Posts Tagged ‘Percentage’

What Are Actual Deferral & Actual Contribution Percentage Tests?

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Are Actual Deferral & Actual Contribution Percentage Tests?


What Are the Actual Deferral Percentage (ADP) & Actual Contribution Percentage (ACP) Tests?

The Actual Deferral Percentage (ADP) and Actual Contribution Percentage (ACP) tests are two tests that companies must conduct to ensure that their 401(k) plans don’t unfairly benefit highly-paid employees at the expense of others.

Companies that offer 401(k) plans must conduct the tests in order to retain the qualified status of their plans under IRS rules and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

If the plan fails either test, the employer must take corrective action in the 12-month period following the close of the plan year in which the oversight occurred. Failure to do so can result in the IRS imposing pecuniary penalty fees, plan disqualification, and fiduciary liability on the part of the employer. 

How ADP and ACP Tests Work

The ADP test compares the average salary deferral percentages of highly compensated employees (HCE) to that of non-highly compensated employees (NHCE). An HCE is any employee who owns more than 5% interest in the company at any time during the current or previous plan year or earned more than $130,000 during the 2020 tax year. 

The ADP test takes into account both pre-tax deferrals and after-tax Roth deferrals, but no catch-up contributions, which may be made only by employees age 50 and over. To pass the test, the ADP of the HCE may not exceed the ADP of the NHCE by more than two percentage points. In addition, the combined contributions of all HCEs may not be more than two times the percentage of NHCE contributions.

The ACP test uses a similar method as the ADP test except that it uses matching contributions or employee after-tax contributions.

Correcting an ADP/ACP Test Failure

When employers fail the ADP/ACP tests, they can remedy the failure by refunding excess contributions back to HCEs in the amount necessary to pass the test. However, these refunds will be liable for income tax for the HCE individuals. 

Some companies set buffer zones within their plan documents to steer plans away from potentially failing the ADP/ACP test in the first place. One option is setting a cap on contributions by HCEs. Another option is to place a contribution limit on HCEs at the point where the plan would fail an ADP/ACP test. Setting plan buffer zones may require employers to conduct ADP/ACP test projections, typically in the middle of the plan year, to determine if any restrictions need to be applied. 

Still, some companies use a Safe Harbor 401(k) plan to avoid the ADP/ACP test entirely.

What Is a Safe Harbor Plan? 

Safe Harbor 401(k) plans allow sponsors to bypass ADP/ACP and other non-discrimination testing in exchange for providing eligible matching or nonelective contributions on behalf of their employees.

To qualify for Safe Harbor, a company must provide a basic match, such as a 100% match on the first 3% of deferred compensation and a 50% match on deferrals of 3% to 5%. They may also provide each employee with a nonelective contribution of at least 3% of compensation, regardless of how much the employee contributes or if they contribute at all.


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Annual Percentage Rate (APR): What It Means and How It Works

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): What It Means and How It Works


What Is Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?

Annual percentage rate (APR) refers to the yearly interest generated by a sum that’s charged to borrowers or paid to investors. APR is expressed as a percentage that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan or income earned on an investment. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction but does not take compounding into account. The APR provides consumers with a bottom-line number they can compare among lenders, credit cards, or investment products.

Key Takeaways

  • An annual percentage rate (APR) is the yearly rate charged for a loan or earned by an investment.
  • Financial institutions must disclose a financial instrument’s APR before any agreement is signed.
  • The APR provides a consistent basis for presenting annual interest rate information in order to protect consumers from misleading advertising.
  • An APR may not reflect the actual cost of borrowing because lenders have a fair amount of leeway in calculating it, excluding certain fees.
  • APR shouldn’t be confused with APY (annual percentage yield), a calculation that takes the compounding of interest into account.

APR vs. APY: What’s the Difference?

How the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Works

An annual percentage rate is expressed as an interest rate. It calculates what percentage of the principal you’ll pay each year by taking things such as monthly payments and fees into account. APR is also the annual rate of interest paid on investments without accounting for the compounding of interest within that year.

The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) of 1968 mandates that lenders disclose the APR they charge to borrowers. Credit card companies are allowed to advertise interest rates on a monthly basis, but they must clearly report the APR to customers before they sign an agreement.

Credit card companies can increase your interest rate for new purchases, but not existing balances if they provide you with 45 days’ notice first.

How Is APR Calculated?

APR is calculated by multiplying the periodic interest rate by the number of periods in a year in which it was applied. It does not indicate how many times the rate is actually applied to the balance.

APR = ( ( Fees + Interest Principal n ) × 365 ) × 100 where: Interest = Total interest paid over life of the loan Principal = Loan amount n = Number of days in loan term \begin{aligned} &\text{APR} = \left ( \left ( \frac{ \frac{ \text{Fees} + \text{Interest} }{ \text {Principal} } }{ n } \right ) \times 365 \right ) \times 100 \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{Interest} = \text{Total interest paid over life of the loan} \\ &\text{Principal} = \text{Loan amount} \\ &n = \text{Number of days in loan term} \\ \end{aligned}
APR=((nPrincipalFees+Interest)×365)×100where:Interest=Total interest paid over life of the loanPrincipal=Loan amountn=Number of days in loan term

Types of APRs

Credit card APRs vary based on the type of charge. The credit card issuer may charge one APR for purchases, another for cash advances, and yet another for balance transfers from another card. Issuers also charge high-rate penalty APRs to customers for late payments or violating other terms of the cardholder agreement. There’s also the introductory APR—a low or 0% rate—with which many credit card companies try to entice new customers to sign up for a card.

Bank loans generally come with either fixed or variable APRs. A fixed APR loan has an interest rate that is guaranteed not to change during the life of the loan or credit facility. A variable APR loan has an interest rate that may change at any time.

The APR borrowers are charged also depends on their credit. The rates offered to those with excellent credit are significantly lower than those offered to those with bad credit.

Compound Interest or Simple Interest?

APR does not take into account the compounding of interest within a specific year: It is based only on simple interest.

APR vs. Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

Though an APR only accounts for simple interest, the annual percentage yield (APY) takes compound interest into account. As a result, a loan’s APY is higher than its APR. The higher the interest rate—and to a lesser extent, the smaller the compounding periods—the greater the difference between the APR and APY.

Imagine that a loan’s APR is 12%, and the loan compounds once a month. If an individual borrows $10,000, their interest for one month is 1% of the balance, or $100. That effectively increases the balance to $10,100. The following month, 1% interest is assessed on this amount, and the interest payment is $101, slightly higher than it was the previous month. If you carry that balance for the year, your effective interest rate becomes 12.68%. APY includes these small shifts in interest expenses due to compounding, while APR does not.

Here’s another way to look at it. Say you compare an investment that pays 5% per year with one that pays 5% monthly. For the first month, the APY equals 5%, the same as the APR. But for the second, the APY is 5.12%, reflecting the monthly compounding.

Given that an APR and a different APY can represent the same interest rate on a loan or financial product, lenders often emphasize the more flattering number, which is why the Truth in Savings Act of 1991 mandated both APR and APY disclosure in ads, contracts, and agreements. A bank will advertise a savings account’s APY in a large font and its corresponding APR in a smaller one, given that the former features a superficially larger number. The opposite happens when the bank acts as the lender and tries to convince its borrowers that it’s charging a low rate. A great resource for comparing both APR and APY rates on a mortgage is a mortgage calculator.

APR vs. APY Example

Let’s say that XYZ Corp. offers a credit card that levies interest of 0.06273% daily. Multiply that by 365, and that’s 22.9% per year, which is the advertised APR. Now, if you were to charge a different $1,000 item to your card every day and waited until the day after the due date (when the issuer started levying interest) to start making payments, you’d owe $1,000.6273 for each thing you bought.

To calculate the APY or effective annual interest rate—the more typical term for credit cards—add one (that represents the principal) and take that number to the power of the number of compounding periods in a year; subtract one from the result to get the percentage:

APY = ( 1 + Periodic Rate ) n 1 where: n = Number of compounding periods per year \begin{aligned} &\text{APY} = (1 + \text{Periodic Rate} ) ^ n – 1 \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &n = \text{Number of compounding periods per year} \\ \end{aligned}
APY=(1+Periodic Rate)n1where:n=Number of compounding periods per year

In this case your APY or EAR would be 25.7%:

( ( 1 + . 0006273 ) 365 ) 1 = . 257 \begin{aligned} &( ( 1 + .0006273 ) ^ {365} ) – 1 = .257 \\ \end{aligned}

If you only carry a balance on your credit card for one month’s period, you will be charged the equivalent yearly rate of 22.9%. However, if you carry that balance for the year, your effective interest rate becomes 25.7% as a result of compounding each day.

APR vs. Nominal Interest Rate vs. Daily Periodic Rate

An APR tends to be higher than a loan’s nominal interest rate. That’s because the nominal interest rate doesn’t account for any other expense accrued by the borrower. The nominal rate may be lower on your mortgage if you don’t account for closing costs, insurance, and origination fees. If you end up rolling these into your mortgage, your mortgage balance increases, as does your APR.

The daily periodic rate, on the other hand, is the interest charged on a loan’s balance on a daily basis—the APR divided by 365. Lenders and credit card providers are allowed to represent APR on a monthly basis, though, as long as the full 12-month APR is listed somewhere before the agreement is signed.

Disadvantages of Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The APR isn’t always an accurate reflection of the total cost of borrowing. In fact, it may understate the actual cost of a loan. That’s because the calculations assume long-term repayment schedules. The costs and fees are spread too thin with APR calculations for loans that are repaid faster or have shorter repayment periods. For instance, the average annual impact of mortgage closing costs is much smaller when those costs are assumed to have been spread over 30 years instead of seven to 10 years.

Who Calculates APR?

Lenders have a fair amount of authority to determine how to calculate the APR, including or excluding different fees and charges.

APR also runs into some trouble with adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). Estimates always assume a constant rate of interest, and even though APR takes rate caps into consideration, the final number is still based on fixed rates. Because the interest rate on an ARM will change when the fixed-rate period is over, APR estimates can severely understate the actual borrowing costs if mortgage rates rise in the future.

Mortgage APRs may or may not include other charges, such as appraisals, titles, credit reports, applications, life insurance, attorneys and notaries, and document preparation. There are other fees that are deliberately excluded, including late fees and other one-time fees.

All this may make it difficult to compare similar products because the fees included or excluded differ from institution to institution. In order to accurately compare multiple offers, a potential borrower must determine which of these fees are included and, to be thorough, calculate APR using the nominal interest rate and other cost information.

Why Is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Disclosed?

Consumer protection laws require companies to disclose the APRs associated with their product offerings in order to prevent companies from misleading customers. For instance, if they were not required to disclose the APR, a company might advertise a low monthly interest rate while implying to customers that it was an annual rate. This could mislead a customer into comparing a seemingly low monthly rate against a seemingly high annual one. By requiring all companies to disclose their APRs, customers are presented with an “apples to apples” comparison.

What Is a Good APR?

What counts as a “good” APR will depend on factors such as the competing rates offered in the market, the prime interest rate set by the central bank, and the borrower’s own credit score. When prime rates are low, companies in competitive industries will sometimes offer very low APRs on their credit products, such as the 0% on car loans or lease options. Although these low rates might seem attractive, customers should verify whether these rates last for the full length of the product’s term, or whether they are simply introductory rates that will revert to a higher APR after a certain period has passed. Moreover, low APRs may only be available to customers with especially high credit scores.

How Do You Calculate APR?

The formula for calculating APR is straightforward. It consists of multiplying the periodic interest rate by the number of periods in a year in which the rate is applied. The exact formula is as follows:

APR=((Fees+InterestPrincipaln)×365)×100where:Interest=Total interest paid over life of the loanPrincipal=Loan amountn=Number of days in loan term\begin{aligned} &\text{APR} = \left ( \left ( \frac{ \frac{ \text{Fees} + \text{Interest} }{ \text {Principal} } }{ n } \right ) \times 365 \right ) \times 100 \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{Interest} = \text{Total interest paid over life of the loan} \\ &\text{Principal} = \text{Loan amount} \\ &n = \text{Number of days in loan term} \\ \end{aligned}APR=((nPrincipalFees+Interest)×365)×100where:Interest=Total interest paid over life of the loanPrincipal=Loan amountn=Number of days in loan term

The Bottom Line

The APR is the basic theoretical cost or benefit of money loaned or borrowed. By calculating only the simple interest without periodic compounding, the APR gives borrowers and lenders a snapshot of how much interest they are earning or paying within a certain period of time. If someone is borrowing money, such as by using a credit card or applying for a mortgage, the APR can be misleading because it only presents the base number of what they are paying without taking time into the equation. Conversely, if someone is looking at the APR on a savings account, it doesn’t illustrate the full impact of interest earned over time.

APRs are often a selling point for different financial instruments, such as mortgages or credit cards. When choosing a tool with an APR, be careful to also take into account the APY because it will prove a more accurate number for what you will pay or earn over time. Though the formula for your APR may stay the same, different financial institutions will include different fees in the principal balance. Be aware of what is included in your APR when signing any agreement.


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What Is APY and How Is It Calculated With Examples

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Is APY and How Is It Calculated With Examples


What Is the Annual Percentage Yield (APY)?

The annual percentage yield (APY) is the real rate of return earned on an investment, taking into account the effect of compounding interest. Unlike simple interest, compounding interest is calculated periodically and the amount is immediately added to the balance. With each period going forward, the account balance gets a little bigger, so the interest paid on the balance gets bigger as well.

Key Takeaways

  • APY is the actual rate of return that will be earned in one year if the interest is compounded.
  • Compound interest is added periodically to the total invested, increasing the balance. That means each interest payment will be larger, based on the higher balance.
  • The more often interest is compounded, the higher the APY will be.
  • APY has a similar concept as annual percentage rate (APR), but APR is used for loans.
  • The APY on checking, savings, or certificate of deposit holdings will vary across product and may have a variable or fixed rate.

APR vs. APY: What’s the Difference?

Formula and Calculation of APY

APY standardizes the rate of return. It does this by stating the real percentage of growth that will be earned in compound interest assuming that the money is deposited for one year. The formula for calculating APY is:


  • r = period rate 
  • n = number of compounding periods

What Annual APY Can Tell You

Any investment is ultimately judged by its rate of return, whether it’s a certificate of deposit (CD), a share of stock, or a government bond. The rate of return is simply the percentage of growth in an investment over a specific period of time, usually one year. But rates of return can be difficult to compare across different investments if they have different compounding periods. One may compound daily, while another compounds quarterly or biannually.

Comparing rates of return by simply stating the percentage value of each over one year gives an inaccurate result, as it ignores the effects of compounding interest. It is critical to know how often that compounding occurs, since the more often a deposit compounds, the faster the investment grows. This is due to the fact that every time it compounds the interest earned over that period is added to the principal balance and future interest payments are calculated on that larger principal amount.

Comparing the APY on 2 Investments

Suppose you are considering whether to invest in a one-year zero-coupon bond that pays 6% upon maturity or a high-yield money market account that pays 0.5% per month with monthly compounding.

At first glance, the yields appear equal because 12 months multiplied by 0.5% equals 6%. However, when the effects of compounding are included by calculating the APY, the money market investment actually yields (1 + .005)^12 – 1 = 0.06168 = 6.17%.

Comparing two investments by their simple interest rates doesn’t work as it ignores the effects of compounding interest and how often that compounding occurs.


APY is similar to the annual percentage rate (APR) used for loans. The APR reflects the effective percentage that the borrower will pay over a year in interest and fees for the loan. APY and APR are both standardized measures of interest rates expressed as an annualized percentage rate.

However, APY takes into account compound interest while APR does not. Furthermore, the equation for APY does not incorporate account fees, only compounding periods. That’s an important consideration for an investor, who must consider any fees that will be subtracted from an investment’s overall return.

Example of APY

If you deposited $100 for one year at 5% interest and your deposit was compounded quarterly, at the end of the year you would have $105.09. If you had been paid simple interest, you would have had $105.

The APY would be (1 + .05/4) * 4 – 1 = .05095 = 5.095%.

It pays 5% a year interest compounded quarterly, and that adds up to 5.095%. That’s not too dramatic. However, if you left that $100 for four years and it was being compounded quarterly then the amount your initial deposit would have grown to $121.99. Without compounding it would have been $120.

X = D(1 + r/n)n*y

= $100(1 + .05/4)4*4

= $100(1.21989)

= $121.99


  • X = Final amount
  • D = Initial Deposit
  • r = period rate 
  • n = number of compounding periods per year
  • y = number of years

Special Considerations

Compound Interest

The premise of APY is rooted in the concept of compounding or compound interest. Compound interest is the financial mechanism that allows investment returns to earn returns of their own.

Imagine investing $1,000 at 6% compounded monthly. At the start of your investment, you have $1,000.

After one month, your investment will have earned one month worth of interest at 6%. Your investment will now be worth $1,005 ($1,000 * (1 + .06/12)). At this point, we have not yet seen compounding interest.

After the second month, your investment will have earned a second month of interest at 6%. However, this interest is earned on both your initial investment as well as your $5 interest earned last month. Therefore, your return this month will be greater than last month because your investment basis will be higher. Your investment will now be worth $1,010.03 ($1,005 * (1 + .06/12)). Notice that the interest earned this second month is $5.03, different from the $5.00 from last month.

After the third month, your investment will earn interest on the $1,000, the $5.00 earned from the first month, and the $5.03 earned from the second month. This demonstrates the concept of compound interest: the monthly amount earned will continually increase as long as the APY doesn’t decrease and the investment principal is not reduced.

Banks in the U.S. are required to include the APY when they advertise their interest-bearing accounts. That tells potential customers exactly how much money a deposit will earn if it is deposited for 12 months.

Variable APY vs. Fixed APY

Savings or checking accounts may have either a variable APY or fixed APY. A variable APY is one that fluctuates and changes with macroeconomic conditions, while a fixed APY does not change (or changes much less frequently). One type of APY isn’t necessarily better than the other. While locking into a fixed APY sounds appealing, consider periods when the Federal Reserve is raising rates and APYs increase each month.

Most checking, savings, and money market accounts have variable APYs, though some promotional bank accounts or bank account bonuses may have a higher fixed APY up to a specific level of deposits. For example. a bank may reward 5% APY on the first $500 deposited, then pay 1% APY on all other deposits.

APY and Risk

In general, investors are usually awarded higher yields when they take on greater risk or agree to make sacrifices. The same can be said regarding the APY of checking, saving, and certificate of deposits.

When a consumer holds money in a checking account, the consumer is asking to have their money on demand to pay for expenses. At a given notice, the consumer may need to pull out their debit card, buy groceries, and draw down their checking account. For this reason, checking accounts often have the lowest APY because there is no risk or sacrifice for the consumer.

When a consumer holds money in a savings account, the consumer may not have immediate need. The consumer may need to transfer funds to their checking account before it can be used. Alternatively, you cannot write checks from normal savings accounts. For this reason, savings accounts usually have higher APYs than checking accounts because consumers face greater limits with savings accounts.

Last, when consumers hold a certificate of deposit, the consumer is agreeing to sacrifice liquidity and access to funds in return for a higher APY. The consumer can’t use or spend the money in a CD (or they can after paying a penalty to break the CD). For this reason, the APY on a CD is highest of three as the consumer is being rewarded for sacrificing immediate access to their funds.

What Is APY and How Does It Work?

APY is the annual percent yield that reflects compounding on interest. It reflects the actual interest rate you earn on an investment because it considers the interest you make on your interest.

Consider the example above where the $100 investment yields 5% compounded quarterly. During the first quarter, you earn interest on the $100. However, during the second quarter, you earn interest on the $100 as well as the interest earned in the first quarter.

What Is a Good APY Rate?

APY rates fluctuate often, and a good rate at one time may no longer be a good rate due to shifts in macroeconomic conditions. In general, when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, the APY on savings accounts tends to increase. Therefore, APY rates on savings accounts are usually better when monetary policy is tight or tightening. In addition, there are often low-cost, high-yield savings accounts that consistently deliver competitive APYs.

How Is APY Calculated?

APY standardizes the rate of return. It does this by stating the real percentage of growth that will be earned in compound interest assuming that the money is deposited for one year. The formula for calculating APY is: (1+r/n)n – 1, where r = period rate and n = number of compounding periods.

How Can APY Assist an Investor?

Any investment is ultimately judged by its rate of return, whether it’s a certificate of deposit, a share of stock, or a government bond. APY allows an investor to compare different returns for different investments on an apples-to-apples basis, allowing them to make a more informed decision.

What Is the Difference Between APY and APR?

APY calculates that rate earned in one year if the interest is compounded and is a more accurate representation of the actual rate of return. APR includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction, but it does not take into account the compounding of interest within a specific year. Rather, it is a simple interest rate.

The Bottom Line

APY in banking is the actual rate of return you will earn on your checking or savings account. As opposed to simple interest calculations, APY considers the compounding effect of prior interest earned generating future returns. For this reason, APY will often be higher than simple interest, especially if the account compounds often.


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Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: Methods of Accounting for

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: Methods of Accounting for


What Is an Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?

An allowance for doubtful accounts is a contra account that nets against the total receivables presented on the balance sheet to reflect only the amounts expected to be paid. The allowance for doubtful accounts estimates the percentage of accounts receivable that are expected to be uncollectible. However, the actual payment behavior of customers may differ substantially from the estimate.

Key Takeaways

  • The allowance for doubtful accounts is a contra account that records the percentage of receivables expected to be uncollectible, though companies may specifically trace accounts.
  • The allowance is established in the same accounting period as the original sale, with an offset to bad debt expense.
  • The percentage of sales method and the accounts receivable aging method are the two most common ways to estimate uncollectible accounts.
  • Companies can also use specific identification, historical evidence, and or risk assignment to determine the estimate.
  • The purpose of the allowance is to use the matching principle between revenue and expenses while also reporting the net amount of assets using the conservatism principle.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Understanding the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Regardless of company policies and procedures for credit collections, the risk of the failure to receive payment is always present in a transaction utilizing credit. Thus, a company is required to realize this risk through the establishment of the allowance for doubtful accounts and offsetting bad debt expense. In accordance with the matching principle of accounting, this ensures that expenses related to the sale are recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue is earned. The allowance for doubtful accounts also helps companies more accurately estimate the actual value of their account receivables.

Because the allowance for doubtful accounts is established in the same accounting period as the original sale, an entity does not know for certain which exact receivables will be paid and which will default. Therefore, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) dictate that the allowance must be established in the same accounting period as the sale, but can be based on an anticipated or estimated figure. The allowance can accumulate across accounting periods and may be adjusted based on the balance in the account.

Companies technically don’t need to have an allowance for doubtful account. If it does not issue credit sales, requires collateral, or only uses the highest credit customers, the company may not need to estimate uncollectability.

How to Estimate the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Two primary methods exist for estimating the dollar amount of accounts receivables not expected to be collected.

Percentage of Sales Method

The sales method applies a flat percentage to the total dollar amount of sales for the period. For example, based on previous experience, a company may expect that 3% of net sales are not collectible. If the total net sales for the period is $100,000, the company establishes an allowance for doubtful accounts for $3,000 while simultaneously reporting $3,000 in bad debt expense.

If the following accounting period results in net sales of $80,000, an additional $2,400 is reported in the allowance for doubtful accounts, and $2,400 is recorded in the second period in bad debt expense. The aggregate balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts after these two periods is $5,400.

Accounts Receivable Aging Method

The second method of estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts is the aging method. All outstanding accounts receivable are grouped by age, and specific percentages are applied to each group. The aggregate of all group results is the estimated uncollectible amount.

For example, a company has $70,000 of accounts receivable less than 30 days outstanding and $30,000 of accounts receivable more than 30 days outstanding. Based on previous experience, 1% of accounts receivable less than 30 days old will be uncollectible, and 4% of those accounts receivable at least 30 days old will be uncollectible.

Therefore, the company will report an allowance of $1,900 (($70,000 * 1%) + ($30,000 * 4%)). If the next accounting period results in an estimated allowance of $2,500 based on outstanding accounts receivable, only $600 ($2,500 – $1,900) will be the adjusting entry amount.

Risk Classification Method

Some companies may classify different types of debt or different types of vendors using risk classifications. For example, a start-up customer may be considered a high risk, while an established, long-tenured customer may be a low risk. In this example, the company often assigns a percentage to each classification of debt. Then, it aggregates all receivables in each grouping, calculates each group by the percentage, and records an allowance equal to the aggregate of all products.

Historical Percentage Method

If a company has a history of recording or tracking bad debt, it can use the historical percentage of bad debt if it feels that historical measurement relates to its current debt. For example, a company may know that its 10-year average of bad debt is 2.4%. Therefore, it can assign this fixed percentage to its total accounts receivable balance since more often than not, it will approximately be close to this amount. The company must be aware of outliers or special circumstances that may have unfairly impacted that 2.4% calculation.

Pareto Analysis Method

A Pareto analysis is a risk measurement approach that states that a majority of activity is often concentrated among a small amount of accounts. In many different aspects of business, a rough estimation is that 80% of account receivable balances are made up of a small concentration (i.e. 20%) of vendors. This 80%/20% ratio is used throughout business.

Though the Pareto Analysis can not be used on its own, it can be used to weigh accounts receivable estimates differently. For example, a company may assign a heavier weight to the clients that make up a larger balance of accounts receivable due to conservatism.

Specific Identification Method

Assume a company has 100 clients and believes there are 11 accounts that may go uncollected. Instead of applying percentages or weights, it may simply aggregate the account balance for all 11 customers and use that figure as the allowance amount. Companies often have a specific method of identifying the companies that it wants to include and the companies it wants to exclude.

Management may disclose its method of estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts in its notes to the financial statements.

How to Account for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Establishing the Allowance

The first step in accounting for the allowance for doubtful accounts is to establish the allowance. This is done by using one of the estimation methods above to predict what proportion of accounts receivable will go uncollected. For this example, let’s say a company predicts it will incur $500,000 of uncollected accounts receivable.

To create the allowance, the company must debit a loss. Most often, companies use an account called ‘Bad Debt Expense’. Then, the company establishes the allowance by crediting an allowance account often called ‘Allowance for Doubtful Accounts’. Though this allowance for doubtful accounts is presented on the balance sheet with other assets, it is a contra asset that reduces the balance of total assets.

  • DR Bad Debt Expense $500,000
  • CR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $500,000

Adjusting the Allowance

Let’s say six months passes. The company now has a better idea of which account receivables will be collected and which will be lost. For example, say the company now thinks that a total of $600,000 of receivables will be lost. This means its allowance of $500,000 is $100,000 short. The company must record an additional expense for this amount to also increase the allowance’s credit balance.

  • DR Bad Debt Expense $100,000
  • CR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $100,000

Note that if a company believes it may recover a portion of a balance, it can write off a portion of the account.

Writing Off Account

Now, let’s say a specific customer that owes a company $50,000 officially files for bankruptcy. This client’s account had previously been included in the estimate for the allowance. Because the company has a very low priority claim without collateral to the debt, the company decides it is unlikely it will every receive any of this $50,000. To properly reflect this change, the company must reduce its accounts receivable balance by this amount. On the other hand, once the receivable is removed from the books, there is no need to record an associated allowance for this account.

  • DR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $50,000
  • CR Accounts Receivable $50,000

Note that the debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts reduces the balance in this account because contra assets have a natural credit balance. Also, note that when writing off the specific account, no income statement accounts are used. This is because the expense was already taken when creating or adjusting the allowance.

Recovering an Account

By miracle, it turns out the company ended up being rewarded a portion of their outstanding receivable balance they’d written off as part of the bankruptcy proceedings. Of the $50,000 balance that was written off, the company is notified that they will receive $35,000.

The company can recover the account by reversing the entry above to reinstate the accounts receivable balance and the corresponding allowance for doubtful account balance. Then, the company will record a debit to cash and credit to accounts receivable when the payment is collected. You’ll notice that because of this, the allowance for doubtful accounts increases. A company can further adjust the balance by following the entry under the “Adjusting the Allowance” section above.

  • DR Accounts Receivable $35,000
  • CR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $35,000
  • DR Cash $35,000
  • CR Accounts Receivable $35,000

How Do You Record the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?

You record the allowance for doubtful accounts by debiting the Bad Debt Expense account and crediting the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts account. You’ll notice the allowance account has a natural credit balance and will increase when credited.

Is Allowance for Doubtful Accounts a Credit or Debit?

The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts account is a contra asset. Contra assets are still recorded along with other assets, though their natural balance is opposite of assets. While assets have natural debit balances and increase with a debit, contra assets have natural credit balance and increase with a credit.

Are Allowance for Doubtful Accounts a Current Asset?

Yes, allowance accounts that offset gross receivables are reported under the current asset section of the balance sheet. This type of account is a contra asset that reduces the amount of the gross accounts receivable account.

Why Do Accountants Use Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?

Accounts use this method of estimating the allowance to adhere to the matching principle. The matching principle states that revenue and expenses must be recorded in the same period in which they occur. Therefore, the allowance is created mainly so the expense can be recorded in the same period revenue is earned.

The Bottom Line

The allowance for doubtful accounts is a general ledger account that is used to estimate the amount of accounts receivable that will not be collected. A company uses this account to record how many accounts receivable it thinks will be lost. The balance may be estimated using several different methods, and management should periodically evaluate the balance of the allowance account to ensure the appropriate bad debt expense and net accounts receivables are being recorded.


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