Posts Tagged ‘stocks’

Daily Analysis 20230303

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 03rd 2023

Good morning,

Dow…..33034 +341.7 +1.05%
Nasdaq11463 +84.5 +0.73%
S&P 500.3981 +29.96 +0.76%

FTSE…….7944 +29.1 +0.37%
Dax……..15328 +22.6 +0.15%
CAC……..7284 +49.97 +0.69%

Nikkei…..27499 -17.7 -0.06%
HSI……..20429 -190.3 -0.92%
Shanghai.3311 -1.7 -0.05%

IDX…..6857.42 +12.48 +0.18%
LQ45….947.15 +1.33 +0.14 %
IDX30…493.17 +0.87 +0.18%

IDXEnergy…2114.76 +21.21 +1.01%
IDX BscMat 1221.67 -17.63 -1.42%
IDX Indstrl..1206.77 +12.35 +1.03%
IDXNONCYC..740.00 +3.00 +0.41%
IDX Hlthcare1560.95 +4.43 +0.28%
IDXCYCLIC…847.79 +3.03 +0.36%
IDX Techno.5412.25 -4.87 – 0.09%
IDX Transp..1869.62 -33.57 -1.76%
IDX Infrast….844.79 +3.03 +0.36%
IDX Finance1415.12 +5.57 +0.39%
IDX Banking1140.36 +6.21 +0.55%
IDX Property….694 -4.80 -0.69%

Indo10Yr.6.9105 +0.0364 +0.53%‼️
ICBI….349.1696 -0.7977 -0.23%‼️
US5Yr 4.3143‼️ +0.0490 +1.16%
US10Yr4.0620‼️ +0.0660 +1.64%
US30Yr.4.0010‼️+0.0480 +1.21%
VIX……. 19.59 -0.99 -4.81%

USDIndx104.9840 +0.6210 +0.60%‼️
Como Indx.271.30 -1.51 -0.55%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN….161.59 -2.95 -1.79%

IndoCDS..105.25 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR…..15280.00 +45.50 +0.17%‼️
Jisdor.15273.00 +23.00 +0.15%‼️

Euro……1.0599 -0.0069 -0.64%

TLKM….25.71 -0.17 -0.66%
EIDO……22.82 +0.02 +0.09%
EEM…….39.19 +0.14 +0.36%

Oil…….78.16 +0.47 +0.61%
Gold.. 1840.50 -4.90 -0.27%
Timah 25334 +371 +1.49%
(Closed 03/01)
Nickel…24232 -899.00 -3.58%‼️
(Closed 03/02)
Silver…….20.90 -0.19 -0.92%
Copper..407.60 -8.40 -2.02%

Nturl Gas.2.790 -0.021 -0.75%

Ammonia 4390.00 -16.66 -0.38%
(Domestic Price)(03/01)

Coal price.193.00 -0.50 -0.26%
Coal price.198.00 +1.25 +0.64%
Coal price.201.65 +1.40 +0.70%
Coal price.205.35 +1.20 +0.59%

Coal price.143.25 -0.60 -0.42%
Coal price 140.00 -3.55 -2.47%
(Apr/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 141.00 -4.40 -3.03%
Coal price 141.70 -4.90 -3.34%

CPO(May)…4293 +105 +2.51%

Corn……..633.75 -2.00 -0.31%
SoybeanOil..61.90 +1.07 +1.76%
Wheat……712.75 +2.75 +0.39%

Wood pulp…5840.00 -10 -0.17%
(Closed 03/02)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo lumayan tebel, europe ijo, asia kebanyakan merah, IHSG ijo kemaren tapi ada 26 saham ARB, rada anomali

Oil ijo gas coal merah, metal2 merah kecuali timah, nikel malah drop. Belum saatnya belanja saham tambang mineral logam, dikit lagi…

CPO naik tinggi, mungkin ini saatnya mulai rally. Kita check detail di emitennya nanti

IHSG – kemaren sudah FNB, stoch buy, macd masih down but flattening, MFI sw, W% sw, masih jadwal wave 3, keliatan bentuk triangle pattern, semoga breakout ke atas

Industrials Energy Property. Bank2 sudah mulai buy signal tapi sektor Financials nya belum firm



Alligator Buy Signal: DOID IGAR

Supertrend Buy Signal: ITMG IGAR

ARTO skip

BBCA – buat indikasi aja, bukan mau dibeli, hehehe… stoch buy, macd still down, BD FF net sell, MFI down, w% downtrend, masih jadwal wave 3 tapi lagi jatahnya sideways dulu, belum…

BUKA – stoch buy, macd rev up, MFI down, W% downtrend, BD dist, FF acc tipis, dari IPO drop, belum retrace, pelan2 bottom nya tambah tinggi, sektor bukan leading, belum sih

TINS – stoch buy macdbuy, MFI up, W% uptrend, BD acc, masih NFS tipis, ew reverse done, ketemu regbull div terus mantul, kejedot fibo 23, udah bikin higher low, bisa spec buy harusnya

Ternyata spike nya ok, spike tinggi pas harga sideways

Harga aman. Ada gap juga di atas, bisa spec buy half, half lagi tunggu firm acc BD dan FF

AALI – stoch buy bolak balik, macd up MFI sw, w% sw, BD FF acc tipis, abis drop mulai gerak naikpelan2 belum ada gerakan signifikan yang diikuti higher low, WNS deh

BRMS – Technical ok, tapi saham bakrie nggak deh

INCO – stoch up macd buy, 833 sell, MFI up, BD FF acc, w% sw, masih konsol di sekitar fibo 61 terjunan abc correction, belum lanjut wave 3. Kalo mau entry tunggu 833 buy lagi while MACD masih firm. Nikel drop jadi agak khawatir dulu

PGAS – stoch up macd buy, MFI sw, BD FF acc, w%up, belum breakout resistance, hold, kalo breakout neckline nambah

MAPI – saham hajatan, baru kemaren sell signal MACD sekarang ngebalik lagi, masalahnya udah naik tinggi, udah wave 5 dan udah ketemu bearish divergence, ga ok buat new entry, kalo yang udah pegang berani hold sambil pasang trailing stop

DOID – coal emang pada gerak, stoch up, macd up, alligator buy, MFI sw, W% uptrend, mau breakout patternd double bottom, yang belum punya coal boleh beli ini… Saya pegang HRUM

ITMG – kalo masuk sekarang nanggung, belum pasti breakout resistance, kalo entry dari kemaren pas buy signal MACD ok hold, entry baru mending nunggu konfirmasi breakout resistance 38.675

IGAR skip

Daily Analysis 20230302

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 02nd 2023

Good morning,

S&P 500 and Nasdaq close lower to begin March as the 10-year Treasury yield touches 4%

The S&P 500
fell Wednesday, the first day of March, as traders struggled to recover their footing following a losing month and bond yields continued their climb.

Dow…..32662 +5.1 +0.02%
Nasdaq11379 -76.1 -0.66%
S&P 500.3951 -18.8 -0.47%

FTSE…….7915 +38.7 +0.49%
Dax……..15365 -60.1 -0.39%
CAC……..7234 -33.7 -0.46%

Nikkei…..27517 +70.8. +0.26%
HSI…….20620 +833 .8 +4.21%‼️
Shanghai.3312 +32.7 +1.00%

IDX…..6844.94 +1.70 +0.02%
LQ45….945.82 +2.85 +0.30 %
IDX30…492.30 +1.80 +0.37%

IDXEnergy…2093.55 -7.66 -0.36%
IDX BscMat 1239.30 -3.91 -0.31%
IDX Indstrl..1194.42 -4.39 -0.37%
IDXNONCYC..737.00 -5.12 -0.69%
IDX Hlthcare1556.52 -8.56 -0.55%
IDXCYCLIC…845.58 +0.29 +0.03%
IDX Techno.5417.12 +31.26 +0.58%
IDX Transp..1903.18 -32.84 -1.70%
IDX Infrast….841.76 -2.76 -0.33%
IDX Finance1409.55 +8.30 +0.59%
IDX Banking1134.15 +8.27 +0.73%
IDX Property….694 -4.80 -0.69%

Indo10Yr.6.8724 +0.0017 +0.02%
ICBI….349.9674 +0.1506 +0.04%
US5Yr 4.2576 +0.0900 +2.15%
US10Yr3.9940 +0.0800 +2.05%
US30Yr.3.9550+0.0250 +0.64%
VIX……. 20.58 -0.12 -0.58%

USDIndx104.3630 -0.5810 -0.55%‼️
Como Indx.272.81 +2.97 +1.10%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN….164.54 +3.37 +2.09%

IndoCDS..105.25 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR…..15235.00 -25.50 -0.17%
Jisdor.15250.00 +10.00 +0.07%

Euro……1.0668 +0.0089 +0.84%

TLKM….25.88 +0.12 +0.47%
EIDO……22.80 -0.11 -0.48%
EEM….39.05 +0.82 +2.14%

Oil…….77.69 +0.90 +1.17%
Gold 1845.40 +8.60 +0.47%
Timah 24963 +515 +2.02%
(Closed 02/28)
Nickel…25131 +208.50 +0.84%
(Closed 03/01)
Silver…….21.10 +0.03 +0.14%
Copper..416.00 +8.65 +2.12%

Nturl Gas.2.811 +0.035 +1.26%

Ammonia 4406.66 -33.00 -0.74%
(Domestic Price)(02/28)

Coal price.193.50 +0.65 +0.34%
Coal price.196.75 +2.65 +1.37%
Coal price.200.25 +2.50 +1.26%
Coal price.204.15 +3.65 +1.82%

Coal price.143.85 -2.05 -1.41%
Coal price 143.55 -2.05 -1.41%
(Apr/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 145.40 -1.40 -0.95%
Coal price 146.60 -0.60 -0.41%

CPO(May)….4188 +52 +1.26%

Corn……..635.75 +5.50 +0.87%
SoybeanOil..60.83 +0.73 +1.32%
Wheat……710.00 +4.50 +0.64%

Wood pulp…5850.00 -80 -135%
(Closed 03/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

DJI ijo tipis, nasdaq merah, europe varied, asia ijo, Hangseng ijo tebel

Kemaren IHSG ijo tipis, keliatannya market akan mulai naik hari ini, di beberapa bank sudah keliatan buy signal technical. Oil gas naik, coal NCF naik, Rotterdam turun, metal2 naik semua, CPO naik lagi, seems ok semua sih. Kayanya finally MDKA akan nongol buy signal today. ANTM INCO dkk juga layak diliat. AALI LSIP kita tunggu lagi keluar buy signalnya, kemaren baru sell, signal ngebalik

IHSG – stoch down rev, macd still down, 833 sw, mfi w% sw, bd flat, masih FNS, masih sideways keliatannya, tapi major masih wave 3, tinggal tunggu waktu aja

Ga ada yang leading, yang mau start jalan yang menarik, Industrials, Basic Materials, Energy, Property

Stoch Buy Signal: PGAS MLPL IGAR


Alligtor Buy Signal: AKRA ESSA BSDE SMDR

Daily Analysis 20230301

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 01st, 2023

Good morning,

Dow closes more than 200 points lower Tuesday, major averages end February with losses

The major averages fell on Tuesday to round out a tough month for the stock market

Dow…..32657 -232.4 -0.71%
Nasdaq11456 -11.4 -0.10%
S&P 500.3970 -12.1 -0.30%

FTSE…….7876 -58.8 -0.74%
Dax……..15365 -16.3 -0.11%
CAC……..7268 -27.6 -0.38%

Nikkei…..27446 +21.6. +0.08%
HSI………19786 -157.6 -0.79%
Shanghai.3280 +21.6 +0.66%

IDX…..6843.24 -11.5 -0.17%
LQ45….942.97 -5.11 -0.54%
IDX30…490.50 -2.75 -0.56%

IDXEnergy…2101.21 +30.17 +1.46%
IDX BscMat 1243.21 +2.49 +0.20%
*IDX Indstrl.1198.81 +40.13 +3.46%‼️*
IDXNONCYC..742.11 -4.63 -0.62%
IDX Hlthcare1565.08 +6.16 +0.39%
IDXCYCLIC…845.29 -2.67 -0.32%
IDX Techno.5385.85 -11.18 -0.21%
*IDX Transp1936.02 +53.34 +2.83%*
IDX Infrast….844.52 -8.20 -0.96%
IDX Finance1401.26 -5.92 -0.42%
IDX Banking1125.88 -14.52 -1.27%
IDX Property….699 +3.50 +0.51%

*Indo10Yr.6.8724 +0.0167 +0.24%*
*ICBI..349.8168 +0.0284 +0.01%*
*US5Yr 4.1853* +0.0120 +0.29%
*US10Yr3.9226* +0.0040 +0.10%
*US30Yr.3.9180* -0.0010 -0.03%
*VIX……. 20.70 -0.25 -1.19%*

*USDIndx104.9440+0.2710 +0.26%‼️*
Como Indx.269.84 +1.24 +0.46%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN….161.71 +0.56 +0.35%

*IndoCDS..105.25 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(07/11)*

*IDR…..15260.50 -0.50 -0.06%‼️*
*Jisdor.15240.00 -34.00 -0.22%‼️*

*Euro……1.0579 -0.0003 -0.28%*

TLKM….25.76 -0.18 -0.69%
EIDO……22.91 -0.14 -0.61%
EEM……38.23 -0.27 -0.70%

*Oil…….76.79 +1.11 +1.47%*
*Gold 1836.80* +11.80 +0.65%
*Timah 25651 – -%*
*(Closed 02/24)*
*Nickel.24928.50 -469.50 -1.85%*
(Closed 02/28)
Silver…….21.07 +0.28 +1.34%
Copper..407.35 +6.25 +1.56%

*Nturl Gas.2.776 +0.056 +2.06%*

*Ammonia 4440.00 -50.00 -1.11%*
(Domestic Price)(02/27)

Coal price.192.85 -3.65 -1.86%
Coal price.194.10 -2.90 -1.47%
Coal price.197.75 -2.25 -1.13%
Coal price.200.50 -2.20 -1.09%

Coal price.145.90 -2.25 -1.52%
Coal price 145.60 -2.50 -1.69%
(Apr/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 146.80 -1.35 -0.91%
Coal price 147.20 -1.75 -1.17%

*CPO(May)….4136 -92 -2.17%*

*Corn……630.25 -13.25 -2.06%*
SoybeanOil..60.19 -0.15 -0.25%
Wheat……707.00 -3.00 -0.42%

*Wood pulp…5930.00 unch +0%*
(Closed 02/28)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US europe merah, asia kemaren varied, IHSG merah, kayanya masih belum rally dulu hari ini juga

OIl Gas ijo, coal merah lagi, kalo dari chart coal saatnya gerak tapi harga nya udah 2 hari turun, bisa jadi ini kesempatan beli di pullback. Metal naik semua kecuali nickel, perlu dicermati ANTM MDKA. CPO merah lagi, masih bolak balik AALI LSIP, minornya koreksi dulu

IHSG – stoch down, macd down, MFI sw, w% sw, NFS BD dist, masih belum okay, jangan agressive, yang profit dan chartnya meragukan TP dulu aja just to be safe, atau sell setengah botol lah karena major nya masih ok wave 3

Sempet leading dan jalan lagi: Transportation, Consumer Cyclicals, yang emerging: Industrials (shout out to ASII and UNTR), Energy, Basic Materials dan Property



Alligator Buy Signal: TLKM

Supertrend Buy: ASII UNTR

Daily Analysis 20230228

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

February 28th, 2023

Good morning,

Stocks close higher following worst week of 2023, major indexes are on track to end February with declines

Stocks rose Monday as traders tried to recover some ground following the worst week of the year on Wall Street. Investors also looked ahead to another big week in retail earnings.

Dow…..32889 +72.2 +0.22%
Nasdaq11467 +72.04 +0.63%
S&P 500.3982 +12.2 +0.31%

FTSE…….7935 +56.5 +0.72%
Dax……..15381 +171.7 +1.13%
CAC……..7296 +108.3 +1.51%

Nikkei…..27424 -29.5. -0.11%
HSI………19944 -66.5 -0.33%
Shanghai.3258 -9.1 -0.28%

IDX…..6854.78 -1.8 -0.03%
LQ45….948.08 +1.15 +0.12%
IDX30…493.25 +0.92 +0.19%

IDXEnergy…2071.04 -1.47 -0.07%
IDX BscMat 1240.72 +2.34 +0.19%
IDX Indstrl…1158.68 +2.74 +0.24%
IDXNONCYC..746.74 -5.36 -0.71%
IDX Hlthcare1558.92 -34.8 -2.18%
IDXCYCLIC…847.96 -0.67 -0.29%
IDX Techno.5397.17 -52.17 -0.96%
IDX Transp1882.68 -26.62 -1.39%
IDX Infrast….852.72 -12.36 -1.43%
IDX Finance1407.18 +2.27 +0.16%
IDX Banking1140.41 +5.97 +0.53#%
IDX Property….695 +7.00 +1.01%

Indo10Yr.6.8557 +0.0175 +0.26%
ICBI..349.7884 -0.4171 -0.12%
US5Yr 4.1712 -0.0390 -0.92%
US10Yr3.9220 -0.0270 -0.69%
US30Yr.3.9320-0.0060 -0.16%
VIX……. 20.95 -0.72 -3.32%

USDIndx104.6730-0.5410 -0.51%‼️
Como Indx.268.60 +1.45 +0.54%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN….160.61 +2.63 +1.67%

IndoCDS..105.25 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR…..15270.00 +42.50 +0.28%‼️
Jisdor.15274.00 +58.00 +0.38%

Euro……1.0609 +0.0061 +0.58%

TLKM….25.94 -0.21 -0.80%
EIDO……23.05 +0.17 +0.74%
EEM……38.50 +0.20 +0.52%

Oil…….75.68 -0.64 -0.84%
Gold 1824.90 +7.80 +0.43%
Timah 25651 – -%
(Closed 02/24)
Nickel.25398 +974.00 +3.99%‼️
(Closed 02/27)
Silver…….20.79 -0.14 -0.68%
Copper..401.10 +5.80 +1.47%

Nturl Gas.2.720 -0.006 -0.22%

Ammonia 4490.00 – -%
(Domestic Price)(02/23)

Coal price.196.50 -7.75 -3.79%‼️
Coal price.197.00 -6.00 -2.95%
Coal price.200.00 -5.80 -2.82%
Coal price.202.70 -6.35 -3.04%‼️

Coal price.148.15 -8.95 -5.70%‼️
Coal price 148.10 -8.40 -5.37%‼️
(Apr/ Rotterdam)
Coal price148.15 -8.10 -5.18%‼️
Coal price148.95 -7.75 -4.95%‼️

CPO(May)….4228 +25 +0.59%

Corn……..643.50 -5.75. -0.89%
SoybeanOil..60.34 -0.88 -1.44%
Wheat……710.00 -11.75 -1.63%

Wood pulp…5930.00 unch +0%
(Closed 02/27)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo, europe ijo, asia kemaren masih merah, sekarang harusnya nyusul ijo

oil gas coal turun, giliran metal2 naik, cuma silver yang merah. CPO ijo lagi. Kita cermati buy signal MDKA ANTM, dan kayanya AALI LSIP lanjut jalan lagi

IHSG – kemaren udah tutup gap, US ijo semoga hari ini mulai lanjut rally. Stoch 833 udah buy, Masih NFS tipis, BD acc tipis, MFI masih down, mantul di midline LR

Leading sectors kemaren pada melemah, yang emerging Energy Industrials, Property sama Basic Materials