Posts Tagged ‘Exemption’

What Is 3C1 and How Is the Exemption Applied?

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


3C1 refers to a portion of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that allows private investment companies to be considered exceptions to certain regulations and reporting requirements stipulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, these firms must satisfy specific requirements to maintain their exception status.

Key Takeaways

  • 3C1 refers to a portion of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that exempts certain private investment companies from regulations.
  • A firm that’s defined as an investment company must meet specific regulatory and reporting requirements stipulated by the SEC.
  • 3C1 allows private funds with 100 or fewer investors and no plans for an initial public offering to sidestep certain SEC requirements.

Understanding 3C1

3C1 is shorthand for the 3(c)(1) exemption found in section 3 of the Act. To fully understand section 3C1, we must first review the Act’s definition of an investment company and how it relates to earlier sections of the Act: 3(b)(1) and 3(c). An investment company, as defined by the Investment Company Act, are companies that primarily engage in the business of investing, reinvesting, or trading securities. If companies are considered investment companies, they must adhere to certain regulations and reporting requirements.


3(b)(1) was established to exclude certain companies from being considered an investment company and having to adhere to the subsequent regulations. Companies are exempt as long as they are not primarily in the business of investing, reinvesting, holding, owning, or trading in securities themselves, or through subsidiaries, or controlled companies.


3(c) takes it a step further and outlines specific exceptions to the classification of an investment company, which include broker-dealers, pension plans, church plans, and charitable organizations.


3(c)(1) adds to the exceptions list in 3(c) citing certain parameters or requirements that, if satisfied, would allow private investment companies to not be classified as investment companies under the Act.

3(c)(1) exempts the following from definition of investment company:

“Any issuer whose outstanding securities (other than short-term paper) are beneficially owned by not more than one hundred persons (or in the case of a qualifying venture capital fund, 250 persons) and that is not making and does not presently propose to make a public offering of such securities.”

In other words, 3C1 allows private funds with 100 or fewer investors (and venture capital funds with fewer than 250 investors) and no plans for an initial public offering to sidestep SEC registration and other requirements, including ongoing disclosure and restrictions on derivatives trading. 3C1 funds are also referred to as 3C1 companies or 3(c)(1) funds.

The result of 3C1 is that it allows hedge fund companies to avoid the SEC scrutiny that other investment funds, such as mutual funds, must adhere to under the Act. However, the investors in 3C1 funds must be accredited investors, meaning investors who have an annual income of over $200,000 or a net worth in excess of $1 million.

3C1 Funds vs. 3C7 Funds

Private equity funds are usually structured as 3C1 funds or 3C7 funds, the latter being a reference to the 3(c)(7) exemption. Both 3C1 and 3C7 funds are exempt from SEC registration requirements under the Investment Company Act of 1940, but the nature of the exemption is slightly different. Whereas the 3C1 exemption hinges on not exceeding 100 accredited investors, a 3C7 fund must maintain a total of 2,000 or fewer qualified purchasers. However, qualified purchasers must clear a higher bar and have over $5 million in assets, but a 3C7 fund is permitted to have more of these people or entities participating as investors.

3C1 Compliance Challenges

Although 100 accredited investors sound like an easy limit to monitor, it can be a challenging area for fund compliance. Private funds are generally protected in the case of involuntary share transfers. For example, the death of an investor results in shares being split up among family members would be considered an involuntary transfer.

However, these funds can run into issues with shares given as employment incentives. Knowledgeable employees, including executives, directors, and partners, do not count against the fund’s tally. However, employees who leave the firm carrying the shares with them will count against the 100 investor limit. The one hundred person limit is so critical to the investment company exemption and 3C1 status, that private funds put a great deal of effort into making certain they are in compliance.


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3(c)(7) Exemption: Definition, Requirements for Funds, and Uses

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is the 3(c)(7) Exemption?

The 3(c)(7) exemption refers to a portion of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that allows private investment companies an exemption from some Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulation, providing that they meet certain criteria. 3C7 is shorthand for the 3(c)(7) exemption.

Key Takeaways

  • The 3(c)(7) exemption refers to the Investment Company Act of 1940’s section permitting qualifying private funds an exemption from certain SEC regulations.
  • Private funds must not plan to issue an IPO and their investors must be qualified purchases to qualify for the 3C7 exemption.
  • There is no maximum limit for the number of purchasers of 3C7 funds.
  • In contrast to 3C7, 3C1 funds deal with no more than 100 accredited investors.

Understanding the 3(c)(7) Exemption

The exemption, found in section three of the act, reads in part: 

Section 3
(3)(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), none of the following persons is an investment company within the meaning of this title:
(7)(A) Any issuer, the outstanding securities of which are owned exclusively by persons who, at the time of acquisition of such securities, are qualified purchasers, and which is not making and does not at that time propose to make a public offering of such securities.

To qualify for the 3C7 exemption, the private investment company must show that they have no plans of making an initial public offering (IPO) and that their investors are qualified purchasers. A qualified purchaser is a higher standard than an accredited investor; it requires that the investor owns not less than $5 million in investments. The term “qualified purchaser” is defined in Section 2(a)(51) of the Investment Company Act.

3C7 funds are not required to go through Securities and Exchange Commission registration or provide ongoing disclosure. They are also exempt from issuing a prospectus that would outline investment positions publicly. 3C7 funds are also referred to as 3C7 companies or 3(c)(7) funds.  

The Investment Company Act of 1940 defines an “investment company” as an issuer that “holds itself out as being engaged primarily or proposes to engage primarily, in the business of investing, reinvesting or trading in securities.” 3C7 is one of two exemptions in the Investment Company Act of 1940 that hedge funds, venture capital funds, and other private equity funds use to avoid SEC restrictions.

This frees up these funds to use tools like leverage and derivatives to an extent that most publicly traded funds cannot. The vast majority of new hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and other private investment vehicles are organized so as to fall outside the purview of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

That said, 3C7 funds must maintain their compliance to continue utilizing this exemption from the 1940 Act. If a fund were to fall out of compliance by taking in investments from non-qualified purchasers, for example, it would open itself to SEC enforcement actions as well as litigation from its investors and any other parties it has contracts with. 

3C7 Funds vs. 3C1 Funds

Both 3C7 and 3C1 funds are exempted from the requirements imposed on “investment companies” under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Act”). However, there are important differences between them. 3C7 funds, as noted, take investments from qualified purchasers, whereas 3C1 funds work with accredited investors.

Investors in 3C7 funds are held to a higher wealth measure than those in 3C1 funds, which can limit the investor pool that a fund is hoping to raise money from. That said, 3C1 funds are capped at 100 investors total, limiting the number of investors the fund can take in from the wider pool they are allowed to pull from.

3C7 funds don’t have a set cap. However, 3C7 funds will fall under the regulation that is stipulated in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 when they reach 2,000 investors. At this point, private funds are subject to increased SEC scrutiny and have more in common with public companies.


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Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Definition, How It Works

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Definition, How It Works


What Is the Alternative Minimum Tax?

An alternative minimum tax (AMT) places a floor on the percentage of taxes that a filer must pay to the government, no matter how many deductions or credits the filer may claim.

The United States currently has an alternative minimum tax for taxpayers who earn above certain income thresholds.

The AMT recalculates income tax after adding certain tax preference items back into adjusted gross income. It uses a separate set of rules to calculate taxable income after allowed deductions. Preferential deductions are added back into the taxpayer’s income to calculate their alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI), and then the AMT exemption is subtracted to determine the final taxable figure.

Key Takeaways

  • The AMT ensures that certain taxpayers pay their fair share or at least a minimum amount of tax.
  • It doesn’t kick in until income reaches beyond a certain exemption level.
  • For 2022, the exemption is $75,900 for single filers and $118,100 for couples filing jointly.
  • For 2023, the exemption is $81,300 for single filers and $126,500 for couples filing jointly.
  • In 2012, Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that indexed the exemption amount to inflation to prevent middle-income taxpayers from owing AMT due to bracket creep.

How the Alternative Minimum Tax Works

The difference between a taxpayer’s alternative minimum taxable income and his AMT exemption is taxed using the relevant rate schedule. This yields the tentative minimum tax (TMT).

If the tentative minimum tax is higher than the taxpayer’s regular tax liability for the year, then they pay the regular tax and the amount by which the tentative minimum tax exceeds the regular tax. In other words, the taxpayer pays the full tentative minimum tax.

There are two alternative minimum tax rates, 26% and 28%. For 2022, the 28% rate applies to excess alternative minimum taxable income of $206,100 or more for all taxpayers ($103,050 for married couples filing separate returns). For 2023, the 28% rate applies to excess alternative minimum taxable income of $220,700 or more for all taxpayers ($110,350 for married couples filing separate returns). The 26% rate applies to incomes up to those levels.

A taxpayer who has a high income and uses large tax breaks may owe a smaller percentage under the standard rules. If so, the taxpayer is obliged to recalculate the taxes owed under the alternative minimum tax system, which eliminates some of those tax breaks.

The taxpayer will owe whichever amount is higher.

The first individual minimum tax was enacted in 1969 and was an add-on minimum tax. That is, it was a tax that was paid in addition to the regular income tax. The tax rate for the add-on minimum tax was 10%, and its tax base consisted of eight tax preference items. The most significant of these tax preference items was the portion of capital gains income that was excluded from the regular income tax.

Congressional Research Service

AMT Exemption Amounts

For tax year 2022, the AMT exemption for single filers is $75,900. For married joint filers, the figure is $118,100. For tax year 2023, the figures are $81,300 for single filers and $126,500 for married joint filers.

Taxpayers have to complete Form 6251 to see whether they might owe AMT. First, they subtract the exemption amount from their income. If their AMT is less than the exemption, they do not have to pay AMT.

It’s important to note, though, that taxpayers with AMTI over a certain threshold do not qualify for the AMT exemption. For tax year 2022, the phase-out begins at $539,900 for single filers and $1,079,800 for couples filing jointly. For tax year 2023, the phase-out begins at $578,150 for single filers and $1,156,300.

Purpose of AMT

AMT is designed to prevent taxpayers from escaping their fair share of tax liability through tax breaks. However, in the past, the structure was not indexed to inflation or tax cuts. This can cause bracket creep, a condition in which middle-income taxpayers could be subject to this tax instead of just the wealthy taxpayers for whom AMT was invented. In 2012, however, Congress passed a law indexing the AMT exemption amount to inflation.

Calculating AMT

To determine if they owe AMT, individuals can use tax software that automatically does the calculation, or they can fill out IRS Form 6251. This form takes medical expenses, home mortgage interest, and several other miscellaneous deductions into account to help tax filers determine if their deductions are beyond an overall limit set by the IRS.

The form also requests information on certain types of income such as tax refunds, investment interest, and interest from private activity bonds, as well as numbers corresponding with capital gains or losses related to the disposition of property.

The IRS has specific formulas in place to determine which portion of this income and deductions the tax filers need to note on Form 6251. It uses another set of formulas to determine how these numbers lead to AMTI.

What Is the AMT?

It’s a tax that applies to high-income individuals who otherwise (under the standard U.S. tax system) might pay little or even no taxes. Essentially, it involves an alternate tax system that is used in addition to the standard system. Each calculates tax owed. The taxpayer pays whichever is greater.

What Is the AMT Exemption for Tax Years 2022 and 2023?

For tax year 2022, the AMT exemption for individuals is $75,900 and $118,100 for married couples filing jointly. For tax year 2023, the figures are $81,300 and $126,500, respectively.

Does the AMT Account for Inflation?

Yes, but it only did so periodically before the passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. With that legislation, the AMT was to be permanently indexed to inflation. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 also increased the AMT exemption and the income level at which the exemption began to phase out. This reduced the number of people affected by the AMT. These changes expire after 2025.

The Bottom Line

The Alternative Minimum Tax is an additional or parallel tax system in the U.S. that is designed to ensure that high-income individuals pay their fair share of taxes. Prior to the AMT, certain taxpayers paid little in the way of taxes, due to preferential treatment of certain income and expenses, or tax breaks.


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