Posts Tagged ‘Expense’

Accumulated Depreciation: Everything You Need To Know

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is Accumulated Depreciation?

Accumulated depreciation is the cumulative depreciation of an asset up to a single point in its life. Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset account, meaning its natural balance is a credit that reduces the overall asset value.

Key Takeaways

  • Depreciation is recorded to tie the cost of using a long-term capital asset with the benefit gained from its use over time.
  • Accumulated depreciation is the sum of all recorded depreciation on an asset to a specific date.
  • Accumulated depreciation is presented on the balance sheet just below the related capital asset line.
  • Accumulated depreciation is recorded as a contra asset that has a natural credit balance (as oppose to asset accounts with natural debit balances).
  • The carrying value of an asset is its historical cost minus accumulated depreciation.

Understanding Accumulated Depreciation

The matching principle under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) dictates that expenses must be matched to the same accounting period in which the related revenue is generated. Through depreciation, a business will expense a portion of a capital asset’s value over each year of its useful life. This means that each year a capitalized asset is put to use and generates revenue, the cost associated with using up the asset is recorded.

Accumulated depreciation is the total amount an asset has been depreciated up until a single point. Each period, the depreciation expense recorded in that period is added to the beginning accumulated depreciation balance. An asset’s carrying value on the balance sheet is the difference between its historical cost and accumulated depreciation. At the end of an asset’s useful life, its carrying value on the balance sheet will match its salvage value.

When recording depreciation in the general ledger, a company debits depreciation expense and credits accumulated depreciation. Depreciation expense flows through to the income statement in the period it is recorded. Accumulated depreciation is presented on the balance sheet below the line for related capitalized assets. The accumulated depreciation balance increases over time, adding the amount of depreciation expense recorded in the current period.

Accumulated depreciation is dependent on salvage value; salvage value is determined as the amount a company may expect to receive in exchange for selling an asset at the end of its useful life.

How to Calculate Accumulated Depreciation

There are several acceptable methods for calculating depreciation. These methods are allowable under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). A company may select the depreciation method they wish to use.

Straight-Line Method

Under the straight-line method of accounting, a company deducts the asset’s salvage value from the purchase price to find a depreciable base. Then, this base is accumulated evenly over the anticipated useful life of the asset. The straight-line method formula is:

Annual Accumulated Depreciation = (Asset Value – Salvage Value) / Useful Life in Years

Imagine Company ABC buys a building for $250,000. The building is expected to be useful for 20 years with a value of $10,000 at the end of the 20th year. The depreciable base for the building is $240,000 ($250,000 – $10,000). Divided over 20 years, the company would recognized $20,000 of accumulated depreciation every year. 

Declining Balance Method

Under the declining balance method, depreciation is recorded as a percentage of the asset’s current book value. Because the same percentage is used in every year while the current book value decreases, the amount of depreciation decreases each year. Even though accumulated depreciation will still increase, the amount of accumulated depreciation will decrease each year.

Annual Accumulated Depreciation = Current Book Value * Depreciation Rate

For example, imagine Company ABC buys a company vehicle for $10,000 with no salvage value at the end of its life. The company decided it would depreciate 20% of the book value each year. In Year 1, Company ABC would recognize $2,000 ($10,000 * 20%) of depreciation and accumulated depreciation. In Year 2, Company ABC would recognize $1,600 (($10,000 – $2,000) * 20%).

Double-Declining Balance Method

Under the double-declining balance (also called accelerated depreciation), a company calculates what it’s depreciation would be under the straight-line method. Then, the company doubles the depreciation rate, keeps this rate the same across all years the asset is depreciated, and continues to accumulate depreciation until the salvage value is reached. The percentage can simply be calculated as twice of 100% divided by the number of years of useful life.

Double-Declining Balance Method Rate = (100% / Useful Life In Years) * 2

Double-Declining Balance Method = Depreciable Amount * Double-Declining Balance Method Rate

Let’s imagine Company ABC’s building they purchased for $250,000 with a $10,000 salvage value. Under the straight-line method, the company recognized 5% (100% depreciation / 20 years); therefore, it would use 10% as the depreciation base for the double-declining balance method. The company would recognize $24,000 ($240,000 depreciable base * 10%) in Year 1, and would recognize $21,600 (($240,000 depreciable base – $24,000) * 10%).

Sum-of-the-Years’ Digits Method

Under the sum-of-the-years’ digits method, a company strives to record more depreciation earlier in the life of an asset and less in the later years. This is done by adding up the digits of the useful years, then depreciating based on that number of year.

Annual Accumulated Depreciation = Depreciable Base * (Inverse Year Number / Sum of Year Digits)

Company ABC purchased a piece of equipment that has a useful life of 5 years. The asset has a depreciable base of $15,000. Since the asset has a useful life of 5 years, the sum of year digits is 15 (5+4+3+2+1). The depreciation rate is then the quotient of the inverse year number (Year 1 = 5, Year 2 = 4, Year 3 = 3, etc.) divided by 15. In Year 1, the company will recognize $5,000 ($15,000 * (5/15)) of depreciation and will recognize $4,000 ($15,000 * (4/15)) in Year 2.

Units of Production Method

Under the units of production method, a company estimates the total useful output of an asset. Then, the company evaluates how many of those units were consumed each year to recognize accumulated depreciation variably based on use. The formula for the units of production method is:

Annual Accumulated Deprecation = (Number of Units Consumed / Total Units To Be Consumed) * Depreciable Base

For example, a company buys a company vehicle and plans on driving the vehicle 80,000 miles. In the first year, the company drove the vehicle 8,000 miles. Therefore, it would recognize 10% (8,000 / 80,000) of the depreciable base. In the second year, if the company drives 20,000 miles, it would recognize 25% of depreciable base as an expense in the second year, with accumulated depreciation now equal to $28,000 ($8,000 in the first year + $20,000 in the second year).

Accumulated Depreciation vs. Accelerated Depreciation

Though similar sounding in name, accumulated depreciation and accelerated depreciation refer to very different accounting concepts. Accumulated depreciation refers to the life-to-date depreciation that has been recognized that reduces the book value of an asset. On the other hand, accelerated depreciation refers to a method of depreciation where a higher amount of depreciation is recognized earlier in an asset’s life.

Since accelerated depreciation is an accounting method for recognizing depreciation, the result of accelerated depreciation is to book accumulated depreciation. Under this method, the amount of accumulated depreciation accumulates faster during the early years of an asset’s life and accumulates slower later. The philosophy behind accelerated depreciation is assets that are newer (i.e. a new company vehicle) are often used more than older assets because they are in better condition and more efficient. 

Accumulated depreciation is a real account (a general ledger account that is not listed on the income statement). The balance rolls year-over-year, while nominal accounts like depreciation expense are closed out at year end.

Accumulated Depreciation vs. Depreciation Expense

When an asset is depreciated, two accounts are immediately impacted: accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense. The journal entry to record depreciation results in a debit to depreciation expense and a credit to accumulated depreciation. The dollar amount for each line is equal to the other.

There are two main differences between accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense. First, depreciation expense is reported on the income statement, while accumulated depreciation is reported on the balance sheet. 

Second, on a related note, the income statement does not carry from year-to-year. Activity is swept to retained earnings, and a company “resets” its income statement every year. Meanwhile, its balance sheet is a life-to-date running total that does not clear at year-end. Therefore, depreciation expense is recalculated every year, while accumulated depreciation is always a life-to-date running total.

Special Considerations

Accounting Adjustments/Changes in Estimate

Because the depreciation process is heavily rooted with estimates, it’s common for companies to need to revise their guess on the useful life of an asset’s life or the salvage value at the end of the asset’s life. This change is reflected as a change in accounting estimate, not a change in accounting principle. For example, say a company was depreciating a $10,000 asset over its five year useful life with no salvage value. Using the straight-line method, accumulated depreciation of $2,000 is recognized.

After two years, the company realizes the remaining useful life is not three years but instead six years. Under GAAP, the company does not need to retroactively adjust financial statements for changes in estimates. Instead, the company will change the amount of accumulated depreciation recognized each year. 

In this example, since the asset now has a $6,000 net book value ($10,000 purchase price less $4,000 of accumulated depreciation booked in the first two years), the company will now recognized $1,000 of accumulated depreciation for the next six years. 

Half-Year Recognition

A commonly practiced strategy for depreciating an asset is to recognize a half year of depreciation in the year an asset is acquired and a half year of depreciation in the last year of an asset’s useful life. This strategy is employed to more fairly allocate depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation in years when an asset may only be used part of a year. 

For example, Company A buys a company vehicle in Year 1 with a five year useful life. Regardless of the month, the company will recognize six months worth of depreciation in Year 1. The company will also recognize a full year of depreciation in Year 2 – 5. Then, the company will recognize the final half year of depreciation in Year 6. Although the asset only had a useful life of five years, it is argued that the asset wasn’t used for the entirety of Year 1 nor the entirety of Year 6.

Example of Accumulated Depreciation

Company A buys a piece of equipment with a useful life of 10 years for $110,000. The equipment is estimated to have a salvage value of $10,000. The equipment is going to provide the company with value for the next 10 years, so the company expenses the cost of the equipment over the next 10 years. Straight-line depreciation is calculated as (($110,000 – $10,000) / 10), or $10,000 a year. This means the company will depreciate $10,000 for the next 10 years until the book value of the asset is $10,000.

Each year the contra asset account referred to as accumulated depreciation increases by $10,000. For example, at the end of five years, the annual depreciation expense is still $10,000, but accumulated depreciation has grown to $50,000. That is, accumulated depreciation is a cumulative account. It is credited each year as the value of the asset is written off and remains on the books, reducing the net value of the asset, until the asset is disposed of or sold. It is important to note that accumulated depreciation cannot be more than the asset’s historical cost even if the asset is still in use after its estimated useful life.

Is Accumulated Depreciation an Asset?

Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset that reduces the book value of an asset. Accumulated depreciation has a natural credit balance (as opposed to assets that have a natural debit balance). However, accumulated depreciation is reported within the asset section of a balance sheet.

Is Accumulated Depreciation a Current Liability?

Accumulated depreciation is not a liability. A liability is a future financial obligation (i.e. debt) that the company has to pay. Accumulation depreciation is not a cash outlay; the cash obligation has already been satisfied when the asset is purchased or financed. Instead, accumulated depreciation is the way of recognizing depreciation over the life of the asset instead of recognizing the expense all at once. 

How Do You Calculate Accumulated Depreciation?

Accumulated depreciation is calculated using several different accounting methods. Those accounting methods include the straight-line method, the declining balance method, the double-declining balance method, the units of production method, or the sum-of-the-years method. In general, accumulated depreciation is calculated by taking the depreciable base of an asset and dividing it by a suitable divisor such as years of use or units of production.

Where Is Accumulated Depreciation Recorded?

Accumulated depreciation is recorded as a contra asset via the credit portion of a journal entry. Accumulated depreciation is nested under the long-term assets section of a balance sheet and reduces the net book value of a capital asset.

Is Accumulated Depreciation a Credit or Debit?

Accumulated depreciation is a natural credit balance. Although it is reported on the balance sheet under the asset section, accumulated depreciation reduces the total value of assets recognized on the financial statement since assets are natural debit accounts.

The Bottom Line

Many companies rely on capital assets such as buildings, vehicles, equipment, and machinery as part of their operations. In accordance with accounting rules, companies must depreciate these assets over their useful lives. As a result, companies must recognize accumulated depreciation, the sum of depreciation expense recognized over the life of an asset. Accumulated depreciation is reported on the balance sheet as a contra asset that reduces the net book value of the capital asset section. 


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Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: Methods of Accounting for

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: Methods of Accounting for


What Is an Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?

An allowance for doubtful accounts is a contra account that nets against the total receivables presented on the balance sheet to reflect only the amounts expected to be paid. The allowance for doubtful accounts estimates the percentage of accounts receivable that are expected to be uncollectible. However, the actual payment behavior of customers may differ substantially from the estimate.

Key Takeaways

  • The allowance for doubtful accounts is a contra account that records the percentage of receivables expected to be uncollectible, though companies may specifically trace accounts.
  • The allowance is established in the same accounting period as the original sale, with an offset to bad debt expense.
  • The percentage of sales method and the accounts receivable aging method are the two most common ways to estimate uncollectible accounts.
  • Companies can also use specific identification, historical evidence, and or risk assignment to determine the estimate.
  • The purpose of the allowance is to use the matching principle between revenue and expenses while also reporting the net amount of assets using the conservatism principle.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Understanding the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Regardless of company policies and procedures for credit collections, the risk of the failure to receive payment is always present in a transaction utilizing credit. Thus, a company is required to realize this risk through the establishment of the allowance for doubtful accounts and offsetting bad debt expense. In accordance with the matching principle of accounting, this ensures that expenses related to the sale are recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue is earned. The allowance for doubtful accounts also helps companies more accurately estimate the actual value of their account receivables.

Because the allowance for doubtful accounts is established in the same accounting period as the original sale, an entity does not know for certain which exact receivables will be paid and which will default. Therefore, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) dictate that the allowance must be established in the same accounting period as the sale, but can be based on an anticipated or estimated figure. The allowance can accumulate across accounting periods and may be adjusted based on the balance in the account.

Companies technically don’t need to have an allowance for doubtful account. If it does not issue credit sales, requires collateral, or only uses the highest credit customers, the company may not need to estimate uncollectability.

How to Estimate the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Two primary methods exist for estimating the dollar amount of accounts receivables not expected to be collected.

Percentage of Sales Method

The sales method applies a flat percentage to the total dollar amount of sales for the period. For example, based on previous experience, a company may expect that 3% of net sales are not collectible. If the total net sales for the period is $100,000, the company establishes an allowance for doubtful accounts for $3,000 while simultaneously reporting $3,000 in bad debt expense.

If the following accounting period results in net sales of $80,000, an additional $2,400 is reported in the allowance for doubtful accounts, and $2,400 is recorded in the second period in bad debt expense. The aggregate balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts after these two periods is $5,400.

Accounts Receivable Aging Method

The second method of estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts is the aging method. All outstanding accounts receivable are grouped by age, and specific percentages are applied to each group. The aggregate of all group results is the estimated uncollectible amount.

For example, a company has $70,000 of accounts receivable less than 30 days outstanding and $30,000 of accounts receivable more than 30 days outstanding. Based on previous experience, 1% of accounts receivable less than 30 days old will be uncollectible, and 4% of those accounts receivable at least 30 days old will be uncollectible.

Therefore, the company will report an allowance of $1,900 (($70,000 * 1%) + ($30,000 * 4%)). If the next accounting period results in an estimated allowance of $2,500 based on outstanding accounts receivable, only $600 ($2,500 – $1,900) will be the adjusting entry amount.

Risk Classification Method

Some companies may classify different types of debt or different types of vendors using risk classifications. For example, a start-up customer may be considered a high risk, while an established, long-tenured customer may be a low risk. In this example, the company often assigns a percentage to each classification of debt. Then, it aggregates all receivables in each grouping, calculates each group by the percentage, and records an allowance equal to the aggregate of all products.

Historical Percentage Method

If a company has a history of recording or tracking bad debt, it can use the historical percentage of bad debt if it feels that historical measurement relates to its current debt. For example, a company may know that its 10-year average of bad debt is 2.4%. Therefore, it can assign this fixed percentage to its total accounts receivable balance since more often than not, it will approximately be close to this amount. The company must be aware of outliers or special circumstances that may have unfairly impacted that 2.4% calculation.

Pareto Analysis Method

A Pareto analysis is a risk measurement approach that states that a majority of activity is often concentrated among a small amount of accounts. In many different aspects of business, a rough estimation is that 80% of account receivable balances are made up of a small concentration (i.e. 20%) of vendors. This 80%/20% ratio is used throughout business.

Though the Pareto Analysis can not be used on its own, it can be used to weigh accounts receivable estimates differently. For example, a company may assign a heavier weight to the clients that make up a larger balance of accounts receivable due to conservatism.

Specific Identification Method

Assume a company has 100 clients and believes there are 11 accounts that may go uncollected. Instead of applying percentages or weights, it may simply aggregate the account balance for all 11 customers and use that figure as the allowance amount. Companies often have a specific method of identifying the companies that it wants to include and the companies it wants to exclude.

Management may disclose its method of estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts in its notes to the financial statements.

How to Account for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Establishing the Allowance

The first step in accounting for the allowance for doubtful accounts is to establish the allowance. This is done by using one of the estimation methods above to predict what proportion of accounts receivable will go uncollected. For this example, let’s say a company predicts it will incur $500,000 of uncollected accounts receivable.

To create the allowance, the company must debit a loss. Most often, companies use an account called ‘Bad Debt Expense’. Then, the company establishes the allowance by crediting an allowance account often called ‘Allowance for Doubtful Accounts’. Though this allowance for doubtful accounts is presented on the balance sheet with other assets, it is a contra asset that reduces the balance of total assets.

  • DR Bad Debt Expense $500,000
  • CR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $500,000

Adjusting the Allowance

Let’s say six months passes. The company now has a better idea of which account receivables will be collected and which will be lost. For example, say the company now thinks that a total of $600,000 of receivables will be lost. This means its allowance of $500,000 is $100,000 short. The company must record an additional expense for this amount to also increase the allowance’s credit balance.

  • DR Bad Debt Expense $100,000
  • CR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $100,000

Note that if a company believes it may recover a portion of a balance, it can write off a portion of the account.

Writing Off Account

Now, let’s say a specific customer that owes a company $50,000 officially files for bankruptcy. This client’s account had previously been included in the estimate for the allowance. Because the company has a very low priority claim without collateral to the debt, the company decides it is unlikely it will every receive any of this $50,000. To properly reflect this change, the company must reduce its accounts receivable balance by this amount. On the other hand, once the receivable is removed from the books, there is no need to record an associated allowance for this account.

  • DR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $50,000
  • CR Accounts Receivable $50,000

Note that the debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts reduces the balance in this account because contra assets have a natural credit balance. Also, note that when writing off the specific account, no income statement accounts are used. This is because the expense was already taken when creating or adjusting the allowance.

Recovering an Account

By miracle, it turns out the company ended up being rewarded a portion of their outstanding receivable balance they’d written off as part of the bankruptcy proceedings. Of the $50,000 balance that was written off, the company is notified that they will receive $35,000.

The company can recover the account by reversing the entry above to reinstate the accounts receivable balance and the corresponding allowance for doubtful account balance. Then, the company will record a debit to cash and credit to accounts receivable when the payment is collected. You’ll notice that because of this, the allowance for doubtful accounts increases. A company can further adjust the balance by following the entry under the “Adjusting the Allowance” section above.

  • DR Accounts Receivable $35,000
  • CR Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $35,000
  • DR Cash $35,000
  • CR Accounts Receivable $35,000

How Do You Record the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?

You record the allowance for doubtful accounts by debiting the Bad Debt Expense account and crediting the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts account. You’ll notice the allowance account has a natural credit balance and will increase when credited.

Is Allowance for Doubtful Accounts a Credit or Debit?

The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts account is a contra asset. Contra assets are still recorded along with other assets, though their natural balance is opposite of assets. While assets have natural debit balances and increase with a debit, contra assets have natural credit balance and increase with a credit.

Are Allowance for Doubtful Accounts a Current Asset?

Yes, allowance accounts that offset gross receivables are reported under the current asset section of the balance sheet. This type of account is a contra asset that reduces the amount of the gross accounts receivable account.

Why Do Accountants Use Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?

Accounts use this method of estimating the allowance to adhere to the matching principle. The matching principle states that revenue and expenses must be recorded in the same period in which they occur. Therefore, the allowance is created mainly so the expense can be recorded in the same period revenue is earned.

The Bottom Line

The allowance for doubtful accounts is a general ledger account that is used to estimate the amount of accounts receivable that will not be collected. A company uses this account to record how many accounts receivable it thinks will be lost. The balance may be estimated using several different methods, and management should periodically evaluate the balance of the allowance account to ensure the appropriate bad debt expense and net accounts receivables are being recorded.


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Accrued Expense: What It Is, With Examples and Pros and Cons

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Accrued Expense: What It Is, With Examples and Pros and Cons


What Is an Accrued Expense?

An accrued expense, also known as accrued liabilities, is an accounting term that refers to an expense that is recognized on the books before it has been paid. The expense is recorded in the accounting period in which it is incurred.

Key Takeaways

  • Accrued expenses are recognized on the books when they are incurred, not when they are paid.
  • Accrual accounting requires more journal entries than simple cash balance accounting.
  • Accrual accounting provides a more accurate financial picture than cash basis accounting.
  • Large, public companies with shares on stock market exchanges are often required to comply with accrual-based accounting as opposed to the cash method of accounting.
  • Accruals are recognition of events that have already happened but cash has not yet settled, while prepayments are recognition of events that have not yet happened but cash has settled.

Understanding Accrued Expenses

Since accrued expenses represent a company’s obligation to make future cash payments, they are shown on a company’s balance sheet as current liabilities. An accrued expense can be an estimate and differ from the supplier’s invoice that will arrive at a later date. Following the accrual method of accounting, expenses are recognized when they are incurred, not necessarily when they are paid.

An example of an accrued expense is when a company purchases supplies from a vendor but has not yet received an invoice for the purchase. Other forms of accrued expenses include interest payments on loans, warranties on products or services received, and taxes—all of which have been incurred or obtained, but for which no invoices have been received nor payments made. Employee commissions, wages, and bonuses are accrued in the period they occur although the actual payment is made in the following period.

When a company accrues (accumulates) expenses, its portion of unpaid bills also accumulates. This increases both its expenses and liabilities.

Accrual vs. Cash Basis Accounting

Accrual accounting differs from cash basis accounting, which records financial events and transactions only when cash is exchanged—often resulting in the overstatement and understatement of income and account balances.

Although the accrual method of accounting is labor-intensive because it requires extensive journaling, it is a more accurate measure of a company’s transactions and events for each period. This more complete picture helps users of financial statements to better understand a company’s present financial health and predict its future financial position.

Accrued Expenses vs. Prepaid Expenses

Accrued expenses are the opposite of prepaid expenses. Prepaid expenses are payments made in advance for goods and services that are expected to be provided or used in the future. While accrued expenses represent liabilities, prepaid expenses are recognized as assets on the balance sheet. This is because the company is expected to receive future economic benefit from the prepayment.

On the other hand, an accrued expense is an event that has already occurred in which cash has not been a factor. Not only has the company already received the benefit, it still needs to remit payment. Therefore, it is literally the opposite of a prepayment; an accrual is the recognition of something that has already happened in which cash is yet to be settled.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Accrued Expenses


Accrued expenses theoretically make a company’s financial statements more accurate. While the cash method is more simple, accrued expenses strive to include activity that may not have fully been incurred but will still happen. Consider an example where a company enters into a contract to incur consulting services. If the company receives an invoice for $5,000, accounting theory states the company should technically recognize this transaction because it is contractually obligated to pay for the service.

Accrued expenses also may make it easier for companies to plan and strategize. Accrued expenses often yield more consistent financial results as companies can include recurring transactions in their financial reports that may not yet have been paid. In addition, accrued expenses may be a financial reporting requirement depending on the company and their Securities and Exchange Commission filing requirements.


Because of additional work of accruing expenses, this method of accounting is more time-consuming and demanding for staff to prepare. There is a greater chance of misstatements, especially is auto-reversing journal entries are not used. In addition, a company runs of the risk of accidently accruing an expense that they may have already paid.

Last, the accrual method of accounting blurs cash flow and cash usage as it includes non-cash transactions that have not yet impacted bank accounts. For a large company, the general ledger will be flooded with transactions that report items that have had no bearing on the company’s bank statement nor impact to the current amount of cash on hand.

Accrued Expenses


  • Potentially makes financial more aligned to actual business operations

  • Often makes month-over-month financial statements more consistent

  • May yield ore useful information for management to make decisions/plans

  • Adheres to external financial reporting requirements


  • Often requires more time and resources to prepare compared to the cash method of accounting

  • Usually results in greater risk of misstatement (accruals not reversing or accidental duplication)

  • May complicate some reporting by blurring cash usage and capital needs

Special Considerations

Reversing Entries

A critical component to accrued expenses is reversing entries, journal entries that back out a transaction in a subsequent period.

Accrued expenses are not meant to be permanent; they are meant to be temporary records that take the place of a true transaction in the short-term. Every accrued expense must have a reversing entry; without the reversing entry, a company risks duplicating transactions by recording both the actual invoice when it gets paid as well as the accrued expense.

Many accounting software systems can auto-generate reversing entries when prompted.


Accrued expenses are prevalent during the end of an accounting period. A company often attempts to book as many actual invoices it can during an accounting period before closing its accounts payable ledger. Then, supporting accounting staff analyze what transactions/invoices might not have been recorded by the AP team and book accrued expenses.

For companies that are responsible for external reporting, accrued expenses play a big part in wrapping up month-end, quarter-end, or fiscal year-end processes. A company usually does not book accrued expenses during the month; instead, accrued expenses are booked during the close period.

Example of Accrued Expense

A company pays its employees’ salaries on the first day of the following month for services received in the prior month. So, employees that worked all of November will be paid in December. If on Dec. 31, the company’s income statement recognizes only the salary payments that have been made, the accrued expenses from the employees’ services for December will be omitted.

Because the company actually incurred 12 months’ worth of salary expenses, an adjusting journal entry is recorded at the end of the accounting period for the last month’s expense. The adjusting entry will be dated Dec. 31 and will have a debit to the salary expenses account on the income statement and a credit to the salaries payable account on the balance sheet.

When the company’s accounting department receives the bill for the total amount of salaries due, the accounts payable account is credited. Accounts payable is found in the current liabilities section of the balance sheet and represents the short-term liabilities of a company. After the debt has been paid off, the accounts payable account is debited and the cash account is credited.

How Are Accrued Expenses Accounted for?

An accrued expense, also known as an accrued liability, is an accounting term that refers to an expense that is recognized on the books before it has been paid. The expense is recorded in the accounting period in which it is incurred. Since accrued expenses represent a company’s obligation to make future cash payments, they are shown on a company’s balance sheet as current liabilities.

What Are Some Examples of Accrued Expenses?

An example of an accrued expense is when a company purchases supplies from a vendor but has not yet received an invoice for the purchase. Other forms of accrued expenses include interest payments on loans, warranties on products or services received, and taxes—all of which have been incurred or obtained, but for which no invoices have been received nor payments made. Employee commissions, wages, and bonuses are accrued in the period they occur although the actual payment is made in the following period.

How Does Accrual Accounting Differ From Cash Basis Accounting?

Accrual accounting measures a company’s performance and position by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur, whereas cash accounting only records transactions when payment occurs. Accrual accounting presents a more accurate measure of a company’s transactions and events for each period. Cash basis accounting often results in the overstatement and understatement of income and account balances.

What Is a Prepaid Expense?

A prepaid expense is a type of asset on the balance sheet that results from a business making advanced payments for goods or services to be received in the future. Prepaid expenses are initially recorded as assets, but their value is expensed over time onto the income statement. Unlike conventional expenses, the business will receive something of value from the prepaid expense over the course of several accounting periods.

What Is the Journal Entry for Accrued Expenses?

Accrued expenses are recognized by debiting the appropriate expense account and crediting an accrued liability account. A second journal entry must then be prepared in the following period to reverse the entry.

For example, a company wants to accrue a $10,000 utility invoice to have the expense hit in June. The company’s June journal entry will be a debit to Utility Expense and a credit to Accrued Payables. On July 1st, the company will reverse this entry (debit to Accrued Payables, credit to Utility Expense). Then, the company theoretically pays the invoice in July, the entry (debit to Utility Expense, credit to cash) will offset the two entries to Utility Expense in July. 

The Bottom Line

Companies using the accrual method of accounting recognize accrued expenses, costs that have not yet been paid for but have already been incurred. Accrued expenses make a set of financial statements more consistent by recording charges in specific periods, though it takes more resources to perform this type of accounting. While the cash method of accounting recognizes items when they are paid, the accrual method recognizes accrued expenses based on when service is performed or received. 


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