Posts Tagged ‘KBLI’

Daily Analysis 20240805

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

August 05th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow closes down 600 points, Nasdaq enters correction after weak jobs report

Stocks fell sharply on Friday as a much weaker-than-anticipated jobs report for July ignited worries that the economy could be falling into a recession.

Dow…….39737 -610.7 -1.51%
Nasdaq16776 -417.98 -2.43%
S&P 500.5347 -100.6 -1.84%

FTSE…..8175 -108.7 -1.31%
Dax……17661 -421.8 -2.33%
CAC……7252 -118.7 -1.61%

Nikkei..35910 -2216.7 -5.81%‼️
HSI…..16946 -359.5 -2.08%
Shanghai.2905 -27.1 -0.92%

IDX….7308.12 -17.86 -0.24%
LQ45…919.37 -6.14 -0.66%
IDX30.461.45 +6.69 +1.47%

IDXEnergy..2479.49 +19.86 +0.81%
IDX BscMat1360.74 -10.48 -0.76%
IDX Indstrl.1036.58 +0.01 +0.00%
IDXNONCYC.701.00 -4.02 -0.57%
IDX Hlthcare1441.80 -6.55 -0.45%
IDXCYCLIC…764.18 +4.37 +0.57%
IDXTechno.3272.03 -12.19 -0.37%
IDX Transp 1377.07 -14.51 -1.04%
IDX Infrast 1557.37 -11.09 -0.71%
IDX Finance1412.80 -4.35 -0.31%
IDX Banking1259.19 -4.13 -0.33%
IDX Property…..652 +3.10 +0.48%

Indo10Yr.6.9083❗️ -0.0092 -0.13%
ICBI…385.6435❗️ +0.1951 +0.05%
US2Yr.3.878👍 -0.282 -6.78%‼️
US5Yr 3.615👍 -0.229 -5.96%‼️
US10Yr3.792👍 -0.178 -4.48%‼️
US30Yr.4.109 -0.171 -3.99%‼️
VIX..23.39‼️ +4.80 +25.82%‼️

USDIndx 103.2080👍 -1.213 -1.16%
Como Indx….270.13 -3.46 -1.26%
BCOMIN…..138.20 -0.90 -0.66%

IndoCDS..77.20 +2.50 +3.35%‼️
(5-yr INOCD5) (31/07)

IDR…..16200.00❗️ -37.00 -0.23%
Jisdor.16234.00❗️ -9.00 -0.06%

Euro…1.0789 -0.0037 -0.34%

TLKM…17.55 -0.04 -0.20%*
( 2849)
EIDO….20.30 +0.12 +0.57%
EEM……41.60 -0.61 -1.44%

Oil………..76.79 -3.27 -4.25%‼️
Oil……….76.81 -2.71 -3.41%
Gold…..2469.80 -19.40 -0.78%
Gold……2443.24 -4.76 -0.19%
Timah..30188.00 +234.00 +0.98%
(Closed 01/08)
Nickel..16365.50 +130.50 +0.80%
(Closed 01/08)
Silver….28.39 -0.22 -0.77%
Copper.410.30 +3.60 +0.89%

Iron Ore 62% 104.00 +1.17 +1.14%
Nturl Gas 1.978‼️ -0.064 -3.13%
Ammonia China 2346.67 -196.66 -7.73%‼️
(Domestic Price)(01/08)

Coal price.144.10 +1.55 +1.09%
Coal price.145.75 +1.95 +1.36%
Coal price 146.90 +1.65 +1.14%
Coal price.148.40 +1.75 +1.19%

Coal price.121.35 +1.40 +1.17%
Coal price.122.20 +1.40 +1.16%
Coal price 121.75 +1.30 +1.08%
Coal price.121.10 +1.55 +1.29%

CPO(Oct)..3858 +35 +0.92%

Corn……..403.25 +4.75 +1.19%
SoybeanOil 40.81 -0.64 -1.54%
Wheat…..539.00 +7.009 +1.32%

Wood pulp..5150 unch +0%
(Closed 04/08)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Index Regional merah semua pas closing jum’at, IHSG malah paling moderate. US bond yield drop, kalo hanya liat itu bisa ijo IHSG hari ini, tapi lebih besar kemungkinan merahnya sih, beresin wave 2, sama double top kemaren

USD index drop tapi metal2 jg drop kecuali iron ore, oil drop jauh, gas juga, coal yang bertahan ijo sama CPO. Waktunya PTBA AALI LSIP gerak

IHSG – stochastic nya seolah olah mau lanjut jalan, tapi MACD nya masih says down, price action juga malah hampir triple top, BD lagi sw, FF mulai net buy tapi curiga rebalancing LQ45 dan Kompas100 yang memicunya. Masih very selective buying

Basic Materials



Daily Analysis 20221114

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

November 14th, 2022

Good morning,

Nasdaq adds 1.9%, S&P 500 closes nearly 1% higher and notches best week since June

The S&P 500 closed out its best week since June as a report on Thursday showing slowing inflation raised hopes that the Federal Reserve would soon slow its tightening campaign.

Dow…….33748 +32.5 +0.10%
Nasdaq.11323 +209.2 +1.88%
S&P 500..3993 +36.6 +0.92%

FTSE…….7318 -57.3 -0.78%
Dax……..14225 +78.8 +0.58%
CAC……..6595 +37.8 +0.58%

*Nikkei….28264 +817.5 +2.98%*
*HSI……..17326 +1244.6 +7.74%‼️*
Shanghai..3087 +51.2 +1.68%
ST Times..3228 +55.2 +1.74%

IDX…….7089.21 +123.37 +1.76%
*LQ45….1012.94 +21.29 +2.15%*

IDX Energy..1980.57 +5.14 +0.26%
*IDX Bsc Mat.1318.27 +32.35 +2.52%*
IDX Industrl..1227.54 -7.22 -0.58%
IDXNONCYC..724.78 +0.30 +0.04%
IDX Hlthcare.1481.03 -13.39 -0.90%
IDXCYCLIC…..886.25 +5.40 +0.61%
*IDX Techno.6940.87 +289.14 +4.35%‼️*
IDX Transp…1808.41 -2.21 -0.12%
IDX Infrast……925.11 +8.06 +0.88%
*IDX Finance 1501.22 +33.73 +2.30%*
*IDX Banking.1205.82 +33.08 +2.82%*
IDX Property….698 +6.40 +0.92%

*Indo10Yr….7.4511 -0.0429 -0.57%‼️*
*ICBI……..335.2798 +1.4335 +0.43%👍*
*US10Yr..3.8130 -0.0160 -0.42%*
*VIX……22.52 -1.01 -4.29%👍*

*USDIndx106.2920 -1.6070 -1.49%‼️👍*
Como Indx..285.79 +3.67 +1.30%
(Core Commodity CRB)
*BCOMIN……164.35 +7.19 +4.57%‼️*
*IndoCDS..105.25 -19.45 -15.60%‼️👍*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(07/11)*

*IDR……15495.00 -198.50 -1.26%👍*
*Jisdor..15493.00 -208.00 -1.32%👍*

*Euro……..1.0347 +0.0145 +1.42%👍*

*TLKM……..25.98 -0.84 -3.13%‼️*
EIDO………23.75 -0.02 -0.08%
*EEM……….38.16 +1.01 +2.72%*

*Oil…………88.96 +2.49 +2.88%*
*Gold ……1769.40 +15.70 +0.90%‼️*
*Timah…..21315 +991.00 +4.88%‼️*
*(Closed 11/11)*
*Nickel…27427.00 +1270.00 +4.86%‼️*
*(Closed 11/11)*
Silver………21.67 -0.04 -0.16%
*Copper…..391.35 +15.50 +4.14%‼️*

*Nturl Gas…..5.902 -0.249 -4.05%‼️*

Ammonia..4363.33 unch +0%
(Domestic Price)(10/11)

Coal price….326.80 +2.55 +0.79%
*Coal price….299.50 +10.10 +3.49%‼️*
*Coal price….296.00 +8.15 +2.83%*
Coal price….190.55 -0.15 -0.05%
*Coal price….180.50 -6.90 -3.68%‼️*
(Des/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price….181.30 -7.15 -3.79%‼️*

Coal(ICI 4)…..91.80 unch +0%
Indonesial Coal Index (10/11)

*CPO(Jan)……4290 +96 +2.24%‼️*

Corn………….663.00 +3.50 +0.53%
SoybeanOil…74.54 +0.91 +1.24%
Wheat………835.25 +9.50 +1.15%

Wood pulp…6700.00 unch +0%
(Closed 13/11)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Ijo semua kecuali inggris, HSI rebound nya luar biasa kenceng
Semua komoditas naik kecuali gas. Logam2 an lanjut naik, cuma silver yang koreksi. Basic Materials masih lanjut ini. Coal kita tunggu momentum menjelang santa claus rally

Dari ichimoku, udah mau uptrend, dari lagging line yang udah mau tembus ke atas candle. Lagi mau ngetest breakout cloud, cloud nya juga tipis. supertrend udah bilang up dari 24 oktober, alligatornya lagi mau buy signal. Udah deket ini santa claus rally… Masih FNS udah 3 hari, sih, kita tunggu aja

IHSG – Dari banyak indicator, yang masih meragukan cuma MFI yang masih turun, keliatannya akan start jalan pas MFI nya mulai up

Masih Basic Materials, Finance keliatan mau bangun (harus bangun kalo index mau jalan lagi), Infrastructure, Technology, Energy belum…

Daily Analysis 20221109

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

November 09th, 2022

Good morning,

Stocks rally for a third day ahead of midterm election results, Dow closes 300 points higher

Stocks rose Tuesday as investors awaited the results of the U.S. midterm elections, which could affect future levels of government spending and regulation.

Dow…….33161 +333.8 +1.02%
Nasdaq.10616 +51.7 +0.49%
S&P 500..3828 +21.3 +0.56%

FTSE…….7306 +6.2 +0.08%
Dax……..13689 +155.2 +1.15%
CAC……..6442 +24.9 +0.39%

Nikkei….27872 +344.5 +1.25%
HSI……..16567 -38.6 -0.23%
Shanghai..3065 -13.3 -0.43%
ST Times..3145 +4.5 +0.14%

IDX…….7050.13 -52.27 -0.74%
LQ45…..1005.74 -9.54 -0.94%

IDX Energy..2038.79 -8.00 -0.39%
IDX Bsc Mat.1296.09 -21.30 -1.62%
IDX Industrl..1256.46 +10.41 +0.84%
IDXNONCYC..735.27 +0.02 +0.19%
IDX Hlthcare.1497.97 +8.05 +0.54%
IDXCYCLIC…..886.24 +2.84 +0.32%
IDX Techno..6653.88 +84.80 +1.29%
IDX Transp…1869.09 +1.66 +0.09%
IDX Infrast……922.36 -9.97 -1.07%
IDX Finance 1476.00 -12.31 -0.83%
IDX Banking.1183.44 -12.45 -1.04%
IDX Property….691 -0.00 -0.00%

Indo10Yr….7.5396 -0.0001 -0.001%
ICBI……..332.7094 +0.1542 +0.05%
US10Yr……4.1260 -0.0880 -2.09%
VIX……….25.55 +1.19 +4.89%‼️

USDIndx 109.6070 -0.6100 -0.55%👍
Como Indx..284.05 -2.87 -1.00%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……154.46 +3.03 +2.00%
IndoCDS..124.70👍 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR……15697.50 -10.00 -0.06%‼️
Jisdor..15684.00 -8 -0.05%‼️

Euro……..1.0074 +0.0055 +0.55%👍

TLKM……..26.84 -0.14 -0.52%
EIDO………23.56 -0.16 -0.67%
EEM……….36.48 +0.26 +0.72%

Oil…………88.91 -2.88 -3.14%‼️
Gold ……1716.00 +35.50 +2.11%‼️
Timah…..18872 +67 +0.35%
(Closed 07/11)
Nickel…23878.00 +477.00 +2.03%‼️
(Closed 08/11)
Silver………21.50 +0.58 +2.55%
Copper…..368.25 +7.90 +2.19%

Nturl Gas…..6.199 -0.50 -7.47%‼️

Ammonia..4150.00 +180 +4.33%‼️
(Domestic Price)(07/11)

Coal price….339.00 -5.90 -1.79%
Coal price….323.50 -11.05 -3.30%‼️
Coal price….320.15 -10.95 -3.31%‼️
Coal price….191.50 -9.40 -4.68%‼️
Coal price….185.00 -9.50 -4.88%‼️
(Des/ Rotterdam)
Coal price….185.70 -9.85 -5.04%‼️

Coal(ICI 4)…..91.80 – -%
Indonesial Coal Index (07/11)

CPO(Jan)……4368 -72 -1.62%

Corn………….667.50 -8.25 -1.22%
SoybeanOil…75.03 -1.30 -1.70%
Wheat………827.75 -18.00 -2.13%

Wood pulp…6700.00 -10 -0.15%
(Closed 08/11)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE

Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo, europe ijo, asia pada merah kecuali singapore ijo tipis, nikkei ijo rada tebel. Rebound ah tudei IHSG

Komoditas energy turun semua, metal naik semua, cpo turun lagi. ANTM INCO MDKA cerah ceria ini… Coal harus hati hati banget. CPO sahamnya menarik banget once CPO udah uptrend harganya, udah mulai naik tapi idealnya tunggu higher low terbentuk

Basic Materials, Consumer Cyclicals, Property, Infrastructure, Technology… Gantian, nanti pas Financials lanjut baru index lanjut

IHSG – masih keliatan mau koreksi minor atau jalan sideways… Kalo mau buy hanya di sektor yang leading aja ya, index turun suka keseret semua

Daily Analysis 20221025

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

Global update:

October 25th, 2022

Good morning,

Stocks notch second day of gains Monday, Dow closes more than 400 points higher

The three major indexes closed higher Monday as traders tried to add to sharp gains seen last week and weighed the latest moves in rates.

Dow…….31499 +417.1 +1.34%
Nasdaq.10953 +92.9 +0.86%
S&P 500..3797 +44.6 +1.19%

FTSE…….7014 +44.3 +0.64%
Dax……..12931 +200.6 +1.58%
CAC……..6131 +95.97 +1.59%

Nikkei….26975 +84.3 +0.31%
*HSI……..15181 -1030.4 -6.36%‼️*
*Shanghai..2978 -61.4 -2.02%*
ST Times..2970 -52.8 -1.75%

IDX…….7053.04 +35.27 +0.50%
LQ45…1006.50 +6.14 +0.61%

IDX Energy..2034.23 +17.21 +0.85%
IDX Bsc Mat.1248.79 +1.43 +0.11%
IDX Industrl..1279.30 +16.15 +1.28%
IDXNONCYC..733.03 +0.47 +0.57%
IDX Hlthcare.1491.24 +14.11 +0.96%
IDXCYCLIC…..858.58 +4.95 +0.58%
IDX Techno..6419.58 -54.42 -0.84%
IDX Transp…1779.26 +1.09 +0.06%
IDX Infrast……937.73 -6.41 -0.68%
IDX Finance 1513.23 +22.68 +1.52%
IDX Banking.1200.38 +22.43 +1.90%
IDX Property…….681 -0.70 -0.10%

Indo10Yr….7.5869 +0.0289 +0.38%
ICBI……..330.5100 -0.1980 -0.06%
*US10Yr……4.2340 +0.0210 +0.50%‼️*
*VIX……….29.85 +0.16 +0.54%*

*USDIndx 111.9960 -0.0160 -0.01%👍*
Como Indx..271.82 -0.54 -0.20%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..145.45 -0.39 -0.26%
*IndoCDS 160.86 -4.98 -3.00%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(24/10)*

*IDR……15585.50 -46.00 -0.29%‼️*
*Jisdor..15590.00 -20 -0.13%‼️*

*Euro……..0.9880 +0.0018 +0.18%‼️*

TLKM……..28.25 +0.55 +1.99%
EIDO………23.70 +0.06 +0.25%
*EEM………33.93 -1.34 -3.80%‼️*

Oil…………84.80 -0.25 -0.29%
Gold ……1655.00 -1.30 -0.08%
Timah….18484 – -%
*(Closed 21/10)*
Nickel…22239.50 +54.50 +0.25%
*(Closed 24/10)*
Silver………19.20 +0.60 +3.23%
Copper….343.20 +3.45 +1.02%

*Nturl Gas…..5.745 +0.273 +4.75%*

*Ammonia..4130.00 – -%*
(Domestic Price)(20/10)

Coal price….390.00 unch +0%
Coal price….383.50 -6.45 -1.65%
Coal price….386.05 -3.95 -1.01%
Coal price….269.55 -0.45 -0.17%
*Coal price….246.50 -9.90 -3.86%‼️*
(Nov/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price…..245.40 -10.15 -3.97%‼️*

Coal(ICI 4)…..95.15 – -%
Indonesial Coal Index (21/10)

CPO(Jan)……4100 closed +0%

Corn………….681.50 -2.75 -0.40%
SoybeanOil…71.87 +0.37 +0.52%
Wheat………838.75 -12.00 -1.41%

*Wood pulp…6820.00 unch +0%*
(Closed 24/10)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US europe lanjut ijo, asia varied, HSI yang drop gila gilaan, china dan singapore juga merah, nikkei dan IHSG aman. Semoga hari ini kita ikut US, jangan ikut hangseng

Gold merah tipis, silver ijo, copper ijo, timah unchanged nikel ijo oil merah gas naik rada gede coal spot flat, futur merah. Hati2 yang masih pegang energy, jangan terlalu pede lanjut rally

IHSG – all good, cuma MFI yang flat. Wave 3 biasanya paling panjang, kalo ketemu wave 3 gini ga usah mikirin gorengan, blue chip aja pada lari… Play safe dan jangan telat exit karena fomo naik terus, pasti ketemu koreksi nanti. Kalo mau buy and hold boleh tapi jangan dikit2 diliat, turun dikit galau…

Udah rally 6 days straight, jangan kaget kalo sekali sekali merah, yang penting major tren bullish, tapi tetep keluar masuk sesuai buy signal

Yang kebaca jelas, financials, yang lain agak agak goyang, tapi dari angka sih Basic Materials sama Industrials

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