Posts Tagged ‘SRTG’

Daily Analysis 20240723

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 23th, 2024

Good morning,

US tech stocks ripped higher on Monday as investors assessed the political landscape following President Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race and braced for the start of megacap tech earnings.

Dow……40415 +127.9 +0.32%
Nasdaq18008 +280.6 +1.58%
S&P 500.5564 +59.4 +1.08%

FTSE…..8199 +43.1 +0.53%
Dax……18407 +235.1 +1.29%
CAC……7622 +87.50 +1.16%

Nikkei..39599 -464.8 -1.16%
HSI……17635 +218.2 +1.25%
Shanghai.2964 -18.1 -0.61%

IDX….7321.96 +27.48 +0.38%
LQ45..923.25 +3.72 +0.40%
IDX30.462.24 +2.51 +0.55%

IDXEnergy..2492.82 +37.11 +1.51%
IDX BscMat1359.38 -5.05 -0.37%
IDX Indstrl.1031.98 +13.23 +1.30%
IDXNONCYC.717.07 unch +0%
IDX Hlthcare1425.18 -4.38 -0.31%
IDXCYCLIC…748.23 -0.50 -0.07%
IDXTechno3289.00 +23.41 +0.72%
IDX Transp 1371.12 +14.19 +1.05%
IDX Infrast 1601.87 +8.18 +0.51%
IDX Finance1407.61 +7.27 +0.52%
IDX Banking1260.51 +10.10 +0.81%
IDX Property…..644 +5.00 +0.78%

Indo10Yr.7.0084 +0.0204 +0.29%
ICBI…382.6415 -0.3684 -0.10%
US2Yr.4.521 +0.004 +0.09%
US5Yr 4.175 +0.005 +0.12%
US10Yr4.255 +0.012 +0.28%
US30Yr.4.473 +0.022 +0.49%
VIX..14.91 -1.61 -9.75%‼️

USDIndx 104.3140 -0.082 -0.08%
Como Indx….283.09 +2.73 +0.97%
BCOMIN…… 140.87 -2.10 -1.47%

IndoCDS..74.19 -0.00 -0.00%
(5-yr INOCD5) (19/07)

IDR…..16220.00❗️ +29.00 +0.18%
Jisdor.16228.00❗️ +29.00 +0.18%

Euro…1.0891 +0.0009 +0.08%

TLKM…19.37 -0.46 -2.02%
( 3143)
EIDO…..20.34 +0.14 +0.67,%
EEM…..43.11 +0.33 +0.76%

Oil………..79.78 -0.37 -0.46%
Gold…..2444.90 -1.70 -0.07%
Timah..29888.00 -1162.00 -3.74%‼️
(Closed 20/07)
Nickel..16213.00 -61.00 -0.37%
(Closed 20/07)
Silver……29.28 -0.02 -0.07%
Copper.419.20 -4.45. -1.05%

Iron Ore 62% 108.45 -0.28 -0.26%
Nturl Gas. 2.278 +0.154 +7.25%
Ammonia China 2800.00 +16.67 +0.60%
(Domestic Price)(19/07)

Coal price.135.00 -0.10 -0.07%
Coal price.139.40 +0.40 +0.29%
Coal price.139.65 +0.15 +0.11%
Coal price 139.85 +0.25 +0.18%

Coal price.105.00 -0.20 -0.19%
Coal price..107.95 -0.70 -0.64%
Coal price.108.40 -1.50 -1.36%
Coal price 108.60 -1.25 -1.14%

CPO(Oct)..3988 +28 +0.71%

Corn……..415.00 +10.25 +2.53%
SoybeanOil 44.85 +0.88 +2.00%
Wheat…..548.00 +5.25 +0.97%

Wood pulp..5196 unch +0%
(Closed 22/07)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US europe ijo, asia varied, US bond yield naik, masih cari arah ini IHSG, harusnya turun tapi US nya lagi bagus

USD index merah, metal2 juga merah, oil merah gas ijo tebel, coal tipis tipis, CPO ijo, ayo dong ADRO koreksi dulu, mau buy di 2900 an nih, hehehe

IHSG – technical masih bilang down, BD lagi tarik ulur, foreign masuk tipis, masih sideways dulu sepertinya

Wah BMTR belum jadi lari Industrials udah melemah, emang ASII sih yang nge drive nya, dan selalu sesuai index. masih paling aman pegang saham saham yang defensif di Consumer dan yang biasa contrarian

Stochastic Buy Signal banyak, ASII BBNI BMRI GGRM ITMG MEDC PTBA SRTG ADMR DOID MNCN, big accum BMRI ITMG PTBA . Tapi terasa jebakan betmen

MACD Buy Signal: GGRM ADMR.ADMR ada gossip mau masuk LQ45 di 31 Juli

Daily Analysis 20240607

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 07th, 2024

Good morning,

Stock rally takes a breather ahead of key jobs report

US stocks were little changed on Thursday, hovering near record highs, with investors awaiting an update on the labor market amid growing hopes for interest rate cuts.

Dow……38886 +78.8 +0.20%
Nasdaq17173 -14.8 -0.09%
S&P 500.5353 -1.1 -0.02%

FTSE…..8285 +38.4 +0.47%
Dax……18653 +76.7 +0.41%
CAC……8040 +33.6 +0.42%

Nikkei..38704 +213.4 +0.55%
HSI…..18477 +51.8 +0.28%
Shanghai.3049 -16.6 -0.54%

IDX….6974.90 +27.23 +0.39%
LQ45..892.10 +10.40 +1.18%
IDX30.443.97 +5.31 +1.21%

IDXEnergy..2262.35 +1.24 +0.05%
IDX BscMat1349.99 +16.43 +1.23%
IDX Indstrl. 949.81 -12.70 -1.32%
IDXNONCYC.699.59 +3.99 +0.57%
IDX Hlthcare1414.20 +11.32+0.81%
IDXCYCLIC…737.03 +6.10 +0.83%
IDXTechno3320.34 +31.63 +0.96%
IDX Transp 1257.67 +1.66 +0.13%
IDX Infrast 1455.58 -22.88 -1.55%
IDX Finance1370.31 +10.33 +0.76%
IDX Banking1172.15 +20.34 +1.77%
IDX Property…..613 -4.60 -0.75%

Indo10Yr.6.9302 +0.0118 +0.17%
ICBI…380.6282 -0.1967 -0.05%
US2Yr.4.724 +0.020 +0.04%
US5Yr 4.298 +0.040 +0.09%
US10Yr4.298 +0.020 +0.47%
US30Yr.4.435 +0.004 +0.09%
VIX..12.58👍 -0.05 -0.40%

USDIndx 104.1020❗️-0.1960 -0.19%
Como Indx….290.42 +4.71 +1.64%
BCOMIN…..158.79 +2.03 +1.29%

IndoCDS..72.71 +0.47 +0.65%
(5-yr INOCD5) (05/06)

IDR…..16264.00 -23.50 -0.14%
Jisdor.16279.00 -3.00 -0.02%

Euro….1.0892 +0.0021 +0.19%

TLKM…18.73 +0.06 +0.32%
( 3047)
EIDO….20.11 +0.21 +1.03%
EEM…..42.55 +0.21 +0.48%

Oil…….75.63❗️ +1.30 +1.80%
Gold..2394.50 ❗️ +17.80 +0.75%
Timah..32198.00 +877.00 +2.80%
(Closed 06/06)
Nickel..18609.50 +10.50 +0.06%
(Closed 06/06)
Silver….31.46 +1.30 +4.31%
Copper.466.95 +6.35 +1.38%

Iron Ore 62% 107.02 -0.67 -0.62%
Nturl Gas..2.821 +0.061 +2.21%
Ammonia China.2950.00 -16.67 -0.56%
(Domestic Price)(05/06)

Coal price.135.90 -1.65 -1.21%
Coal price.135.90 -1.10 -0.81%
Coal price.136.05 -3.55 -2.54%
Coal price 137.40 -3.00 -2.14%

Coal price.109.85 -2.25 -2.00%
Coal price.111.45 -3.55 -3.10%‼️
Coal price 113.55 -4.25 -3.61%‼️
Coal price 115.05 -3.70 -3.12%‼️

CPO(Agt)..3961 +54.00 +1.38%

Corn…..452.00 +12.75 +2.90%
SoybeanOil 44.35 +1.22 +2.83%
Wheat…..639.50 -7.25 -1.12%

Wood pulp..5810 -10. -0.17%
(Closed 05/06)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

DJI ijo nasdaq merah, europe ijo, asia kebanyakan ijo, us bond yield ijo juga, kayanya tipis tipis hari ini IHSG

USD index down, metal2 up kecuali iron ore, oil gas up, coal lanjut plunge down, CPO up, yang pegang saham coal hati2 pasang stoploss. AALI LSIP semoga lanjut jalan

IHSG – masih jelek technical nya, BD juga ga nahan, FNS lagi agak besar, bisa merah lagi hari ini… Hati-hati, selective buying only, dan pantau ketat

Consumer Cyclicals, Energy, Financials, COnsumer Non-Cyclicals, tapi energy meragukan kalo liat chart oil dan coal. Financials semoga bisa ngangkat index, nahan BREN


MACD Buy Signal: ICBP TOWR TBIG LTLS, Big accum TOWR. Terlihat menarik ini saham infrastructure ya?

Daily Analysis 20240605

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 05th, 2024

Good morning,
Stocks eke out gains as labor market cools, rate-cut bets rise

US stocks flipped between negative and positive territory on Tuesday, finishing narrowly in the green as investors shifted their rate-cut expectations after more weaker-than-expected economic data.

Dow……38711 +140.3 +0.36%
Nasdaq16857 +28.4 +0.17%
S&P 500.5291 +7.9 +0.15%

FTSE…..8232 -30.7 -0.37%
Dax……18406 -202.5 -1.09%
CAC……7938 -60.1 -0.76⁴%

Nikkei..38837 -85.6 -0.01%
HSI…..18444 +41.1 +0.22%
Shanghai.3091+12.7 +0.41%

IDX….7099.31 +63.12 +0.90%
LQ45..895.80 +7.52 +0.85%
IDX30.443.12 +0.50 +0.11%

IDXEnergy..2300.50 -32.43 -1.39%
IDX BscMat1423.13 +6.65 +0.47%
IDX Indstrl. .975.51 -5.55 -0.57%
IDXNONCYC.696.60 +6.06 +0.88%
IDX Hlthcare1391.93 -21.64 +1.58%
IDXCYCLIC…701.30 +4.70 +0.67%
IDXTechno3349.92 -35.42 -1.05%
IDX Transp 1269.05 +4.00 +0.32%
IDX Infrast 1508.97 +15.15 +1.01%
IDX Finance1365.00 +9.55 +0.70%
IDX Banking1160.50 +0.97 +0.08%
IDX Property…..617 +6.30 +1.04%

Indo10Yr.6.8950 -0.0100 -0.14%
ICBI…380.9066 +0.2006 +0.05%
US2Yr.4.773👍 -0.039 -0.81%
US5Yr 4.347👍 -0.063 -1.43%
US10Yr4.326👍 -0.065 -1.48%
US30Yr.4.474👍 -0.066 -1.45%
VIX..13.16 +0.06 +0.38%

USDIndx 104.110❗️ -0.030 -0.03%
Como Indx….286.27 -2.82 -0.98%
BCOMIN…..158.48 -2.43 -1.51%

IndoCDS..72.24 -21.13 -22.63%‼️
(5-yr INOCD5) (03/06)

IDR…..16220.00‼️ -10.50 -0.06%
Jisdor.16220.00‼️ -5.00 -0.03%

Euro….1.0879 -0.0029 -0.27%

TLKM…18.51 +0.38 +2.10%
( 3002)
EIDO….20.12 +0.07 +0.35%
EEM…..41.64 -0.61 -1.43%

Oil…….72.83‼️ -1.25 -1.69%
Gold..2347.10 -23.90 -1.01%
Timah..31932.00 -418.00 -1.29%
(Closed 04/05)
Nickel..18888.50 -633.50 -3.26%‼️
(Closed 04/05)
Silver….29.69 -1.18 -3.82%
Copper.454.50 -13.85 -2.95%

Iron Ore 62% 110.10 -7.42 -6.31%‼️
Nturl Gas..2.620 -0.138 -5.03%‼️
Ammonia China.2950.00 -150.00 -4.84%‼️
(Domestic Price)(03/06)

Coal price.137.95 -.2.25 -1.60%
Coal price.139.80 -4.65 -3.20%‼️
Coal price.141.95 -4.55 -3.11%‼️
Coal price 142.70. -5.30 -3.58%‼️

Coal price.116.90 -2.10 -1.76%
Coal price.120.15 -3.20 -2.59%
Coal price 122.00 -3.55 -2.83%
Coal price 124.55 -1.55 -1.23%

CPO(Agt)..4079 -159.00 -389%

Corn…….442.50 -1.00 -0.23%
SoybeanOil 43.62 -0.52 -1.18%
Wheat….658.25 -14.50 -2.16%

Wood pulp..5862 -18 -0.31%
(Closed 04/06)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo, europe merah, asia mostly ijo, US bond yield merah, harusnya ijo lagi IHSG hari ini

US index merah, tapi metal2 juga merah, oil gas coal merah juga, CPO juga merah, agak aneh ini… Tapi biar lah, mungkin giliran basic materials sama energy dan CPO bukan sekarang, ASII TLKM dan Bank bank dulu kayanya

IHSG – Stoch 833 udah buy, 1066 masih belum, MACD masih down, MFI sw, w% sw, BD belum banyak gerak, FNB tapi tipis, mantul dari LR juga, harapan bagus buat mulai gerak naik

Consumer Non-Cyclicals, Energy, FInancials,Consumer Cyclicals, Industrials


MACD Buy Signal: BMRI MAPI SMGR SRtG ADHI AUTO CTRA ERAA IMAS MyoR PTPP SSIA AALI. Big accum: BMRI MAPI AUTO. SMGR yang ditunggu kemaren naik tinggi, kita assess apakah bisa dikejar dan di level mana entry nya

Daily Analysis 20240328

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 28th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow surges more than 450 points, S&P 500 closes at a fresh record

The S&P 500
rose Wednesday, closing at a record as the index heads for its best first quarter since 2019.

Dow……39760 +477.8 +1.22%
Nasdaq16400 +83.8 +0.51%
S&P 500.5248 +44.9 +0.86%

FTSE…..7932 +1.02 +0.01%
Dax……18477 +92.7 +0.50%
CAC……8205 +20.1 +0.25%

Nikkei..40762 +364.7 +0.90%
HSI……16393 -225.5 -1.36%
Shanghai.2993-38.3 -1.26%

IDX…..7325.13 -40.54 -0.55%
LQ45….990.37 -7.43 -0.74%
IDX30…503.32 -4.14 -0.82%

IDXEnergy..2137.76 -2.59 -0.12%
IDX BscMat1289.45 -9.08 -0.70%
IDX Indstrl…1102.29 -1.59 -0.14%
IDXNONCYC.719.39 -1.87 -0.26%
IDX Hlthcare1354.31 -12.77 -0.93%
IDXCYCLIC…826.90 -4.24 -0.51%
IDXTechno3549.98 -34.69 -0.97%
IDX Transp 1512.95 -38.50 -2.48%
IDX Infrast 1566.69 -9.21 -0.58%
IDX Finance.1532.87 +1.14 +0.07%
IDX Banking.1405.48 -2.98. -0.21%
IDX Property.. 670 -4.70 -0.70%

ICBI…378.8459 ❗️-0.2104 -0.06%
US2Yr.4.568 -0.025 -0.54%
US5Yr 4.183 -0.040 -0.95%
US10Yr4.188 -0.046 -1.09%
US30Yr.4.349, -0.051 -1.16%
VIX………12.78 -0.46 -3.47%👍

USDIndx 104.3480 ❗️ +0.058 +0.06%
Como Indx..286.76 -1.05 -0.37%
BCOMIN…..138.56 -0.33 -0.24%

IndoCDS..72.26 +0.03 +0.04%
(5-yr INOCD5) (26/03)

IDR…..15858.00‼️+65.50 +0.41%
Jisdor.15853.00‼️ +56.00 +0.35%

Euro….1.0812 -0.0020 -0.18%

TLKM…22.27 -0.51 -2.22%‼️
EIDO……22.67 -0.11 -0.46%
EEM……40.93 +0.08 +0.18%

Oil…….81.68 +0.06 +0.07%
Gold..2212.70+11.10. +0.50%
Timah..27446.00 -134.00 -0.49%
(Closed 26/03)
Nickel..16643.50 -48.50 -0.29%
(Closed 27/03)
Silver…..24.75 +0.16 +0.65%
Copper.400.75 +0.75 +0.19%

Iron Ore 62% 110.28 -0.39 -0.35%
Nturl Gas..1.715 -0.069 -3.87%
Ammonia China.3433.33 – -%
(Domestic Price)(27/03/24)

Coal price.129.00 +0.10 +0.08%
Coal price 131.1;0 +2.60 +2.02%
Coal price.132.10 +2.95 +2.28%
Coal price.133.35 +2.80 +2.14%

Coal price..113.60 +0.35 +0.62%
Coal price.120.45 +6.15 +5.38%‼️
Coal price.118.95 +6.10 +5.41%‼️
Coal price.118.30 +6.35 +5.77%‼️

CPO(Jun)..4135 -102.00 -2.41%

Corn….426.75 -5.75 -1.33%
SoybeanOil 47.67 -0.75 -1.55%
Wheat…547.50 +4.00 +0.74%

Wood pulp..5650.00 +50.00 +0.89%
(Closed 27/03)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US loncat, SP500 new record high, europe ijo, asia kemaren mostly masih merah, hari ini harusnya ijo juga. US bind yield turun, VIX turun, bagus buat saham

USD index up, gold masih up juga tapi along with Silver Copper, metal lain down. gas down oil coal up, kita pantau re-entry ADRO. CPO drop, bisa jadi harus exit dulu ini AALI LSIP

IHSG – stoch down macd down MFI sw, w% downtrend, BD flat FNS, masih jadwal koreksi, masih selective buying

Terlihat banyak yang jalan, leading Consumer Non-Cyclicals, Healthcare, Energy, nyusul technology, Property, Consumer Cyclicals terus Financials, Kalo bener Financials jalan, bisa break ABC correction nya

Stochastic Buy Signal: BBNI SRTG


Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum: JSMR