Posts Tagged ‘Absolute’

How to Use RRG Charts in Trading

Written by admin. Posted in Technical Analysis


The relative rotation graph (RRG) is a sophisticated tool in technical analysis to help investors decide which sectors, individual stocks, and other assets to pursue. Investors can use it to visually compare the performance and momentum of securities and asset classes against a benchmark. RRGs plot assets on a two-dimensional graph, with the x-axis representing the relative strength ratio and the y-axis for relative strength momentum. This format enables traders and investors to visually assess the relative strength and trendline of different securities, making it valuable for trading, rotation, and asset allocation strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • The relative rotation graph (RRG) is a chart used in technical analysis to test the performance and momentum of securities or asset classes against a benchmark.
  • RRGs provide a comprehensive view of the market, helping investors to spot trends, compare multiple securities simultaneously, and make more informed decisions when rebalancing portfolios.
  • RRGs should be used with other forms of analysis since they are a partial view of the market.
  • Several tools and resources are available to create and analyze RRGs, ranging from professional-grade software from Bloomberg and Optuma to more accessible platforms like

What is the Relative Rotation Graph?

RRGs are used to identify which stocks or sectors are underperforming and outperforming a market index or benchmark. The RRG has four quadrants: leading, weakening, lagging, and improving. Each quadrant is for different stages of an asset’s performance cycle, providing insights into the rotation of market leadership. This movement of securities through the quadrants helps to spotting trends and potential reversals and could provide investors with a strategic advantage in both short-term and long-term trading.

RRGs were created by Julius de Kempenaer in the early 1990s to visualize the relative performance of stocks and other securities against a benchmark and each other. De Kempenaer’s work has been valuable for helping investors make more informed decisions about trading, rotation, and asset allocation.

RRGs are an excellent visual way of analyzing market trends and relative performance. However, like all technical tools, they should be used with other techniques for a more comprehensive approach to trading and investing.

Understanding the Parts of the Relative Rotation Graph

The key elements of RRG and how they indicate relative strength and momentum are as follows:

  • Axes: The x-axis is the relative strength ratio. This axis measures the performance of a security relative to a benchmark (hence, the strength is “relative”). A value more than 100 indicates outperformance, while a value less than 100 indicates underperformance. The y-axis represents the momentum of the relative strength. This axis shows the rate of change in the relative performance. It is essentially the momentum of the relative strength ratio,
  • Top right quadrant: The top right quadrant in the RRG is the leading quadrant. Securities in this quadrant are outperforming the benchmark, and their momentum is positive. This indicates strong and improving performance.
  • Bottom right quadrant: The bottom right quadrant is the weakening quadrant. Here, securities are still outperforming the benchmark, but their momentum is decreasing. Being here suggests that while they are strong, they might be losing their edge.
  • Bottom left quadrant: This is the lagging quadrant. Securities in this area are underperforming the benchmark with negative momentum. It is a sign of weakness.
  • Top left quadrant: This is the improving quadrant. This quadrant contains securities that are underperforming the benchmark but show increasing momentum. Being here suggests the potential for a turnaround.
  • Data points and movement: Each security or asset is represented as a data point on the graph. The position of a data point within the graph indicates its relative strength and momentum. The movement of these data points is tracked over time, usually in a clockwise direction through the quadrants, which illustrates the evolution of their relative performance.

RRGs help investors spot trends and compare several securities at once. However, RRGs should be used with other forms of analysis since they provide a relative, not absolute, view.

How to Interpret Relative Rotation Graphs

Interpreting RRGs involve analyzing the patterns and movements of securities on this chart to identify market leaders, laggards, and potential rotation opportunities.

Weekly Relative Rotation Graph of Magnificent Seven Stocks as at 18th December 2023.

Movements and Patterns in RRGs

Securities in the RRG generally move clockwise through the four quadrants. This rotation reflects the natural ebb and flow of securities’ relative strength and momentum relative to a benchmark. In addition, the further a security is from the center, the stronger its relative strength or weakness is compared with the benchmark. A security far out in the leading or lagging quadrant has a strong trend, whether positive or negative.

The speed at which a security moves through the quadrants can indicate the stability of its trend. Rapid movements might suggest more volatile or less stable trends. Indeed, many RRGs show tails behind the data points, representing their historical path. Longer tails provide more context on historical performance and trend stability.

Identifying Market Leaders and Laggards

Securities in the leading quadrant are outperforming the benchmark with positive momentum and are considered market leaders. A security with a presence or movement deeper into this quadrant suggests a strong and stable outperformance. Meanwhile, securities in the lagging quadrant are underperforming and have negative momentum. These are the laggards of the market. A security that is continuously in or moving deeper into this quadrant has a strong downtrend relative to the benchmark.

Monthly US Sector Rotation as at December 1 2023.

Identifying Rotational Opportunities

A security moving from the improving quadrant into the leading quadrant can be an opportunity. This shift indicates a security is starting to outperform the benchmark with increasing momentum. Similarly, a security moving from the weakening to the lagging quadrant suggests that its previous outperformance is deteriorating, and it is now starting to underperform. This could signal a selling opportunity or a warning to avoid new investments.

Meanwhile, a move from lagging to improving suggests that a security is beginning to reverse its underperformance. This indicates an early stage of recovery, a potential buying opportunity for contrarian investors. Also, securities shifting from leading to weakening are still outperforming but are losing momentum. This could be a signal to take the profits or closely watch the situation to see if it continues losing steam.

Using Relative Rotation Graphs with Other Technical Tools

RRGs can be more effective when put together with other charts in the technical analyst’s toolkit. For example, once an RRG helps determine sectors or stocks that are showing relative strength, you can then review stocks in those sectors in greater depth. Candlestick patterns and volume analysis can give more details on the trading behavior for specific stocks, clueing you in about potential reversals in price trends. Indicators like moving averages, the relative strength index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands can also be used to assess the momentum and volatility of these stocks, helping you decide on entries and exits.

In addition, the RRG’s ability to depict sector rotation can provide great help for those using a top-down investment approach. When showing the sectors moving into the leading quadrant, you might allocate more to sectors poised for growth and reduce your exposure to those going into the lagging quadrant. This sector rotation strategy can be particularly useful during different phases of the economic cycle, as certain sectors tend to do better than others based on the economic conditions. This then points to how fundamental analysis can be used with RRG for a fuller picture of particular sectors and their prospects.

Benefits and Limitations of Relative Rotation Graphs

RRGs offer several advantages and limitations when used in trading, analysis, and portfolio management. Understanding these can help make better use of them for investing.

Benefits and Limitations of Relative Rotation Graphs


  • Easy Visualization of Market Dynamics

  • Comparison Tool

  • Helps Identify Trends

  • Helps with Timely Decision Making

  • Complements Other Analysis

  • Helps with Deciding Asset Allocation


  • Shows Relative, Not Absolute Rotation

  • Lagging Indicator

  • Requires a Benchmark

  • Not a Standalone Tool

  • Provides no Indication of Value

Benefits of Relative Rotation Graphs

Here are some benefits of RRGs:

  • Visualizing market dynamics: RRGs provide a clear, visual representation of the relative strength and momentum of various securities or sectors, making it easier to understand complex market moves.
  • Comparison tool: With RRGs, you can compare several securities simultaneously against a benchmark, which can be valuable for portfolio diversification and sector rotation strategies.
  • Identifying trends: RRGs help pick out leaders, laggards, and emerging trends by observing the movement of securities through different quadrants.
  • Timely decision-making: The dynamic nature of RRGs aids investors in making timely decisions by highlighting changes in momentum and strength before they become evident through price movements alone.
  • Complementing other analyses: RRGs can be used alongside other technical, fundamental, and quantitative analysis tools, providing a more holistic view of the market.
  • Sector and asset allocation: RRGs are particularly useful for sector analysis and distributing assets since they help identify industries or asset classes likely to outperform or underperform.

Limitations of Relative Rotation Graphs

Here are some limitations of RRGs:

  • Relative, not absolute, rotation: RRGs illustrate the performance relative to a benchmark, not the absolute performance. A security in the leading quadrant could still be losing value in a bear market.
  • Lagging indicator: RRGs inherently lag. They reflect past performance and trends, which may not always predict future movements.
  • Requires a benchmark: The effectiveness of RRGs depends on the choice of an appropriate benchmark, which can vary based on the assets.
  • Not a stand-alone tool: RRGs should not to be used in isolation. They do not deliver insights into company fundamentals, macroeconomic conditions, or market sentiment.
  • No indication of value: RRGs do not provide information about the value of securities. A stock might be moving into the leading quadrant but still be overpriced.

While RRGs are powerful for visualizing and analyzing market trends and relative performance, they are most effective when used as part of a broader, diversified approach to investment analysis and decision-making. Understanding their limitations is crucial to avoid overestimating their relevance.

Differences Between the Relative Rotation Graph and the Relative Strength Index

The Relative Rotation Graph vs. the Relative Strength Index

Relative Rotation Graph (RRG)

  • Scope: RRG is used to compare several securities against a benchmark.

  • Dimensions: RRG provides a two-dimensional view.

  • Interpretation: RRG is better for relative performance and identifying trends.

  • Usage: RRG is typically used for asset allocation and sector rotation.

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

  • Scope: The RSI is used for analyzing the price momentum of a single security.

  • Dimensions: The RSI is a one-dimensional oscillator.

  • Interpretation: The RSI illustrates momentum and potential price reversals.

  • Usage: RSI is commonly used to identify potential entries and exits.

The RRG and the relative strength index (RSI) are both used in technical analysis, but serve different purposes and provide different kinds of information. RRGs are used for comparing several securities against a benchmark, while the RSI is for analyzing the price momentum of a single security. In addition, RRGs offer a two-dimensional view (strength and momentum), while the RSI is a one-dimensional oscillator (it constructs high and low bands and provides a trend indicator).

RRG is best used for relative performance and identifying trends. Meanwhile, the RSI is best for ascertaining momentum and potential price reversals. Another set of differences is that RRG is often used for asset allocation and sector rotation, while the RSI commonly helps identify potential entries and exits.

As such, RRG is more for visualizing and comparing the relative strength and trends of multiple securities, and the RSI sets out the momentum of individual securities and can help identify when there are overbought or oversold conditions.

Resources for Creating Relative Rotation Graphs

Making your RRGs requires specialized tools and resources, as these graphs involve complex calculations and dynamic visuals. Here are some great tools to use:

  • RRG Research: Founded by Julius de Kempenaer, the creator of RRGs, the firm’s site provides tools and insights related to RRGs. The website offers educational resources, analysis, and access to RRGs.
  • Bloomberg Professional Services Software: The Bloomberg Professional Services software, a leading financial data and analytics platform, offers RRG charts as part of its services. It provides functions for creating and customizing RRGs, making it a popular choice among professional investors and analysts.
  • Refinitiv Eikon: This platform is another leading financial data and analytics provider that offers RRG charts as part of its services.
  • This online platform offers various chart tools, including RRGs. It has a user-friendly interface for creating RRGs, suitable for professionals and individual investors.
  • Optuma: Optuma is a professional-level technical analysis software that includes RRGs among its features. Known for its advanced analysis tools, Optuma caters to professional traders and analysts.

The tool you choose depends on your needs, skill level, and access to resources.

Which Technical Analysis Indicators Work Well with Relative Rotation Graphs?

Combining RRGs with other indicators can provide a more comprehensive view of the market and help refine investment strategies. Some indicators include moving averages, the RSI, the moving average convergence divergence, Bollinger Bands, support and resistance levels, and other chart patterns.

What Asset Groups Work Well with Relative Rotation Graphs?

RRGs are best used to analyze asset groups when relative performance is key. These can include equity sectors and industries, exchange-traded funds, indexes, benchmarks, fixed-income securities, commodities, and currencies. RRGs’ ability to compare several assets simultaneously makes them invaluable for a wide range of investment strategies from picking individual stocks to deciding on broad asset allocations. However, with all financial and investment tools, they should be used as part of a broader, diversified approach to market analysis and not relied upon in isolation.

Which Benchmarks Work Well with Relative Rotation Graphs?

The benchmark chosen is critical in interpreting RRGs, setting the standard against which the other securities or asset classes are measured. The benchmark to use depends on the type of assets being analyzed and the specific goals of the analysis. Some commonly used benchmarks include broad market, sector, fixed-income, commodity, regional, country-specific, currency, real estate, and thematic indexes.

How Can the Reliability of Relative Rotation Graphs Be Improved?

Increasing the reliability of RRGs involves choosing the right benchmarks, using quality data, understanding the tool’s limitations, and integrating it with other forms of analysis. Regular reviews, adaptation to changing market conditions, and ongoing education are essential for effectively using RRGs in trading and investments.

The Bottom Line

RRGs are vital for some types of technical analysis, offering a way to visualize the relative performance and momentum of different securities against a chosen benchmark. Its design, characterized by placing securities in four distinct quadrants—labeled leading, weakening, lagging, and improving—allows traders and investors to quickly grasp shifts in the market and identify assets gaining or losing strength against others. This makes RRGs particularly useful for strategies involving sector rotation, asset allocation, and portfolio diversification.

For traders, RRGs provide a strategic edge by enabling a clear understanding of various market segments’ relative trends and strengths. By integrating RRG analysis with other technical indicators and fundamental insights, traders can identify potential entry and exit points more effectively.


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Absolute Return: Definition, Example, Vs. Relative Return

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Absolute Return: Definition, Example, Vs. Relative Return


What Is Absolute Return?

Absolute return is the return that an asset achieves over a specified period. This measure looks at the appreciation or depreciation, expressed as a percentage, that an asset, such as a stock or a mutual fund, achieves over a given period.

Absolute return differs from relative return because it is concerned with the return of a particular asset and does not compare it to any other measure or benchmark.

Key Takeaways

  • Absolute return is the return that an asset achieves over a certain period.
  • Returns can be positive or negative and may be considered unrelated to other market activities.
  • Absolute return, unlike relative return, does not make any comparison against other possible investments or to a benchmark.

How Absolute Return Works

Absolute return refers to the amount of funds that an investment has earned. Also referred to as the total return, the absolute return measures the gain or loss experienced by an asset or portfolio independent of any benchmark or other standard. Returns can be positive or negative and may be considered uncorrelated to other market activities.

Relative and Absolute Returns

In general, a mutual fund seeks to produce returns that are better than its peers, its fund category, and the market as a whole. This type of fund management is referred to as a relative return approach to fund investing. The success of the asset is often based on a comparison to a chosen benchmark, industry standard, or overall market performance.

As an investment vehicle, an absolute return fund seeks to make positive returns by employing investment management techniques that differ from traditional mutual funds. Absolute return investment strategies include using short selling, futures, options, derivatives, arbitrage, leverage, and unconventional assets. Absolute returns are examined separately from any other performance measure, so only gains or losses on the investment are considered.

The History of Absolute Return Funds

Alfred Winslow Jones is credited with forming the first absolute return fund in New York in 1949. In recent years, the absolute return approach to fund investing has become one of the fastest-growing investment products in the world and is more commonly referred to as a hedge fund.

Hedge Funds

A hedge fund is not a specific form of investment; it is an investment structured as a pool and set up as either a limited partnership or limited liability company (LLC). A hedge fund manager raises funds by working with outside investors. The manager uses the funds to invest based on a declared strategy involving only the purchase of long equities, such as common stock.

Hedge funds may specialize in specific areas, such as real estate or patents, and may also engage in private equity activities. While anyone may invest in a hedge fund, participants are traditionally accredited and sophisticated investors.

Example of Absolute Return

As a historical example, the Vanguard 500 Index ETF (VOO) delivered an absolute return of 150.15% over the 10-year period ending Dec. 31, 2017. This differed from its 10-year annualized return of 8.37% over the same period. Further, because the S&P 500 Index had an absolute return of 153.07% over the same period, absolute return differed from the relative return, which was -2.92%. 


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What Is Asset Valuation? Absolute Valuation Methods, and Example

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary


What is Asset Valuation?

Asset valuation is the process of determining the fair market or present value of assets, using book values, absolute valuation models like discounted cash flow analysis, option pricing models or comparables. Such assets include investments in marketable securities such as stocks, bonds and options; tangible assets like buildings and equipment; or intangible assets such as brands, patents and trademarks.

Understanding Asset Valuation

Asset valuation plays a key role in finance and often consists of both subjective and objective measurements. The value of a company’s fixed assets – which are also known as capital assets or property plant and equipment – are straightforward to value, based on their book values and replacement costs. However, there’s no number on the financial statements that tell investors exactly how much a company’s brand and intellectual property are worth. Companies can overvalue goodwill in an acquisition as the valuation of intangible assets is subjective and can be difficult to measure.

Key Takeaways

  • Asset valuation is the process of determining the fair market value of an asset.
  • Asset valuation often consists of both subjective and objective measurements.
  • Net asset value is the book value of tangible assets, less intangible assets and liabilities.
  • Absolute value models value assets based only on the characteristics of that asset, such as discounted dividend, discounted free cash flow, residential income and discounted asset models.
  • Relative valuation ratios, such as the P/E ratio, help investors determine asset valuation by comparing similar assets.

Net Asset Value

The net asset value – also known as net tangible assets – is the book value of tangible assets on the balance sheet (their historical cost minus the accumulated depreciation) less intangible assets and liabilities – or the money that would be left over if the company was liquidated. This is the minimum a company is worth and can provide a useful floor for a company’s asset value because it excludes intangible assets. A stock would be considered undervalued if its market value were below book value, which means the stock is trading at a deep discount to book value per share.

However, the market value for an asset is likely to differ significantly from book value – or shareholders’ equity – which is based on historical cost. And some companies’ greatest value is in their intangible assets, like the findings of a biomedical research company.

Absolute Valuation Methods

Absolute value models value assets based only on the characteristics of that asset. These models are known as discounted cash flow (DCF) models, and value assets like stocks, bonds and real estate, based on their future cash flows and the opportunity cost of capital. They include:

  • Discounted dividend models, which value a stock’s price by discounting predicted dividends to the present value. If the value obtained from the DDM is higher than the current trading price of shares, then the stock is undervalued.
  • Discounted free cash flow models calculate the present value of future free cash flow projections, discounted by the weighted average cost of capital.
  • Residual income valuation models consider all the cash flows that accrue to the firm post the payment to suppliers and other outside parties. The value of the company is the sum of book value and the present value of expected future residual income. Residual income is calculated as net income less a charge for the cost of capital. The charge is known as the equity charge and is calculated as the value of equity capital multiplied by the cost of equity or the required rate of return on equity. Given the opportunity cost of equity, a company can have positive net income but negative residual income.
  • Discounted asset models value a company by calculating the present market value of the assets it owns. As this method does not take into account any synergies, it’s only useful for valuing commodity businesses like mining companies.

Relative Valuation & Comparable Transactions

Relative valuation models determine the value based on the observation of market prices of similar assets. For example, one way of determining the value of a property is to compare it with similar properties in the same area. Likewise, investors use the price multiples comparable public companies trade at to get an idea of relative market valuations. Stocks are often valued based on comparable valuation metrics such as the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio), price-to-book ratio or the price-to-cash flow ratio.

This method is also used to value illiquid assets like private companies with no market price. Venture capitalists refer to valuing a company’s stock before it goes public as pre-money valuation. By looking at the amounts paid for similar companies in past transactions, investors get an indication of an unlisted company’s potential value. This is called precedent transaction analysis.

Real World Example of Asset Valuation

Let’s work out net asset value for Alphabet Inc. (GOOG), the parent company of search engine and advertising giant Google.

All figures are for the period ending Dec. 31, 2018.

  • Total assets: $232.8 billion
  • Total intangible assets: $2.2 billion
  • Total liabilities: $55.2 billion

Total net asset value: $175.4 billion (total assets $232.8 billion – total intangible assets $2.2 billion – total liabilities $55.2 billion)


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Absolute Advantage: Definition, Benefits, and Example

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Absolute Advantage: Definition, Benefits, and Example


What Is Absolute Advantage?

Absolute advantage is the ability of an individual, company, region, or country to produce a greater quantity of a good or service with the same quantity of inputs per unit of time, or to produce the same quantity of a good or service per unit of time using a lesser quantity of inputs, than its competitors.

Absolute advantage can be accomplished by creating the good or service at a lower absolute cost per unit using a smaller number of inputs, or by a more efficient process.

Key Takeaways

  • Absolute advantage is when a producer can provide a good or service in greater quantity for the same cost, or the same quantity at a lower cost, than its competitors.
  • A concept developed by Adam Smith, absolute advantage can be the basis for large gains from trade between producers of different goods with different absolute advantages.
  • By specialization, division of labor, and trade, producers with different absolute advantages can always gain more than producing and consuming in isolation.
  • Absolute advantage can be contrasted with comparative advantage, which is the ability to produce goods and services at a lower opportunity cost.

Basic Concept Of Absolute Advantage

Understanding Absolute Advantage

The concept of absolute advantage was developed by 18th-century economist Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations to show how countries can gain from trade by specializing in producing and exporting the goods that they can produce more efficiently than other countries. Countries with an absolute advantage can decide to specialize in producing and selling a specific good or service and use the generated funds to purchase goods and services from other countries.

Smith argued that specializing in the products that they each have an absolute advantage in and then trading the products can make all countries better off, as long as they each have at least one product for which they hold an absolute advantage over other nations.

Absolute advantage explains why it makes sense for individuals, businesses, and countries to trade with each other. Since each has advantages in producing certain goods and services, both entities can benefit from the exchange.

This mutual gain from trade forms the basis of Smith’s argument that specialization, the division of labor, and subsequent trade lead to an overall increase in prosperity from which all can benefit. This, Smith believed, was the root source of the eponymous “Wealth of Nations.”

Absolute Advantage vs. Comparative Advantage

Absolute advantage can be contrasted with comparative advantage, which is when a producer has a lower opportunity cost to produce a good or service than another producer. An opportunity cost is the potential benefits an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another.

Absolute advantage leads to unambiguous gains from specialization and trade only in cases where each producer has an absolute advantage in producing some good. If a producer lacks any absolute advantage, then Adam Smith’s argument would not necessarily apply.

However, the producer and its trading partners might still be able to realize gains from trade if they can specialize based on their respective comparative advantages instead. In his book On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, David Ricardo argued that even if a country has an absolute advantage over trading many kinds of goods, it can still benefit by trading with other countries if that have different comparative advantages.

Assumptions of the Theory of Absolute Advantage

Both Smith’s theory of absolute advantage, and Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, rely on certain assumptions and simplifications in order to explain the benefits of trade.

Barriers to Trade

Both theories assume that there are no barriers to trade. They do not account for any costs of shipping or additional tariffs that a country might raise on another’s imported goods. In the real world, though, shipping costs impact how likely both the importer and exporter are to engage in trade. Countries can also leverage tariffs to create advantages for themselves or disadvantages for competitors.

Factors of Production

Both theories also assume that the factors of production are immobile. In these models, workers and businesses do not relocate in search of better opportunities. This assumption was realistic in the 1700s.

In modern trade, however, globalization has now made it easy for companies to move their factories abroad. It has also increased the rate of immigration, which impacts a country’s available workforce. In some industries, businesses will work with governments to create immigration opportunities for workers that are essential to their business operations.

Consistency and Scale

More crucially, these theories both assume that a country’s absolute advantage is constant and scales equally. In other words, it assumes that producing a small number of goods has the same per-unit cost as a larger number and that countries are unable to change their absolute advantages.

In reality, countries often make strategic investments to create greater advantages in certain industries. Absolute advantage can also change for reasons other than investment. Natural disasters, for example, can destroy farmland, factories, and other factors of production.

Pros and Cons of Absolute Advantage

One advantage of the theory of absolute advantage is its simplicity: The theory provides an elegant explanation of the benefits of trade, showing how countries can benefit by focusing on their absolute advantages.

However, the theory of comparative advantage does not fully explain why nations benefit from trade. This explanation would later fall to Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage: Even if one country has an absolute advantage in both types of goods, it will still be better off through trade. In other words, if one country can produce all goods more cheaply than its trading partners, it will still benefit by trading with other countries.

Also, as explained earlier, the theory also assumes that absolute advantages are static—a country cannot change its absolute advantages, and they do not become more efficient with scale. Actual experience has shown this to be untrue: Many countries have successfully created an absolute advantage by investing in strategic industries.

In fact, the theory has been used to justify exploitative economic policies in the postcolonial era. Reasoning that all countries should focus on their advantages, major bodies like the World Bank and IMF have often pressured developing countries to focus on agricultural exports, rather than industrialization. As a result, many of these countries remain at a low level of economic development.

Pros and Cons of Theory of Absolute Advantage


  • Lacks the explanatory power of the theory of comparative advantage.

  • Does not account for costs or barriers to trade.

  • Has been used to justify exploitative policies.

Example of Absolute Advantage

Consider two hypothetical countries, Atlantica and Pacifica, with equivalent populations and resource endowments, with each producing two products: guns and bacon. Each year, Atlantica can produce either 12 tubs of butter or six slabs of bacon, while Pacifica can produce either six tubs of butter or 12 slabs of bacon.

Each country needs a minimum of four tubs of butter and four slabs of bacon to survive. In a state of autarky, producing solely on their own for their own needs, Atlantica can spend one-third of the year making butter and two-thirds of the year making bacon, for a total of four tubs of butter and four slabs of bacon.

Pacifica can spend one-third of the year making bacon and two-thirds making butter to produce the same: four tubs of butter and four slabs of bacon. This leaves each country at the brink of survival, with barely enough butter and bacon to go around. However, note that Atlantica has an absolute advantage in producing butter and Pacifica has an absolute advantage in producing bacon.

If each country were to specialize in their absolute advantage, Atlantica could make 12 tubs of butter and no bacon in a year, while Pacifica makes no butter and 12 slabs of bacon. By specializing, the two countries divide the tasks of their labor between them.

If they then trade six tubs of butter for six slabs of bacon, each country would then have six of each. Both countries would now be better off than before, because each would have six tubs of butter and six slabs of bacon, as opposed to four of each good which they could produce on their own.

How Can Absolute Advantage Benefit a Nation?

The concept of absolute advantage was developed by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations to show how countries can gain by specializing in producing and exporting the goods that they produce more efficiently than other countries, and by importing goods that other countries produce more efficiently. Specializing in and trading products that they have an absolute advantage in can benefit both countries as long as they each have at least one product for which they hold an absolute advantage over the other.

How Does Absolute Advantage Differ From Comparative Advantage?

Absolute advantage is the ability of an entity to produce a product or service at a lower absolute cost per unit using a smaller number of inputs or a more efficient process than another entity producing the same good or service. Comparative advantage refers to the ability to produce goods and services at a lower opportunity cost, not necessarily at a greater volume or quality.

What Are Examples of Nations With an Absolute Advantage?

A clear example of a nation with an absolute advantage is Saudi Arabia, a country with abundant oil supplies that provide it with an absolute advantage over other nations.

Other examples include Colombia and its climate—ideally suited to growing coffee—and Zambia, possessing some of the world’s richest copper mines. For Saudi Arabia to try and grow coffee and Colombia to drill for oil would be an extremely costly and, likely, unproductive undertaking.

The Bottom Line

The theory of absolute advantage represents Adam Smith’s explanation of why countries benefit from trade, by exporting goods where they have an absolute advantage and importing other goods. While the theory is an elegant and simple illustration of the benefits of trade, it did not fully explain the benefits of international trade. That would later fall to David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantages.


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