Daily Analysis 20230627

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

June 27th, 2023

Good morning,

Nasdaq sheds 1% on Monday as investors dump tech names to start final week of June

The Nasdaq Composite slumped on Monday as investors sold shares of technology companies that have outperformed this year and the final trading week of the first half commenced.

Dow……33715 -12.7 -0.04%
Nasdaq13336 -156.7 -1.16%
S&P 500.4329 -19.5 -0.45%

FTSE…..7454 -8.3 -0.11%
Dax……15813 -16.9 -0.11%
CAC……7184 +20.9 +0.29%

Nikkei…..32699 -82.7 -0.25%
HSI………18794 -95.8 -0.51%
Shanghai.3151 -47.3 -1.48%

IDX…..6664.67 +24.93 +0.38%
LQ45….946.11 +3.39 +0.36%
IDX30…491.66 +1.81 +0.37%

IDXEnergy…1765.35 -26.30 -1.47%
IDX BscMat..994.08 -3.38 -0.34%
IDX Indstrl…1165.54 -0.46 -0.04%
IDXNONCYC.740.23 -0.61 -0.08%
IDX Hlthcare1481.14 -1.07 -0.07%
IDXCYCLIC….871.35 -4.11 -0.47%
IDX Techno.4814.34 -4.25 -0.09%
IDX Transp..1890.18 -24.24 -1.27%
IDX Infrast… .850.69 +2.81 +0.33%
IDX Finance.1401.76 +8.57 +0.61%
IDX Banking.1175.86 +8.90 +0.76%
IDX Property..726 -1.10 -0.16%

*Indo10Yr.6.3613-0.0038 -0.06%*
*ICBI..366.7261 +0.1546 +0.04%*
*US2Yr.4.7390* -0.0110 -0.23%
*US5Yr 3.9700* -0.0240 -0.60%
*US10Yr3.7190* -0.0180 -0.48%
*US30Yr.3.8080*-0.0060 -0.16%
*VIX…….14.25 +0.81 +6.03%‼️*

*USDIndx102.6920* -0.2110 -0.20%
Como Indx…263.40 +0.44 +0.17%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……141.04 -2.24 -1.56%

*IndoCDS.87.65 – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(23/06)*

*IDR…..15021.50‼️ +23.00 +0.15%*
*Jisdor.15026.00‼️ +28.00 +0.18%*

*Euro……1.0909* +0.0008 +0.07%

TLKM…26.41 +0.10 +0.38%
EIDO….23.09 +0.17 +0.74%
EEM…..39.30 +0.13 +0.33%

Oil…….69.52 +0.36 +0.52%
Gold…1933.40 +3.80 +0.20%
*Timah..26476.00 – -%*
*(Closed 23/06)*
*Nickel..20408.50 -992.00 -4.64%‼️*
(Closed 26/06)
Silver….. 23.03 +0.48 +2.13%
Copper..380.40 -1.15 -0.30%

*Iron Ore 62% 112.65* – -%
Nturl Gas.2.872 +0.0290 +1.02%

Coal price.125.50 unch +0%
Coal price.139.50 +0.35 +0.25%
Coal price.142.75 +1.90 +1.35%
Coal price.144.20 +1.20 +0.84%

Coal price111.60 +0.40 +0.35%
Coal price.116.20 +1.20 +1.04%
(Jul/ Rotterdam)
Coal price.113.65 +1.30 +1.16%
Coal price.112.35 +0.80 +0.72%

*CPO(Sept)..3716 +92 +2.54%*
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn……588.25 +0.25 +0.04%
*SoybeanOil 56.18+1.22 +2.22%*
Wheat…738.25 -8.25 -1.11%

*Wood pulp..4270.00* -10 -0.23%
(Closed 25/06)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Semua index regional lanjut merah kecuali IHSG sama CAC. Most likely hari ini merah lagi. Nasdaq turun dalem, investor tech dump saham yang ga perform bagus di semester 1

USD index merah, seperti biasanya consequently Gold Silver ijo. Copper merah, oil gas coal ijo, CPO ijo, nickel yang drop gede

IHSG – akhirnya FNB, technically masih mengkhawatirkan tapi jadi harapan kuat akan segera rebound kalo asing udah mulai masuk lagi. Stoch down macd almost sell MFI sw,w% sw, abis bikin double bottom mulai mantul terus koreksi lagi bikin higher low, semoga sudah waktunya lanjut keatas

Basic Materials


Infra versi telco jalan bareng2…


Alligator Buy Signal: MTMH

ACES – stoch buy macd down MFI down w% sw, BD acc FF rev dist, run terakhir koreksinya belum even sampe fibo 38, masih mungkin drop sampe fibo 50, slope LR udah uptrend sih, tapi kecuali udah ambil di bawah, sekarang udah relatif ketinggian buat dikejar


Target spike done

AMRT – stoch buy, macd rev up almost buy, BD FF dist, MFI up, w% down, abc correction abis wave 5 belum beres, belum touch fibo 38 juga, masih belum dulu…

MDKA – stoch buy, 833 sell, macd up, BD FF dist, MFIdown, w% down, regbull div confirmed, belum tembus fibo 23, ada gap di atas, keliatannya masih firm naik, tapi gold price nya belum dukung, tunggu 833 buy kita assess lagi

GOLD – major masih down trend – sideways, tunggu MACD buy lagi

PGAS – stoch buy macd rev up, BD FF massive dist, MFI up, w% downtrend, reg bull div confirmed by MA10, ada banyak gap di atas, prospek tapi belum saatnya

TBIG – stoch buy, macd down, MFI down, w% downtrend, BD FF rev acc, ada hidbull MACD hist, menarik ada tanda2 reversal, dan bareng gerak sama TLKM TOWR, bisa jadi sektornya mau dijalanin. Check spike dulu

Spike lumayan ok walau abis spike turun dulu walau ga jauh… Liat primbon tunggu MACD H4 spec buy…

TLKM – stoch buy, macd almost buy, mfi down, w%up, BD FF masih dist, mau jalan wave 5, wave 4 nya bikin double bottom keliatannya, ada gap di atas, menarik banget tapi dikit lagi, WNS, tunggu rev acc dan MACD

Ada spike tapi kecil… masih WNS…

TOWR – Stoch abis sell ngebalik buy lagi, macd up, MFI up, w% uptrend, kemaren BD FF ngebalik dist, abis uptrand bikin doji, ada reg bear div, harusnya koreksi dulu sih, unless reg bear nya cancelled dan breakout resistance 1055, sekalian breakout ascending triangle ke atas. Harusnya sih dapet BOW kecuali hari ini closing di atas dan balik ACC lagi baru buy on breakout bisa

Spike tinggi, harus hati2 takutnya spike jual

ELSA – stoch buy,macd revup, MFIsw, w%up, BD acc tipis, FF rev acc, ada freq spike, hari ini udha tutup gap, abis kena reg bear turun, kayanya akan ABC correction dulu, kalo iya bisa buy di 308 di fibo 23

spike done… wns

KLBF – masih konsol

SIDO – itungan abc correction udah beres, tapi BD FF masih dist, MACD bolak balik, belum firm higher low, belum dulu

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