Posts Tagged ‘Loans’

Automatic Premium Loan

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Automatic Premium Loan


What Is an Automatic Premium Loan?

An automatic premium loan (APL) is an insurance policy provision that allows the insurer to deduct the amount of an outstanding premium from the value of the policy when the premium is due.

Automatic premium loan provisions are most commonly associated with cash value life insurance policies, such as whole life, and allow a policy to continue to be in force rather than lapsing due to nonpayment of the premium.

Key Takeaways

  • Automatic premium loans allow for the cash value of a permanent life insurance policy to be applied to overdue premium payments.
  • As the name implies, this would be done automatically once premium payments are a certain amount of time overdue.
  • The purpose is to avoid having a policy lapse, which would terminate coverage.
  • The payment is structured as a policy loan, and so will also require interest payments.
  • Automatic premium loans are only viable if the policy’s cash value is equal to or greater than the overdue premium amount.

Understanding Automatic Premium Loans

In order to take an automatic premium loan, you have to have a cash-value life insurance policy, in which every premium you pay adds to the cash value of the policy. Depending on the policy language, life insurance policyholders may be able to take out a loan against the cash value of their policy. This accrued cash value is a value over and above the face value of the policy and can be borrowed against by the policyholder at their discretion.

An automatic premium loan is essentially a loan taken out against the policy and does carry an interest rate. If the policyholder continues to use this method of paying the premium, it is possible that the cash value of the insurance policy will reach zero.

At this point, the policy will lapse because there is nothing left against which to take out a loan. If the policy is canceled with an outstanding loan, the amount of the loan plus any interest is deducted from the cash value of the policy before it is closed.

Note that the policy contract’s language may indicate that no loans may be taken out unless the premium has been paid in full.

Special Considerations

Since the accrued value is technically the property of the policyholder, borrowing against the cash value does not require a credit application, loan collateral, or other good faith requirements typically found in loans. The loan is taken out against the cash value of the policy, and the loan balance is deducted from the policy’s cash value if not repaid. The policyholder will owe interest on the loan, just as with a standard loan.

Automatic premium loan provisions help both the insurer and the policyholder: The insurer can continue to automatically collect periodic premiums rather than sending reminders to the policyholder, and the policyholder is able to maintain coverage even when they forget or are unable to send in a check to cover the policy premium.

The policyholder may still choose to pay the premium by the regularly scheduled due date, but if the premium is not paid within a certain number of days after the grace period, such as 60 days, the outstanding premium amount is deducted from the policy’s cash value. This prevents the policy from lapsing. If the automatic premium loan provision is used, the insurer will inform the policyholder of the transaction.

An automatic premium loan taken out against an insurance policy is still a loan and, as such, does carry an interest rate.

What Kinds of Life Insurance Policies Are Eligible to Include an Automatic Premium Loan Provision?

Automatic premium loans can only be made from permanent policies that have a cash-value component. These include whole life policies and some universal life (UL) policies. Because universal life policies deduct expenses from the cash value, they do not always allow ALP.

What Is the Automatic Premium Loan Provision Designed to Do?

Automatic premium loans are designed to keep life insurance coverage in-force even after the policy owner has not paid the required premiums on time. Perhaps the policy owner is unable to pay due to financial or other difficulties, or simply forgot. Either way, the APL provision allows the death benefit to remain even in such circumstances.

Does an Automatic Premium Loan Decrease the Death Benefit of a Policy?

Potentially. Any outstanding loans along with interest due will be deducted from the death benefit amount if the insured passes away before these are paid back.


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Assumable Mortgage: What It Is, How It Works, Types, Pros & Cons

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Assumable Mortgage: What It Is, How It Works, Types, Pros & Cons


What Is an Assumable Mortgage?

An assumable mortgage is a type of financing arrangement whereby an outstanding mortgage and its terms are transferred from the current owner to a buyer. By assuming the previous owner’s remaining debt, the buyer can avoid obtaining their own mortgage. Different types of loans can qualify as assumable mortgages, though there are some special considerations to keep in mind.

Key Takeaways

  • An assumable mortgage is an arrangement in which an outstanding mortgage and its terms can be transferred from the current owner to a buyer.
  • When interest rates rise, an assumable mortgage is attractive to a buyer who takes on an existing loan with a lower rate.
  • USDA, FHA, and VA loans are assumable when certain criteria are met.
  • The buyer need not be a military member to assume a VA loan.
  • Buyers must still qualify for the mortgage to assume it.

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Understanding Assumable Mortgages

Many homebuyers typically take out a mortgage from a lending institution to finance the purchase of a home or property. The contractual agreement for repaying the loan includes the interest that the borrower must pay, as well as the principal repayments to the lender.

If the homeowner decides to sell their home later, they may be able to transfer their mortgage to the homebuyer. In this case, the original mortgage taken out is assumable.

An assumable mortgage allows a homebuyer to assume the current principal balance, interest rate, repayment period, and any other contractual terms of the seller’s mortgage. Rather than going through the rigorous process of obtaining a home loan from the bank, a buyer can take over an existing mortgage.

There could be a cost-saving advantage if current interest rates are higher than the interest rate on the assumable loan. In a period of rising interest rates, the cost of borrowing also increases. When this happens, borrowers will face high interest rates on any loans approved. Therefore, an assumable mortgage is likely to have a lower interest rate, an attractive feature to buyers. If the assumable mortgage has a locked-in interest rate, it will not be impacted by rising interest rates. A mortgage calculator can be a good resource to budget for the monthly cost of your payment.

An assumable mortgage is attractive to buyers when the existing mortgage rate is lower than current market rates.

What Types of Loans Are Assumable?

Some of the most popular types of mortgages are assumable: Federal Housing Authority (FHA), Veterans Affairs (VA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Buyers who wish to assume a mortgage from a seller must meet specific requirements and receive approval from the agency sponsoring the mortgage.

FHA loans

FHA loans are assumable when both transacting parties meet the requirements for the assumption. For instance, the property must be used by the seller as their primary residence. Buyers must first verify that the FHA loan is assumable and then apply as they would for an individual FHA loan. The seller’s lender will verify that the buyer meets the qualifications, including being creditworthy. If approved, the mortgage will be assumed by the buyer. However, unless the seller is released from the loan, they are still responsible for it.

VA loans

The Department of Veterans Affairs offers mortgages to qualified military members and spouses of military members. However, to assume a VA loan, the buyer need not be a member of the military to qualify. Although, the lender and the regional VA loan office will need to approve the buyer for the loan assumption, and most often, buyers who assume VA loans are military members.

For loans initiated before March 1, 1988, buyers may freely assume the VA loan. In other words, the buyer does not need the approval of the VA or the lender to assume the mortgage.

USDA loans

USDA loans are offered to buyers of rural properties. They require no down payment and often have low interest rates. To assume a USDA loan, the buyer must meet the standard qualifications, such as meeting credit and income requirements, and receive approval from the USDA to transfer title. The buyer may assume the existing rate of interest and loan terms or new rates and terms. Even if the buyer meets all requirements and received approval, the mortgage cannot be assumed if the seller is delinquent on payments.


Conventional loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are generally not assumable, though exceptions may be allowed for adjustable-rate mortgages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Assumable Mortgages

The advantages of acquiring an assumable mortgage in a high-interest rate environment are limited to the amount of existing mortgage balance on the loan or the home equity. For example, if a buyer is purchasing a home for $250,000 and the seller’s assumable mortgage only has a balance of $110,000, the buyer will need to make a down payment of $140,000 to cover the difference. Or the buyer will need a separate mortgage to secure the additional funds.

A disadvantage is when the home’s purchase price exceeds the mortgage balance by a significant amount, requiring the buyer to obtain a new mortgage. Depending on the buyer’s credit profile and current rates, the interest rate may be considerably higher than the assumed loan.

Usually, a buyer will take out a second mortgage on the existing mortgage balance if the seller’s home equity is high. The buyer may have to take out the second loan with a different lender from the seller’s lender, which could pose a problem if both lenders do not cooperate with each other. Also, having two loans increases the risk of default, especially when one has a higher interest rate.

If the seller’s home equity is low, however, the assumable mortgage may be an attractive acquisition for the buyer. If the value of the home is $250,000 and the assumable mortgage balance is $210,000, the buyer need only put up $40,000. If the buyer has this amount in cash, they can pay the seller directly without having to secure another credit line.


  • Buyers may get rates lower than current market rates

  • Buyers may not have to secure new lines of credit

  • Buyers do not have large out-of-pocket costs when the equity is low


  • Buyers may need substantial down payments when the equity is high

  • Lenders may not cooperate when a second mortgage is needed

  • With two mortgages, the risk of default increases

Assumable Mortgage Transfer Approval

The final decision over whether an assumable mortgage can be transferred is not left to the buyer and seller. The lender of the original mortgage must approve the mortgage assumption before the deal can be signed off on by either party. The homebuyer must apply for the assumable loan and meet the lender’s requirements, such as having sufficient assets and being creditworthy.

A seller is still responsible for any debt payments if the mortgage is assumed by a third party unless the lender approves a release request releasing the seller of all liabilities from the loan.

If approved, the title of the property is transferred to the buyer who makes the required monthly repayments to the bank. If the transfer is not approved by the lender, the seller must find another buyer that is willing to assume his mortgage and has good credit.

A mortgage that has been assumed by a third party does not mean that the seller is relieved of the debt payment. The seller may be held liable for any defaults which, in turn, could affect their credit rating. To avoid this, the seller must release their liability in writing at the time of assumption, and the lender must approve the release request releasing the seller of all liabilities from the loan.

Assumable Mortgages FAQs

What does assumable mean?

Assumable refers to when one party takes over the obligation of another. In terms of an assumable mortgage, the buyer assumes the existing mortgage of the seller. When the mortgage is assumed, the seller is often no longer responsible for the debt.

What does not assumable mean?

Not assumable means that the buyer cannot assume the existing mortgage from the seller. Conventional loans are non-assumable. Some mortgages have non-assumable clauses, preventing buyers from assuming mortgages from the seller.

How does an assumable loan work?

To assume a loan, the buyer must qualify with the lender. If the price of the house exceeds the remaining mortgage, the buyer must remit a down payment that is the difference between the sale price and the mortgage. If the difference is substantial, the buyer may need to secure a second mortgage.

How do I know if my mortgage is assumable?

There are certain types of loans that are assumable. For example, USDA, VA, and FHA loans are assumable. Each agency has specific requirements that both parties must fulfill for the loan to be assumed by the buyer. The USDA requires that the house is in a USDA-approved area, the seller must not be delinquent on payments, and the buyer must meet certain income and credit limits. The buyer should first confirm with the seller and the seller’s lender if the loan is assumable.

Is an assumable mortgage good?

When current interest rates are higher than an existing mortgage’s rates, assuming a loan may be the favorable option. Also, there are not as many costs due at closing. On the other side, if the seller has a considerable amount of equity in the home, the buyer will either have to pay a large down payment or secure a second mortgage for the balance not covered by the existing mortgage.

The Bottom Line

An assumable mortgage may be attractive to buyers when current mortgage rates are high and because closing costs are considerably lower than those associated with traditional mortgages. However, if the owner has a lot of equity in the home, the buyer may need to pay a substantial down payment or secure a new loan for the difference in the sale price and the existing mortgage. Also, not all loans are assumable, and if so, the buyer must still qualify with the agency and lender. If the benefits outweigh the risks, an assumable mortgage might be the best option for homeownership.


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What Is Asset-Based Lending? How Loans Work, Example and Types

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Is Asset-Based Lending? How Loans Work, Example and Types


What Is Asset-Based Lending?

Asset-based lending is the business of loaning money in an agreement that is secured by collateral. An asset-based loan or line of credit may be secured by inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or other property owned by the borrower.

The asset-based lending industry serves business, not consumers. It is also known as asset-based financing.

Key Takeaways

  • Asset-based lending involves loaning money using the borrower’s assets as collateral.
  • Liquid collateral is preferred as opposed to illiquid or physical assets such as equipment.
  • Asset-based lending is often used by small to mid-sized businesses in order to cover short-term cash flow demands.

How Asset-Based Lending Works

Many businesses need to take out loans or obtain lines of credit to meet routine cash flow demands. For example, a business might obtain a line of credit to make sure it can cover its payroll expenses even if there’s a brief delay in payments it expects to receive.

If the company seeking the loan cannot show enough cash flow or cash assets to cover a loan, the lender may offer to approve the loan with its physical assets as collateral. For example, a new restaurant might be able to obtain a loan only by using its equipment as collateral.

The terms and conditions of an asset-based loan depend on the type and value of the assets offered as security. Lenders prefer highly liquid collateral such as securities that can readily be converted to cash if the borrower defaults on the payments. Loans using physical assets are considered riskier, so the maximum loan will be considerably less than the book value of the assets. Interest rates charged vary widely, depending on the applicant’s credit history, cash flow, and length of time doing business.

Interest rates on asset-based loans are lower than rates on unsecured loans since the lender can recoup most or all of its losses in the event that the borrower defaults.


For example, say a company seeks a $200,000 loan to expand its operations. If the company pledges the highly liquid marketable securities on its balance sheet as collateral, the lender may grant a loan equalling 85% of the face value of the securities. If the firm’s securities are valued at $200,000, the lender will be willing to loan $170,000. If the company chooses to pledge less liquid assets, such as real estate or equipment, it may only be offered 50% of its required financing, or $100,000.

In both cases, the discount represents the costs of converting the collateral to cash and its potential loss in market value.

Special Considerations

Small and mid-sized companies that are stable and that have physical assets of value are the most common asset-based borrowers.

However, even large corporations may occasionally seek asset-based loans to cover short-term needs. The cost and long lead time of issuing additional shares or bonds in the capital markets may be too high. The cash demand may be extremely time-sensitive, such as in the case of a major acquisition or an unexpected equipment purchase.


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