Posts Tagged ‘AMRT’

Daily Analysis 20230705

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 05th, 2023

Good morning,

US markets on holiday due to Independence Day

Dow……34418 closed +0%
Nasdaq13817 closed +0%
S&P 500.4456 closed +0%

FTSE…..7520 -7.5 -0.10%
Dax……16039 -41.9 -0.26%
CAC……7370 -16.8 -0.23%

Nikkei…..33423 -330.8 -0.98%
HSI………19416 +109.1 +0.56%
Shanghai.3245 +1.4 +0.04%

IDX…..6681.75 -14.96 -0.22%
LQ45….948.73 -3.84 -0.40%
IDX30…492.96 -2.07 -0.42%

IDXEnergy…1774.79 +8.91 +0.50%
IDX BscMat..995.36 -0.61 -0.06%
IDX Indstrl…1172.67 +6.96 +0.51%
IDXNONCYC.752.65 +5.23 +0.70%
IDX Hlthcare1477.49 +3.83 +0.26%
IDXCYCLIC….885.66 +7.90 +0.90%
IDX Techno.4732.37 -12.88 -0.27%
IDX Transp..1922.21 +15.46 +0.81%
IDX Infrast… .854.49 +3.42 +0.40%
IDX Finance.1420.69+2.90 +0.20%
IDX Banking.1188.78 -4.24 -0.36%
IDX Property..724 -3.20 -0.44%

*Indo10Yr.6.3053đź‘Ť -0.0219-0.28%*
*ICBI….368.4171đź‘Ť +0.6973+0.18%*
*US2Yr.4.9400* closed +0%
*US5Yr 4.1910* closed +0%
*US10Yr3.8530* -0.0050 -0.13%
*US30Yr.3.8570* -0.0040 -0.10%
*VIX…….13.57 -0.02 -0.15%*

*USDIndx103.0390* +0.0510 +0.05%
Como Indx…260.90 closed +0%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……141.67 closed +0%

*IndoCDS.86.16 -1.98 -2.25%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(03/07)*
*IDR…..14994.50 -35.50 -0.24%*
*Jisdor.15018.00 -16.00 -0.11%*

*Euro……1.0879* -0.0035 -0.32%

TLKM…26.42 closed +0%
EIDO….23.12 closed +0%
EEM….40.00 closed +0%

Oil…….71.00 +0.85 +1.21%
Gold…1933.10 +4.10 +0.21%
*Timah..27377.00 +590.00 +2.20%*
*(Closed 03/07)*
Nickel..20542.50 +109.00 +0.53%
(Closed 04/07)
Silver….. 23.17 +0.06 +0.26%
Copper..378.35 -1.05 -0.28%

*Iron Ore 62% 110.87 -1.70 -1.51%*
Nturl Gas.2.742 +0.045 +1.67%

*Coal price.143.15 -4.90 -3.31%*
*Coal price.151.25 -3.20 -2.07%*
Coal price.155.05 -2.25 -1.43%
Coal price.157.55 +0.05 +0.03%

Coal price123.30 +1.85 +1.52%
Coal price.120.99 +1.85 +1.55%
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.119.65 +1.70 +1.44%
Coal price.119.45 +2.25 +1.92%

*CPO(Sept)..3884 -101 -2.53%*

Corn…..493.50 closed +0%
SoybeanOil 60.19 closed +0%
Wheat…641.75 closed +0%

*Wood pulp..4230.00* +20 +0.48%
(Closed 04/07)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US market tutup due to 4th of July, europe merah, asia varied, IHSG merah dikit seperti perkiraan…

USD index naik tipis, ga ngaruh sama komoditas jadinya, Gold Silver ijo,copper merah,timah nikel ijo iron ore merah, oil gas ijo, coal newcastle merah rotterdam ijo, masih aman harusnya buat emiten coal. CPO merah lagi, pas buat nungu LSIP dibawah

Gold MACD buy, bagus harusnya buat ANTM MDKA BRMS

IHSG – stoch rev up, MACD up, MFI down, w% sw, last day FNS, asih optimis lanjut karena financials udah bangun

Financials, Consumer Non-Cyclicals, Basic Materials



Alligator Buy Signal: ADMR

Supertrend Buy Signal: BRIS WINS

HRUM – kalo mau buy ga sekarang sih, jangan biasa ngejar2 saham yang udah lari. Buy signal MACD nya udah

duluan kemaren, Sekarang yang punya hold,yang belum punya cari yang lain aja, udah kejedot fibo 23 dan ada reg bear div juga

ITMG – belum jalan, tapi emang belum bikin higher low juga, abis drop 46% ga firm reversal kalo belum bikin higher low

MAPI – abis wave 5, harusnya ABC correction dulu, kalo MACD Buy kita liat lagi. BD juga masih dist

MYOR – harusnya masih wave 4, belum sampe fibo 50 atau 38 juga, BDkemaren udah acc, FF masih dist, liat lagi pas MACD buy

PGAS – Stoch buy macd up, BD FF rev acc, ada gap, belum bikin higher low, bisa spec buy half tapi amannya biar tunggu beres higher low

ELSA – stoch up, MACD buy, MFI up w% uptrend, BD dist FF acc, slope uptrend sambil bolak balik sideways, kaya dijaga belum boleh gerak jauh dulu, BD masih relatif belum aggressive. Karena pegang MEDC elsa nya skip dulu deh

Ada beberapa kali spike dan abis itu naik tapi ga terlalu firm spike nya dan target udah done. Masih lebih firm spike MEDC

ADMR – stoc ob, rev down, MACD up, BD acc, FF dist, MFIup, w% uptrend, udah bikin higherlow tapi ga terlalu significant, udah sah sih, tapi kayanya akan ketemu koreksi rada besar dulu baru lanjut jalan. Buat spec buy udah lewat momentumnya, buat full load belum firm. Kalo main panjang sih alligator buy bisa masuk, asal emang berani resiko di swing kebawah dulu


Daily Analysis 20230627

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 27th, 2023

Good morning,

Nasdaq sheds 1% on Monday as investors dump tech names to start final week of June

The Nasdaq Composite slumped on Monday as investors sold shares of technology companies that have outperformed this year and the final trading week of the first half commenced.

Dow……33715 -12.7 -0.04%
Nasdaq13336 -156.7 -1.16%
S&P 500.4329 -19.5 -0.45%

FTSE…..7454 -8.3 -0.11%
Dax……15813 -16.9 -0.11%
CAC……7184 +20.9 +0.29%

Nikkei…..32699 -82.7 -0.25%
HSI………18794 -95.8 -0.51%
Shanghai.3151 -47.3 -1.48%

IDX…..6664.67 +24.93 +0.38%
LQ45….946.11 +3.39 +0.36%
IDX30…491.66 +1.81 +0.37%

IDXEnergy…1765.35 -26.30 -1.47%
IDX BscMat..994.08 -3.38 -0.34%
IDX Indstrl…1165.54 -0.46 -0.04%
IDXNONCYC.740.23 -0.61 -0.08%
IDX Hlthcare1481.14 -1.07 -0.07%
IDXCYCLIC….871.35 -4.11 -0.47%
IDX Techno.4814.34 -4.25 -0.09%
IDX Transp..1890.18 -24.24 -1.27%
IDX Infrast… .850.69 +2.81 +0.33%
IDX Finance.1401.76 +8.57 +0.61%
IDX Banking.1175.86 +8.90 +0.76%
IDX Property..726 -1.10 -0.16%

*Indo10Yr.6.3613-0.0038 -0.06%*
*ICBI..366.7261 +0.1546 +0.04%*
*US2Yr.4.7390* -0.0110 -0.23%
*US5Yr 3.9700* -0.0240 -0.60%
*US10Yr3.7190* -0.0180 -0.48%
*US30Yr.3.8080*-0.0060 -0.16%
*VIX…….14.25 +0.81 +6.03%‼️*

*USDIndx102.6920* -0.2110 -0.20%
Como Indx…263.40 +0.44 +0.17%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……141.04 -2.24 -1.56%

*IndoCDS.87.65 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(23/06)*

*IDR…..15021.50‼️ +23.00 +0.15%*
*Jisdor.15026.00‼️ +28.00 +0.18%*

*Euro……1.0909* +0.0008 +0.07%

TLKM…26.41 +0.10 +0.38%
EIDO….23.09 +0.17 +0.74%
EEM…..39.30 +0.13 +0.33%

Oil…….69.52 +0.36 +0.52%
Gold…1933.40 +3.80 +0.20%
*Timah..26476.00 – -%*
*(Closed 23/06)*
*Nickel..20408.50 -992.00 -4.64%‼️*
(Closed 26/06)
Silver….. 23.03 +0.48 +2.13%
Copper..380.40 -1.15 -0.30%

*Iron Ore 62% 112.65* – -%
Nturl Gas.2.872 +0.0290 +1.02%

Coal price.125.50 unch +0%
Coal price.139.50 +0.35 +0.25%
Coal price.142.75 +1.90 +1.35%
Coal price.144.20 +1.20 +0.84%

Coal price111.60 +0.40 +0.35%
Coal price.116.20 +1.20 +1.04%
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.113.65 +1.30 +1.16%
Coal price.112.35 +0.80 +0.72%

*CPO(Sept)..3716 +92 +2.54%*

Corn……588.25 +0.25 +0.04%
*SoybeanOil 56.18+1.22 +2.22%*
Wheat…738.25 -8.25 -1.11%

*Wood pulp..4270.00* -10 -0.23%
(Closed 25/06)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Semua index regional lanjut merah kecuali IHSG sama CAC. Most likely hari ini merah lagi. Nasdaq turun dalem, investor tech dump saham yang ga perform bagus di semester 1

USD index merah, seperti biasanya consequently Gold Silver ijo. Copper merah, oil gas coal ijo, CPO ijo, nickel yang drop gede

IHSG – akhirnya FNB, technically masih mengkhawatirkan tapi jadi harapan kuat akan segera rebound kalo asing udah mulai masuk lagi. Stoch down macd almost sell MFI sw,w% sw, abis bikin double bottom mulai mantul terus koreksi lagi bikin higher low, semoga sudah waktunya lanjut keatas

Basic Materials


Infra versi telco jalan bareng2…


Alligator Buy Signal: MTMH

Daily Analysis 20230509

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

May 09th, 2023

Good morning,

S&P 500 ends Monday little changed as investors look ahead to key inflation reports

The S&P 500
closed near the flat line on Monday as investors looked ahead to pivotal inflation readings, including April’s consumer price index report.

Dow……33619 -55.7 -0.17%
Nasdaq12257 +21.5. +0.18%
S&P 500.4138 +1.9 +0.05%

FTSE…..7778 closed +0%
Dax……15953 -8.2 -0.05%
CAC……7441 +7.88 +0.11%

Nikkei…..28959 -199.5 -0.68%
HSI………20297 +247.7 +1.24%
Shanghai.3395 +60.5 +1.81%

IDX…..6769.63 -18.00 -0.27%
LQ45….938.05 -7.00 -0.74%
IDX30…488.17 -4.19 -0.85%

IDXEnergy…1975.57 +21.21 +1.09%
IDX BscMat 1120.00 +5.15 +0.46%
IDX Indstrl…1156.37 +11.07 +0.97%
IDXNONCYC.736.71 +2.68 +0.37%
IDX Hlthcare1476.23 -9.40 -0.63%
IDXCYCLIC….821.69 +5.27 +0.65%
IDX Techno..4866.67 -7.07 -0.15%
IDX Transp..1830.38 +20.74 +1.15%
IDX Infrast…..817.59 -0.15 -0.02%
IDX Finance.1379.11 +0.92 +0.07%
IDX Banking.1141.65 -8.54 -0.74%
*IDX Property…722 +18.90 +2.69%*

Indo10Yr.6.6543 +0.0005 +0.007%
ICBI….358.4588 -0.0580 -0.02%
*US2Yr.4.0012 +0.0831 +2.12%*
*US5Yr 3.4878 +0.0774 +2.27%*
*US10Yr3.5070 +0.0720 +2.10%*
*US30Yr.3.8230* +0.0730 +1.95%
*VIX……16.98đź‘Ť -0.21 -1.22%*

*USDIndx101.3770 +0.1630 +0.16%*
Como Indx.264.00 +2.40 +0.92%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…154.19 +0.63 +0.41%

*IndoCDS.100.00 -0.49 -0.49%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(08/05)*

*IDR…..14710.50 +32.50 +0.22%*
*Jisdor.14709.00 +35.00 +0.24%*

*Euro……1.1003 -0.0016 -0.15%*

*TLKM..27.83 -0.77 -2.69%*
EIDO….24.02 -0.27 -1.11%
EEM…..39.41 +0.02 +0.05%

*Oil……72.99 +1.65 +2.31%*
Gold…2028.40 +3.60 +0.18%
Timah..26064.00 closed +0%
*(Closed 05/05)*
Nickel..24712.50 closed +0%
(Closed 05/05)
Silver……25.79 -0.14 -0.54%
Copper…392.00 +3.70 +0.95%
*Iron Ore 62% 103.55 -0.32 -0.31%*
*Nturl Gas.2.245 +0.130 +6.15%‼️*

Coal price.169.65 closed +0%
Coal price.168.50 closed +0%
Coal price.174.60 closed +0%
Coal price.182.60 closed +0%

Coal price.127.15 unch +0%
Coal price.122.50 +0.45 +0.37%
(Jun/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 123.10 +1.90 +1.57%
Coal price 123.60 +2.05 +1.69%

*CPO(Jul)…3758 +167.00 +4.48%‼️*

Corn……..596.50 unch +0%
SoybeanOil53.65 -0.68 -1.25%
Wheat…..654.00 -6.25 -0.95%

*Wood pulp..4010.00 +10 +0.25%*
(Closed 08/05)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

US ijo tebel, Europe masih tipis2, asia kemaren ijo, IHSG ijo tebel, lanjut ah…


IHSG – stoch buy, macdup, MFI flat, w% uptrend, BD FF acc, alligator buy, double bottom formed, semoga breakout


Industrials, Infrastructure, disusul Basic Materials dan Consumer Non-Cyclicals






Alligator Buy Signal: AGRO TAPG


Supertrend Buy Signal: UNVR ADHI

Oil Gas Ijo, Coal Merah, Gold merah, metal2 lain ijo, nikel ijo tebel lagi, GO GO INCO, CPO drop lagi


ACES – tunggu macd assess lagi, BD FF masih dist


BUKA – big accumulation, FNB, stoch buy macd up, MFI upw% up, udah bikin higher low, bisa spec buy sih…


Spike nya meyakinkan


UNVR – stoch buy macd buy, MFI up, w% uptrend, double bottom, adagap di atas, tapi PBV 31, PER 35, saya mah skip… Yang pegang hold


Spike lumayan


KLBF – stoch up, macd buy, MFI up, w% down, BD FF acc, abis wave 5 Belum beres abc correction, baru koreksi ke sekitar fibo 23, Belum beres sih keliatannya WNS



Daily Analysis 20230504

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

Good morning,

Dow closes more than 250 points lower Wednesday after Fed hikes rates for a 10th time

Stocks fell Wednesday after the Federal Reserve raised rates by 25 basis points, as was widely expected

Dow……33414 -270.3 -0.80%
Nasdaq12025 -55.2 -0.46%
S&P 500.4091 -28.8 -0.70%

FTSE…..7788 +15.3 +0.20%
Dax……15815 +88.1 +0.56%
CAC……7404 +20.6 +0.28%

Nikkei…..29158 closed +0%
HSI………19699 -234.7 -1.18%
Shanghai.3323 closed +0%

IDX…..6812.72 -50.58 -0.74%
LQ45….947.65 -7.96 -0.83%
IDX30…493.92 -4.20 -0.84%

IDXEnergy…2002.37 -29.43 -1.45%
IDX BscMat 1138.16 -12.55 -1.09%
IDX Indstrl…1168.57 -15.75 -1.33%
IDXNONCYC.731.08 +8.43 +1.17%
IDX Hlthcare1499.47 -9.84 -0.65%
IDXCYCLIC….815.60 +2.22 +0.27%
IDX Techno..4857.67 -25.66 -0.53%
IDX Transp..1791.91 -21.10 -1.16%
IDX Infrast…..811.63 -1.63 -0.20%
IDX Finance.1377.01 -7.15 -0.52%
IDX Banking.1148.93 -8.50 -0.73%
IDX Property…700 +3.20 +0.46%

Indo10Yr.6.6924 -0.0366 -0.54%đź‘Ť
ICBI….357.9499 +0.8065 +0.23%đź‘Ť
US2Yr.3.8645 -0.1278 -3.20%‼
US5Yr 3.3457 -0.1233 -3.55%‼
US10Yr3.3540-0.0690 -2.01%
US30Yr.3.6930 -0.0210 -0.66%
VIX…… 18.34 +0.56 +3.15%

USDIndx101.3430 -0.6150 -0.60%
Como Indx.256.56 -4.07 -1.56%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…152.86 -1.31 -0.85%

IndoCDS..94.58 -1.46 -1.52%
(5-yr INOCD5) (02/05)

IDR…..14692.00 -21.50 -0.15%
Jisdor.14706.00 +3 +0.02%

Euro……1.1068 +0.0062 +0.56%

TLKM..28.22 -0.32 -1.12%
EIDO….24.14 -0.11 -0.45%
EEM….38.56 -0.06 -0.16%

Oil……66.54 -5.05 -7.05%‼
Gold.2068.00‼ +43.10 +2.13%
Timah..26491.00 +403.00 +1.54%
(Closed 02/05)
Nickel..24646.00 -309.50 -1.24%
(Closed 03/05)
Silver……26.06 +0.44 +1.72%
Copper…383.50 -3.10 -0.80%
Iron Ore 62% +2.40. +2.32%
Nturl Gas.2.217 -0.0700 -3.15%

Coal price.180.60 -6.95 -3.70%‼
Coal price.182.30 -7.70 -4.05%‼
Coal price.186.80 -7.20 -3.71%‼
Coal price.191.20 -7.05 -3.56%‼

Coal price.131.50 -4.60 -3.38%‼
Coal price.128.00 -4.50 -3.40%‼
(Jun/ Rotterdam)
Coal price 126.50 -5.00 -3.80%‼
Coal price 126.75 -5.10 -3.87%‼

CPO(Jul)…3430 +18 +0.53%

Corn……..588.60 +8.50 +1.47%
SoybeanOil52.64 +0.85 +1.64%
Wheat…639.75 +30.50 +5.01%‼

Wood pulp..4000.00 unch +0%
(Closed 03/05)

© ( DE ) – ( AT ) 04 – 05 – 2023

Source : Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia

US merah lagi, Europe ijo, asia banyak tutup, his idx merah dalem. Masih belum kondusif buat belanja belanja agresif

Oil Gas Coal drop, energy bye bye dulu ini, Metal2 varied, Gold Silver Tin Iron Ore Ijo, Nickel Copper merah, CPO ijo. ANTM bisa diperhatikan, MDKA belum masuk di technical

IHSG – stoch rev down, macd rev down, 833 sell, MFI down, w% down, BD flat, FNS 2 hari, prepare belanja pas udah sampe fibo 23 atau udah mantul lagi keatas fibo 38. Rejection resistance di neckline pattern emang suka kejam

Lho, infrastructure koq jalan terus cacingnya, padahal telco sama tower pada drop? Infrastructure, Transportation, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Non-Cyclicals, Healthcare, Technology

Checking manual, infra versi BUMN konstruksi sesuai dugaan koreksi dulu, kalo udah bikin higher low kita baru berani buy, tower2 drop, TLKM drop, ISAT EXCL yang soaring, later check apa layak riding

Stochastic Buy Signal: EXCL, SIDO, AALI, ABMM, BSDE, MNCN



Supertrend Buy Signal: AMRT