Posts Tagged ‘Balance’

3D Printing: What It Is, How It Works, Examples

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is 3D Printing?

Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object from a digital design. The process works by laying down thin layers of material in the form of liquid or powdered plastic, metal or cement, and then fusing the layers together.

Key Takeaways

  • Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing process in which a physical object is created from a digital design by printing thin layers of material and then fusing them together.
  • Some industries, such as hearing aids manufacturers, airline manufacturers, and car manufacturers, use 3D printing to create prototypes and mass produce their products using custom scans.
  • While it is currently too slow to be used in mass production, 3D printing technology is still evolving and has the potential to massively disrupt both the manufacturing logistics and inventory management industries.

Understanding 3D Printing

Since it was introduced, 3D printing technology has already increased manufacturing productivity. In the long-term, it has the potential to massively disrupt both the manufacturing, logistics, and inventory management industries, especially if it can be successfully incorporated into mass production processes.

Currently, 3D printing speeds are too slow to be used in mass production. However, the technology has been used to reduce the lead time in the development of prototypes of parts and devices, and the tooling needed to make them. This is hugely beneficial to small-scale manufacturers because it reduces their costs and the time to market, that is, the amount of time from a product being conceived until its being available for sale.

3D printing can create intricate and complex shapes using less material than subtractive manufacturing processes, such as drilling, welding, injection molding, and other processes. Making prototypes faster, easier, and cheaper allows for more innovation, experimentation, and product-based startups.

Industrial Uses

Car and aircraft manufacturers have taken the lead in 3D manufacturing, using the technology to transform unibody and fuselage design and production, and powertrain design and production. Boeing is using 3D-printed titanium parts in the construction of its 787 Dreamliner airliner. In 2017, General Electric created a helicopter engine with 16 parts instead of 900–an indication of how big an impact 3D printing could potentially have on supply chains.

In medical sciences, 3D printing is being used to customize implants. In the future, organs and body parts may be created using 3D printing techniques. In the fashion world, Nike, Adidas, and New Balance are using 3D printing to create their shoes. In the construction industry, companies around the world are making breakthroughs in 3D printing of the materials need to build homes. Using layers of concrete, homes can be built in 24 hours, which are stronger than regular cinder blocks and cost a fraction of the price.

In the manufacturing of hearing aids, 3D printing is now customary. The use of 3D printing accelerates the process of manufacturing and enables manufacturers to make custom hearing aids. Audiologists can use 3D scanners to create a custom prototype using reference points from the scan. Manufacturers can feed the scan into a 3D printing machine and after fine-tuning the materials and the ear shapes, print the entire hearing aids.


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Asset-Based Approach: Calculations and Adjustments

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Asset-Based Approach: Calculations and Adjustments


What Is an Asset-Based Approach?

An asset-based approach is a type of business valuation that focuses on a company’s net asset value. The net asset value is identified by subtracting total liabilities from total assets. There is some room for interpretation in terms of deciding which of the company’s assets and liabilities to include in the valuation and how to measure the worth of each.

Key Takeaways

  • There are several methods available for calculating the value of a company.
  • An asset-based approach identifies a company’s net assets by subtracting liabilities from assets.
  • The asset-based valuation is often adjusted to calculate a company’s net asset value based on the market value of its assets and liabilities.

Understanding an Asset-Based Approach

Identifying and maintaining awareness of the value of a company is an important responsibility for financial executives. Overall, stakeholder and investor returns increase when a company’s value increases, and vice versa.

There are a few different ways to identify a company’s value. Two of the most common are the equity value and enterprise value. The asset-based approach can also be used in conjunction with these two methods or as a standalone valuation. Both equity value and enterprise value require the use of equity in the calculation. If a company does not have equity, analysts may use the asset-based valuation as an alternative.

Many stakeholders will also calculate the asset-based value and use it comprehensively in valuation comparisons. The asset-based value may also be required for private companies in certain types of analysis as added due diligence. Furthermore, the asset-based value can also be an important consideration when a company is planning a sale or liquidation.

The asset-based approach uses the value of assets to calculate a business entity’s valuation.

Calculating Asset-Based Value

In its most basic form, the asset-based value is equivalent to the company’s book value or shareholders’ equity. The calculation is generated by subtracting liabilities from assets.

Often, the value of assets minus liabilities differs from the value reported on the balance sheet due to timing and other factors. Asset-based valuations can provide latitude for using market values rather than balance sheet values. Analysts may also include certain intangible assets in asset-based valuations that may or may not be on the balance sheet.

Adjusting Net Assets

One of the biggest challenges in arriving at an asset-based valuation is adjusting net assets. An adjusted asset-based valuation seeks to identify the market value of assets in the current environment. Balance sheet valuations use depreciation to decrease the value of assets over time. Thus, the book value of an asset is not necessarily equivalent to the fair market value.

Other considerations for net asset adjustments may include certain intangibles that are not fully valued on the balance sheet or included on the balance sheet at all. Companies might not find it necessary to value certain trade secrets. However, since an adjusted asset-based approach looks at what a company could potentially sell for in the current market, these intangibles are important to consider.

In an adjusted net asset calculation, adjustments can also be made for liabilities. Market value adjustments can potentially increase or decrease the value of liabilities, which directly affects the calculation of adjusted net assets.


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Average Outstanding Balance on Credit Cards: Calculation, FAQs

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is Average Outstanding Balance?

An average outstanding balance is the unpaid, interest-bearing balance of a loan or loan portfolio averaged over a period of time, usually one month. The average outstanding balance can refer to any term, installment, revolving, or credit card debt on which interest is charged. It may also be an average measure of a borrower’s total outstanding balances over a period of time.

Average outstanding balance can be contrasted with average collected balance, which is that part of the loan that has been repaid over the same period.

Key Takeaways

  • The average outstanding balance refers to the unpaid portion of any term, installment, revolving, or credit card debt on which interest is charged over some period of time.
  • Interest on revolving loans may be assessed based on an average balance method.
  • Outstanding balances are reported by credit card companies to consumer credit bureaus each month for use in credit scoring and credit underwriting.
  • Average outstanding balances can be calculated based on daily, monthly, or some other time frame.
  • Large outstanding balances can be an indicator of financial trouble for both lenders and borrowers.

Understanding Average Outstanding Balance

Average outstanding balances can be important for several reasons. Lenders often have a portfolio of many loans, which need to be assessed in aggregate in terms of risk and profitability. Banks use the average outstanding balance to determine the amount of interest they pay each month to their account holders or charge to their borrowers. If a bank has a large outstanding balance on its lending portfolio it could indicate that they are having trouble collecting on their loans and may be a signal for future financial stress.

Many credit card companies also use an average daily outstanding balance method for calculating interest applied to a revolving credit loan, particularly credit cards. Credit card users accumulate outstanding balances as they make purchases throughout the month. An average daily balance method allows a credit card company to charge slightly higher interest that takes into consideration a cardholder’s balances throughout the past days in a period and not just at the closing date.

For borrowers, credit rating agencies will review a consumer’s outstanding balances on their credit cards as part of determining a FICO credit score. Borrowers should show restraint by keeping their credit card balances well below their limits. Maxing out credit cards, paying late, and applying for new credit increases one’s outstanding balances and can lower FICO scores.

Interest on Average Outstanding Balances 

With average daily outstanding balance calculations, the creditor may take an average of the balances over the past 30 days and assess interest on a daily basis. Commonly, average daily balance interest is a product of the average daily balances over a statement cycle with interest assessed on a cumulative daily basis at the end of the period.

Regardless, the daily periodic rate is the annual percentage rate (APR) divided by 365. If interest is assessed cumulatively at the end of a cycle, it would only be assessed based on the number of days in that cycle.

Other average methodologies also exist. For example, a simple average may be used between a beginning and ending date by dividing the beginning balance plus the ending balance by two and then assessing interest based on a monthly rate.

Credit cards will provide their interest methodology in the cardholder agreement. Some companies may provide details on interest calculations and average balances in their monthly statements.

Because the outstanding balance is an average, the period of time over which the average is computed will affect the balance amount.

Consumer Credit

Outstanding balances are reported by credit providers to credit reporting agencies each month. Credit issuers typically report a borrower’s total outstanding balance at the time the report is provided. Some credit issuers may report outstanding balances at the time a statement is issued while others choose to report data on a specific day each month. Balances are reported on all types of revolving and non-revolving debt. With outstanding balances, credit issuers also report delinquent payments beginning at 60 days past due.

Timeliness of payments and outstanding balances are the top factors that affect a borrower’s credit score. Experts say borrowers should strive to keep their total outstanding balances below 30%. Borrowers using more than 30% of total available debt outstanding can easily improve their credit score from month to month by making larger payments that reduce their total outstanding balance.

When the total outstanding balance decreases, a borrower’s credit score improves. Timeliness, however, is not as easy to improve since delinquent payments are a factor that can remain on a credit report for seven years.

Average balances are not always a part of credit scoring methodologies. However, if a borrower’s balances are drastically changing over a short period of time due to debt repayment or debt accumulation, there will typically be a lag in total outstanding balance reporting to the credit bureau’s which can make tracking and assessing real-time outstanding balances difficult.

Calculating Average Outstanding Balance

Lenders typically calculate interest on revolving credit, such as credit cardsor lines of credit, using an average of daily outstanding balances. The bank adds all the daily outstanding balances in the period (usually a month) and divides this sum by the number of days in the period. The result is the average outstanding balance for the period.

For loans that are paid monthly, such as mortgages, a lender may instead take the arithmetic mean of the starting and ending balance for a statement cycle. For instance, say a home borrower has a mortgage balance of $100,000 at the start of the month and makes a payment on the 30th of the same month, reducing the outstanding principal amount to $99,000. The average outstanding balance for the loan over that period would be ($100,000-99,000)/2 = $99,500.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an outstanding balance?

An outstanding balance is the total amount still owed on a loan.

What is an outstanding principal balance?

This is the amount of a loan’s principal amount (i.e. the dollar amount initially loaned) that is still due, and does not take into account the interest or any fees that are owed on the loan.

Where can I find my outstanding balance?

Borrowers can find this information on their regular bank or loan statements. They can also usually be pulled up from a lender’s website for viewing at any time.

What is the difference between outstanding balance and remaining balance?

Outstanding balance refers to the amount still owed on a loan from the perspective of a borrower or lender. Remaining balance instead refers to how much money remains in an account after spending or a withdrawal, from the perspective of a saver or savings bank.

What percentage of an outstanding balance is a minimum payment?

Some lenders charge a fixed percentage, such a 2.5%. Others will charge a flat fee plus a fixed percentage, such as $20 + 1.75% of the outstanding balance as the minimum payment due. Penalty fees like late fees, as well as past due amounts, will typically be added to the calculation. This would increase your minimum payment significantly.


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Available Balance: Definition and Comparison to Current Balance

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is an Available Balance?

The available balance is the balance in checking or on-demand accounts that is free for use by the customer or account holder. These are funds that are available for immediate use, and includes deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and any other activity that has already cleared to or from the account. A credit card account’s available balance is normally referred to as available credit.

An account holder’s available balance may be different from the current balance. The current balance generally includes any pending transactions that haven’t been cleared.

The available balance is different from the current balance, which includes any pending transactions.

Understanding Available Balance

As noted above, the available balance represents the funds available for immediate use in a customer’s account. This balance is updated continuously throughout the day. Any activity that takes place in the account—whether that’s a transaction done through the teller, an automated teller machine (ATM), at a store, or online—affects this balance. It does not include any pending transactions that have yet to clear.

When you log into your online banking portal, you will normally see two balances at the top: The available balance and the current balance. The current balance is what you have in your account all the time. This figure includes any transactions that have not cleared such as checks.

Depending on both the issuing bank and the receiving bank’s policies, check deposits may take anywhere from one to two days to clear. This process may take much longer if the check is drawn on a non-bank or foreign institution. The time between when a check is deposited and when it is available is often called the float time.

A customer’s available balance becomes important when there is a delay in crediting funds to an account. If an issuing bank has not cleared a check deposit, for example, the funds will not be available to the account holder, even though they may show up in the account’s current balance.

Using the Available Balance

Customers can use the available balance in any way they choose, as long as they don’t exceed the limit. They should also take into consideration any pending transactions that haven’t been added or deducted from the balance. A customer may be able to withdraw funds, write checks, do a transfer, or even make a purchase with their debit card up to the available balance.

For example, your bank account balance can be $1,500, but your available balance may only be $1,000. That extra $500 may be due to a pending transfer to another account for $350, an online purchase you made for $100, a check you deposited for $400 that hasn’t cleared yet because the bank put it on hold, and a pre-authorized payment for your car insurance for $450. You can use any amount up to $1,000 without incurring any extra fees or charges from your bank. If you go beyond that, you may go into overdraft, and there may be issues with the pending transactions.

Key Takeaways

  • The available balance is the balance available for immediate use in a customer’s account.
  • This balance includes any withdrawals, transfers, checks, or any other activity that has already been cleared by the financial institution.
  • The available balance is different from the current balance which accounts for all pending transactions.
  • Customers can use any or all of the available balance as long as they don’t exceed it.

Available Balance and Check Holds

Banks may decide to place holds on checks under the following circumstances, which affect your available balance:

  • If the check is above $5,000, the bank can place a hold on whatever amount exceeds $5,000. However, said amount must be made available within a reasonable time, usually two to five business days.
  • Banks may hold checks from accounts that are repeatedly overdrawn. This includes accounts with a negative balance on six or more banking days in the most recent six-month period and account balances that were negative by $5,000 or more two times in the most recent six-month period.
  • If a bank has reasonable cause to doubt the collectibility of a check, it can place a hold. This can occur in some instances of postdated checks, checks dated six (or more) months prior, and checks that the paying institution deemed it will not honor. Banks must provide notice to customers of doubtful collectibility.
  • A bank may hold checks deposited during emergency conditions, such as natural disasters, communications malfunctions, or acts of terrorism. A bank may hold such checks until conditions permit it to provide the available funds.
  • Banks may hold deposits into the accounts of new customers, who are defined as those who have held their accounts for less than 30 days. Banks may choose an availability schedule for new customers.

Banks may not hold cash or electronic payments, along with the first $5,000 of traditional checks that are not in question. On July 1, 2018, new amendments to Regulation CC—Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks—issued by the Federal Reserve took effect to address the new environment of electronic check collection and processing systems, including rules about remote deposit capture and warranties for electronic checks and electronic returned checks.

Special Considerations

There are cases that can affect your account balance—both negatively and positively—and how you can use it. Electronic banking makes our lives easier, allowing us to schedule payments and allow for direct deposits at regular intervals. Remember to keep track of all your pre-authorized payments—especially if you have multiple payments coming out at different times every month. And if your employer offers direct deposit, take advantage of it. Not only does it save you a trip to the bank every payday, but it also means you can use your pay right away.


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