Posts Tagged ‘Appraisal’

Appraisal Management Company (AMC): What it is in Real Estate

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Appraisal Management Company (AMC): What it is in Real Estate


What Is an Appraisal Management Company (AMC)?

An Appraisal Management Company (AMC) is an independent entity through which mortgage lenders order residential real estate valuation services for properties on which they are considering extending loans to homebuyers.

AMCs fulfill an administrative function in the appraisal process, including selecting an appraiser and delivering the appraisal report to the lender. Individual appraisers who work for AMCs provide the actual property valuation services.

Key Takeaways

  • An Appraisal Management Company (AMC) is an independent real estate appraisal company hired by a lender to perform valuations on potentially mortgaged properties.
  • AMCs select state-licensed or state-qualified appraisers to valuate properties and deliver appraisal reports to lenders.
  • Customers seeking a mortgage on a prospective property, lenders, and mortgage brokers cannot choose the appraiser.
  • The U.S. government developed appraiser independence guidelines, restricting the influence lenders have on appraisers.

Understanding Appraisal Management Companies (AMC)

AMCs have been a part of the real estate landscape for the past 50 years. However, their numbers remained limited until the financial crisis of 2007 to 2008.

In 2009, the New York Attorney General, government-sponsored enterprises Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) established the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) appraisal guidelines. The HVCC guidelines, no longer on the books, laid the foundation for the appraiser independence found in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Truth in Lending Act. Laws obligating lenders to use independent appraisers led to a sharp rise in the use and number of AMCs.

The HVCC and later federal regulation sought to limit the amount of direct contact that lenders could have with appraisers. Essentially, the U.S. federal government created appraiser independence requirements to prevent lenders from influencing appraisers to inflate property values, a problem believed to have contributed to the housing crisis.

With an AMC, mortgage brokers, loan officers, nor homeowners may select the appraiser for the property on which they want to lend/borrow funds. Since the former parties have a financial interest in the transaction, there is a risk they might attempt to influence the appraiser to assign a higher value to the property than market conditions support so the transaction will go through.

When the system works correctly, the AMC chooses an appraiser with local knowledge of the market for the property being appraised.

Appraisal Management Company (AMC) Requirements

AMCs maintain a pool of state-licensed or state-qualified appraisers to meet requests from lending institutions. An appraiser is then assigned to provide an appraisal report for the property.

AMC appraisers are not provided with any prior information regarding the property or put in contact with the lending institution. The appraiser’s assessment must meet the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) guidelines. If there are any issues, the AMC can legally assist.


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Appraisal Costs: What Are Appraisal Costs? Definition, How They Work, and Examples

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Are Appraisal Costs? Definition, How They Work, and Examples


What Are Appraisal Costs?

Appraisal costs are a specific category of quality control costs. Companies pay appraisal costs as part of the quality control process to ensure that their products and services meet customer expectations and regulatory requirements. These costs could include expenses for field tests and inspections.

Key Takeaways

  • Appraisal costs are fees a company pays to detect defects in its products ahead of delivering them to customers; they are a form of quality control.
  • For most companies, the money that would be lost as a result of selling faulty products or services far outweighs the appraisal costs.
  • Appraisals are used in many industries, with costs influenced by how extensive quality control is and what stage in the product cycle the company is at.
  • Quality control is important to the reputation of a business, which is why appraisal costs are necessary costs to the success of a company.

Understanding Appraisal Costs

Appraisal costs can be a key expense for companies seeking to maintain high levels of customer and regulatory satisfaction. Payments for secret shopper salaries, factory floor inspectors, and technical screening equipment all fall into this category. Companies that spend large amounts of money on appraisal costs show that they are concerned with their reputations.

Common appraisal costs include inspecting materials delivered from suppliers, materials that are a work-in-process or finished goods, supplies used for inspections, and maintenance of test equipment.

To prevent defective inventory or products from reaching their customers, companies get creative while incurring appraisal costs to spot suspect products. In the end, it is less expensive to incur appraisal costs than to lose customers who are frustrated by the receipt of low-quality goods.

The Internet and social media now give consumers unprecedented opportunities to voice their dissatisfaction with any companies or products that fail to meet their standards. The threat of unpleasant reviews or viral PR mishaps keeps companies on their toes and investing in appraisals of their products.

Appraisal costs can simply be looked at as part of the cost of doing business as well as the cost of creating a product or service. A company’s reputation is one of the most important assets that it has. Once a company’s reputation slips into the negative after the release of faulty products and bad publicity, it is almost always impossible or extremely difficult to shift consumer opinion.

It is for this reason that management needs to pay strict attention to quality control to ensure the lasting success of their company; appraisal costs are a part of that process.

Examples of Appraisal Costs

There are many examples of appraisal costs and every industry has different types of appraisals and therefore the costs associated with them. Appraisal costs can even be driven by where the industry is in a market cycle.

A classic appraisal cost would be what is spent to inspect materials delivered from suppliers. For example, let’s say a music retailer gets a shipment of guitars from a major manufacturer. Last year, the guitar manufacturer’s first round of guitars had faulty tuners, causing customers to return opened products, file complaints with the guitar store’s corporate parent, and in some cases, switch their loyalty to a different music retailer.

So this year, when the new shipment of guitars comes in, the music retailer opens the boxes, inspects each guitar to make sure the tuners are in good shape, and then repackages them before making them available to customers. This process costs money and time, which is accounted for on the balance sheet as an appraisal cost.

Other examples of appraisal costs include:

  • Inspecting work-in-process materials
  • Inspecting finished goods
  • The supplies used to conduct inspections
  • The inventory destroyed as part of the testing process
  • Supervision of the inspection staff
  • Depreciation of test equipment and software
  • Maintenance of any test equipment

The next best thing to incurring appraisal costs includes working on increasing the quality of the production processes of all suppliers and the company itself. The idea of vendor and supply chain management seeks to improve the entire process so that it’s inherently incapable of producing defective parts. Like a final product, suppliers need to ensure that their raw materials are in good condition, or else they risk losing supply contracts with the final producer of a good.


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Appraisal: Definition, How It Works, and Types of Appraisals

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Appraisal: Definition, How It Works, and Types of Appraisals


What Is an Appraisal?

An appraisal is a valuation of property, such as real estate, a business, collectible, or an antique, by the estimate of an authorized person. The authorized appraiser must have a designation from a regulatory body governing the jurisdiction of the appraiser. Appraisals are typically used for insurance and taxation purposes or to determine a possible selling price for an item or property.

Key Takeaways

  • An appraisal is an assessment of the fair market value of a property, business, antique, or even a collectible.
  • Appraisals are used to estimate the value of items that are infrequently traded, and are unique.
  • The authorized appraiser must have a designation from a regulatory body governing the jurisdiction of the appraiser.
  • Appraisals can be done for many reasons such as tax purposes when valuing charitable donations.
  • Home appraisals can positively or negatively impact the sale of a house or property.
  • Appraisals help banks and other lenders avoid losses on a loan.

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Understanding Appraisals

Appraisals are used in many types of transactions, including real estate. If a home valuation, for example, comes in below the amount of the purchase price, mortgage lenders are likely to decline to fund the deal. Unless the prospective buyer is willing and able to come up with the difference between the appraised value and the lender’s financing offer, the transaction will not go forward.

The appraiser can use any number of valuation methods to determine the appropriate value of an item or property, including comparing the current market value of similar properties or objects.

Appraisals are also done for tax purposes when determining the value of charitable donations for itemized deductions. Deductions can reduce your taxes owed to the IRS by deducting the value of your donation from your taxable income.

Appraisals can also be a helpful tool in resolving conflicts between heirs to an estate by establishing the value of the real estate or personal property to be divided.

Types of Appraisals

Home Appraisals

A home valuation is necessary during the process of buying and selling a home, as well as a refinance of an existing mortgage. A refinance is when a loan or mortgage is reevaluated and updated to current interest rates and new terms.

An appraisal determines the home’s value to ensure that the price reflects the home’s condition, age, location, and features such as the number of bathrooms. Also, valuations help banks and lenders avoid loaning more money to the borrower than the house is worth.

In the event of default, when the borrower can’t make the payments anymore, the bank uses the appraisal as a valuation of the home. If the home is in foreclosure, whereby the bank takes possession of the house, it must be resold to help the lender recoup any losses from making the mortgage loan.

It’s important to remember that when a bank lends for a mortgage, it gives the full amount of the home’s value to the seller on the date it’s sold. In other words, the bank is out the money and, in return, has a promise to pay, plus interest, from the borrower. As a result, the valuation is important to the lending process since it helps the bank avoid losses and protect itself against lending more than it might be able to recover if the borrower defaults.


A home appraisal is separate from a home inspection, which is completed to determine the condition of the home and identify any potentially serious issues before a buyer moves forward with closing.

Collectibles or Antiques

Professional appraisals can be done for many items, including collectibles, antiques, or grandma’s silver. Ideally, you’ll want multiple valuations for an item from an accredited professional. Appraisers might charge an hourly rate or a flat fee. 

A certified appraiser’s valuation will likely be fair and unbiased, whereas the local collectible shop has an incentive to offer you less for the item. Also, owners can get an idea of an item’s value by checking collectible magazines and online appraisal websites. Most websites charge a small fee, such as $10, to value an item. Of course, obtaining a value online is done through photos of the item and is not an official valuation, but it should give you an idea of what it’s worth before proceeding. If you decide to pursue an appraisal, the American Society of Appraisers has thousands of members and is a great place to begin searching for an accredited professional.

Appraisals and Insurance

Some types of insurance policies also require appraisals of goods being insured. Homeowners’ and renters’ insurance policies protect policyholders against the loss of personal property due to theft or damage. These blanket policies cover items up to a preset dollar limit. Obtaining an appraisal of the contents of a home creates an inventory of the owner’s property and establishes its value, which helps to ensure a swift settlement if a claim is filed.

When the value of specific items exceeds a homeowners policy limit, the policyholder may wish to obtain additional insurance that covers luxury items such as jewelry or collectibles, including art objects and antiques. Before issuing personal property insurance policies for high-end items, many insurance underwriters require applicants to have the object appraised. The appraisal creates a record of the item’s existence, along with its description. It also helps establish the item’s actual value.

Some insurance contracts include an appraisal clause that specifies the owner agrees to obtain an appraisal from a mutually agreeable expert in the event of a dispute between the owner and the insurance company. Neutral appraisals can speed the resolution of a settlement and keep disputes from escalating into lengthy and expensive lawsuits.


The actual amount you pay for a home appraisal can depend on where the property is located and how much time is required to complete the appraisal.

Home Appraisal Process and Cost

The home appraisal process typically begins after a buyer makes an offer on a home and that offer is accepted by the seller. The buyer’s mortgage lender or broker may order the appraisal on their behalf, though the buyer is typically expected to pay for it out of pocket. On average, a home appraisal for a single-family property runs between $300 and $450 while appraisals for multi-family homes can start at around $500.

Once the appraisal is ordered, the appraiser will schedule a time to visit the property. The appraiser will then conduct a thorough review of the interior and exterior of the home to determine what it’s worth. This may require them to take measurements or photos of the property. Appraisals can take a few minutes to a few hours to complete, depending on the details of the home and the appraiser’s methods.

After visiting the home, the appraiser will use the information they’ve collected to create a reasonable estimate for the home’s value. At this stage, the appraiser will also look at the values of comparable homes in the area. Using these comps and what they’ve learned from visiting the home, the appraiser will prepare an appraisal report that includes a figure that represents their perceived value of the home.

A copy of this appraisal report is then shared with the buyer and the buyer’s mortgage lender. It can take anywhere from a week to 10 days for the report to be completed. Sellers can also request a copy of the report.

If a buyer disagrees with the appraisal report, they can request a reconsideration from the lender or opt to pay for a second appraisal.

How To Improve Your Home’s Appraisal Value

The appraisal process is meant to be objective, but appraisers are human. Good curb appeal and clean, uncluttered rooms send a message of a well-maintained home. And they can be achieved without a great deal of time or expense. There are some easy ways to quickly improve the appraised value of your home:

  • Lean and uncluttered rooms convey the message that a home is well-maintained.
  • Minor cosmetic improvements can make a big difference.
  • Point out any major improvements you’ve made to the appraiser, in case they miss them.

On the other hand, you should avoid big expensive improvements just for the sake of increasing your home’s appraisal value. They generally don’t pay off.

Make sure you know your rights as well. If you hire the appraiser to determine your home’s value, the appraisal belongs to you. If you’re refinancing your mortgage and the lender hires the appraiser, the lender is required to provide you with a copy–possibly for a reasonable fee–of the appraisal and any other home value estimates.

If you think the appraiser has the value wrong, first review the written appraisal for errors. Check whether the comps the appraiser chose are reasonably similar to your home. If you still think the price is incorrect, you can appeal the valuation with your lender or ask it to order a second appraisal. 

How Much Does a Home Appraisal Cost?

On average, a home appraisal can cost anywhere from $300 to $450. The price may be higher for appraisals of multi-family homes or properties that are above average in size. The buyer is most often responsible for paying appraisal fees at the time the appraisal is ordered.

Is a Home Appraisal Required?

A home appraisal is almost always a requirement when purchasing a home with a mortgage. Lenders use the appraisal to determine whether the home is worth the amount of money the buyer is asking to borrow. A buyer may not require an valuation if they’re paying cash for a home versus taking out a mortgage loan.

Can the Buyer Be Present During an Appraisal?

Both buyers and sellers can ask to be present at the home appraisal with the approval of the appraiser. In lieu of attending themselves, buyers and sellers can request that their agents be allowed to attend the appraisal. But typically, only the appraiser is present as it’s less common for buyers or sellers to show up.

What Happens If the Appraisal Comes in Too Low?

If a home appraisal comes in below what the buyer has agreed to pay, there are several options they could choose from. The first is to ask the seller to renegotiate the home’s price so that it aligns with the home’s appraisal value. The next option is to pay the difference between the appraisal value and the asking price out of pocket. Buyers could also use a piggyback mortgage to make up the difference between the home’s value and its sales price.

Do I Need an Appraisal to Refinance a Mortgage?

In most cases, yes. Lenders use appraisals to determine a home’s value for refinancing mortgages the way they do for purchase mortgages. There are a couple of exceptions, however. In some cases, you will not need an valuation if you are taking out an FHA refinance loan if it is what is called a “streamline” refinance loan. If you hold a VA-backed loan, you will need an appraisal if you are planning to take out a cash-out refinance loan.

Due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, there is a partial waiver on appraisals from April 26, 2021, to April 26, 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Bottom Line

An appraisal is an assessment of the fair market value of a property, business, antique, or even a collectible. Appraisals are used to estimate the value of items that are infrequently traded, and are often rare or unique. The authorized appraiser must have a designation from a regulatory body governing the jurisdiction of the appraiser. Appraisals can be done for many reasons such as tax purposes when valuing charitable donations, but the most familiar form of appraisal is for a property.

Home appraisals can positively or negatively impact the sale of a house or property, and so are an important part of the process of financing a house. A home appraisal is almost always a requirement when purchasing a home with a mortgage, for example, and if you are refinancing your property your lender may hire their own appraiser to make a valuation of your home.


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