What Is an Acquisition? Definition, Meaning, Types, and Examples

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

What Is an Acquisition? Definition, Meaning, Types, and Examples


What Is an Acquisition?

An acquisition is when one company purchases most or all of another company’s shares to gain control of that company. Purchasing more than 50% of a target firm’s stock and other assets allows the acquirer to make decisions about the newly acquired assets without the approval of the company’s other shareholders. Acquisitions, which are very common in business, may occur with the target company’s approval, or in spite of its disapproval. With approval, there is often a no-shop clause during the process.

We mostly hear about acquisitions of large well-known companies because these huge and significant deals tend to dominate the news. In reality, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) occur more regularly between small- to medium-size firms than between large companies.

Key Takeaways

  • An acquisition is a business combination that occurs when one company buys most or all of another company’s shares.
  • If a firm buys more than 50% of a target company’s shares, it effectively gains control of that company.
  • An acquisition is often friendly, while a takeover can be hostile; a merger creates a brand new entity from two separate companies.
  • Acquisitions are often carried out with the help of an investment bank, as they are complex arrangements with legal and tax ramifications.
  • Acquisitions are closely related to mergers and takeovers.

Understanding Acquisitions

Companies acquire other companies for various reasons. They may seek economies of scale, diversification, greater market share, increased synergy, cost reductions, or new niche offerings. Other reasons for acquisitions include those listed below.

As a Way to Enter a Foreign Market

If a company wants to expand its operations to another country, buying an existing company in that country could be the easiest way to enter a foreign market. The purchased business will already have its own personnel, a brand name, and other intangible assets, which could help to ensure that the acquiring company will start off in a new market with a solid base.

As a Growth Strategy

Perhaps a company met with physical or logistical constraints or depleted its resources. If a company is encumbered in this way, then it’s often sounder to acquire another firm than to expand its own. Such a company might look for promising young companies to acquire and incorporate into its revenue stream as a new way to profit.

To Reduce Excess Capacity and Decrease Competition

If there is too much competition or supply, companies may look to acquisitions to reduce excess capacity, eliminate the competition, and focus on the most productive providers.

To Gain New Technology

Sometimes it can be more cost-efficient for a company to purchase another company that already has implemented a new technology successfully than to spend the time and money to develop the new technology itself.

Officers of companies have a fiduciary duty to perform thorough due diligence of target companies before making any acquisition.

Acquisition, Takeover, or Merger?

Although technically, the words “acquisition” and “takeover” mean almost the same thing, they have different nuances on Wall Street.

In general, “acquisition” describes a primarily amicable transaction, where both firms cooperate; “takeover” suggests that the target company resists or strongly opposes the purchase; the term “merger” is used when the purchasing and target companies mutually combine to form a completely new entity. However, because each acquisition, takeover, and merger is a unique case, with its own peculiarities and reasons for undertaking the transaction, the exact use of these terms tends to overlap in practice.

Acquisitions: Mostly Amiable

Friendly acquisitions occur when the target firm agrees to be acquired; its board of directors (B of D, or board) approves of the acquisition. Friendly acquisitions often work toward the mutual benefit of the acquiring and target companies. Both companies develop strategies to ensure that the acquiring company purchases the appropriate assets, and they review the financial statements and other valuations for any obligations that may come with the assets. Once both parties agree to the terms and meet any legal stipulations, the purchase proceeds.

Takeovers: Usually Inhospitable, Often Hostile

Unfriendly acquisitions, commonly known as “hostile takeovers,” occur when the target company does not consent to the acquisition. Hostile acquisitions don’t have the same agreement from the target firm, and so the acquiring firm must actively purchase large stakes of the target company to gain a controlling interest, which forces the acquisition.

Even if a takeover is not exactly hostile, it implies that the firms are not equal in one or more significant ways.

Mergers: Mutual, But Creates a New Entity

As the mutual fusion of two companies into one new legal entity, a merger is a more-than-friendly acquisition. Mergers generally occur between companies that are roughly equal in terms of their basic characteristics—size, number of customers, the scale of operations, and so on. The merging companies strongly believe that their combined entity would be more valuable to all parties (especially shareholders) than either one could be alone.

Evaluating Acquisition Candidates

Before making an acquisition, it is imperative for a company to evaluate whether its target company is a good candidate.

  • Is the price right? The metrics investors use to value an acquisition candidate vary by industry. When acquisitions fail, it’s often because the asking price for the target company exceeds these metrics.
  • Examine the debt load. A target company with an unusually high level of liabilities should be viewed as a warning of potential problems ahead.
  • Undue litigation. Although lawsuits are common in business, a good acquisition candidate is not dealing with a level of litigation that exceeds what is reasonable and normal for its size and industry.
  • Scrutinize the financials. A good acquisition target will have clear, well-organized financial statements, which allows the acquirer to exercise due diligence smoothly. Complete and transparent financials also help to prevent unwanted surprises after the acquisition is complete.

The 1990s Acquisitions Frenzy

In corporate America, the 1990s will be remembered as the decade of the internet bubble and the megadeal. The late 1990s, in particular, spawned a series of multi-billion-dollar acquisitions not seen on Wall Street since the junk bond fests of the roaring 1980s. From Yahoo!’s 1999 $5.7-billion purchase of Broadcast.com to AtHome Corporation’s $7.5-billion purchase of Excite, companies were lapping up the “growth now, profitability later” phenomenon. Such acquisitions reached their zenith in the first few weeks of 2000.

Example of Acquisitions

AOL and Time Warner and AT&T

AOL Inc. (originally America Online) was the most publicized online service of its time, and had been extolled as “the company that brought the internet to America.” Founded in 1985, by the year 2000 AOL had grown to become the United States’ largest internet provider. Meanwhile, the legendary media conglomerate, Time Warner, Inc. was being labeled an “old media” company, given its range of tangible businesses like publishing, and television, and an enviable income statement.

In 2000, in a masterful display of overweening confidence, the young upstart AOL purchased the venerable giant Time Warner (TWX) for $165 billion; this dwarfed all records and became the biggest merger in history. The vision was that the new entity, AOL Time Warner, would become a dominant force in the news, publishing, music, entertainment, cable, and Internet industries. After the merger, AOL became the largest technology company in America.

However, the joint phase lasted less than a decade. As AOL lost value and the dot-com bubble burst, the expected successes of the merger failed to materialize, and AOL and Time Warner dissolved their union:

  • In 2009, AOL Time Warner dissolved in a spin-off deal.
  • From 2009 to 2016, Time Warner remained an entirely independent company. 
  • In 2015, Verizon Communications, Inc. (NYSE: VZ) acquired AOL for $4.4 billion.

Then, in October 2016, AT&T (NYSE: T) and Time Warner (TWX) announced a deal in which AT&T will buy Time Warner for $85.4 billion, morphing AT&T into a media heavy-hitter. In June 2018, after a protracted court battle, AT&T completed its acquisition of Time Warner.

Certainly, the AT&T-Time Warner acquisition deal of 2018 will be as historically significant as the AOL-Time Warner deal of 2000; we just can’t know exactly how yet. These days, 18 years equals numerous lifetimes—especially in media, communications, and technology—and much will continue to change. For the moment, however, two things seem certain:

  1. The consummation of the AT&T-Time Warner merger already has begun to reshape much of the media industry.
  2. M&A enterprise is still alive and well.

What Are the Types of Acquisition?

Often, a business combination like an acquisition or merger can be categorized in one of four ways:

  • Vertical: the parent company acquires a company that is somewhere along its supply chain, either upstream (such as a vendor/supplier) or downstream (a processor or retailer).
  • Horizontal: the parent company buys a competitor or other firm in their own industry sector, and at the same point in the supply chain.
  • Conglomerate: the parent company buys a company in a different industry or sector entirely, in a peripheral or unrelated business.
  • Congeneric: also known as a market expansion, this occurs when the parent buys a firm that is in the same or a closely-related industry, but which has different business lines or products.

What Is the Purpose of an Acqusition?

Acquiring other companies can serve many purposes for the parent company. First, it can allow the company to expand its product lines or offerings. Second, it can cut down costs by acquiring businesses that feed into its supply chain. It can also acquire competitors in order to maintain market share and reduce competition.

What Is the Difference Between a Merger and an Acquisition?

The main difference is that in an acquisition, the parent company fully takes over the target company and integrates it into the parent entity. In a merger, the two companies combine, but create a brand new entity (e.g., a new company name and identity that combines aspects of both).


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Acid-Test Ratio Definition: Meaning, Formula, and Example

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Acid-Test Ratio Definition: Meaning, Formula, and Example


What Is the Acid-Test Ratio?

The acid-test ratio, commonly known as the quick ratio, uses a firm’s balance sheet data as an indicator of whether it has sufficient short-term assets to cover its short-term liabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • The acid-test, or quick ratio, compares a company’s most short-term assets to its most short-term liabilities to see if a company has enough cash to pay its immediate liabilities, such as short-term debt.
  • The acid-test ratio disregards current assets that are difficult to liquidate quickly such as inventory.
  • The acid-test ratio may not give a reliable picture of a firm’s financial condition if the company has accounts receivable that take longer than usual to collect or current liabilities that are due but have no immediate payment needed.

Understanding the Acid-Test Ratio

In certain situations, analysts prefer to use the acid-test ratio rather than the current ratio (also known as the working capital ratio) because the acid-test method ignores assets such as inventory, which may be difficult to quickly liquidate. The acid test ratio is thus a more conservative metric.

Companies with an acid-test ratio of less than 1 do not have enough liquid assets to pay their current liabilities and should be treated with caution. If the acid-test ratio is much lower than the current ratio, it means that a company’s current assets are highly dependent on inventory.

This is not a bad sign in all cases, however, as some business models are inherently dependent on inventory. Retail stores, for example, may have very low acid-test ratios without necessarily being in danger. The acceptable range for an acid-test ratio will vary among different industries, and you’ll find that comparisons are most meaningful when analyzing peer companies in the same industry as each other.

For most industries, the acid-test ratio should exceed 1. On the other hand, a very high ratio is not always good. It could indicate that cash has accumulated and is idle, rather than being reinvested, returned to shareholders, or otherwise put to productive use.

Some tech companies generate massive cash flows and accordingly have acid-test ratios as high as 7 or 8. While this is certainly better than the alternative, these companies have drawn criticism from activist investors who would prefer that shareholders receive a portion of the profits.

Calculating the Acid-Test Ratio

The numerator of the acid-test ratio can be defined in various ways, but the main consideration should be gaining a realistic view of the company’s liquid assets. Cash and cash equivalents should definitely be included, as should short-term investments, such as marketable securities.

Accounts receivable are generally included, but this is not appropriate for every industry. In the construction industry, for example, accounts receivable may take much more time to recover than is standard practice in other industries, so including it could make a firm’s financial position seem much more secure than it is in reality.

The formula is:

Acid Test = Cash + Marketable Securities + A/R Current Liabilities where: A/R = Accounts receivable \begin{aligned} &\text{Acid Test} = \frac{ \text{Cash} + \text{Marketable Securities} + \text{A/R} }{ \text{Current Liabilities} } \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{A/R} = \text{Accounts receivable} \\ \end{aligned}
Acid Test=Current LiabilitiesCash+Marketable Securities+A/Rwhere:A/R=Accounts receivable

Another way to calculate the numerator is to take all current assets and subtract illiquid assets. Most importantly, inventory should be subtracted, keeping in mind that this will negatively skew the picture for retail businesses because of the amount of inventory they carry. Other elements that appear as assets on a balance sheet should be subtracted if they cannot be used to cover liabilities in the short term, such as advances to suppliers, prepayments, and deferred tax assets.

The ratio’s denominator should include all current liabilities, which are debts and obligations that are due within one year. It is important to note that time is not factored into the acid-test ratio. If a company’s accounts payable are nearly due but its receivables won’t come in for months, that company could be on much shakier ground than its ratio would indicate. The opposite can also be true.

Acid-Test Ratio Example

A company’s acid-test ratio can be calculated using its balance sheet. Below is an abbreviated version of Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) balance sheet as of Jan. 27, 2022, showing the components of the company’s current assets and current liabilities (all figures in millions of dollars):

 Cash and cash equivalents  37,119
 Short-term marketable securities  26,794
 Accounts receivable  30,213
 Inventories  5,876
 Vendor non-trade receivables  35,040
 Other current assets  18,112
 Total current assets  153,154
Accounts payable 74,362
Other current liabilities 49,167
Deferred revenue 7,876
Commercial paper 5,000
Term debt 11,169
Total current liabilities 147,574

To obtain the company’s liquid current assets, add cash and cash equivalents, short-term marketable securities, accounts receivable, and vendor non-trade receivables. Then divide current liquid current assets by total current liabilities to calculate the acid-test ratio. The calculation would look like the following:

Apple’s ATR = ($37,119 + 26,795 + 30,213 + 35,040) / ($123,529) = 1.05

Not everyone calculates this ratio the same. There is no single, hard-and-fast method for determining a company’s acid-test ratio, but it is important to understand how data providers arrive at their conclusions.

What’s the Difference Between Current and Acid-Test Ratios?

Both the current ratio, also known as the working capital ratio, and the acid-test ratio measure a company’s short-term ability to generate enough cash to pay off all debts should they become due at once. However, the acid-test ratio is considered more conservative than the current ratio because its calculation ignores items, such as inventory, which may be difficult to quickly liquidate. Another key difference is that the acid-test ratio includes only assets that can be converted to cash within 90 days or less, while the current ratio includes those that can be converted to cash within one year.

What Does the Acid-Test Ratio Tell You?

The acid-test, or quick ratio, shows if a company has, or can get, enough cash to pay its immediate liabilities, such as short-term debt. For most industries, the acid-test ratio should exceed 1. If it’s less than 1, then companies do not have enough liquid assets to pay their current liabilities and should be treated with caution. If the acid-test ratio is much lower than the current ratio, it means that a company’s current assets are highly dependent on inventory. On the other hand, a very high ratio could indicate that accumulated cash is sitting idle, rather than being reinvested, returned to shareholders, or otherwise put to productive use.

How to Calculate the Acid-Test Ratio?

To calculate the acid-test ratio of a company, divide a company’s current cash, marketable securities, and total accounts receivable by its current liabilities. This information can be found on the company’s balance sheet.

While it’s true the variables in the numerator can be modified, each variation should reflect the most realistic view of the company’s liquid assets. Cash and cash equivalents should be included, as should short-term investments, such as marketable securities. Accounts receivable are sometimes omitted from the calculation because this figure is not appropriate for every industry. The ratio’s denominator should include all current liabilities, which are debts and obligations that are due within one year.


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Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D): What it Tells You

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D): What it Tells You


What Is the Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D)?

The accumulation/distribution indicator (A/D) is a cumulative indicator that uses volume and price to assess whether a stock is being accumulated or distributed. The A/D measure seeks to identify divergences between the stock price and the volume flow. This provides insight into how strong a trend is. If the price is rising but the indicator is falling, then it suggests that buying or accumulation volume may not be enough to support the price rise and a price decline could be forthcoming.

Key Takeways

  • The accumulation/distribution (A/D) line gauges supply and demand of an asset or security by looking at where the price closed within the period’s range and then multiplying that by volume.
  • The A/D indicator is cumulative, meaning one period’s value is added or subtracted from the last.
  • In general, a rising A/D line helps confirm a rising price trend, while a falling A/D line helps confirm a price downtrend.

The Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D) Formula

MFM = ( Close Low ) ( High Close ) High Low where: MFM = Money Flow Multiplier Close = Closing price Low = Low price for the period High = High price for the period \begin{aligned}&\text{MFM} = \frac {(\text{Close} – \text{Low} ) – ( \text{High} – \text{Close} ) } {\text{High} – \text{Low} } \\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{MFM} = \text{Money Flow Multiplier} \\&\text{Close} = \text{Closing price} \\&\text{Low} = \text{Low price for the period} \\&\text{High} = \text{High price for the period} \\ \end{aligned}
MFM=HighLow(CloseLow)(HighClose)where:MFM=Money Flow MultiplierClose=Closing priceLow=Low price for the periodHigh=High price for the period

Money Flow Volume = MFM × Period Volume \begin{aligned}&\text{Money Flow Volume} = \text{MFM} \times \text{Period Volume} \\ \end{aligned}
Money Flow Volume=MFM×Period Volume

A/D = Previous A/D + CMFV where: CMFV = Current period money flow volume \begin{aligned}&\text{A/D} = \text{Previous A/D} + \text{CMFV}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{CMFV} = \text{Current period money flow volume} \\ \end{aligned}
A/D=Previous A/D+CMFVwhere:CMFV=Current period money flow volume

How to Calculate the A/D Line

  1. Start by calculating the multiplier. Note the most recent period’s close, high, and low to calculate.
  2. Use the multiplier and the current period’s volume to calculate the money flow volume.
  3. Add the money flow volume to the last A/D value. For the first calculation, use money flow volume as the first value.
  4. Repeat the process as each period ends, adding/subtracting the new money flow volume to/from the prior total. This is A/D.

What Does the Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D) Tell You?

The A/D line helps to show how supply and demand factors are influencing price. A/D can move in the same direction as price changes or in the opposite direction.

The multiplier in the calculation provides a gauge for how strong the buying or selling was during a particular period. It does this by determining whether the price closed in the upper or lower portion of its range. This is then multiplied by the volume. Therefore, when a stock closes near the high of the period’s range and has high volume, it will result in a large A/D jump. Alternatively, if the price finishes near the high of the range but volume is low, or if the volume is high but the price finishes more toward the middle of the range, then the A/D will not move up as much.

The same concepts apply when the price closes in the lower portion of the period’s price range. Both volume and where the price closes within the period’s range determine how much the A/D will decline.

Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2021

The A/D line is used to help assess price trends and potentially spot forthcoming reversals. If a security’s price is in a downtrend while the A/D line is in an uptrend, then the indicator shows there may be buying pressure and the security’s price may reverse to the upside. Conversely, if a security’s price is in an uptrend while the A/D line is in a downtrend, then the indicator shows there may be selling pressure, or higher distribution. This warns that the price may be due for a decline.

In both cases, the steepness of the A/D line provides insight into the trend. A strongly rising A/D line confirms a strongly rising price. Similarly, if the price is falling and the A/D is also falling, then there is still plenty of distribution and prices are likely to continue to decline.

The Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D) vs. On-Balance Volume (OBV)

Both of these technical indicators use price and volume, albeit somewhat differently. On-balance volume (OBV) looks at whether the current closing price is higher or lower than the prior close. If the close is higher, then the period’s volume is added. If the close is lower, then the period’s volume is subtracted.

The A/D indicator doesn’t factor in the prior close and uses a multiplier based on where the price closed within the period’s range. Therefore, the indicators use different calculations and may provide different information.

Limitations of Using the Accumulation/Distribution Indicator (A/D)

The A/D indicator does not factor in price changes from one period to the next, and focuses only on where the price closes within the current period’s range. This creates some anomalies.

Assume a stock gaps down 20% on huge volume. The price oscillates throughout the day and finishes in the upper portion of its daily range, but is still down 18% from the prior close. Such a move would actually cause the A/D to rise. Even though the stock lost a significant amount of value, it finished in the upper portion of its daily range; therefore, the indicator will increase, likely dramatically, due to the large volume. Traders need to monitor the price chart and mark any potential anomalies like these, as they could affect how the indicator is interpreted.

Also, one of the main uses of the indicator is to monitor for divergences. Divergences can last a long time and are poor timing signals. When divergence appears between the indicator and price, it doesn’t mean a reversal is imminent. It may take a long time for the price to reverse, or it may not reverse at all.

The A/D is just one tool that can be used to assess strength or weakness within a trend, but it is not without its faults. Use the A/D indicator in conjunction with other forms of analysis, such as price action analysis, chart patterns, or fundamental analysis, to get a more complete picture of what is moving the price of a stock.


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Accrued Interest Definition & Example

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Accrued Interest Definition & Example


What Is Accrued Interest?

In accounting, accrued interest refers to the amount of interest that has been incurred, as of a specific date, on a loan or other financial obligation but has not yet been paid out. Accrued interest can either be in the form of accrued interest revenue, for the lender, or accrued interest expense, for the borrower.

The term accrued interest also refers to the amount of bond interest that has accumulated since the last time a bond interest payment was made.

Key Takeaways

  • Accrued interest is a feature of accrual accounting, and it follows the guidelines of the revenue recognition and matching principles of accounting.
  • Accrued interest is booked at the end of an accounting period as an adjusting journal entry, which reverses the first day of the following period.
  • The amount of accrued interest to be recorded is the accumulated interest that has yet to be paid as of the end date of an accounting period.

Understanding Accrued Interest

Accrued interest is calculated as of the last day of the accounting period. For example, assume interest is payable on the 20th of each month, and the accounting period is the end of each calendar month. The month of April will require an accrual of 10 days of interest, from the 21st to the 30th. It is posted as part of the adjusting journal entries at month-end.

Accrued interest is reported on the income statement as a revenue or expense, depending on whether the company is lending or borrowing. In addition, the portion of revenue or expense yet to be paid or collected is reported on the balance sheet as an asset or liability. Because accrued interest is expected to be received or paid within one year, it is often classified as a current asset or current liability.

Accrual Accounting and Accrued Interest

Accrued interest is a result of accrual accounting, which requires that accounting transactions be recognized and recorded when they occur, regardless of whether payment has been received or expended at that time. The ultimate goal when accruing interest is to ensure that the transaction is accurately recorded in the right period. Accrual accounting differs from cash accounting, which recognizes an event when cash or other forms of consideration trade hands.

The revenue recognition principle and matching principle are both important aspects of accrual accounting, and both are relevant in the concept of accrued interest. The revenue recognition principle states that revenue should be recognized in the period in which it was earned, rather than when payment is received. The matching principle states that expenses should be recorded in the same accounting period as the related revenues.

To illustrate how these principles impact accrued interest, consider a business that takes out a loan to purchase a company vehicle. The company owes the bank interest on the vehicle on the first day of the following month. The company has use of the vehicle for the entire prior month, and is, therefore, able to use the vehicle to conduct business and generate revenue.

At the end of each month, the business will need to record interest that it expects to pay out on the following day. In addition, the bank will be recording accrued interest income for the same one-month period because it anticipates the borrower will be paying it the following day.

Accrued Interest Example – Accounting

Consider the following example. Let us assume there is a $20,000 loan receivable with an interest rate of 7.5%, on which payment has been received for the period through the 20th day of the month. In this scenario, to record the extra amount of interest revenue that was earned from the 21st to the 30th of the month, the calculation would be as follows:

  • (7.5% x (10 / 365)) x $20,000 = $41.10

The amount of accrued interest for the party who is receiving payment is a credit to the interest revenue account and a debit to the interest receivable account. The receivable is consequently rolled onto the balance sheet and classified as a short-term asset. The same amount is also classified as revenue on the income statement.

The accrued interest for the party who owes the payment is a credit to the accrued liabilities account and a debit to the interest expense account. The liability is rolled onto the balance sheet as a short-term liability, while the interest expense is presented on the income statement.

Both cases are posted as reversing entries, meaning that they are subsequently reversed on the first day of the following month. This ensures that when the cash transaction occurs in the following month, the net effect is only the portion of the revenue or expense that was earned or incurred in the current period stays in the current period.

Using the example above, $123.29 (7.5% x (30/365) x $20,000) is received by the lending company on the 20th day of the second month. Of that, $41.10 related to the prior month and was booked as an adjusting journal entry at the prior month end to recognize the revenue in the month it was earned. Because the adjusting journal entry reverses in the second month, the net effect is that $82.19 ($123.29 – $41.10) of the payment is recognized in the second month. That is equivalent to the 20 days worth of interest in the second month.

Accrued Interest Example – Bonds

Accrued interest is an important consideration when purchasing or selling a bond. Bonds offer the owner compensation for the money they have lent, in the form of regular interest payments. These interest payments, also referred to as coupons, are generally paid semiannually.

If a bond is bought or sold at a time other than those two dates each year, the purchaser will have to tack onto the sales amount any interest accrued since the previous interest payment. The new owner will receive a full 1/2 year interest payment at the next payment date. Therefore, the previous owner must be paid the interest that accrued prior to the sale.

Let’s assume you are interested in buying a bond with a face value of $1,000 and a 5% semiannual coupon. The interest payment is made twice a year on June 1 and December 1 and you plan to buy the bond on September 30. How much accrued interest would you have to pay?

Bond markets use a number of slightly differing day-count conventions to calculate the exact amount of accrued interest. Since most U.S. corporate and municipal bonds use the 30/360 convention, which assumes that each month has 30 days (regardless of the actual number of days in a particular month), we will use that day-count convention in this example.

Step 1: Calculate the exact number of days between the date of the last coupon payment (June 1) and your purchase date (September 30). In this example, the number of days (based on the 30/360 convention) is 120 days.

Step 2: Calculate accrued interest by multiplying the day count by the daily interest rate and face value of the bond.

Thus, accrued interest = 120 x (5% / 360) * $1,000 = $16.67

Step 3: Add the accrued interest to the face value of the bond to get your purchase price.

Purchase price of bond = $1,000 + $16.67 = $1,016.67

On the next coupon payment date (December 1), you will receive $25 in interest. But since you paid $16.67 in accrued interest when you purchased the bond, the net interest received by you is $8.33 ($25 – $16.67), which is precisely the amount of interest you should have received for the 60 days that you owned the bond until the next coupon payment (September 30 to December 1).


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