Posts Tagged ‘Asian’

Daily Analysis 20230410

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

April 10th, 2023

Good morning,

US, Europe, and Asian markets on holiday due to Good Friday

Dow……33485 closed +0%
Nasdaq12088 closed +0%
S&P 500.4105 closed +0%

FTSE…..7742 closed +0%
Dax……15598 closed +0%
CAC……7325 closes +0%

Nikkei…..27518 +45.7 +0.17%
HSI………20331 closed +0%
Shanghai.3327 +15.02 +0.45%

IDX…..6792.77 closed +0%
LQ45….937.20 closed +0%
IDX30…488.25 closed +0%

IDXEnergy…2110.30 closed +0%
IDX BscMat 1156.25 closed +0%
IDX Indstrl…1183.33 closed +0%
IDXNONCYC.711.75 closed +0%
IDX Hlthcare1498.62 closed +0%
IDXCYCLIC…..819.43 closed +0%
IDX Techno..4952.41 closed +0%
IDX Transp..1773.31 closed +0%
IDX Infrast…..802.66 closed +0%
IDX Finance.1389.60 closed +0%
IDX Banking.1140.96 closed +0%
IDX Property…687 closed +0%

Indo10Yr.6.7561 closed +0%
ICBI…..354.4280 closed +0
*US2Yr.3.9930 +0.1641 +4.29%‼️
US5Yr 3.5161 +0.1423 +4.22%‼️
US10Yr3.4130 +0.1100 +3.33%‼️
US30Yr.3.6230+0.0750 +2.11%
VIX…… 18.40 closed +0%

USDIndx102.0560 -0.0360 -0.04%
Como Indx.271.99 closed +0%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…154.87 closed +0%

IndoCDS..91.610 -0.010 -0.01%
(5-yr INOCD5) (07/04)

IDR…..14912.00 closed +0%
Jisdor.14943.00 closed +0%

Euro……1.0909 -0.0008 -0.07%

TLKM….28.37 closed +0%
EIDO……23.62 closed +0%
EEM……39.39 closed +0%

Oil……80.97 +0.27 +0.33%
Gold.2020.60 -5.80 -0.29%
Timah..24308.00 +61.00 +0.25%
(Closed 06/04)
Nickel..23073.00 closed. +0%
(Closed 07/04)
Silver……25.11 +0.01 +0.05%
Copper…402.00 +0.40 +0.11%

Nturl Gas.2.021 -0.015 -0.74%

Ammonia 3700.00 -83.33 +2.15%
(Domestic Price)(04/05)

Coal price.193.75 closed +0%
Coal price.203.25 closed +0%
Coal price.208.65 closed +0%
Coal price.211.20 closed +0%

Coal price.135.10 closed +0%
Coal price.131.95 closed +0%
(May/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 131.00 closed +0%
Coal price 131.85 closed +0%

CPO(Jun)…3800 -24 +0.63%

Corn……..643.50 closed +0%
SoybeanOil54.53 closed +0%
Wheat…..676.50 closed +0%

Wood pulp..4860.00 unch +0%
(Closed 09/04)

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Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

Jum’at pada libur paskah, asia yang buka kecuali IDX dan pada ijo

Oil ijo gas merah coal closed, metal2 ijo tipis kecuali gold yang merah. cpo ijo

Gold Price 4 hari merah, harus dipantau ketat ANTM MDKA for early reversal.

IHSG – stpch buy, macd masih up, mfi up, BD dist FF masih acc terus, masih positive outlook kalo gini, bandar lokal aja lagi profit taking kayanya. Masih optimis akan finish pattern double bottom

Masih Energy Leading, lanjut Property, Financials, Consumer Cyclicals, Transportation, Basic Materials, Technology. Begitu financials mulai gerak lagi harusnya index juga jalan lagi. Industrials sama Infrastructure mulai gerak

Stoch Buy Signal: BBRI. Yang lain banyak banget yang sell ikutan index


Alligator Buy Signal: ADRO INCO AGII ELSA MBSS

Supertrend Buy Signal: ERAA JSMR

BBRI – masih sideways sih, tunggu breakout aja

ERAA – supertrend buy, vol breakout, MACD ngebalik buy lagi, BD FF acc, MFI up, w% uptrend, breakout CNH, agak ketinggian sih harga sekarang, tapi harusnya otw fibo 61

Spike belum, kalo buat ngejar tapi ga ada spike signfificant ga berani ah

udah diatas average bandar, kalo mau safe tunggu spike atau harga ke 500, dengan resiko ketinggalan kereta… Tapi better safe than sorry kan

EKAD skip

ADRO – lagi slow down, FNS, stoch almost sell, macd masih up, 833 sell, tunggu 833 buy lagi. Udah naik 20%, wajarnya koreksi dulu

ELSA – harga minyak masih naik, OPEC cut production, stoch sell, macd rev down, FF acc, BD dist, MFI sw, w% sw, lagi di fibo 23, HOLD, watch MACD

MBSS – udah beres gorengannya, skip

INCO – biarkan bikin higher low dulu, next swing baru ikutan

JSMR – udah ketinggian, entry pas MACD sekarang harusnya pullback dulu, wns


Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)


What Is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)?

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a new international development bank that provides financing for infrastructure projects in Asia. It began operations in January 2016.

How the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Works

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank headquartered in Beijing. Like other development banks, its mission is to improve social and economic outcomes in its region, Asia, and beyond. The bank opened in January 2016 and now has 105 approved members worldwide, as of Jul. 30, 2022.

The History of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

China’s leader Xi Jinping first proposed an Asian infrastructure bank at an APEC summit in Bali in 2013. Many observers have interpreted the bank as a challenge to international lending bodies, which some consider too reflective of American foreign policy interests such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

In this bank’s case, China controls half of the bank’s voting shares, which gives the perception that the AIIB will function in the interests of the Chinese government. The U.S. has questioned the bank’s governing standards and its social and environmental safeguards, perhaps pressuring allies not to apply for membership. However, despite American objections, approximately half of NATO has signed on, as has nearly every large Asian country, with the exception of Japan. The result is widely considered in an indicator of China’s growing international influence at the expense of the United States.

The Structure of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The bank is headed by a Board of Governors composed of one Governor and one Alternate Governor appointed by each of the 86 member countries. A non-resident Board of Directors is responsible for the direction and management of the Bank such as the Bank’s strategy, annual plan and budget and establishing policies and oversight procedures.

The bank staff is headed by a President who is elected by AIIB shareholders for a five-year term and is eligible for re-election once. The President is supported by Senior Management including five Vice Presidents for policy and strategy, investment operations, finance, administration, and the corporate secretariat and the General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer. Mr. Jin Liqun is the current President.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Priorities

The bank’s priorities are projects that promote sustainable Infrastructure and to support countries that are striving to meet environmental and development goals. The bank funds projects linking countries in the region and cross-border infrastructure projects for roads, rail, ports, energy pipelines and telecoms across Central Asia and maritime routes in South East and South Asia and the Middle East. The bank’s priorities also include private capital mobilization and encouraging partnerships that stimulate private capital investment such as those with other multilateral development banks, governments, and private financiers.

An example of an AIIB project is a rural road connectivity initiative that will benefit approximately 1.5 million rural residents in Madhya Pradesh, India. In April 2018, the AIIB announced the project, which is also expected to improve the livelihoods, education, and mobility of the residents of 5,640 villages. The project is a U.S. $140-million jointly financed by the AIIB and the World Bank.


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8(a) Firm

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What is an 8(a) Firm?

An 8(a) firm is a small business that is owned and operated by socially and economically disadvantaged citizens and that has been accepted into the 8(a) Business Development Program. This program is administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA), the United States agency charged with supporting the growth and development of small businesses. The 8(a) program is designed to help disadvantaged entrepreneurs get government contracts and access the economic mainstream in America.

Key Takeaways

  • 8(a) firms are small businesses that are owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
  • The (8)a Business Development Program is run and administered by the SBA, or Small Business Administration, with the goal of giving a leg up to specially selected small businesses.
  • The 8(a) program helps aspiring entrepreneurs obtain government contracts and also includes mentoring, procurement assistance, training, financial assistance, management assistance, and technical assistance, among other benefits.
  • Applicants go through a rigorous application process for 8(a) status. 8 (a) status lasts up to nine years from when it is granted.

How 8(a) Firm Status Works

The 8(a) status is specially granted by the SBA to any small business that qualifies, making it eligible for financial assistance, training, mentoring, and other forms of assistance. In order to qualify for this special status, businesses must be owned and operated by individuals who are considered socially and economically disadvantaged. These individuals may have been subject to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias.

The 8(a) status is outlined specifically in Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act, and is designed to help small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the general market. The federal government has a stated goal of awarding at least 5% of federal contracting dollars every year to these businesses.

The Purpose of the 8(a) Business Development Program

One of the main reasons behind the creation of the 8(a) status was to increase business involvement by a broader portion of society. The SBA identifies several groups that are eligible for 8(a) status, including Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, and Subcontinent Asian Americans. Someone who is not a member of one of these groups may still get into the program if they can show significant evidence of having been socially disadvantaged—for instance, due to race, ethnic origin, gender, and physical handicap, among other causes.

Through the 8(a) Business Development Program, owners can compete for special contracts, such as sole-source government contracts for which there are no competitive bids, that help level the playing field for their small businesses. These small businesses can use the program to form joint ventures with already-established businesses to form mentor-protégé relationships, as well as for management and technical assistance. Businesses must meet certain requirements to be eligible to be a protégé.

Qualifications for 8(a) Firm Status

In order to qualify to become an 8(a) firm under SBA guidelines, a business must meet the following criteria (effective July 15, 2020):

  • It must be a small business.
  • It must not have participated in the program before.
  • At least 51% of the business must be owned and operated by U.S. citizens who are considered economically and socially disadvantaged.
  • The owner’s personal net worth must be no higher than $750,000
  • The owner’s average adjusted gross income (AGI) must be $350,000 or less.
  • The owner must have no more than $6 million in assets.
  • The owner must be of good character.
  • It must show the potential for success and be able to perform successfully on contracts.

Title 13 Part 124 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) spells out who qualifies for the 8(a) program as well as what counts as being economically and socially disadvantaged.

Small businesses with 8(a) status can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services and $6.5 million for manufacturing. 

The first step: getting certified

Owners interested in taking part in the program are encouraged to do an on-line training and self-evaluation course through the 8(a) Business Development Suitability Tool. The course helps entrepreneurs determine whether or not their company meets the qualifications for the 8(a) program and if it does not, directs them to an appropriate SBA resource.

Before a firm can participate in the 8(a) program, it must first be certified at And small businesses that want to use the certification website must have a profile at, which is where companies register to do business with the U.S. government. (Contact your local SBA office if you have questions about applying.) Once you have applied, the administration will send a notification letter explaining whether the business was accepted into the 8(a) program. The certification lasts for nine years—the first four years are considered to be developmental, while the remaining five are deemed to be a transition phase. 

Small businesses that gain 8(a) status are subject to annual reviews in order to keep the designation and their good standing in the program. During these reviews, the business owner has to draw up business plans and undergo systematic evaluations. Entrepreneurs who have secured 8(a) firm status say that the application process can be lengthy and rigorous, having prior experience with government contracts can be helpful, and working hard to take advantage of the program’s benefits can make the experience very rewarding.


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Asian Development Bank (ADB): What It Is, How It Works, Members

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Annuity Due: Definition, Calculation, Formula, and Examples


What Is the Asian Development Bank?

The Asian Development Bank’s primary mission is to “foster economic growth and cooperation” among countries in the Asia-Pacific Region. Founded in 1966 and based in Manila, Philippines, the ADB assists members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development.

The ADB has been responsible for major projects in the region and raises capital regularly through the international bond markets. The ADB also relies on member contributions, retained earnings from lending, and the repayment of loans for the funding of the organization.

Key Takeaways

  • The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) primary mission is to promote economic growth and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region. 
  • The majority of the ADB’s members are in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • The ADB provides assistance to its developing member countries in the region.
  • It also provides financing to certain private sector projects as well as public-private partnerships through grants, loans, technical assistance, and equity investments to promote development.
  • The ADB is controlled by member countries, with the U.S. and Japan having the largest stake.

How the Asian Development Bank Works

The Asian Development Bank provides assistance to its developing member countries, the private sector, and public-private partnerships through grants, loans, technical assistance, and equity investments to promote development. The ADB regularly facilitates policy dialogues and provides advisory services. They also use co-financing operations that tap official, commercial, and export credit sources while providing assistance.

Membership in the ADB is open to members and associate members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. It’s also open to other regional countries and non-regional developed countries that are members of the U.N. or of any of its specialized agencies. 

Financing Provided by the Asian Development bank

The ADB provides both private financing and sovereign (public) financing. Private sector efforts focus on projects that help promote private investments in the region that will have significant development impact and will lead to accelerated, sustainable, and inclusive growth. Public-sector financing provides funding for member countries with flexibility in determining how they can achieve development goals.

In 2021, the ADB committed nearly US$13.5 billion to help its developing member countries address the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and address vaccination needs, and has mobilized a further $12.9 billion in co-financing from partners. Through a $9 billion Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility, or APVAX, announced in December 2020, the ADB provided funding for vaccine procurement, logistics, and distribution.

The total private financing portfolio consisted of $14.2 billion at the end of 2021. In terms of sovereign financing, ADB’s portfolio stood at $104 billion by the end of 2021, consisting of 713 loans, 392 grants, 915 TA projects, one guarantee, and 1 equity investment.

Structure of the Asian Development Bank

According to ADB’s website, “the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank, known as the ADB Charter, vests all the powers of the institution in the Board of Governors, which in turn delegates some of these powers to the Board of Directors. The Board of Governors meets formally once a year during ADB’s Annual Meeting.” The ADB’s highest policy-making body is its Board of Governors, which comprises one representative from each member.

The two largest shareholders of the Asian Development Bank are the United States and Japan. Although the majority of the Bank’s members are from the Asia-Pacific region, the industrialized nations are also well-represented. Regional development banks usually work in harmony with both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in their activities.

Asian Development Bank Country Relationships

When ADB was founded in 1966, it consisted of 31 members. Since then, membership has grown to 68 members, which is made up of 48 regional and 19 non-regional members. Membership as of 2022 includes:

Source: Asian Development Bank
Source: Asian Development Bank

The two largest shareholders of the Asian Development Bank are the United States and Japan. Both countries have a majority ownership of the bank with 15.6% each.

Who Controls the Asian Development Bank?

The ADB is run by a board of governors, which represent the member countries of the ADB. As of 2022, ADB’s five largest shareholders are Japan and the United States (each with 15.6% of total shares), the People’s Republic of China (6.4%), India (6.3%), and Australia (5.8%).

Where Is the Asian Development Bank Headquartered?

The Asian Development Bank has its headquarters in Manila, Philippines.

Is India a Member of the Asian Development Bank?

Yes, India is a regional member country of the ADB.


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