Posts Tagged ‘MDKA’

Daily Analyis 20230704

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 04th, 2023

Good morning,

Stocks eke out small gain to start second half of 2023, Tesla rises 6%

Stocks rose slightly Monday in a shortened session that kicked off the second half of what’s already been a stellar year on Wall Street.

Dow……34418 +10.9 +0.03%
Nasdaq13817 +28.9 +0.21%
S&P 500.4456 +5.2 +0.12%

FTSE…..7527 -4.3 -0.06%
Dax……16081 -66.9 -0.41%
CAC……7387 -13.4 -0.18%

Nikkei…..33753 +564.3 +1.70%
HSI………19307 +390.2 +2.06%
Shanghai.3244 +41.9 +1.31%

IDX…..6696.72 +34.84 +0.52%
LQ45….952.57 +6.88 +0.73%
IDX30…495.03 +377 +0.77%

IDXEnergy…1765.88 +27.91 +1.61%
IDX BscMat..995.97 +2.96 +0.30%
IDX Indstrl…1166.72 +4.65 +0.40%
IDXNONCYC.747.42 +5.01 +0.67%
IDX Hlthcare1473.66 -7.96 -0.54%
IDXCYCLIC….877.76 +1.54 +0.18%
IDX Techno.4745.25 -35.07 -0.73%
IDX Transp..1906.75 +6.06 +0.32%
IDX Infrast… .851.07 +0.58 +0.07%
IDX Finance.1417.79+0.09 +0.01%
IDX Banking.1193.02+5.08 +0.43%
IDX Property..727 +0.40 +0.06%

*Indo10Yr.6.3272 -0.0177-0.28%*
*ICBI..367.7378 +0.2839+0.08%*
*US2Yr.4.9400* +0.0360 +0.73%
*US5Yr 4.1910* +0.0340 +0.82%
*US10Yr3.8530* +0.0120 +0.31%
*US30Yr.3.8610* -0.0030 -0.08%
*VIX…….13.57 -0.02 -0.15%*

*USDIndx102.9880* +0.0760 +0.07%
Como Indx…260.90 -1.10 -0.42%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……141.67 +0.32 +0.22%

*IndoCDS.88.14 -0.99 -1.11%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(30/06)*
*IDR…..15030.00‼️ -35.50 -0.24%*
*Jisdor.15034.00‼️ +34.00 +0.23%*

*Euro……1.0914* +0.0005 +0.05%

TLKM…26.42 -0.25 -0.94%
EIDO….23.12 +0.07 +0.30%
EEM….40.00 +0.44 +1.11%

Oil…….70.15 -0.49 -0.69%
Gold…1928.90 -0.50 -0.03%
*Timah..26787.00 – -%*
*(Closed 30/06)*
Nickel..20433.50 +210.00 +1.03%
(Closed 03/07)
Silver….. 23.11 +0.09 +0.39%
Copper..379.30 +3.35 +0.89%

*Iron Ore 62% 112.57* -0.05 -0.04%
*Nturl Gas.2.697 -0.077 -2.78%*

Coal price.148.05 -1.65 -1.10%
Coal price.154.45 -1.85 +1.18%
Coal price.157.30 -0.50 -0.32%
Coal price.157.50 -1.75 -1.10%

*Coal price121.45 -3.20 -2.57%*
*Coal price.119.05 -3.00 -2.46%*
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price.117.95 -2.95 -2.44%*
*Coal price.117.20 -2.70 -2.25%*

*CPO(Sept)..3985 +202 +5.34%‼️*

Corn…..493.50 -1.25 -0.25%
SoybeanOil 60.19 +1.22 +2.07%
Wheat…641.75 -9.25 -1.42%

*Wood pulp..4210.00* unch +0.23%
(Closed 03/07)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US masih ijo, europe merah, Asia ijo tebel nyusul US jum’at. Menjelang 4th of July kayanya market akan rada sepi karena US nanti malem tutup

USD index naik tipis, gold turun tipis, silver copper ijo, nikel rebound dikit, iron ore merah tipis, oil gas coal merah, pullback dikit lah energy

Kalo hari ini gold closing ijo, MACD nya Buy, bisa berharap ANTM dan MDKA lanjut jalan

IHSG – MACD ga jadi sell, 833 buy, stoch rev up, MFI sw, w% up, udah 3 hari FNB, good sign. biking swing high, closing diatas ma 10, dan cross up midline LR, semoga lanjut

Financials jalan, Infobank15 kemaren MACD udah buy. Basic materials masih jalan tapi rada slow down




HRUM Big Acc

Alligator Buy Signal: BBKP BTPS. BBKP Big acc

Daily Analysis 20230627

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 27th, 2023

Good morning,

Nasdaq sheds 1% on Monday as investors dump tech names to start final week of June

The Nasdaq Composite slumped on Monday as investors sold shares of technology companies that have outperformed this year and the final trading week of the first half commenced.

Dow……33715 -12.7 -0.04%
Nasdaq13336 -156.7 -1.16%
S&P 500.4329 -19.5 -0.45%

FTSE…..7454 -8.3 -0.11%
Dax……15813 -16.9 -0.11%
CAC……7184 +20.9 +0.29%

Nikkei…..32699 -82.7 -0.25%
HSI………18794 -95.8 -0.51%
Shanghai.3151 -47.3 -1.48%

IDX…..6664.67 +24.93 +0.38%
LQ45….946.11 +3.39 +0.36%
IDX30…491.66 +1.81 +0.37%

IDXEnergy…1765.35 -26.30 -1.47%
IDX BscMat..994.08 -3.38 -0.34%
IDX Indstrl…1165.54 -0.46 -0.04%
IDXNONCYC.740.23 -0.61 -0.08%
IDX Hlthcare1481.14 -1.07 -0.07%
IDXCYCLIC….871.35 -4.11 -0.47%
IDX Techno.4814.34 -4.25 -0.09%
IDX Transp..1890.18 -24.24 -1.27%
IDX Infrast… .850.69 +2.81 +0.33%
IDX Finance.1401.76 +8.57 +0.61%
IDX Banking.1175.86 +8.90 +0.76%
IDX Property..726 -1.10 -0.16%

*Indo10Yr.6.3613-0.0038 -0.06%*
*ICBI..366.7261 +0.1546 +0.04%*
*US2Yr.4.7390* -0.0110 -0.23%
*US5Yr 3.9700* -0.0240 -0.60%
*US10Yr3.7190* -0.0180 -0.48%
*US30Yr.3.8080*-0.0060 -0.16%
*VIX…….14.25 +0.81 +6.03%‼️*

*USDIndx102.6920* -0.2110 -0.20%
Como Indx…263.40 +0.44 +0.17%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……141.04 -2.24 -1.56%

*IndoCDS.87.65 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(23/06)*

*IDR…..15021.50‼️ +23.00 +0.15%*
*Jisdor.15026.00‼️ +28.00 +0.18%*

*Euro……1.0909* +0.0008 +0.07%

TLKM…26.41 +0.10 +0.38%
EIDO….23.09 +0.17 +0.74%
EEM…..39.30 +0.13 +0.33%

Oil…….69.52 +0.36 +0.52%
Gold…1933.40 +3.80 +0.20%
*Timah..26476.00 – -%*
*(Closed 23/06)*
*Nickel..20408.50 -992.00 -4.64%‼️*
(Closed 26/06)
Silver….. 23.03 +0.48 +2.13%
Copper..380.40 -1.15 -0.30%

*Iron Ore 62% 112.65* – -%
Nturl Gas.2.872 +0.0290 +1.02%

Coal price.125.50 unch +0%
Coal price.139.50 +0.35 +0.25%
Coal price.142.75 +1.90 +1.35%
Coal price.144.20 +1.20 +0.84%

Coal price111.60 +0.40 +0.35%
Coal price.116.20 +1.20 +1.04%
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.113.65 +1.30 +1.16%
Coal price.112.35 +0.80 +0.72%

*CPO(Sept)..3716 +92 +2.54%*

Corn……588.25 +0.25 +0.04%
*SoybeanOil 56.18+1.22 +2.22%*
Wheat…738.25 -8.25 -1.11%

*Wood pulp..4270.00* -10 -0.23%
(Closed 25/06)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Semua index regional lanjut merah kecuali IHSG sama CAC. Most likely hari ini merah lagi. Nasdaq turun dalem, investor tech dump saham yang ga perform bagus di semester 1

USD index merah, seperti biasanya consequently Gold Silver ijo. Copper merah, oil gas coal ijo, CPO ijo, nickel yang drop gede

IHSG – akhirnya FNB, technically masih mengkhawatirkan tapi jadi harapan kuat akan segera rebound kalo asing udah mulai masuk lagi. Stoch down macd almost sell MFI sw,w% sw, abis bikin double bottom mulai mantul terus koreksi lagi bikin higher low, semoga sudah waktunya lanjut keatas

Basic Materials


Infra versi telco jalan bareng2…


Alligator Buy Signal: MTMH

Daily Analysis 20230623

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 23rd, 2023

Good morning,

S&P 500, Nasdaq rise to end 3-day losing streak as investors snap up tech shares

The Nasdaq Composite
and the S&P 500
rose Thursday, snapping three-day losing streaks as investors resumed buying tech stocks.

Dow……33947 -4.8 -0.01%
Nasdaq13631 +128.4 +0.95%
S&P 500.4381 +16.20 +0.37%

FTSE…..7502 -57.2 -0.76%
Dax……15988 -34.97 -0.22%
CAC……7203 -57.7 -0.79%

Nikkei…..33265 -310.3 -0.92%
HSI………19218 closed +0%
Shanghai.3198 closed +0%

IDX…..6652.26 -50.36 -0.75%
LQ45….944.37 -10.32 -1.08%
IDX30…490.86 -5.64 -1.14%

IDXEnergy…1804.65 -2.03 -0.11%
IDX BscMat..990.32 -6.39 -0.64%
IDX Indstrl…1173.19 -1.12 -0.10%
IDXNONCYC.738.43 -6.66 -0.89%
IDX Hlthcare1482.68 -0.34 -0.02%
IDXCYCLIC….879.77 -0.73 -0.08%
*IDX Techno.4873.40 -103.20 -2.07%*
IDX Transp..1926.52 -6.06 -0.31%
IDX Infrast… .849.82 -9.12 -1.06%
IDX Finance.1404.44 +2.46 +0.18%
IDX Banking.1174.37 -6.72 -0.857%
IDX Property..730 -3.10 -0.42%

*Indo10Yr.6.3706 -0.0049 -0.08%*
*ICBI..366.4807 +0.1126 +0.03%*
*US2Yr.4.7291* +0.071 +1.50%
*US5Yr 4.0440* +0.082 +2.07%
*US10Yr3.7970* +0.070 +1.88%
*US30Yr.3.8700*+0.060 +1.57%
*VIX…….12.91👍 -0.29 -2.20%*

*USDIndx102.3860* +0.3150 +0.31%
Como Indx…265.672 -4.93 -1.82%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……145.82 -0.22 -0.15%

*IndoCDS.86.17 +1.49 +1.76%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(21/06)*

*IDR…..14940.50 -11.50 -0.08%*
*Jisdor.14918.00 -64.00 -0.43%*

*Euro……1.0954* -0.0035 -0.32%

TLKM…26.43 -0.12 -0.45%
EIDO….23.09 -0.09 -0.39%
EEM…..39.75 -0.14 -0.35%

*Oil…….69.48 -3.00 -4.14%‼️*
*Gold…1923.30 -21.60 -1.11%*
*Timah..27311.00 +464.00 +1.73%*
*(Closed 21/06)*
Nickel..21176.50 -155.00 -0.73%
(Closed 22/06)
*Silver….. 22.47 -0.48 -2.09%*
Copper..389.90 -0.55 -0.14%

*Iron Ore 62% 112.85* -0.23 -0.20%
Nturl Gas.2.6150 +0.027 +1.04%

Coal price.125.75 +1.60 +1.29%
*Coal price.141.00 +7.35 +5.50%‼️*
*Coal price.141.50 +4.65 +3.40%‼️*
*Coal price.143.75 +4.10 +2.94%*

Coal price115.15 -1.60 -1.37%
Coal price.116.50 -0.50 -0.43%
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.113.85 +0.10 +0.09%
Coal price.113.15 unch +0%

CPO(Sept)..3569 -47 -1.29%

Corn…..620.75 -8.00 -1.27%
SoybeanOil 53.76 +0.10 +0.19%
Wheat…752.75 +4.50 +0.60%

*Wood pulp..4280.00* unch +0%
(Closed 22/06)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US DJI flat, Nasdaq rebound, europe merah, asia kemaren merah, hari ini harusnya ijo

USD index naik lagi, commodities pada turun lagi, Oil drop, gas coal rebound, gold silver copper merah, timah ijo nikel merah iron ore merah, MDKA harusnya kemaren drop kayanya sekarang drop nya. ADRO kemaren bertahan sekarang harusnya jalan, CPO lanjut merah, AALI LSIP ditunggu beres wave B nya baru kita entry

IHSG – stoch down macd rev down, MFI sw w% down, BD cape nahan, kemaren dilepas juga, masih FNS terus, semoga start hari ini FNB

Financials mulai tanda kehidupan, semoga bukan cuma dipake nahan index tapi beneran jalan

Masih prospek di Energy sama Basic Materials

Stochastic Buy Signal: UNTR RAJA

MACD Buy Signal: APIC

Alligator Buy Signal: BMRI BUKA ESSA

Supertrend Buy Signal kemaren BBTN, yang pagi ini breakout SRTG BTPS ADMR BBKP

Daily Analysis 20230621

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 21st, 2023

Good morning,

Stocks close lower for a second straight day, Dow sheds 200 points as market rally cools

Stocks fell Tuesday, the first trading day of the week, as a rally that drove the market to levels not seen in more than a year took a breather.

Dow……34054 -245.3 -0.72%
Nasdaq13667 -22.3 -0.16%
S&P 500.4339 -20.9 -0.47%

FTSE…..7569 -19.2 -0.25%
Dax……16111 -89.9 -0.55%
CAC……7294 -19.9 -0.27%

Nikkei…..33389 +18.5 +0.06%
HSI………19608 -305.8 -1.54%
Shanghai.3240 -15.4 -0.47%

IDX…..6660.46 -25.60 -0.38%
LQ45….948.81 -1.21 -0.13%
IDX30…493.61 -0.70 -0.14%

IDXEnergy…1797.12 +2.62 +0.15%
IDX BscMat..990.60 -16.50. -1.64%
IDX Indstrl…1168.07 -7.27 -0.62%
IDXNONCYC.738.81 -7.18 -0.96%
IDX Hlthcare1501.75 +2.72 +0.18%
IDXCYCLIC…868.69 -13.39 -1.52%
IDX Techno.4914.43 -64.66 -1.30%
IDX Transp..1911.26 -26.66 -1.38%
IDX Infrast..ẞz. .848.39 -4.66 -0.55%
IDX Finance.1389.73 -2.54 -0.19%
IDX Banking.1171.55 +0.46 +0.04 %
IDX Property..741 +7.40 +1.01%

Indo10Yr.6.383 +0.0308 +0.48%
ICBI..365.9502 -0.3621 -0.10%
US2Yr.4.6900 -0.070 -1.47%
US5Yr 3.9440 -0.042 -1.05%
US10Yr3.7300-0.100 -2.63%
US30Yr.3.8100-0.110 -2.81%
VIX……13.88👍 -0.31 -2.18%

USDIndx102.5400 +0.0180 +0.02%
Como Indx….267.41 -3.49 -1.29%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……146.06 -2.96 -1.99%

IndoCDS.83.21 +0.02 +0.02%
(5-yr INOCD5) (19/06)

IDR…..15004.50‼+10.50 +0.07%
Jisdor.15040.00‼ +46.00 +0.31%

Euro……1.0919 -0.0007 -0.06%

TLKM…26.73 +0.02 +0.07%
EIDO….22.97 -0.24 -1.03%
EEM…..40.08 -0.80 -1.96%

Oil………70.50 -0.79 -1.11%
Gold…1947.70 -16.40 -0.83%
Timah..26900.00 -51.00 -0.19%
(Closed 18/06)
Nickel..21976.00 -533.00 -2.36%
(Closed 20/06)
Silver….. 23.45 -0.81 -3.33%
Copper..389.35 +1.90 +0.49%

Iron Ore 62% 113.02 +0.09 +0.08%
Nturl Gas.2.485 -0.177 -6.65%‼

Coal price.126.55 -1.80 -1.40%
Coal price.134.55 +1.75 +1.31%
Coal price.136.55 +1.35 +1.00%
Coal price.138.45 +0.90 +0.65%

Coal price117.20 +3.15 +2.76%
Coal price.118.00 +4.85 +4.29%‼
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.115.75 +4.30 +3.86%‼
Coal price.114.95 +4.30 +3.89%‼

CPO(Sept)..3727 -31 -0.82%

Corn……597.50 unch +0%
SoybeanOil 57.66 -0.21 -0.36%
Wheat…708.75 +7.25 +1.03%

Wood pulp..4280.00 -20 -0.47%
(Closed 20/06)

©Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Kemaren index merah semua kecuali nikkei. USD index naik sedikit tapi semua komoditas turun lagi kecuali copper sama iron ore. Masih lesu…

IHSG – stoch sell lagi,MACD rev down, MFI sw, w% down, BD masih acc nahan biar ga drop jauh, masih FNS terus, breakdown MA 10 dan 20, rada mengkhawatirkan, yang signal ngebalik exit dulu di DCB ya, harusnya ada DCB kalo digebukin begini

Akhirnya Basic Materials sama Energy ikut loyo, hold cash dulu guys

Stochastic Buy Signal: BRIS MEDC

BMTR dibanting tapi diakum, menarik dicermati

MACD Buy Signal: BBTN MPMX. Group SRTG kayanya mulai gerak goreng sih, sebelumnya MDKA, kemaren AGII, sekarang MPMX


Supertrend Buy Signal: AKRA