NBA Today | Perkins reacts to Paul George publicly recruits Russell Westbrook to Clippers
NBA Today | Perkins reacts to Paul George publicly recruits Russell Westbrook to Clippers
NBA Today | Perkins reacts to Paul George publicly recruits Russell Westbrook to Clippers
The correlation coefficient has limited ability in predicting returns in the stock market for individual stocks. Still, the statistical measurement may have value in predicting the extent to which two stocks move in relation to each other because the correlation coefficient is a measure of the relationship between how two stocks move in tandem with each other, as well as the strength of that relationship.
Although the correlation coefficient may not be able to predict future stock returns, the tool is helpful for the understanding (and mitigation) of risk because it is a central component of modern portfolio theory (MPT), which seeks to determine an efficient frontier. The efficient frontier, in turn, provides a curved relationship between a possible return for a mix of assets in a portfolio versus a given amount of risk for that mix of assets.
The correlation coefficient is measured on a scale from -1 to 1. A correlation coefficient of 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation between the prices of two stocks, meaning the stocks always move in the same direction by the same amount. A coefficient of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, meaning that the stocks have historically always moved in the opposite direction. If two stocks have a correlation coefficient of 0, it means there is no correlation and, therefore, no relationship between the stocks. It is unusual to have either a perfect positive or negative correlation.
Investors can use the correlation coefficient to select assets with negative correlations for inclusion in their portfolios. The calculation of the correlation coefficient takes the covariance of the two variables in question and each variable’s standard deviation.
While standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of data from its average, covariance is a measure of how two variables change together. By dividing covariance by the product of the two standard deviations, one can calculate the correlation coefficient and determine to what extent assets in a portfolio are likely to move in tandem.
The correlation coefficient is a linear regression performed on each stock’s returns against the other. If mapped graphically, a positive correlation would show an upward-sloping line. A negative correlation would show a downward-sloping line. While the correlation coefficient is a measure of the historical relationship between two stocks, it may provide a guide to the future relationship between the assets as well.
However, the correlation between the two investments is dynamic and subject to change. The correlation may shift, especially during times of higher volatility, just when risk increases for portfolios. As such, MPT may have limitations in its ability to protect against risk during periods of high volatility due to the assumption that correlations remain constant. The limitations of MPT also limit the predictive power of the correlation coefficient.
Correlation is used in modern portfolio theory to include diversified assets that can help reduce the overall risk of a portfolio. One of the main drawbacks of MPT, however, is that it assumes the correlation between assets is static over time. In reality, correlations often shift, especially during periods of higher volatility. In short, while correlation has some predictive value, the measure has limitations in its use.
Investopedia does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. The information is presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.
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Jordan Poole knocked down the driving layup with 1.0 second remaining in regulation to lift the Golden State Warriors over the Memphis Grizzlies, 122-120. Stephen Curry led all scorers with 34 points for the Warriors, while Klay Thompson (24 points, 5 3pt FGM) and Jordan Poole (21 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists) added a combined 45 points in the victory. Ja Morant tallied 29 points, 4 rebounds, and 12 assists for the Grizzlies. The Warriors improve to 24-24 on the season, while the Grizzlies fall to 31-17.
The dual commodity channel index (DCCI) is a tool used in technical analysis to identify when an asset or market is overbought or oversold. A dual commodity channel index is a variation on the popular commodity channel index, which is an indicator invented in 1980 by Donald Lambert to measure the variation in a commodity’s value from the statistical mean.
A dual commodity channel index is constructed by graphing a smoothed commodity channel index line along with an unsmoothed commodity channel index line measuring the same commodity, currency, or financial security. Crossovers of the two lines indicate possible buy and sell signals, while subsequent breaks in the price trendline indicate definite entry and exit points.
The dual commodity channel index is a technical analysis tool known as an oscillator, which is an index based on the value of a financial asset and constructed to oscillate between two extreme values. As the index reaches the maximum value, it indicates the asset is overbought and due for a price decline. As the index reaches the minimum value, it indicates the asset is oversold and due for a price increase.
The commodity channel index is calculated by taking the difference between a financial asset’s current price and its simple moving average and then dividing that by the mean absolute deviation of the price. A dual commodity channel index plots two variations of CCI lines, giving traders an even more granular understanding of a financial asset’s momentum.
The dual commodity channel index is a favorite tool for investors who use technical analysis to make trades. Technical analysis involves the use of historical price data to predict future movements, and it differs from fundamental analysis, which examines information like a company’s earnings, the state of the economy, political events, and other information outside a security’s price to identify undervalued or overvalued assets.
Technical analysis operates under the assumption that the vast majority of available information about a stock, bond, commodity, or currency is almost instantaneously incorporated in the price by market forces, and thus isn’t profitable to make investment decisions based on this information. For technical traders, the key to investing success is translating the mass psychology of the market into indicators that enable them to time their entry or exit from a stock or security.
Investopedia does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. The information is presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.
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