Posts Tagged ‘American’

Kay Felder 2016-17 NBA Season Highlights

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Kahlil Ameer “Kay” Felder Jr. (born March 29, 1995) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Felder, a 5-foot-9-inch (1.75 m) point guard, declared for the 2016 NBA draft at the conclusion of his junior year at Oakland. Felder is the Horizon League career assists leader.

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501(c)(3) Organization: What It Is, Pros and Cons, Examples

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is a 501(c)(3) Organization?

Section 501(c)(3) is a portion of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and a specific tax category for nonprofit organizations. Organizations that meet Section 501(c)(3) requirements are exempt from federal income tax. While the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes more than 30 types of nonprofit organizations, only those that qualify for 501(c)(3) status can say that donations to them are tax deductible.

Most of the organizations that may be eligible for 501(c)(3) designation fall into one of three categories: charitable organizations, churches and religious organizations, and private foundations. The rules outlined in Section 501(c)(3) are regulated by the U.S. Treasury through the IRS.

Key Takeaways

  • Section 501(c)(3) is a portion of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and a specific tax category for nonprofit organizations.
  • Organizations that meet the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) are exempt from federal income tax.
  • While the IRS recognizes more than 30 types of nonprofit organizations, only organizations that qualify for 501(c)(3) status can say that donations to them are tax deductible.
  • 501(c)(3) organizations must pay their employees fair market value wages.
  • To receive its favorable tax treatment, the nonprofit organization must not deviate from its purpose or mission.

What Is a 501(C) Organization?

How a 501(c)(3) Organization Works

To be considered a charitable organization by the IRS, a group must operate exclusively for one of these purposes: charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, or preventing cruelty to children or animals.

Furthermore, the IRS defines “charitable” activities as “relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.”

Requirements of a 501(c)(3) Organization

To be tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3), an organization must not be serving any private interests, including the interests of the creator, the creator’s family, shareholders of the organization, other designated individuals, or other persons controlled by private interests. None of the net earnings of the organization can be used to benefit any private shareholder or individual; all earnings must be used solely for the advancement of its charitable cause.

A 501(c)(3) organization is also forbidden from using its activities to influence legislation in a substantial way, including participating in any campaign activities to support or deny any particular political candidate. It is typically not permitted to engage in lobbying (except in instances when its expenditures are below a certain amount).

People employed by the organization must be paid “reasonable compensation,” which is based on the fair market value that the job function requires.

Once an organization is categorized as a 501(c)(3), the designation remains as long as the organization exists unless it is revoked by the IRS.

To remain tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3), an organization is also required to remain true to its founding purpose. If an organization has previously reported to the IRS that its mission is to help less privileged individuals gain access to a college education, it must maintain this purpose. If it decides to engage in another calling—for example, sending relief to displaced families in poverty-stricken countries—the 501(c)(3) organization has to first notify the IRS of its change of operations to prevent the loss of its tax-exempt status.

While some unrelated business income is allowed for a 501(c)(3) organization, the tax-exempt charity may not receive substantial income from unrelated business operations. This means that the majority of the firm’s efforts must go toward its exempt purpose as a nonprofit organization. Any unrelated business from sales of merchandise or rental properties must be limited or the organization could lose its 501(c)(3) status. While the IRS doesn’t specify exactly how much is too much unrelated business income, the law firm of Hurwit & Associates, which specializes in representing nonprofits, estimates the amount at somewhere between 15% and 30%.

While organizations that meet the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) are exempt from federal income tax, they are required to withhold federal income tax from their employees’ paychecks and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. They do not, however, have to pay federal unemployment taxes.

Special Considerations

Organizations that meet the 501(c)(3) tax category requirements can be classified into two categories: public charities and private foundations. The main distinction between these two categories is how they get their financial support. 

Public Charity

A public charity is a nonprofit organization that receives a substantial portion of its income or revenue from the general public or the government. At least one-third of its income must be received from the donations of the general public (including individuals, corporations, and other nonprofit organizations).

If an individual donates to an organization that the IRS considers to be a public charity, they may qualify for certain tax deductions that can help them lower their taxable income. Generally, the total amount of donations to a tax-exempt public charity that an individual can claim is limited to 50% of their adjusted gross income (AGI). However, there is no limitation on donations to qualified charitable organizations, such as a 501(c)(3).

Private Foundation

A private foundation is typically held by an individual, a family, or a corporation and obtains most of its income from a small group of donors. Private foundations are subject to stricter rules and regulations than public charities. All 501(c)(3) organizations are automatically classified as private foundations unless they can prove they meet the IRS standards to be considered a public charity. The deductibility of contributions to a private foundation is more limited than donations for a public charity.

To apply for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3), most nonprofit organizations are required to file Form 1023 or Form 1023-EZ within 27 months from their date of incorporation. The charitable organization must include its articles of incorporation and provide documents that prove that the organization is only operating for exempt purposes.

However, not all organizations that qualify for the tax category need to submit Form 1023. For example, public charities that earn less than $5,000 in revenue per year are exempt from filing this form. Even though it is not required, they may still choose to file the form to ensure that donations made to their organization will be tax deductible for donors.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a 501(c)(3) Organization

The 501(c)(3) status offers a myriad of benefits to the designated organizations and the people they serve. For starters, 501(c)(3) organizations are exempt from paying federal income and unemployment taxes, and patrons who donate to them are allowed to claim a tax deduction for their contributions.

To help with funding and further their mission, these organizations are eligible to receive government and private grants. To qualify, the organization must have a mission aligned with the purpose of the grant and a need for it. In addition, 501(c)(3) organizations often receive discounts from retailers, free advertising by way of public service announcements, and food and supplies from other nonprofit organizations designed to help in times of need.

A 501(c)(3) could be the lifelong dream of its founder; however, once established as a 501(c)(3), it no longer belongs to its founder. Rather, it is a mission-oriented organization belonging to the public. To maintain its favorable tax treatment, it must operate within the confines of the law pertaining to 501(c)(3) organizations.

Because the organization serves the public, it must operate with full transparency. Therefore, its finances, including salaries, are available to members of the public and subject to their review.


  • Exempt from federal taxes

  • Contributions are tax deductible

  • Eligible for government and private grants


  • Does not belong to those who created it

  • Restricted to specific operations to receive tax exemptions

  • Financial information is publicly accessible

Example of a 501(c)(3) Organization

The American Red Cross, established in 1881 and congressionally chartered in 1900, is one of the United States’ oldest nonprofit organizations. Its mission statement says that the Red Cross “prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” Since its inception, its goal has been to serve members of the armed forces and provide aid during disasters.

Located in 191 countries, the Red Cross operates the largest network of volunteers in the world. This 501(c)(3) organization is segmented into three divisions: the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which include the American Red Cross, aim to relieve human suffering globally by empowering subordinate organizations to operate within their nation’s borders to provide disaster relief, education, and other related services. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies provides global humanitarian aid during peacetime, such as assisting refugees. The International Committee of the Red Cross provides humanitarian relief for people affected by war or other armed conflicts.

People who itemize their tax deductions can contribute to the Red Cross and claim the amount donated as a deduction. Taxpayers who use the standard deduction may still claim up to $600 of their 501(c)(3) contributions as a tax deduction in 2021.

How Do You Start a 501(c)(3)?

To create a 501(c)(3), you must define the type of organization and its purpose or mission. Before selecting a name, search to ensure that it is not taken. If available, secure the name by registering it with your state. Otherwise, secure the name when filing the articles of incorporation. The articles of incorporation must be filed with the state in which it will be organized and according to the state’s rules for nonprofit organizations.

After filing, apply for the 501(c)(3) IRS exemption (Form 1023) and state tax exemption for nonprofit organizations. Upon completion, create your organization’s bylaws, which specify how the organization will be structured and governed. Finally, appoint and meet with your board of directors.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a 501(c)(3)?

The costs associated with creating a 501(c)(3) vary according to the needs of the organization. However, some costs can be approximated. For example, filing the articles of incorporation with the state typically costs about $100. The IRS Form 1023 filing fee is $600. However, for organizations that expect less than $50,000 in annual earnings, Form 1023 EZ can be filed for $275.

How Long Does It Take to Get a 501(c)(3) Determination Letter?

A determination letter is sent after applying for the 501(c)(3) exemption. The IRS will only say that “applications are processed as quickly as possible” and “are processed in the order received by the IRS.” However, it does provide a list of 10 tips that can shorten the process.

Anecdotally, the website BoardEffect, which offers software designed “to make the work of their boards of directors easier, more efficient and more effective,” says it can take as little as two to four weeks if you can file Form 1023-EZ. However, those who must (or choose) to file Form 1023 will likely wait for anywhere from three to six months to get their letter, while in some cases the wait can be as long as a year.

Do You Need to Be a Corporation to Get a 501(c)(3)?

According to the IRS, to qualify for the 501(c)(3) status, the organization must be formed “as a trust, a corporation, or an association.”

What Is the Difference Between a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4)?

A 501(c)(3) organization is a nonprofit organization established exclusively for one of the following purposes: charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, or preventing cruelty to children or animals. These organizations are mostly prohibited from engaging in lobbying. Alternatively, 501(c)(4) organizations, which are also nonprofit, are social welfare groups and allowed to engage in lobbying.

The Bottom Line

501(c)(3) organizations are nonprofit groups with a dedicated mission. Most people are familiar with them as churches and charities, but they also include private foundations. As long as they operate to support their mission, they receive favorable tax treatment, such as avoiding federal income and unemployment taxes.


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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)


What Is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)?

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a new international development bank that provides financing for infrastructure projects in Asia. It began operations in January 2016.

How the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Works

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank headquartered in Beijing. Like other development banks, its mission is to improve social and economic outcomes in its region, Asia, and beyond. The bank opened in January 2016 and now has 105 approved members worldwide, as of Jul. 30, 2022.

The History of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

China’s leader Xi Jinping first proposed an Asian infrastructure bank at an APEC summit in Bali in 2013. Many observers have interpreted the bank as a challenge to international lending bodies, which some consider too reflective of American foreign policy interests such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

In this bank’s case, China controls half of the bank’s voting shares, which gives the perception that the AIIB will function in the interests of the Chinese government. The U.S. has questioned the bank’s governing standards and its social and environmental safeguards, perhaps pressuring allies not to apply for membership. However, despite American objections, approximately half of NATO has signed on, as has nearly every large Asian country, with the exception of Japan. The result is widely considered in an indicator of China’s growing international influence at the expense of the United States.

The Structure of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

The bank is headed by a Board of Governors composed of one Governor and one Alternate Governor appointed by each of the 86 member countries. A non-resident Board of Directors is responsible for the direction and management of the Bank such as the Bank’s strategy, annual plan and budget and establishing policies and oversight procedures.

The bank staff is headed by a President who is elected by AIIB shareholders for a five-year term and is eligible for re-election once. The President is supported by Senior Management including five Vice Presidents for policy and strategy, investment operations, finance, administration, and the corporate secretariat and the General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer. Mr. Jin Liqun is the current President.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Priorities

The bank’s priorities are projects that promote sustainable Infrastructure and to support countries that are striving to meet environmental and development goals. The bank funds projects linking countries in the region and cross-border infrastructure projects for roads, rail, ports, energy pipelines and telecoms across Central Asia and maritime routes in South East and South Asia and the Middle East. The bank’s priorities also include private capital mobilization and encouraging partnerships that stimulate private capital investment such as those with other multilateral development banks, governments, and private financiers.

An example of an AIIB project is a rural road connectivity initiative that will benefit approximately 1.5 million rural residents in Madhya Pradesh, India. In April 2018, the AIIB announced the project, which is also expected to improve the livelihoods, education, and mobility of the residents of 5,640 villages. The project is a U.S. $140-million jointly financed by the AIIB and the World Bank.


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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Definition

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Activities of Daily Living (ADL)


What Is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)?

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is an economic group of 21 members, formed in 1989, with the primary goal of promoting free trade and sustainable development in the Pacific Rim economies.

Key Takeaways

  • The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a 21-member economic forum that was established in 1989.
  • APEC is made up of countries, including the U.S., that promote free trade and sustainable development in Pacific Rim economies.
  • APEC engages in multiple micro causes, such as intellectual property rights and emergency preparedness, and has many sub-groups that aim to advance policy and awareness.
  • APEC has been fundamental in reducing tariffs, improving customs efficiency, and closing the gap between developing and developed economies.


Understanding the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

APEC’s principal goal is to ensure that goods, services, capital, and labor can move easily across borders. This includes increasing custom efficiency at borders, encouraging favorable business climates within member economies, and harmonizing regulations and policies across the region.

The creation of APEC was primarily in response to the increasing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies. The formation of APEC was part of the proliferation of regional economic blocs in the late 20th century, such as the European Union (EU) and the (now-defunct) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Nations Comprising APEC

The founding members of APEC were Australia, Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and the U.S. Since its launch, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Russia, and Vietnam have joined its ranks.

APEC refers to its members as economies rather than as states due to the focus on trade and economic issues rather than the sometimes delicate diplomatic issues of the region, including the status of Taiwan and Hong Kong. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) refuses to recognize Taiwan because it claims the island as a province under its constitution. Hong Kong, meanwhile, functions as semi-autonomous regions of China and not a sovereign state.

Official observers of APEC include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), and the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF).

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC) Actions and Goals

At a landmark summit meeting in 1994, APEC announced a lofty goal of establishing free trade and investment regimes in the Asia-Pacific region by 2010 for members with developed economies. The group hoped to achieve those same goals for its developing economy members by 2020.

APEC provides funding for approximately 100 projects annually, with around USD 15.4 million made available in 2018.

In 1995, APEC adopted the Osaka Action Agenda, a program designed to facilitate business activities, liberalize trade and investment and promote economic and technical cooperation. However, progress on these efforts has somewhat slowed, due to APEC’s culture of making all decisions by consensus. While some decisions are unanimous, they are not legally binding on the member governments.

Sub-Groups of APEC

APEC maintains a policy support unit to provide research and analysis to support the organization’s goals for the region, as well as special working groups to explore and promote various issues and components of economic development. These groups engage in multiple micro causes that aim to advance policy and awareness. Examples of these sub-groups include:

  • Gender Issues: APEC sponsors a policy partnership on women and the economy to advance the economic integration of women. An estimated 600 million women are currently in the region’s labor force.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: APEC’s Intellectual Property Rights Experts’ Group (IPEG) studies and exchanges information regarding the enforcement of intellectual property rights protections in the region. It promotes and facilitates cooperation to implement the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
  • Emergency Preparedness: APEC’s Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG) promotes business resilience, public-private partnerships, and information sharing among members to help build the region’s capacity to deal with emergencies and natural disasters. Economies along the geologically and climatologically active Pacific Rim are subject to events such as tsunamis, typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.


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