#GagalMoveOn #eaaa – with Bodor.
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#GagalMoveOn #eaaa – with Bodor.
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Death and taxes… #repath – with Bodor.
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Culik dari kang oris…
To understand the meaning of ONE YEAR
ask a student who has failed his exam
To understand the meaning of ONE MONTH
ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature baby
To understand the meaning of ONE WEEK
ask editor of weekly magazine
To understand the meaning of ONE DAY
ask a daily wage labor
To understand the meaning of ONE HOUR
ask a girl who is waiting for her boy
To understand the meaning of ONE MINUTE
ask a person who has missed the train
To understand the meaning of ONE SECOND
ask a person who has survived an accident
To understand the meaning of ONE MILLIE-SECOND
ask a sprinter who has won a silver medal in the Olympics
And lastly, are you realizing that the time is passing by ?
Are you ready to be responsible to God
how you used every millie-second of your time
Anonymous – with Oris
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Great idea! #repath – with Bodor.
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