Posts Tagged ‘ARM’

3/27 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


A 3/27 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is a 30-year loan that carries a fixed interest rate for the first three years, then a variable rate for the remaining 27 years. Borrowers often use a 3/27 ARM as a short-term financing vehicle that they can later refinance into a mortgage with more favorable terms.

Key Takeaways

  • A 3/27 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is a 30-year mortgage with a three-year fixed interest rate period.
  • The fixed interest rate is generally lower than the current rates on 30-year conventional mortgages.
  • After three years, and for the remaining 27 years of the loan, the interest rate will float based on an index, such as the yield on one-year U.S. Treasury bills.
  • Because their monthly payments can rise significantly once the interest rate adjusts, borrowers should plan carefully before taking out a 3/27 ARM to make sure it will still be affordable.

How a 3/27 ARM Works

Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) are a type of home loan in which the interest rate applied to the outstanding balance varies throughout the life of the loan. With an ARM, the initial interest rate is fixed for a period of time. After that, the rate resets periodically, at yearly, semiannual, or even monthly intervals.

ARMs differ from fixed-rate mortgages, the other primary mortgage type, which charge a set rate of interest that remains the same for the entirety of the loan.

3/27 ARMs are a kind of hybrid. For the first three years, they have a fixed interest rate, which is generally lower than the current rates on 30-year conventional mortgages. But after that, and for the remaining 27 years of the loan, their interest rate will fluctuate based on a benchmark index, such as the yield on one-year U.S. Treasury bills.

The lender also adds a margin on top of the index to set the interest rate that the borrower will actually pay. The total is known as the fully indexed interest rate. This rate is often substantially higher than the initial three-year fixed interest rate, although 3/27 ARMs usually have caps on how quickly they can increase.

Typically, the interest rate on a 3/27 ARM won’t increase more than 2% per adjustment period, which can occur every six or 12 months. That means the rate can increase by two full percentage points (not 2% of the current interest rate). So, for example, the rate might go from 4% to 6% in a single adjustment period.

There might also be a life-of-the-loan cap set at 5% or more. In that case, the interest rate on a mortgage that started at 4% might go no higher than 9%, regardless of what happens with the index on which it is based.

3/27 ARM Example

Say a borrower takes out a $250,000 3/27 ARM at an initial fixed rate of 3.5%. For the first three years, their monthly mortgage payment will be $1,123.

Then let’s assume that after three years, the benchmark interest rate is 3% and the bank’s margin is 2.5%. That adds up to a fully indexed rate of 5.5%.

If the borrower still has the 3/27 ARM and hasn’t refinanced into a different mortgage, their monthly payment will now be $1,483, an increase of $360.

To avoid payment shock when the interest rate begins to adjust, borrowers with 3/27 ARMs should aim to refinance the mortgage within the first three years.

Risks of a 3/27 ARM

The most serious risks for borrowers with a 3/27 mortgage are that they won’t be able to refinance their loan before the adjustable rate kicks in and that interest rates will have shot up in the meantime. That could happen if their credit score is too low, if their home has fallen in value, or simply if market forces have caused interest rates to rise across the board.

In that event, they would be stuck with the adjustable rate, which could mean considerably higher monthly payments, as in the example above.

ARM Prepayment Penalties

Borrowers should also be aware that ARMs, including 3/27 mortgages, may carry prepayment penalties, which can make refinancing costly and defeat the purpose of taking out an ARM with the intention of switching to a different loan in a few years.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) suggests that borrowers check the lender’s Truth in Lending Act disclosure for any prepayment penalties before they sign a contract.

“Remember, many aspects of the loan are negotiable,” the CFPB notes. “Ask for a loan that does not have a prepayment penalty if that is important to you. If you don’t like the terms of a loan and the lender won’t negotiate, you can always shop around for a different lender with terms that better suit your needs.”

Is a 3/27 ARM a Good Investment?

A 3/27 ARM could be a good choice for you if you’re looking for a loan with relatively low monthly payments for the first several years. That could make buying a home more affordable if your budget is already stretched or could give you some extra cash to spend on home repairs, furnishings, or other purposes, compared with a more expensive loan.

However, you’ll want to be reasonably certain that you’ll be in a good position to refinance by the end of the initial three-year period. That means, for example, that you’ll have a strong credit score and a reliable source of income at that point.

A 3/27 ARM is not a good idea if there’s a strong possibility that you won’t be able to refinance (or sell the home) during those first three years and the new, adjustable-rate payments would be too much for you.


What is a 3/27 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)?

A 3/27 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) charges a fixed interest rate for the first three years, followed by a variable interest rate for the remaining 27 years. Because it combines the features of a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable-rate mortgage, it is sometimes referred to as a hybrid ARM.

What are the advantages of a 3/27 ARM?

A 3/27 ARM is likely to have a low interest rate for the first three years. But that rate can rise substantially starting in the fourth year.

Is a 3/27 ARM right for me?

If you plan to sell the home or refinance it within the first three years, then a 3/27 ARM might make sense for you. However, look for a 3/27 ARM without any prepayment penalties. Otherwise, a prepayment penalty could make it very costly to get out of the mortgage.


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11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI)

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is the 11th District Cost of Funds Index?

The 11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI) is a monthly weighted average of the interest rates paid on checking and savings accounts offered by financial institutions operating in Arizona, California, and Nevada. It is one of many indices used by mortgage lenders to adjust the interest rate on adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) and was launched in 1981. With an ARM mortgage, the interest rate on a mortgage moves up and down along with some standard interest rate chosen by the lender, and COFI is one of the most popular indices in the western states.

Published on the last day of each month, the COFI represents the cost of funds for western savings institutions that are members of Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, a self-regulatory agency, and satisfy the Bank’s criteria for inclusion in the index.

Understanding the 11th District COFI

The 11th District Cost of Funds Index (COFI) is computed using several different factors, with interest paid on savings accounts comprising the largest weighting in the average. As a result, the index tends to have low volatility and follow market interest rate changes somewhat slowly; it is generally regarded as a two-month lagging indicator of market interest rates. The interest rate on a mortgage will not match the COFI, rather the ARM rate is typically 2% to 3% higher than COFI, depending on the borrower’s credit history, the size and terms of the loan, the ability of the borrower to negotiate with the bank and many other factors.

Because it is computed using data from three western states, the COFI is primarily used in the western U.S., while the 1-year Treasury index is the measure of choice in the eastern region. On April 30, the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco announced the COFI for March 2018 of 0.814%, slightly lower than February.


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Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM): What It Is and Different Types

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)?

The term adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) refers to a home loan with a variable interest rate. With an ARM, the initial interest rate is fixed for a period of time. After that, the interest rate applied on the outstanding balance resets periodically, at yearly or even monthly intervals.

ARMs are also called variable-rate mortgages or floating mortgages. The interest rate for ARMs is reset based on a benchmark or index, plus an additional spread called an ARM margin. The typical index that is used in ARMs has been the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).

Key Takeaways

  • An adjustable-rate mortgage is a home loan with an interest rate that can fluctuate periodically based on the performance of a specific benchmark.
  • ARMS are also called variable rate or floating mortgages.
  • ARMs generally have caps that limit how much the interest rate and/or payments can rise per year or over the lifetime of the loan.
  • An ARM can be a smart financial choice for homebuyers who are planning to keep the loan for a limited period of time and can afford any potential increases in their interest rate.

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Understanding Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs)

Mortgages allow homeowners to finance the purchase of a home or other piece of property. When you get a mortgage, you’ll need to repay the borrowed sum over a set number of years as well as pay the lender something extra to compensate them for their troubles and the likelihood that inflation will erode the value of the balance by the time the funds are reimbursed.

In most cases, you can choose the type of mortgage loan that best suits your needs. A fixed-rate mortgage comes with a fixed interest rate for the entirety of the loan. As such, your payments remain the same. An ARM, where the rate fluctuates based on market conditions. This means that you benefit from falling rates and also run the risk if rates increase.

There are two different periods to an ARM. One is the fixed period and the other is the adjusted period. Here’s how the two differ:

  • Fixed Period: The interest rate doesn’t change during this period. It can range anywhere between the first five, seven, or 10 years of the loan. This is commonly known as the intro or teaser rate.
  • Adjusted Period: This is the point at which the rate changes. Changes are made during this period based on the underlying benchmark, which fluctuates based on market conditions.

Another key characteristic of ARMs is whether they are conforming or nonconforming loans. Conforming loans are those that meet the standards of government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They are packaged and sold off on the secondary market to investors. Nonconforming loans, on the other hand, aren’t up to the standards of these entities and aren’t sold as investments.

Rates are capped on ARMs. This means that there are limits on the highest possible rate a borrower must pay. Keep in mind, though, that your credit score plays an important role in determining how much you’ll pay. So, the better your score, the lower your rate.

The initial borrowing costs of an ARM are fixed at a lower rate than what you’d be offered on a comparable fixed-rate mortgage. But after that point, the interest rate that affects your monthly payments could move higher or lower, depending on the state of the economy and the general cost of borrowing. 

Types of ARMs

ARMs generally come in three forms: Hybrid, interest-only (IO), and payment option. Here’s a quick breakdown of each.

Hybrid ARM

Hybrid ARMs offer a mix of a fixed- and adjustable-rate period. With this type of loan, the interest rate will be fixed at the beginning and then begin to float at a predetermined time.

This information is typically expressed in two numbers. In most cases, the first number indicates the length of time that the fixed rate is applied to the loan, while the second refers to the duration or adjustment frequency of the variable rate.

For example, a 2/28 ARM features a fixed rate for two years followed by a floating rate for the remaining 28 years. In comparison, a 5/1 ARM has a fixed rate for the first five years, followed by a variable rate that adjusts every year (as indicated by the number one after the slash). Likewise, a 5/5 ARM would start with a fixed rate for five years and then adjust every five years.

You can compare different types of ARMs using a mortgage calculator. 

Interest-Only (I-O) ARM

It’s also possible to secure an interest-only (I-O) ARM, which essentially would mean only paying interest on the mortgage for a specific time frame—typically three to 10 years. Once this period expires, you are then required to pay both interest and the principal on the loan.

These types of plans appeal to those keen to spend less on their mortgage in the first few years so that they can free up funds for something else, such as purchasing furniture for their new home. Of course, this advantage comes at a cost: The longer the I-O period, the higher your payments will be when it ends.

Payment-Option ARM

A payment-option ARM is, as the name implies, an ARM with several payment options. These options typically include payments covering principal and interest, paying down just the interest, or paying a minimum amount that does not even cover the interest.

Opting to pay the minimum amount or just the interest might sound appealing. However, it’s worth remembering that you will have to pay the lender back everything by the date specified in the contract and that interest charges are higher when the principal isn’t getting paid off. If you persist with paying off little, then you’ll find your debt keeps growing—perhaps to unmanageable levels.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ARMs

Adjustable-rate mortgages come with many benefits and drawbacks. We’ve listed some of the most common ones below.


The most obvious advantage is that a low rate, especially the intro or teaser rate, will save you money. Not only will your monthly payment be lower than most traditional fixed-rate mortgages, you may also be able to put more down toward your principal balance. Just ensure your lender doesn’t charge you a prepayment fee if you do.

ARMs are great for people who want to finance a short-term purchase, such as a starter home. Or you may want to borrow using an ARM to finance the purchase of a home that you intend to flip. This allows you to pay lower monthly payments until you decide to sell again.

More money in your pocket with an ARM also means you have more in your pocket to put toward savings or other goals, such as a vacation or a new car.

Unlike fixed-rate borrowers, you won’t have to make a trip to the bank or your lender to refinance when interest rates drop. That’s because you’re probably already getting the best deal available.


One of the major cons of ARMs is that the interest rate will change. This means that if market conditions lead to a rate hike, you’ll end up spending more on your monthly mortgage payment. And that can put a dent in your monthly budget.

ARMs may offer you flexibility but they don’t provide you with any predictability as fixed-rate loans do. Borrowers with fixed-rate loans know what their payments will be throughout the life of the loan because the interest rate never changes. But because the rate changes with ARMs, you’ll have to keep juggling your budget with every rate change.

These mortgages can often be very complicated to understand, even for the most seasoned borrower. There are various features that come with these loans that you should be aware of before you sign your mortgage contracts, such as caps, indexes, and margins.

How the Variable Rate on ARMs Is Determined

At the end of the initial fixed-rate period, ARM interest rates will become variable (adjustable) and will fluctuate based on some reference interest rate (the ARM index) plus a set amount of interest above that index rate (the ARM margin). The ARM index is often a benchmark rate such as the prime rate, the LIBOR, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), or the rate on short-term U.S. Treasuries.

Although the index rate can change, the margin stays the same. For example, if the index is 5% and the margin is 2%, the interest rate on the mortgage adjusts to 7%. However, if the index is at only 2% the next time that the interest rate adjusts, the rate falls to 4% based on the loan’s 2% margin.

The interest rate on ARMs is determined by a fluctuating benchmark rate that usually reflects the general state of the economy and an additional fixed margin charged by the lender.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage vs. Fixed Interest Mortgage

Unlike ARMs, traditional or fixed-rate mortgages carry the same interest rate for the life of the loan, which might be 10, 20, 30, or more years. They generally have higher interest rates at the outset than ARMs, which can make ARMs more attractive and affordable, at least in the short term. However, fixed-rate loans provide the assurance that the borrower’s rate will never shoot up to a point where loan payments may become unmanageable.

With a fixed-rate mortgage, monthly payments remain the same, although the amounts that go to pay interest or principal will change over time, according to the loan’s amortization schedule.

If interest rates in general fall, then homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages can refinance, paying off their old loan with one at a new, lower rate.

Lenders are required to put in writing all terms and conditions relating to the ARM in which you’re interested. That includes information about the index and margin, how your rate will be calculated and how often it can be changed, whether there are any caps in place, the maximum amount that you may have to pay, and other important considerations, such as negative amortization.

Is an ARM Right for You?

An ARM can be a smart financial choice if you are planning to keep the loan for a limited period of time and will be able to handle any rate increases in the meantime. Put simply, an adjustable-rate mortgage is well suited for the following types of borrowers:

  • People who intend to hold the loan for a short period of time
  • Individuals who expect to see a positive change in their income
  • Anyone who can and will pay off the mortgage within a short time frame

In many cases, ARMs come with rate caps that limit how much the rate can rise at any given time or in total. Periodic rate caps limit how much the interest rate can change from one year to the next, while lifetime rate caps set limits on how much the interest rate can increase over the life of the loan.

Notably, some ARMs have payment caps that limit how much the monthly mortgage payment can increase, in dollar terms. That can lead to a problem called negative amortization if your monthly payments aren’t sufficient to cover the interest rate that your lender is changing. With negative amortization, the amount that you owe can continue to increase, even as you make the required monthly payments.

Why Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage a Bad Idea?

Adjustable-rate mortgages aren’t for everyone. Yes, their favorable introductory rates are appealing, and an ARM could help you to get a larger loan for a home. However, it’s hard to budget when payments can fluctuate wildly, and you could end up in big financial trouble if interest rates spike, particularly if there are no caps in place.

How Are ARMs Calculated?

Once the initial fixed-rate period ends, borrowing costs will fluctuate based on a reference interest rate, such as the prime rate, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), or the rate on short-term U.S. Treasuries. On top of that, the lender will also add its own fixed amount of interest to pay, which is known as the ARM margin.

When Were ARMs First Offered to Homebuyers?

ARMs have been around for several decades, with the option to take out a long-term house loan with fluctuating interest rates first becoming available to Americans in the early 1980s.

Previous attempts to introduce such loans in the 1970s were thwarted by Congress, due to fears that they would leave borrowers with unmanageable mortgage payments. However, the deterioration of the thrift industry later that decade prompted authorities to reconsider their initial resistance and become more flexible.

The Bottom Line

Borrowers have many options available to them when they want to finance the purchase of their home or another type of property. You can choose between a fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgage. While the former provides you with some predictability, ARMs offer lower interest rates for a certain period of time before they begin to fluctuate with market conditions. There are different types of ARMs to choose from and they have pros and cons. But keep in mind that these kinds of loans are better suited for certain kinds of borrowers, including those who intend to hold onto a property for the short term or if they intend to pay off the loan before the adjusted period begins. If you’re unsure, talk to a financial expert about your options.


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Annual Percentage Rate (APR): What It Means and How It Works

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): What It Means and How It Works


What Is Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?

Annual percentage rate (APR) refers to the yearly interest generated by a sum that’s charged to borrowers or paid to investors. APR is expressed as a percentage that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan or income earned on an investment. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction but does not take compounding into account. The APR provides consumers with a bottom-line number they can compare among lenders, credit cards, or investment products.

Key Takeaways

  • An annual percentage rate (APR) is the yearly rate charged for a loan or earned by an investment.
  • Financial institutions must disclose a financial instrument’s APR before any agreement is signed.
  • The APR provides a consistent basis for presenting annual interest rate information in order to protect consumers from misleading advertising.
  • An APR may not reflect the actual cost of borrowing because lenders have a fair amount of leeway in calculating it, excluding certain fees.
  • APR shouldn’t be confused with APY (annual percentage yield), a calculation that takes the compounding of interest into account.

APR vs. APY: What’s the Difference?

How the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Works

An annual percentage rate is expressed as an interest rate. It calculates what percentage of the principal you’ll pay each year by taking things such as monthly payments and fees into account. APR is also the annual rate of interest paid on investments without accounting for the compounding of interest within that year.

The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) of 1968 mandates that lenders disclose the APR they charge to borrowers. Credit card companies are allowed to advertise interest rates on a monthly basis, but they must clearly report the APR to customers before they sign an agreement.

Credit card companies can increase your interest rate for new purchases, but not existing balances if they provide you with 45 days’ notice first.

How Is APR Calculated?

APR is calculated by multiplying the periodic interest rate by the number of periods in a year in which it was applied. It does not indicate how many times the rate is actually applied to the balance.

APR = ( ( Fees + Interest Principal n ) × 365 ) × 100 where: Interest = Total interest paid over life of the loan Principal = Loan amount n = Number of days in loan term \begin{aligned} &\text{APR} = \left ( \left ( \frac{ \frac{ \text{Fees} + \text{Interest} }{ \text {Principal} } }{ n } \right ) \times 365 \right ) \times 100 \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{Interest} = \text{Total interest paid over life of the loan} \\ &\text{Principal} = \text{Loan amount} \\ &n = \text{Number of days in loan term} \\ \end{aligned}
APR=((nPrincipalFees+Interest)×365)×100where:Interest=Total interest paid over life of the loanPrincipal=Loan amountn=Number of days in loan term

Types of APRs

Credit card APRs vary based on the type of charge. The credit card issuer may charge one APR for purchases, another for cash advances, and yet another for balance transfers from another card. Issuers also charge high-rate penalty APRs to customers for late payments or violating other terms of the cardholder agreement. There’s also the introductory APR—a low or 0% rate—with which many credit card companies try to entice new customers to sign up for a card.

Bank loans generally come with either fixed or variable APRs. A fixed APR loan has an interest rate that is guaranteed not to change during the life of the loan or credit facility. A variable APR loan has an interest rate that may change at any time.

The APR borrowers are charged also depends on their credit. The rates offered to those with excellent credit are significantly lower than those offered to those with bad credit.

Compound Interest or Simple Interest?

APR does not take into account the compounding of interest within a specific year: It is based only on simple interest.

APR vs. Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

Though an APR only accounts for simple interest, the annual percentage yield (APY) takes compound interest into account. As a result, a loan’s APY is higher than its APR. The higher the interest rate—and to a lesser extent, the smaller the compounding periods—the greater the difference between the APR and APY.

Imagine that a loan’s APR is 12%, and the loan compounds once a month. If an individual borrows $10,000, their interest for one month is 1% of the balance, or $100. That effectively increases the balance to $10,100. The following month, 1% interest is assessed on this amount, and the interest payment is $101, slightly higher than it was the previous month. If you carry that balance for the year, your effective interest rate becomes 12.68%. APY includes these small shifts in interest expenses due to compounding, while APR does not.

Here’s another way to look at it. Say you compare an investment that pays 5% per year with one that pays 5% monthly. For the first month, the APY equals 5%, the same as the APR. But for the second, the APY is 5.12%, reflecting the monthly compounding.

Given that an APR and a different APY can represent the same interest rate on a loan or financial product, lenders often emphasize the more flattering number, which is why the Truth in Savings Act of 1991 mandated both APR and APY disclosure in ads, contracts, and agreements. A bank will advertise a savings account’s APY in a large font and its corresponding APR in a smaller one, given that the former features a superficially larger number. The opposite happens when the bank acts as the lender and tries to convince its borrowers that it’s charging a low rate. A great resource for comparing both APR and APY rates on a mortgage is a mortgage calculator.

APR vs. APY Example

Let’s say that XYZ Corp. offers a credit card that levies interest of 0.06273% daily. Multiply that by 365, and that’s 22.9% per year, which is the advertised APR. Now, if you were to charge a different $1,000 item to your card every day and waited until the day after the due date (when the issuer started levying interest) to start making payments, you’d owe $1,000.6273 for each thing you bought.

To calculate the APY or effective annual interest rate—the more typical term for credit cards—add one (that represents the principal) and take that number to the power of the number of compounding periods in a year; subtract one from the result to get the percentage:

APY = ( 1 + Periodic Rate ) n 1 where: n = Number of compounding periods per year \begin{aligned} &\text{APY} = (1 + \text{Periodic Rate} ) ^ n – 1 \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &n = \text{Number of compounding periods per year} \\ \end{aligned}
APY=(1+Periodic Rate)n1where:n=Number of compounding periods per year

In this case your APY or EAR would be 25.7%:

( ( 1 + . 0006273 ) 365 ) 1 = . 257 \begin{aligned} &( ( 1 + .0006273 ) ^ {365} ) – 1 = .257 \\ \end{aligned}

If you only carry a balance on your credit card for one month’s period, you will be charged the equivalent yearly rate of 22.9%. However, if you carry that balance for the year, your effective interest rate becomes 25.7% as a result of compounding each day.

APR vs. Nominal Interest Rate vs. Daily Periodic Rate

An APR tends to be higher than a loan’s nominal interest rate. That’s because the nominal interest rate doesn’t account for any other expense accrued by the borrower. The nominal rate may be lower on your mortgage if you don’t account for closing costs, insurance, and origination fees. If you end up rolling these into your mortgage, your mortgage balance increases, as does your APR.

The daily periodic rate, on the other hand, is the interest charged on a loan’s balance on a daily basis—the APR divided by 365. Lenders and credit card providers are allowed to represent APR on a monthly basis, though, as long as the full 12-month APR is listed somewhere before the agreement is signed.

Disadvantages of Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The APR isn’t always an accurate reflection of the total cost of borrowing. In fact, it may understate the actual cost of a loan. That’s because the calculations assume long-term repayment schedules. The costs and fees are spread too thin with APR calculations for loans that are repaid faster or have shorter repayment periods. For instance, the average annual impact of mortgage closing costs is much smaller when those costs are assumed to have been spread over 30 years instead of seven to 10 years.

Who Calculates APR?

Lenders have a fair amount of authority to determine how to calculate the APR, including or excluding different fees and charges.

APR also runs into some trouble with adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). Estimates always assume a constant rate of interest, and even though APR takes rate caps into consideration, the final number is still based on fixed rates. Because the interest rate on an ARM will change when the fixed-rate period is over, APR estimates can severely understate the actual borrowing costs if mortgage rates rise in the future.

Mortgage APRs may or may not include other charges, such as appraisals, titles, credit reports, applications, life insurance, attorneys and notaries, and document preparation. There are other fees that are deliberately excluded, including late fees and other one-time fees.

All this may make it difficult to compare similar products because the fees included or excluded differ from institution to institution. In order to accurately compare multiple offers, a potential borrower must determine which of these fees are included and, to be thorough, calculate APR using the nominal interest rate and other cost information.

Why Is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Disclosed?

Consumer protection laws require companies to disclose the APRs associated with their product offerings in order to prevent companies from misleading customers. For instance, if they were not required to disclose the APR, a company might advertise a low monthly interest rate while implying to customers that it was an annual rate. This could mislead a customer into comparing a seemingly low monthly rate against a seemingly high annual one. By requiring all companies to disclose their APRs, customers are presented with an “apples to apples” comparison.

What Is a Good APR?

What counts as a “good” APR will depend on factors such as the competing rates offered in the market, the prime interest rate set by the central bank, and the borrower’s own credit score. When prime rates are low, companies in competitive industries will sometimes offer very low APRs on their credit products, such as the 0% on car loans or lease options. Although these low rates might seem attractive, customers should verify whether these rates last for the full length of the product’s term, or whether they are simply introductory rates that will revert to a higher APR after a certain period has passed. Moreover, low APRs may only be available to customers with especially high credit scores.

How Do You Calculate APR?

The formula for calculating APR is straightforward. It consists of multiplying the periodic interest rate by the number of periods in a year in which the rate is applied. The exact formula is as follows:

APR=((Fees+InterestPrincipaln)×365)×100where:Interest=Total interest paid over life of the loanPrincipal=Loan amountn=Number of days in loan term\begin{aligned} &\text{APR} = \left ( \left ( \frac{ \frac{ \text{Fees} + \text{Interest} }{ \text {Principal} } }{ n } \right ) \times 365 \right ) \times 100 \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{Interest} = \text{Total interest paid over life of the loan} \\ &\text{Principal} = \text{Loan amount} \\ &n = \text{Number of days in loan term} \\ \end{aligned}APR=((nPrincipalFees+Interest)×365)×100where:Interest=Total interest paid over life of the loanPrincipal=Loan amountn=Number of days in loan term

The Bottom Line

The APR is the basic theoretical cost or benefit of money loaned or borrowed. By calculating only the simple interest without periodic compounding, the APR gives borrowers and lenders a snapshot of how much interest they are earning or paying within a certain period of time. If someone is borrowing money, such as by using a credit card or applying for a mortgage, the APR can be misleading because it only presents the base number of what they are paying without taking time into the equation. Conversely, if someone is looking at the APR on a savings account, it doesn’t illustrate the full impact of interest earned over time.

APRs are often a selling point for different financial instruments, such as mortgages or credit cards. When choosing a tool with an APR, be careful to also take into account the APY because it will prove a more accurate number for what you will pay or earn over time. Though the formula for your APR may stay the same, different financial institutions will include different fees in the principal balance. Be aware of what is included in your APR when signing any agreement.


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