Reposted from @fastercapital If you are searching for a technical cofounder and an investor then search no more! FasterCapital’s will become your technical cofounder and will invest 50% of the capital needed. FasterCapital’s 3rd round of funding is open from 15th of Jul to 15th of Sep. This round is dedicated to non-technical entrepreneurs who are seeking money and a technical co-founder. For those who are interested please submit your #startup on to be included in our #incubation #program. If you want more information then please check the information on and we are ready to answer any question you have. #round #funding #investment #raisingcapital #investor #techcofounder #cofounder #incubator #acceleration #cofunding #cofounding #CTO #development #technical #technology #startup – #regrann #wp

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Instagram

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Reposted from @aam_amiruddin Sunnah di hari Jum’at . Semoga bermanfaat, mari kita optimalkan diri di hari Jumat yang berkah ini . #jumatberkah . pendaftaran program Al Hikmah Webinar ” Aku Selalu Bersamamu” . bisa klik.👇 . . Atau Dengan mengirimkan Format :. . Saya ingin Ikut Al Hikmah aku selalu bersamamu . 📲Kirim Via WhatsApp ke 0812-8181-8177 . #alhikmah #aamamiruddin – #regrann #wp

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Instagram

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