Posts Tagged ‘10Q’

What Is an Appropriation in Business and Government?

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Is an Appropriation in Business and Government?


What Is an Appropriation?

Appropriation is when money is set aside for a specific purpose. A company or a government appropriates funds in order to delegate cash for the necessities of its operations. Appropriations for the U.S. federal government are decided by Congress through various committees. A company might appropriate money for short-term or long-term needs that include employee salaries, research and development, and dividends.

Key Takeaways

  • Appropriation is the act of setting aside money for a specific purpose.
  • A company or a government appropriates money in its budget-making processes.
  • In the U.S., appropriations for the federal government are earmarked by congress.

What Does an Appropriation Tell You?

Appropriations tell us how money or capital is being allocated whether it’s through the federal government’s budget or a company’s use of cash and capital. Appropriations by governments are made for federal funds each year for various programs. Appropriations for companies may also be known as capital allocation.

Appropriation could also refer to setting apart land or buildings for public use such as for public buildings or parks. Appropriation can also refer to when the government claims private property through eminent domain.

Federal Appropriations

In the United States, appropriations bills for the federal government’s spending are passed by U.S. Congress. The government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30 of each calendar year.

Each fiscal year, the U.S. President submits a budget proposal to Congress. Budget committees in the U.S. House and Senate, then determine how the discretionary portion of the budget will be spent through a budget resolution process. The process yields an allocation of an amount of money that is assigned to the various appropriations committees. The House and Senate appropriations committees divide the money up between the various subcommittees that represent the departments that’ll receive the money. Some of the departments include the following:

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of Transportation

Federal programs such as Social Security and Medicare fall under the mandatory expenditures category and receive funding through an automatic formula rather than through the appropriations process.

Congress also passes supplemental appropriations bills for instances when special funding is needed for natural disasters and other emergencies. For example, in December 2014, Congress approved the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015. The act approved $5.2 billion to fight the Ebola virus in West Africa and for domestic emergency responses to the disease. The act also allocated funding for controlling the virus and developing treatments for the disease.

Appropriations in Business

Corporate appropriations refer to how a company allocates its funds and can include share buybacks, dividends, paying down debt, and purchases of fixed assets. Fixed assets are property, plant, and equipment. In short, how a company allocates capital spending is important to investors and the long-term growth prospects of the company.

How a company appropriates money or invests its cash is monitored closely by market participants. Investors watch to determine whether a company is using its cash effectively to build shareholder value or whether the company is engaged in frivolous use of its cash, which can lead to the destruction of shareholder value.

Monitoring Corporate Appropriations

Investors monitor corporate appropriations of cash by analyzing a company’s cash flow statement. The cash flow statement (CFS) measures how well a company manages its cash position, meaning how well the company generates cash to pay its debt obligations and fund its operating expenses. The cash flow of a company is divided into three activities or behavior:

  1. Operating activities on the cash flow statement include any sources and uses of cash from business activities such as cash generated from a company’s products or services.
  2. Investing activities include any sources and uses of cash from a company’s investments such as a purchase or sale of an asset.
  3. Cash from financing activities includes the sources of cash from investors or banks, as well as the uses of cash paid to shareholders. The payment of dividends, the payments for stock repurchases, and the repayment of debt principal (loans) are included in this category.

Example of Company Appropriations

Below is the cash flow statement for Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) from Sept 30, 2018, as reported in its 10Q filing. The cash flow statement shows how the executive management of Exxon appropriated the company’s cash and profits:

  • Under the investing activities section (highlighted in red), $13.48 billion was allocated to purchase fixed assets or property, plant, and equipment.
  • Under the financing activities section (highlighted in green), cash was allocated to pay down short-term debt in the amount of $4.279 billion.
  • Also under financing activities, dividends were paid to shareholders (highlighted in blue), which totaled $10.296 billion.
Exxon Mobil cash flow statement 09-30-2018.

Whether Exxon’s use of cash is effective or not is up to investors and analysts to debate since evaluating the process of appropriating cash is highly subjective. Some investors might want more money allocated to dividends while other investors might want Exxon to allocate money towards investing in the future of the company by purchasing and upgrading equipment.

Appropriations vs. Appropriated Retained Earnings

Appropriated retained earnings are retained earnings (RE) that are specified by the board of directors for a particular use. Retained earnings are the amount of profit left over after a company has paid out dividends. Retained earnings accumulate over time similar to a savings account whereby the funds are used at a later date.

Appropriated retained earnings can be used for many purposes, including acquisitions, debt reduction, stock buybacks, and R&D. There may be more than one appropriated retained earnings accounts simultaneously. Typically, appropriated retained earnings are used only to indicate to outsiders the intention of management to use the funds for some purpose. Appropriation is the use of cash by a company showing how money is allocated and appropriated retained earnings outlines the specific use of that cash by the board of directors.

Limitations of an Appropriation

For investors, the cash flow statement reflects a company’s financial health since typically the more cash that’s available for business operations, the better. However, there are limitations to analyzing how money is spent. An investor won’t know if the purchase of a fixed asset, for example, is a good decision until the company begins to generate revenue from the asset.

As a result, the investor can only infer whether the management is effectively deploying or appropriating its funds properly. Sometimes a negative cash flow results from a company’s growth strategy in the form of expanding its operations.

By studying how a company allocates its spending and uses its cash, an investor can get a clear picture of how much cash a company generates and gain a solid understanding of the financial well being of a company.


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SEC Form 10-Q: Definition, Deadlines for Filing, and Components

Written by admin. Posted in #, Financial Terms Dictionary


10-Q and 10-K Filing Deadlines
 Company Category 10-Q Deadline 10-K Deadline
 Large Accelerated Filer ($700MM or more)  40 days 60 days
 Accelerated Filer ($75–$700MM)  40 days 75 days
 Non-accelerated Filer (less than $75MM)  45 days 90 days

Failure to Meet Form 10-Q Filing Deadline

When a company fails to file a 10-Q by the filing deadline, it must use a non-timely (NT) filing. An NT filing must explain why the deadline has not been achieved, and it gives the company an additional five days to file. Companies are required to submit an NT 10-Q to request the extension and explain the delay.

As long as a company has a reasonable explanation, the SEC allows late filings within a specified time period. Common reasons why companies are not able to file on time include mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate litigation, an ongoing review by corporate auditors, or lingering effects from a bankruptcy.

A 10-Q filing is considered timely if it is filed within this extension. Failure to comply with this extended deadline results in consequences, including the potential loss of the SEC registration, removal from stock exchanges, and legal ramifications.

Components of SEC Form 10-Q

There are two parts to a 10-Q filing. The first part contains relevant financial information covering the period. This includes condensed financial statements, management discussion, and analysis on the financial condition of the entity, disclosures regarding market risk, and internal controls.

The second part contains all other pertinent information. This includes legal proceedings, unregistered sales of equity securities, the use of proceeds from the sale of unregistered sales of equity, and defaults upon senior securities. The company discloses any other information—including the use of exhibits—in this section.

Importance of SEC Form 10-Q

The 10-Q provides a window into the financial health of the company. Investors can use the form to get a sense of its quarterly earnings and other elements of its operations, and to compare them to previous quarters—thus tracking its performance.

Form 10-Q, and the requirement for filing it, was established by the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. The aim was to promote transparency in public companies’ operations, by providing investors with the financial position of companies on an ongoing basis.

Some areas of interest to investors that are commonly visible in the 10-Q include changes to working capital and/or accounts receivables, factors affecting a company’s inventory, share buybacks, and even any legal risks that a company faces.

You can use a close competitor’s 10-Q to compare that to a company in which you are invested, or considering to invest in, to see how it’s performing. This will give you an idea of whether it’s a strong choice, where its weaknesses are, and how it could stand to improve.

Other Important SEC Filings

The 10-Q is one of many reports public companies are required to file with the SEC. Other important and mandated filings include:

Form 10-K: The 10-K must be filed once per year and includes the final quarter of the company’s performance (replacing a fourth-quarter 10-Q). This report serves as a summary of the year, often containing more detailed information than an annual report, and must be filed within 90 days of the end of a company’s fiscal year. The 10-K generally includes a summary of the company’s operations, management’s financial outlook, financial statements, and any legal or administrative issues involving the company.

Form 8-K: This report is filed if there are any changes or developments to a business that didn’t make the 10-Q or 10-K reports. This is considered an unscheduled document and may contain information such as press releases. If a company disposes of or acquires assets, has announcements of executive hiring or departures, or goes into receivership, this information is filed with an 8-K.

Annual report: A company’s annual report is filed every year, and contains a wealth of company news including—but not limited to—general information about the company, a letter to shareholders from the CEO, financial statements, and an auditors report. This report is submitted a few months after the end of a company’s fiscal year. The report is available through a company’s website or investor relations team, and can also be obtained from the SEC.

Form 10-Q FAQs

What Is a 10-Q Filing?

A 10-Q filing is a report that all public companies must submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after the end of each of their first three fiscal quarters (hence the “Q”). The filing is submitted by filling out a Form 10-Q.

What Is the Difference Between a 10-K and a 10-Q?

The main difference between Forms 10-K and 10-Q lies in the frequency and the amount of info they contain. Form 10-K is an annual report, filed at the end of a company’s fiscal year. Filed just once, it summarizes all the data for the year, including the fourth quarter. In contrast, Form 10-Q is filed three times a year, at the end of a company’s fiscal quarter. It details financial info for that quarter.

Also, Form 10-K is an audited report. Form 10-Q generally is not.

Are Public Companies Required to File Form 10-Q?

Yes, all U. S. public companies issuing common shares of stock that trade on exchanges are required to file Form 10-Q. The date by which they have to file varies on the number of shares, expressed in terms of dollar worth, they have outstanding.

Must Review Reports Accompany Financial Statements in a 10-Q?

10-Qs generally are not audited or accompanied by accountants’ reports. SEC regulations prohibit companies from making materially false or misleading statements, or omitting material information to make disclosures not misleading. The SEC staff reviews 10-Qs and may provide comments to a company where disclosures appear to be inconsistent with the disclosure requirements or deficient in explanation or clarity.


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