Posts Tagged ‘BUKA’

Daily Analysis 20230328

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 28th, 2023

Good morning,

Dow closes nearly 200 points higher, S&P 500 notches third straight advance as bank shares jump

The Dow Jones Industrial Average
rose Monday, building on last week’s gains, as investors attempted to move on from the crisis that broke out in the regional bank sector earlier this month following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

Dow……32432 +194.6 +0.60%
Nasdaq11769 -55.1 -0.47%
S&P 500.3978 +6.5 +0.16%

FTSE…..7471 +66.3 +0.90%
Dax…..15128 +170.5 +1.14%
CAC……7078 +63.2 +0.90%

Nikkei…..27477 +91.6 +0.33%
HSI………19568 -347.98 -1.75%
Shanghai.3251 -14.3 -0.44%

IDX…..6708.93 -53.32 -0.79%
LQ45….929.10 -11.94 -1.27%
IDX30…484.15 -6.79 -1.38%

IDXEnergy…2014.31 +19.26 +0.97%
IDX BscMat 1153.04 -1.69 -0.15%
IDX Indstrl…1156.51 +4.84 +0.42%
IDXNONCYC..728.81 +0.50 +0.07%
IDX Hlthcare1535.37 -4.97 -0.32%
IDXCYCLIC…..804.58 +2.74 +0.34%
IDX Techno..5041.25 +15.15 +0.30%
IDX Transp..1787.91 +14.37 +0.81%
IDX Infrast…..804.78 -1.39 -0.17%
IDX Finance.1375.66 -14.41 -1.04%
IDX Banking.1133.20 -24.72 -2.13%
IDX Property….681 +4.3 +0.64%

Indo10Yr.6.8692 -0.0480 -0.70%👍
ICBI…..352.9088 +0.7066+0.20%👍
US2Yr4.0078 +0.2411 +6.40%‼️
US5Yr 3.5997 +0.1992 +5.64%‼️
US10Yr3.5390 +0.1670 +4.95%‼️
US30Yr.3.7690+0.1250 +3.44%‼️
VIX…… 20.60 -1.14 -5.24%

USDIndx102.8570 -0.2590 -0.25%
Como Indx.262.33 +3.84 +1.48 %
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…158.94 +1.1 +0.70%

IndoCDS..112.800 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (03/24)

IDR…..15163.00👍 +10.00 +0.07%
Jisdor.15174.00👍 -15.00 -0.10%

Euro……1.0798 +0.0038 +0.35%

TLKM….26.97 -0.07 -0.26%
EIDO……22.96 +0.07 +0.31%
EEM……38.46 -0.21 -0.54%

Oil……72.80 +3.54 +5.11%‼️
Gold.1976.20 -25.50 -1.27%
Timah .24830.00 – -%
(Closed 03/24)
Nickel..23783.00 +131.00 +0.55%
(Closed 03/27)
Silver…..23.22 -0.12 -0.51%
Copper..409.70 +2.20 +0.54%

Nturl Gas.2.229 +0.048 +2.20%

Ammonia 4016.67 – -%
(Domestic Price)(03/23)

Coal price.176.25 +0.90 +0.51%
Coal price.195.00 +2.65 +1.38%
Coal price.195.00 +1.65 +0.85%
Coal price..195.00 +3.05 +1.59%

Coal price.136.75 +1.60 +1.18%
Coal price.132.75 +7.70 +6.16%‼️
(Apr/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 129.45 +6.70 +5.46%‼️
Coal price 127.70 +6.80 +5.62%‼️

CPO(Jun)…3577 +46 +1.30%

Corn……..648.25 +5.25 +0.82%
SoybeanOil.54.55 +1.28 +2.40%
Wheat…..698.00 +9.50 +1.38%

Wood pulp…5320.00 unch +0%
(Closed 03/27)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

DJI ijo Nasdaq merah,saham2 bank yang naik, europe ijo, asia kebanyakan merah, udah cukup lah koreksinya ya, hari ini idealnya tutup gap dulu terus closing ijo

Oil jump Gas Coal Ijo, gold silver merah, metal lain ijo, CPO ijo juga. Waktunya energy rebound? Maybe… Tapi tetep basic materials di tambang mineral yang paling menarik

IHSG – stoch up macd almost buy, MFI w% sw, masih FNB walau mengecil, dari bottom sudah retrace ke fibo 50, waktunya koreksi ke 38 atau 23 terus lanjut. Pas deh tutup gap sebentar terus rally

Belum ada yang firmleading lagi, healthcare melemah, telihat mau jalan Property, Consumer Non-Cyclicals sama Basic Materials

Stoch Buy Signal banyak, nanti di sort dengan sektor dan FNB/BandarAcc: ACES BUKA INTP ITMG PGAS SIDO TPIA AALI RAJA RMKE TKIM WIKA MNCN IGAR

MACD Buy signal: ARTO BBTN BRPT EXCL ABMM CTRA DOID MLPL RAJA WIFI. Strong note on CTRA – FNB and big accum

Alligator Buy Signal: BBRI DSNG

Daily Analysis 20230303

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

March 03rd 2023

Good morning,

Dow…..33034 +341.7 +1.05%
Nasdaq11463 +84.5 +0.73%
S&P 500.3981 +29.96 +0.76%

FTSE…….7944 +29.1 +0.37%
Dax……..15328 +22.6 +0.15%
CAC……..7284 +49.97 +0.69%

Nikkei…..27499 -17.7 -0.06%
HSI……..20429 -190.3 -0.92%
Shanghai.3311 -1.7 -0.05%

IDX…..6857.42 +12.48 +0.18%
LQ45….947.15 +1.33 +0.14 %
IDX30…493.17 +0.87 +0.18%

IDXEnergy…2114.76 +21.21 +1.01%
IDX BscMat 1221.67 -17.63 -1.42%
IDX Indstrl..1206.77 +12.35 +1.03%
IDXNONCYC..740.00 +3.00 +0.41%
IDX Hlthcare1560.95 +4.43 +0.28%
IDXCYCLIC…847.79 +3.03 +0.36%
IDX Techno.5412.25 -4.87 – 0.09%
IDX Transp..1869.62 -33.57 -1.76%
IDX Infrast….844.79 +3.03 +0.36%
IDX Finance1415.12 +5.57 +0.39%
IDX Banking1140.36 +6.21 +0.55%
IDX Property….694 -4.80 -0.69%

Indo10Yr.6.9105 +0.0364 +0.53%‼️
ICBI….349.1696 -0.7977 -0.23%‼️
US5Yr 4.3143‼️ +0.0490 +1.16%
US10Yr4.0620‼️ +0.0660 +1.64%
US30Yr.4.0010‼️+0.0480 +1.21%
VIX……. 19.59 -0.99 -4.81%

USDIndx104.9840 +0.6210 +0.60%‼️
Como Indx.271.30 -1.51 -0.55%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN….161.59 -2.95 -1.79%

IndoCDS..105.25 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR…..15280.00 +45.50 +0.17%‼️
Jisdor.15273.00 +23.00 +0.15%‼️

Euro……1.0599 -0.0069 -0.64%

TLKM….25.71 -0.17 -0.66%
EIDO……22.82 +0.02 +0.09%
EEM…….39.19 +0.14 +0.36%

Oil…….78.16 +0.47 +0.61%
Gold.. 1840.50 -4.90 -0.27%
Timah 25334 +371 +1.49%
(Closed 03/01)
Nickel…24232 -899.00 -3.58%‼️
(Closed 03/02)
Silver…….20.90 -0.19 -0.92%
Copper..407.60 -8.40 -2.02%

Nturl Gas.2.790 -0.021 -0.75%

Ammonia 4390.00 -16.66 -0.38%
(Domestic Price)(03/01)

Coal price.193.00 -0.50 -0.26%
Coal price.198.00 +1.25 +0.64%
Coal price.201.65 +1.40 +0.70%
Coal price.205.35 +1.20 +0.59%

Coal price.143.25 -0.60 -0.42%
Coal price 140.00 -3.55 -2.47%
(Apr/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 141.00 -4.40 -3.03%
Coal price 141.70 -4.90 -3.34%

CPO(May)…4293 +105 +2.51%

Corn……..633.75 -2.00 -0.31%
SoybeanOil..61.90 +1.07 +1.76%
Wheat……712.75 +2.75 +0.39%

Wood pulp…5840.00 -10 -0.17%
(Closed 03/02)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo lumayan tebel, europe ijo, asia kebanyakan merah, IHSG ijo kemaren tapi ada 26 saham ARB, rada anomali

Oil ijo gas coal merah, metal2 merah kecuali timah, nikel malah drop. Belum saatnya belanja saham tambang mineral logam, dikit lagi…

CPO naik tinggi, mungkin ini saatnya mulai rally. Kita check detail di emitennya nanti

IHSG – kemaren sudah FNB, stoch buy, macd masih down but flattening, MFI sw, W% sw, masih jadwal wave 3, keliatan bentuk triangle pattern, semoga breakout ke atas

Industrials Energy Property. Bank2 sudah mulai buy signal tapi sektor Financials nya belum firm



Alligator Buy Signal: DOID IGAR

Supertrend Buy Signal: ITMG IGAR

ARTO skip

BBCA – buat indikasi aja, bukan mau dibeli, hehehe… stoch buy, macd still down, BD FF net sell, MFI down, w% downtrend, masih jadwal wave 3 tapi lagi jatahnya sideways dulu, belum…

BUKA – stoch buy, macd rev up, MFI down, W% downtrend, BD dist, FF acc tipis, dari IPO drop, belum retrace, pelan2 bottom nya tambah tinggi, sektor bukan leading, belum sih

TINS – stoch buy macdbuy, MFI up, W% uptrend, BD acc, masih NFS tipis, ew reverse done, ketemu regbull div terus mantul, kejedot fibo 23, udah bikin higher low, bisa spec buy harusnya

Ternyata spike nya ok, spike tinggi pas harga sideways

Harga aman. Ada gap juga di atas, bisa spec buy half, half lagi tunggu firm acc BD dan FF

AALI – stoch buy bolak balik, macd up MFI sw, w% sw, BD FF acc tipis, abis drop mulai gerak naikpelan2 belum ada gerakan signifikan yang diikuti higher low, WNS deh

BRMS – Technical ok, tapi saham bakrie nggak deh

INCO – stoch up macd buy, 833 sell, MFI up, BD FF acc, w% sw, masih konsol di sekitar fibo 61 terjunan abc correction, belum lanjut wave 3. Kalo mau entry tunggu 833 buy lagi while MACD masih firm. Nikel drop jadi agak khawatir dulu

PGAS – stoch up macd buy, MFI sw, BD FF acc, w%up, belum breakout resistance, hold, kalo breakout neckline nambah

MAPI – saham hajatan, baru kemaren sell signal MACD sekarang ngebalik lagi, masalahnya udah naik tinggi, udah wave 5 dan udah ketemu bearish divergence, ga ok buat new entry, kalo yang udah pegang berani hold sambil pasang trailing stop

DOID – coal emang pada gerak, stoch up, macd up, alligator buy, MFI sw, W% uptrend, mau breakout patternd double bottom, yang belum punya coal boleh beli ini… Saya pegang HRUM

ITMG – kalo masuk sekarang nanggung, belum pasti breakout resistance, kalo entry dari kemaren pas buy signal MACD ok hold, entry baru mending nunggu konfirmasi breakout resistance 38.675

IGAR skip

Daily Analysis 20230220

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

February 20th, 2023

Good morning,

Dow closes more than 100 points higher on Friday, but notches third straight week of losses on rate fears: Live updates

U.S. stocks were mixed on Friday as stubbornly high inflation and a rebound in rates continued to weigh on investor sentiment.

Dow…….33827 +129.8 +0.39%
Nasdaq.11787 -68.6 -0.58%
S&P 500..4079 -11.3 -0.28%

FTSE…….8004 -8.1 -0.10%
Dax……..15482 -51.6 -0.33%
CAC……..7348 -18.4 -0.25%

Nikkei…..27513 -183.3 -0.66%
HSI………20720 -267.9 -1.28%
Shanghai..3224 -25.01 -0.77%

IDX…..6895.71 +0.05 +0.05%
LQ45….954.38 +0.89 +0.09%
IDX30…496.30 +0.62 +0.12%

IDXEnergy…2082.24 -15.90 -0.76%
IDX BscMat 1250.68 -9.82 -0.78%
IDX Indstrl…1155.18 -2.51 -0.22%
IDXNONCYC..759.27 +3.86 +0.51%
IDX Hlthcare1615.73 +10.34+0.64%
IDXCYCLIC…844.41 -5.31 -0.63%
IDX Techno5613.44 +27.60 +0.49%
IDX Transp1841.68 -5.26 -0.28%
IDX Infrast….865.21 -1.82 -0.21 %
IDX Finance1427.65 +4.48 +0.32%
IDX Banking1162.24 +5.43 +0.47%
IDX Property….697 – -%

Indo10Yr.6.7641 -0.0056 -0.08%
ICBI..350.7567 +0.1073 +0.03%
US10Yr.3.8280 -0.0150 -0.39%
VIX……20.02 -0.15 -0.74%

Como Indx.267.57 -2.68 -0.99%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..163.14 -0.34 -0.21%

IndoCDS..105.25 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR…..15210.00 +51.00 +0.34%‼️
Jisdor.15199.00 +23.00 +0.15%‼️

Euro……1.0686 -0.0004 -0.04%

TLKM….24.86 -0.01 -0.04%
EIDO……23.18 -0.11 -0.47%
EEM……39.68 -0.44 -1.10%

Oil…….76.34 -2.15 -2.74%
Gold 1850.20 -1.60 -0.09%
Timah 25856 -1148.00 -4.25%‼️
(Closed 02/17)
Nickel.26647.00 -967.50 -3.63%‼️
(Closed 02/17)
Silver…….21.86 -0.01 -0.06%
Copper..410.50 -1.65 -0.40%

Nturl Gas.2.300 -0.093 -3.88%‼️

Ammonia 4323.33 -83.34 -1.89%
(Domestic Price)(02/16)

Coal price.209.35 -4.65 -2.17%
Coal price183.00 -3.30 -1.77%
Coal price180.65 -3.30 -1.79%
Coal price182.40 -3.05 -1.64%

Coal price.136.50 -0.50 -0.36%
Coal price 136.20-2.80 -2.01%
(Mar/ Rotterdam)
Coal price134.95 -2.05 -1.50%
Coal price134.30 -3.10 -2.26%

CPO(May)….4136 +66 +1.62%

Corn………..677.50 +2.50 +0.37%
SoybeanOil..61.75 -0.40 -0.64%
Wheat…….776.25 unch +0%

Wood pulp…6030.00 unch +0%
(Closed 02/19)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Era9wati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Semua merah kecuali Dollar Index dan DJI, Kospi dan IDX ijo tipis, almost doji. Not good, tapi asal major uptrend malah jadi waktunya belanja

Semua commodity juga merah kecuali CPO, pas buat AALI sama LSIP untuk finally jalan

IHSG – belum berhasil breakout resistance, masih NFS, BD flat, MACD sell, Stoch sw, MFI down, ST up alligator up, w% sw, masih sideways dulu kayanya, dengan big banks LK bagus optimis major tetep uptrend, tapi hati2 sell-off pemain teknikal bisa banting karena pada exit liat MACD sell

Healthcare, Infrastructure (versi telco and tower provider, bukan BUMN karya), Energy (versi coal)


JSMR very big accumulation

MACD Buy Signal: AFMG

Alligator Buy Signal: BRIS

Supertrend Buy Signal: GOTO

Daily Analysis 20230125

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 25th, 2023

Good morning,
Dow closes 100 points higher for third consecutive day of gains

The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished higher Tuesday as investors parsed through the latest batch of corporate earnings reports for insight into the state of the economy.

Dow…….33734 +104.4 +0.31%
Nasdaq.11334 -30.1 -0.27%
S&P 500..4017 -2.9 -0.07%

FTSE…….7757 -27.3 -0.35%
Dax……..15093 -9.8 -0.07%
CAC……..7050 +18.5. +0.26%

Nikkei…..27299 +393.2 +1.46%
HSI………22045 closed +0%
Shanghai..3265 closed +0%

IDX…..6860.85 -14.08 -0.20%
LQ45….939.35 -1.66 -0.18%

IDX Energy..2225.44 -7.75 -0.35%
IDX BscMat 1272.08 -6.53. +0.52%
IDX Indstrl…1180.18 -4.68 -0.40%
IDXNONCYC..731.77 +3.40 +0.47%
IDX Hlthcare1548.85 -7.44 -0.48%
IDXCYCLIC…820.42 -0.50 -0.06%
IDX Techno5339.32+169.70+3.16%‼️
IDX Transp..1664.40 +17.39 +1.06%
IDX Infrast…..848.14 -3.21 -0.38%
IDX Finance 1392.25 -1.37 -0.10%
IDX Banking1117.16 -3.33 -0.30%
IDX Property….702 -1.30 -0.18%

Indo10Yr.6.7732 -0.0217-0.32%
ICBI..349.8139 +0.3924 +0.11%
US10Yr..3.4690 -0.0560 -1.59%
VIX…..19.20 -0.61 -3.08%

USDIndx101.9250 -0.1120 -0.11%‼️
Como Indx.277.87 -2.28 -0.81%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..177.28 +1.21 +0.69%
IndoCDS..105.25 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR……14887.50 -187.50 -1.24%👍
Jisdor..14930.00 -191.00 -1.26%👍

Euro……1.0887 +0.0018 +0.17%

TLKM…25.91 -0.28 -1.07%
EIDO……23.10 -0.16 -0.69%
EEM……42.06 +0.03 +0.07%

Oil……..80.13 -1.49 -1.83%
Gold ..1952.20 +3.20 +0.16%
Timah….29503 -33 -0.11%
(Closed 23/01)
Nickel.28848 +449.50 +1.58%
(Closed 24/01)
Silver…….23.75 +0.20 +0.83%
Copper..424.85 -0.90 -0.21%

Nturl Gas.3.063 -0.168 -5.20%‼️

Ammonia.4223.33 – -%
(Domestic Price)(18/01)

Coal price..360.00 -0.40 -0.11%
Coal price..284.75 -5.25 -1.81%
Coal price..276.40 -4.60 -1.64%
Coal price..270.15. -3.60 -1.32%

Coal price..170.00 -2.00 -1.16%
Coal price..164.10 -12.40 -7.03%‼️
(Feb/ Rotterdam)
Coal price..163.15 -11.85. -6.77%‼️
Coal price..163.75 -12.65 -7.19%‼️

CPO(Apr)…..3904 closed +0%

Corn………..677.00 +10.75 +1.61%
SoybeanOil..60.98 -1.06 -1.71%
Wheat…….734.50 +14.50 +2.01%

Wood pulp…6280.00 unch +0%
(Closed 24/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE

Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

DJI ijo tapi Nasdaq merah, europe kebanyakn merah, asia masih ada yang tutup imlek-an, jepang ijo idx merah. masih belum jelas arah, kemungkinan masih minor correction atau sideways dulu

Oil turun Gas Turun, Coal turun, hmm… Energy ga jadi jalan? Yang jelas stoploss ketat dulu. Metal metal varied, gold nickel silver ijo timah copper merah, sideways dulu sih, koreksi mungkin malah karena udah sempet rally kemaren.

IHSG – abis rally, wajarnya 2-3 hari koreksi dulu, semoga ga dalem. stoch macd still up, 833 mau sell, MFI up, NFB 3 hari walau mengecil, BD last day dist, alligator almost buy, firm wave 3, mau kejedot LR pas buat koreksi dulu

Energy, Financials, Property, Industrials… Technology sama Basic Materials hati hati

Stochastic Buy Signal: BUKA GGRM HEAL LINK