Posts Tagged ‘BMRI’

Daily Analysis 20221221

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

December 21st, 2022

Good morning,

Dow closes higher to end four-day losing streak

Stocks rose Tuesday as Wall Street shook off a surprise move from the Bank of Japan that sent global bond yields up. Investors also overlooked fears that a year-end rally may not come to pass.

Dow…….32850 +92.2    +0.28%
Nasdaq.10547 +1.1       +0.01%
S&P 500..3822 +3.96     +0.10%

FTSE…….7371  +9.3      +0.13%
Dax……..13885 -58.2     -0.42%
CAC……..6450  -22.9     -0.35%

Nikkei….26568  -669.6    -2.46%
HSI……..19095  -258.01  -1.33%
Shanghai..3074 -33.4      -1.07%
ST Times..3254 -2.64      -0.08%

IDX…….6768.32  -11.38   -0.17%
LQ45……938.90  -7.95     -0.84%

IDX Energy..2185.46 +34.17   +1.59%
IDX BscMat 1230.10 -16.63    -1.33%
IDX Indstrl…1169.68  -7.14     -0.61%
IDXNONCYC..724.18 +0.55   +0.08%
IDX Hlthcare.1549.69 -7.16    -0.46%
IDXCYCLIC…..847.51 +4.20   +0.50%
IDX Techno..5048.06 -68.07  -1.33%
IDX Transp…1684.56  -6.78   -0.40%
IDX Infrast……847.69  -2.14   -0.25%
IDX Finance 1423.55  -13.38  -0.93%
IDX Banking 1155.48  -8.42    -0.72%
IDX Property….690     -7.70     -1.10%

Indo10Yr.7.0059  unch       +0%
ICBI….344.1732  -0.0075  -0.00%
US10Yr..3.6840  +0.1030  +2.88%
VIX……21.48       -0.94       -4.19%👍

USDIndx.103.95  -0.771  -0.74%👍
Como Indx.272.27  +1.71   +0.63%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…..163.67  +2.76   +1.72%
IndoCDS..105.25         –              -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/11)

IDR……15602.50 +6.00   +0.04%
Jisdor..15608.00 -13.00  -0.08%

Euro……1.0621  +0.0014 +0.13%

TLKM…….23.55     -0.03    -0.13%
EIDO……….22.60    -0.15    -0.66%
EEM……….37.85     -0.01   -0.03%

Oil………….76.09    +0.90    +1.20%
Gold …..1825.40  +27.70 +1.54%‼️
Timah…..23308     -228.00 -0.97%
(Closed 19/12)
Nickel.27933.00 +813.50 +2.99%‼️
(Closed 20/12)
Silver……24.27   +1.07      +4.62%‼️
Copper…379.90  +1.60    +0.42%

Nturl Gas..5.360   -0.483  -8.27%‼️

Ammonia..4580 -179.67 -3.71%‼️
(Domestic Price)(19/12)

Coal price….400.05   -1.30    -0.32%
Coal price….376.55   +5.80  +1.56%
Coal price….362.00   +9.70  +2.75%
Coal price…230.45   -0.05     -0.02%
Coal price…195.60 -6.15  -3.05%‼️
(Jan/ Rotterdam)
Coal price…195.60  -6.05  -3.00%‼️

VCoal(ICI 4)…..89.80         –              -%
Indonesial Coal Index (17/11)

CPO(Mar)…..3870   -62     -1.58%

Corn………….652.00 +4.75  +0.73%
SoybeanOil.64.81    +1.40   +2.21%
Wheat………750.50  +2.00   +0.27%

Wood pulp…6476.00  -24   -0.37%
(Closed 19/12)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE

Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Akhirnya US ijo juga…europe cuma inggris yang ijo, asia masih merah closingnya kemaren. Semoga hari ini rebound

Metal metal naik semua kecuali timah, bagus buat ANTM. Oil naik, gas drop jauh, coal spot turun dikit future nya drop di rotterdam price, semoga respon market tetep bagus, masih stay diatas 400

IHSG – masih FNS, BD akum, Stoch Up, MACD rev up, dikit lagi buy, MFI down, masih dalam rangka wave 3, price level di area support kuat, area mantul 17 oct 2022. US ijo semoga mulai rally naik jalan wave 3

Basic Materials, Infrastructure, Technology. Finance belum lagi, gagal ini santa claus rally deh…

Stochastic Buy Signal: BMRI EXCL MIKA Sama sektor Consumer Cyclicals dan Energy

MACD buy signal: ISAT ISSI sama sektor Energy

Kayanya mau jalan ini Infrastructure, TLKM ISAT EXCL pada nongol buy signals

Daily Analysis 20221201

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

December 01st, 2022

Good morning,

S&P 500 ends 3-day losing streak. Dow jumps 700 points after Powell signals smaller rate hikes

Stocks saw broad gains Wednesday after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell confirmed that the central bank will slow the pace of its aggressive rate-hiking campaign that has weighed on markets.

*Dow…….34590 +737.2 +2.18%*
*Nasdaq.11468 +484.2 +4.41%*
*S&P 500..4080 +122.5 +3.09%*

FTSE…….7573 +61.1 +0.81%
Dax……..14397 +41.6 +0.29%
CAC……..6739 +69.6 +1.04%

Nikkei….27969 -58.9 -0.21%
HSI……..18597 +392.6 +2.16%
Shanghai..3151 +1.6 +0.05%
ST Times..3290 +14.1 +0.43%

IDX…….7081.31 +69.24 +0.99%
LQ45….1008.28 +13.06 +1.31%

IDX Energy..2078.75 +6.79 +0.33%
IDX Bsc Mat.1284.28 +3.93 +0.31%
IDX Industrl..1246.26 +7.94 +0.64%
IDXNONCYC..744.99 +6.54 +0.89%
IDX Hlthcare.1537.02 +18.24 +1.20%
IDXCYCLIC…..894.72 +4.05 +0.45%
IDX Techno….5896.76 -108.60 -1.81%
IDX Transp…1775.28 -2.37 -0.13%
IDX Infrast……894.06 -1.51 -0.17%
IDX Finance 1509.34 +26.69 +1.80%,
*IDX Banking 1231.39 +33.53 +2.80%‼️*
IDX Property….718 +2.80 +0.39%

*Indo10Yr….7.1218 -0.0308 -0.43%👍*
*ICBI……..341.9633 +0.8271 +0.24%👍*
*US10Yr..3.7030 -0.0450 -1.22%*
*VIX……20.58 -1.31 -5.98%*

*USDIndx..106.0250 -0.8060 -0.75%*
Como Indx..279.76 +4.24 +1.54%
(Core Commodity CRB)
*BCOMIN……162.30 +4.19 +2.65%*
*IndoCDS..105.25 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(07/11)*

*IDR……15731.50 -11.00 -0.07%‼️*
*Jisdor..15742.00 +5.00 +0.03%‼️*

*Euro……..1.0408 +0.0079 +0.76%👍*

TLKM……..25.48 +0.37 +1.47%
EIDO………23.77 +0.46 +1.97%
*EEM……….38.52 +1.11 +2.89%*

*Oil………….80.55 +2.35 +3.01%‼️*
Gold ……1759.90 -3.80 -0.22%
Timah…..22788 +434.00 +1.94%
*(Closed 29/11)*
Nickel…26928.50 +59.00 +0.22%
*(Closed 30/11)*
Silver………21.78 +0.35 +1.61%
Copper…..373.80 +9.85 +2.71%

Nturl Gas…..7.274 -0.055 -0.75%

Ammonia..4623.33 +33.33 +0.73%
(Domestic Price)(29/11)

*Coal price….398.50 +11.10 +2.87%*
*Coal price….389.00 +15.50 +4.15%‼️*
*Coal price….379.50 +14.25 +3.90%‼️*
*Coal price….279.00 +19.00 +7.31%‼️*
*Coal price….283.95 +23.45 +9.00%‼️*
(Jan/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price….282.90 +24.50 +9.48%‼️*

Coal(ICI 4)…..89.80 – -%
Indonesial Coal Index (17/11)

CPO(Feb)……4236 +15 +0.36%

Corn………….667.00 -2.50 -0.37%
SoybeanOil…71.88 -1.10 -1.51%
Wheat………795.50 +14.00 +1.79%

Wood pulp…6590.00 unch +0%
(Closed 30/11)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Ijo semua kecuali IHSG sama Nikkei, US ijo tebel abis pengumuman akan slow down kenaikan suku bunga fed. Bagus buat saham overall

Coal lanjut naik tinggi, metal metal ijo kecuali gold, oil rebond, gas koreksi tipis, CPO ijo tipis, masih bullish baru di coal. Banks keliatan di gas, mau mulai santa claus rally? Probably

IHSG – bener bener dibawa sideways, foreign masih net buy terus, optimis tinggal tunggu breakout


Energy, Healthcare, Property, disusul Industrials sama Consumer Non-Cyclicals dan Consumer Cyclicals, Basic Materials mulai gerak, ini kalo Financials lanjut firm jadi semuanya jalan, index lari lagi.

Daily Analysis 20221125

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

November 25th, 2022

Good morning,

US markets on holiday due to Thanksgiving Day

Dow…….34194 closed +0%
Nasdaq.11285 closed +0%
S&P 500..4027 closed +0%

FTSE…….7467 +1.4 +0.02%
Dax……..14540 +111.97+0.78%
CAC……..6707 +28.2 +0.42%

Nikkei….28383 +267.4 +0.95%
HSI……..17661 +137.1 +0.78%
Shanghai..3088 -7.60 -0.25%
ST Times..3253 -3.1 -0.10%

IDX…….7080.52 +26.39 +0.37%
LQ45….1004.32 +5.82 +0.58%

IDX Energy..2072.36 -14.65 -0.70%
IDX Bsc Mat.1290.71 +2.65 +0.21%
IDX Industrl..1233.10 +3.33 +0.27%
IDXNONCYC..733.21 +2.65 +0.36%
IDX Hlthcare.1486.02 +12.26 +0.83%
IDXCYCLIC…..890.31 +1.67 +0.19%
IDX Techno..6492.24 -78.99 -1.20%
IDX Transp…1809.80 +0.22 +0.01%
IDX Infrast……912.15 +3.12 +0.34%
IDX Finance 1500.64 +3.05 +0.20%,
IDX Banking.1197.99 +5.59 +0.47%
*IDX Property….711 +13.8 +1.98%*

*Indo10Yr….7.2101 -0.0462 -0.64%👍*
*ICBI……..340.2055 +1.1616 +0.34%👍*
*US10Yr..3.7060 closed +0%*
*VIX……20.42 +0.07 +0.34%*

*USDIndx..105.8520 -0.2850 -0.27%👍*
Como Indx..276.87 closed +0%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……156.96 closed +0%
*IndoCDS..105.25 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(07/11)*

*IDR……15665.00 -21.00 -0.14%*
*Jisdor..15647.00 -53.00 -0.34%*

*Euro……..1.0410 +0.0015 +0.14%👍*

TLKM……..25.26 closed +0%
EIDO………23.24 closed +0%
EEM……….37.95 closed +0%

Oil………….77.96 +0.02 +0.03%
Gold ……1769.80 +9.40 +0.53%
Timah…..22028 -166.00 -0.75 %
*(Closed 23/11)*
Nickel…26108.00 +92.00 +0.35%
*(Closed 24/11)*
Silver………21.71 +0.18 +0.83%
Copper…..363.45 +1.60 +0.44%

Nturl Gas…..7.229 -0.103 -1.40%

Ammonia..4590.00 unch +0%
(Domestic Price)(23/11)

Coal price….347.35 +0.90 +0.26%
Coal price….356.55 +0.55 +0.15%
Coal price….349.90 unch +0%
Coal price….213.80 +0.10 -0.05%
*Coal price….238.05 -9.10 -3.68%‼️*
(Des/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price….239.00 -11.00 +4.40%‼️*

Coal(ICI 4)…..89.80 – -%
Indonesial Coal Index (17/11)

*CPO(Feb)……4046 -58 -1.41%*

Corn………….666.25 closed +0%
SoybeanOil…72.20 closed +0%
Wheat………813.00 closed +0%

Wood pulp…6580.00 unch +0%
(Closed 24/11)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US tutup, Europe ijo, asia ada yang ijo rada tebel ada yang merah tipis. Semoga lanjut ijo hari ini…

IHSG – Semoga breakout triangle dan midline LR ke atas, teknikal udha ok koq, udah beberapa hari FNB juga

Oil rebound tipis, metal rata2 ijo kecuali timah, tapi tipis tipis, market US tutup jadi ga aggressive keliatannya Gas turun dikit, Coal Newsactle naik tipis, rotterdam future desember turun tajem, future january naik tinggi. Masih positif untuk emiten batubara. CPO turun lagi, emang belum sih ini keliatannya

Energy Property

Financials melemah sedikit, kita check infobank15, index butuh big banks gerak untuk breakout triangle

Infobank15 – Masih tertahan sideways juga ternyata, tapi harapan untuk bisa breakout ada sih, FNB udah seminggu, bar freq analyzer tambah tnggi walau vol nya cenderung rata, alias kebanyakan transaksi lebih banyak big player nya

Daily Analysis 20221116

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

November 16th, 2022

Good morning,

S&P 500 closes higher after another lighter-than-expected inflation report, Nasdaq jumps 1.4%

Stocks resumed their inflation-driven rally on Tuesday after another report signaled that price increases could be slowing.

Dow…….33593 +56.2 +0.17%
Nasdaq.1158 +162.2 +1.45%
S&P 500..3992 +34.9 +0.88%

FTSE…….7369 -15.7 -0.21%
Dax……..14379 +65.2 +0.46%
CAC……..6642 +32.5 +0.49%

Nikkei….27990 +26.7 +0.10%
*HSI……..18343 +723.4 +4.11%*
Shanghai..3134 +50.7 +1.64%
ST Times..3275 +14.5 +0.44%

IDX…….7035.50 +16.11 +0.23%
LQ45….1004.36 +3.34 +0.33%

IDX Energy..1972.19 +10.65 +0.54%
IDX Bsc Mat.1316.58 +1.64 +0.12%
IDX Industrl..1221.66 +3.81 +0.31%
IDXNONCYC..734.66 +5.05 +0.69%
IDX Hlthcare.1489.57 -1.29 -0.09%
IDXCYCLIC…..882.2 -2.39 -0.27%
IDX Techno..6800.09 +19.47 +0.29%
IDX Transp…1823.85 +18.73 +1.04%
IDX Infrast……917.42 -0.94 -0.10%
IDX Finance 1489.52 +2.32 +0.16%
IDX Banking.1192.27 +3.65 +0.31%
IDX Property….698 – -%

*Indo10Yr….7.3494 -0.0449 -0.61%‼️*
*ICBI……..337.2594 +0.9444 +0.28%👍*
*US10Yr..3.7990 -0.0660 -1.71%*
*VIX……24.30 +0.57 +2.40%‼️*

*USDIndx..106.5630 -0.3680 -0.34%*
Como Indx..284.36 +2.20 +0.78%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……168.52 +1.49 +0.89%
*IndoCDS..105.25 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(07/11)*

*IDR……15537.50 +18.00 +0.12%‼️*
*Jisdor..15564.00 +65.00 +0.42%‼️*

*Euro……..1.0346 +0.0018 +0.17%*

TLKM……..25.83 -0.01 -0.04%
EIDO………23.36 -0.01 -0.04%
*EEM……….38.80 +0.87 +2.29%*

*Oil…………86.92 +1.05 +1.22%*
Gold ……1776.80 -0.10 -0.01%
*Timah…..22029 +714.00 +3.35*
*(Closed 14/11)*
*Nickel…29753.50 +687.00 +2.36%*
*(Closed 15/11)*
*Silver………21.52 -0.55 -2.67%*
Copper…..381.95 -0.80 -0.21%

Nturl Gas…..6.161 +0.092 +1.52%

Ammonia..4346.67 – 16.66 -0.38%
(Domestic Price)(14/11)

*Coal price….341.00 +10.65 +3.22%‼️*
*Coal price….330.00 +21.00 +6.80%‼️*
*Coal price….323.25 +18.60 +6.11%‼️*
*Coal price….203.50 +9.50 +4.90%*
*Coal price….204.75 +13.10 +6.84%‼️*
(Des/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price….206.80 +14.80 +7.70%‼️*

*Coal(ICI 4)…..89.80 – -%*
Indonesial Coal Index (14/11)

*CPO(Jan)……4030 -78 -1.89%*

Corn………….669.25 +10.00 +1.52%
SoybeanOil…74.67 +0.79 +1.07%
Wheat………848.00 +9.75 +1.16%

Wood pulp…6630.00 -40 -0.60%
(Closed 14/11)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_

*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Kemaren ijo semua kecuali inggris, hangseng naik tinggi banget…

Gold Silver Copper turun, timah nikel naik, komoditi energy naik semua, kayanya udah waktunya entry menjelang winter di bumi utara

IHSG – Sesuai perkiraan, abis tutup gap ijo dulu, walau tipis, yang bikin kaget karena sempet dibawa turun jauh dulu sebelum closing diatas

IHSG – yang bikin berat itu masih NFS terus. Keliatannya masih sideways dulu sambil nunggu financials bangun. Berita tentang profit BRI udah nongol, tanda2 mau mulai gerak lagi.

Financials, Technology, Basic Materials tapi udah mulai melemah