330.5100 -0.1980 -0.06%
*US10Yr……4.2340 +0.0210 +0.50%‼️*
*VIX……….29.85 +0.16 +0.54%*

*USDIndx 111.9960 -0.0160 -0.01%👍*
Como Indx..271.82 -0.54 -0.20%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..145.45 -0.39 -0.26%
*IndoCDS 160.86 -4.98 -3.00%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(24/10)*

*IDR……15585.50 -46.00 -0.29%‼️*
*Jisdor..15590.00 -20 -0.13%‼️*

*Euro……..0.9880 +0.0018 +0.18%‼️*

TLKM……..28.25 +0.55 +1.99%
EIDO………23.70 +0.06 +0.25%
*EEM………33.93 -1.34 -3.80%‼️*

Oil…………84.80 -0.25 -0.29%
Gold ……1655.00 -1.30 -0.08%
Timah….18484 – -%
*(Closed 21/10)*
Nickel…22239.50 +54.50 +0.25%
*(Closed 24/10)*
Silver………19.20 +0.60 +3.23%
Copper….343.20 +3.45 +1.02%

*Nturl Gas…..5.745 +0.273 +4.75%*

*Ammonia..4130.00 – -%*
(Domestic Price)(20/10)

Coal price….390.00 unch +0%
Coal price….383.50 -6.45 -1.65%
Coal price….386.05 -3.95 -1.01%
Coal price….269.55 -0.45 -0.17%
*Coal price….246.50 -9.90 -3.86%‼️*
(Nov/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price…..245.40 -10.15 -3.97%‼️*

Coal(ICI 4)…..95.15 – -%
Indonesial Coal Index (21/10)

CPO(Jan)……4100 closed +0%

Corn………….681.50 -2.75 -0.40%
SoybeanOil…71.87 +0.37 +0.52%
Wheat………838.75 -12.00 -1.41%

*Wood pulp…6820.00 unch +0%*
(Closed 24/10)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US europe lanjut ijo, asia varied, HSI yang drop gila gilaan, china dan singapore juga merah, nikkei dan IHSG aman. Semoga hari ini kita ikut US, jangan ikut hangseng

Gold merah tipis, silver ijo, copper ijo, timah unchanged nikel ijo oil merah gas naik rada gede coal spot flat, futur merah. Hati2 yang masih pegang energy, jangan terlalu pede lanjut rally

IHSG – all good, cuma MFI yang flat. Wave 3 biasanya paling panjang, kalo ketemu wave 3 gini ga usah mikirin gorengan, blue chip aja pada lari… Play safe dan jangan telat exit karena fomo naik terus, pasti ketemu koreksi nanti. Kalo mau buy and hold boleh tapi jangan dikit2 diliat, turun dikit galau…

Udah rally 6 days straight, jangan kaget kalo sekali sekali merah, yang penting major tren bullish, tapi tetep keluar masuk sesuai buy signal

Yang kebaca jelas, financials, yang lain agak agak goyang, tapi dari angka sih Basic Materials sama Industrials

Daily Analysis 20221024

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

October 24th, 2022

Good morning,

Dow climbs more than 700 points on Friday as Wall Street clinches its best week since June

Stocks climbed on Friday as Wall Street closed a volatile week on a high note despite some disappointing earnings reports.

Dow…….31082 +748.97 +2.47%
Nasdaq.10860 +244.9 +2.31%
S&P 500..3753 +86.97 +2.37%
FTSE…….6970 +25.8 +0.37%
Dax……..12731 -36.5 -0.29%
CAC……..6036 -51.5 -0.85%

Nikkei….26891 -116.4 -0.43%
HSI……..16211 -69.1 -0.42%
Shanghai..3039 +3.9 +0.13%
ST Times..2970 -52.8 -1.75%

IDX…….7017.77 +37.12 +0.53%
LQ45…1000.36 +6.68 +0.67%

IDX Energy..2017.02 +3.16 +0.16%
IDX Bsc Mat.1247.35 -11.23 -0.89%
IDX Industrl..1263.15 +5.85 +0.47%
IDXNONCYC..732.55 -4.20 -0.57%
IDX Hlthcare.1477.13 +7.21 +0.49%
IDXCYCLIC…..853.63 +7.18 +0.85%
IDX Techno..6474.00 -65.56 -0.99%
IDX Transp…1778.18 +12.11 +0.69%
IDX Infrast……944.15 +12.28 +1.32%
IDX Finance 1490.55 +22.43 +1.53%
IDX Banking.1177.85 +20.15 +1.74%
IDX Property…….681 -3.50 -0.51%

Indo10Yr….7.5580 +0.0697 +0.93%
ICBI……..330.5773 -1.3607 -0.41%
*US10Yr……4.2260 +0.0990 +2.40%‼️*
*VIX……….29.69 -0.29 -0.97%*

*USDIndx 112.0120 -0.8380 -0.74%👍*
Como Indx..272.36 +0.64 +0.24%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..145.84 +0.14 +0.10%
*IndoCDS 165.84 +5.84 +3.65%‼️*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(12/10)*

*IDR……15631.50 +60.00 +0.39%‼️*
*Jisdor..15610.00 +31 +0.20%‼️*

*Euro……..0.9862 +0.0077 +0.79%‼️*

TLKM……..27.70 +0.18 +0.65%
EIDO………23.64 +0.38 +1.63%
EEM………35.27 +0.53 +1.53%

Oil…………85.05 -0.93 -1.08%
*Gold ……1656.30 +23.80 +1.46%*
*Timah….18484 -864 -4.47%‼️*
*(Closed 21/10)*
Nickel…22185.00 -10.50 -0.05%(
*(Closed 21/10)*
Silver………18.60 +0.19 +1.03%
Copper….339.75 +7.70 +2.32%

*Nturl Gas…..5.472 +0.155 +2.92%*

*Ammonia..4130.00 -16.67 -0.40%*
(Domestic Price)(20/10)

Coal price….390.00 -1.95 -0.50%
Coal price….389.95 -6.20 -1.57%
Coal price….390.00 -7.05 -0.61%
Coal price….270.00 unch +0%
Coal price….256.40 -2.10 -0.81%
(Nov/ Rotterdam)
Coal price…..255.55 -1.75 -0.68%

Coal(ICI 4)…..95.15 +1.15 +1.22%
Indonesial Coal Index (21/10)

CPO(Jan)……4100 unch +0%

Corn………….684.25 +0.25 +0.04%
SoybeanOil…71.50 +1.08 +1.53%
Wheat………850.75 +1.50 +0.18%

*Wood pulp…6820.00 unch +0%*
(Closed 20/10)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US ijo tebel, bagus buat rally wave 3 IHSG. eropa dan asia closing jum’at kebanyakan merah

Gold SIlver Copper naik –> kalo logam2 mulia-an naik semua berarti sebenernya dollar yang turun… timah nikel turun, padahal ANTM INCO udah buy signal, bisa ganggu ini… Oil turun, Gas rebound abis turun gede, coal turun. Masih meragukan run sektor energy ini…

IHSG – tadinya diharapkan cukup bikin 3 white soldiers untuk konfirmasi reversal, malah rally 5 hari ijo berturut2… Suka iseng ini nanti bandar, kalo long run kepanjangan, pas orang entry dia turunin dulu, hihihi… Udah firm nongol MACD buy signal

IHSG – stoch buy,macd buy, MFI up, lastday FNB, Bandar akum, close diatas SMA 20, LR up, DMI dikit lagi buy, firm wave 3

Infobank – Nyaris persis IHSG, bedanya, firm breakout neckline IHNS sebelumnya. Big caps banyak bank, kalo Infobank15 rally, ihsg juga rally. Firm wave 3

Koq membingungkan, IHSG naik tapi sektor yang kemaren pada naik sekarang cacing RSI nya melemah…

Cuma Customer Non-Cyclicals yang arahnya bagus, padahal udah diujung, biasanya mau melemah

Financials mulai bangun, sudah seharusnya kalo index mau lari