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NBA STANDINGS TODAY as of April 8, 2023 | GAME RESULTS | NBA SCHEDULE April 9, 2023

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NBA STANDINGS TODAY as of April 3, 2023 | GAME RESULTS | NBA SCHEDULE April 5, 2023

Written by admin. Posted in Blog

NBA Schedule today, NBA, schedule, game, standings, team standings, team standing NBA, schedule NBA update, nba schedule 2023, nba standing latest update, lakers schedule, nba regular season. gsw schedule, golden state warriors schedule, nba standings today, lakers, NBA team standing 2023 update, nba update standing, standing today, nba standing 2022-2023, nba standing 2022-23, standing nba today, nba result 2022, western conference standing, eastern conference standing, march 2023, big game today, NBA schedule 2023, nba standings today, nba standings 2023, nba standing, nba standing 2023, nba Schedule today, nba 2023, nba 2023 schedule, nba team standings schedule, nba schedule, nba standings today, nba team standings.


Annualized Income Definition, Formula, Example

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Annualized Income Definition, Formula, Example


What Is Annualized Income?

Annualized income is an estimate of the sum of money that an individual or a business generates over a year’s time. Annualized income is calculated with less than one year’s worth of data, so it is only an approximation of total income for the year. Annualized income figures can be helpful for creating budgets and making estimated income tax payments.

Understanding Annualized Income

Annualized income can be calculated by multiplying the earned income figure by the ratio of the number of months in a year divided by the number of months for which income data is available. If, for example, a consultant earned $10,000 in January, $12,000 in February, $9,000 in March and $13,000 in April, the earned income figure for those four months totals $44,000. To annualize the consultant’s income, multiply $44,000 by 12/4 to equal $132,000.

How Estimated Tax Payments Work

Taxpayers pay annual tax liabilities through tax withholdings and by making estimated tax payments each quarter. There are many sources of income that are not subject to tax withholding. Income from self-employment, interest and dividend income and capital gains are not subject to tax withholdings, along with alimony and some other sources of income that may be reported to a taxpayer on Form 1099. To avoid a penalty for tax underpayment, the total tax withholdings and estimated tax payments must equal to the lesser of 90% of the tax owed for the current year or the full tax owed the previous year.

Examples of Annualized Income That Fluctuates

Computing estimated tax payments is difficult if the taxpayer’s income sources fluctuate during the year. Many self-employed people generate income that varies greatly from one month to the next. Assume, for example, that a self-employed salesperson earns $25,000 during the first quarter and $50,000 in the second quarter of the year. The higher income in the second quarter indicates a higher total level of income for the year, and the first quarter’s estimated tax payment is based on a lower level of income. As a result, the salesperson may be assessed an underpayment penalty for the first quarter.

Factoring in the Annualized Income Installment Method

To avoid the underpayment penalties due to fluctuating income, the IRS Form 2210 allows the taxpayer to annualize income for a particular quarter and compute the estimated tax payments based on that amount. Schedule AI of Form 2210 provides a column for each quarterly period, and the taxpayer annualizes the income for that period and computes an estimated tax payment based on that estimate. Using the salesperson example, Form 2210 allows the taxpayer to annualize the $25,000 first quarter income separately from the $50,000 second quarter income.


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What Is an Amortization Schedule? How to Calculate With Formula

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Is an Amortization Schedule? How to Calculate With Formula


What Is an Amortization Schedule?

Amortizing loans feature level payment amounts over the life of the loan, but with varying proportions of interest and principal making up each payment. A traditional mortgage is a prime example of such a loan.

A loan amortization schedule represents the complete table of periodic loan payments, showing the amount of principal and interest that comprise each level payment until the loan is paid off at the end of its term. Early in the schedule, the majority of each payment goes toward interest; later in the schedule, the majority of each payment begins to cover the loan’s remaining principal.

Key Takeaways

  • A loan amortization schedule is a table that shows each periodic loan payment that is owed, typically monthly, for level-payment loans.
  • The schedule breaks down how much of each payment is designated for the interest versus the principal.
  • Loan amortization tables can help a borrower keep track of what they owe and when payment is due, as well as forecast the outstanding balance or interest at any point in the cycle.
  • Loan amortization schedules are often seen when dealing with installment loans that have known payoff dates at the time the loan is taken out.
  • Examples of amortizing loans include mortgages and car loans.

Understanding an Amortization Schedule

If you are taking out a mortgage or auto loan, your lender should provide you with a copy of your loan amortization schedule so you can see at a glance what the loan will cost and how the principal and interest will be broken down over its life.

In a loan amortization schedule, the percentage of each payment that goes toward interest diminishes a bit with each payment and the percentage that goes toward principal increases. Take, for example, a loan amortization schedule for a $165,000, 30-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 4.5% interest rate:

Example 30-year Amortization Schedule.

Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2020

Amortization schedules can be customized based on your loan and your personal circumstances. With more sophisticated amortization calculators, like the templates you can find in Excel you can compare how making accelerated payments can accelerate your amortization. If for example, you are expecting an inheritance, or you get a set yearly bonus, you can use these tools to compare how applying that windfall to your debt can affect your loan’s maturity date and your interest cost over the life of the loan.

In addition to mortgages, car loans and personal loans are also amortizing for a term set in advance, at a fixed interest rate with a set monthly payment. The terms vary depending on the asset. Most conventional home loans are 15- or 30-year terms. Car owners often get an auto loan that will be repaid over five years or less. For personal loans, three years is a common term.

If you are looking to take out a loan, besides using a loan amortization schedule, you can also use an amortization calculator to estimate your total mortgage costs based on your specific loan.

Formulas Used in Amortization Schedules

Borrowers and lenders use amortization schedules for installment loans that have payoff dates that are known at the time the loan is taken out, such as a mortgage or a car loan. There are specific formulas that are used to develop a loan amortization schedule. These formulas may be built into the software you are using, or you may need to set up your amortization schedule from scratch.

If you know the term of a loan and the total periodic payment amount, there is an easy way to calculate a loan amortization schedule without resorting to the use of an online amortization schedule or calculator. The formula to calculate the monthly principal due on an amortized loan is as follows:

Principal Payment = Total Monthly Payment – [Outstanding Loan Balance x (Interest Rate / 12 Months)]

To illustrate, imagine a loan has a 30-year term, a 4.5% interest rate, and a monthly payment of $1,266.71. Starting in month one, multiply the loan balance ($250,000) by the periodic interest rate. The periodic interest rate is one-twelfth of 4.5% (or 0.00375), so the resulting equation is $250,000 x 0.00375 = $937.50. The result is the first month’s interest payment. Subtract that amount from the periodic payment ($1,266.71 – $937.50) to calculate the portion of the loan payment allocated to the principal of the loan’s balance ($329.21).

To calculate the next month’s interest and principal payments, subtract the principal payment made in month one ($329.21) from the loan balance ($250,000) to get the new loan balance ($249,670.79), and then repeat the steps above to calculate which portion of the second payment is allocated to interest and which is allocated to the principal. You can repeat these steps until you have created an amortization schedule for the full life of the loan.

An Easier Way to Calculate an Amortization Schedule

Calculating an amortization schedule is as simple as entering the principal, interest rate, and loan term into a loan amortization calculator. But you can also calculate it by hand if you know the rate on the loan, the principal amount borrowed, and the loan term.

Amortization tables typically include a line for scheduled payments, interest expenses, and principal repayment. If you are creating your own amortization schedule and plan to make any additional principal payments, you will need to add an extra line for this item to account for additional changes to the loan’s outstanding balance.

How to Calculate the Total Monthly Payment

Typically, the total monthly payment is specified by your lender when you take out a loan. However, if you are attempting to estimate or compare monthly payments based on a given set of factors, such as loan amount and interest rate, you may need to calculate the monthly payment as well.

If you need to calculate the total monthly payment for any reason, the formula is as follows:

Total Monthly Payment = Loan Amount [ i (1+i) ^ n / ((1+i) ^ n) – 1) ]


  • i = monthly interest rate. You’ll need to divide your annual interest rate by 12. For example, if your annual interest rate is 6%, your monthly interest rate will be .005 (.06 annual interest rate / 12 months).
  • n = number of payments over the loan’s lifetime. Multiply the number of years in your loan term by 12. For example, a 30-year mortgage loan would have 360 payments (30 years x 12 months).

Using the same example from above, we will calculate the monthly payment on a $250,000 loan with a 30-year term and a 4.5% interest rate. The equation gives us $250,000 [(0.00375 (1.00375) ^ 360) / ((1.00375) ^ 360) – 1) ] = $1,266.71. The result is the total monthly payment due on the loan, including both principal and interest charges.

30-Year vs. 15-Year Amortization Table

If a borrower chooses a shorter amortization period for their mortgage—for example, 15 years—they will save considerably on interest over the life of the loan, and they will own the house sooner. That’s because they’ll make fewer payments for which interest will be amortized. Additionally, interest rates on shorter-term loans are often at a discount compared to longer-term loans.

There is a tradeoff, however. A shorter amortization window increases the monthly payment due on the loan. Short amortization mortgages are good options for borrowers who can handle higher monthly payments without hardship; they still involve making 180 sequential payments (15 years x 12 months).

It’s important to consider whether or not you can maintain that level of payment based on your current income and budget.

Using an amortization calculator can help you compare loan payments against potential interest savings for a shorter amortization to decide which option suits you best. Here’s what a $500,000 loan with a 6% interest rate would look like, with a hypothetical 30-year and 15-year schedule to compare:

30-Year Amortization Schedule
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 360
Total Payment $2,998 $2,998 $2,998 $2,998
Principal Payment $498 $500 $503 $2,983
Interest Payment $2,500 $2,498 $2,495 $12
Interest to Date $2,500 $4,998 $7,493 $579,191
Outstanding Loan Balance $499,502 $499,002 $498,499 $0.00
15-Year Amortization Schedule
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 180
Total Payment $4,219 $4,219 $4,219 $4,219
Principal Payment $1,719 $1,728 $1,737 $4,198
Interest Payment $2,500 $2,491 $2,483 $21
Interest to Date $2,500 $4,991 $7,474 $259,471
Outstanding Loan Balance $498,281 $496,663 $494,816 $0.00

Refinancing from a 30-year loan to a 15-year mortgage could save you money on interest charges but whether it does or not depends on how much of the original loan’s interest you’ve already paid off.

What Is a 30-Year Amortization Schedule?

An 30-year amortization schedule breaks down how much of a level payment on a loan goes toward either principal or interest over the course of 360 months (e.g., on a 30-year mortgage). Early in the life of the loan, most of the monthly payment goes toward interest, while toward the end it is mostly made up of principal. It can be presented either as a table or in graphical form as a chart.

What Are the Benefits of an Amortizing Loan?

Amortized loans feature a level payment over their lives, which helps individuals budget their cash flows over the long term. Amortized loans are also beneficial in that there is always a principal component in each payment, so that the outstanding balance of the loan is reduced incrementally over time.

What Are the Downsides of an Amortizing Loan?

The main drawback of amortized loans is that relatively little principal is paid off in the early stages of the loan, with most of each payment going toward interest. This means that very little home equity is being built up early on, which is unhelpful if you want to sell a home after just a few years.

The Bottom Line

Understanding the loan amortization schedule on a loan you are considering or a loan you already have can help you see the big picture. By comparing the amortization schedules on multiple options you can decide what loan terms are right for your situation, what the total cost of a loan will be, and whether or not a loan is right for you. If you are trying to pay down debt, comparing the amortization schedules on your existing loans can help you determine where to focus your payments.


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