Annualized Income Installment Method Definition, When to Use It

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Annualized Income Installment Method Definition, When to Use It


What Is the Annualized Income Installment Method?

Taxpayers who are self-employed typically pay quarterly installments of their estimated tax in four even amounts as figured by the regular installment method. Additionally, taxpayers should pay estimated taxes if they receive substantial dividends, interest, alimony, or other forms of income that are not subject to income tax withholding.

When a taxpayer has a fluctuating income, it often causes them to underpay on one or more of the quarterly estimates leading to underpayment penalties. The annualized income installment method calculates the taxpayer’s estimated tax installment payments and helps to decrease underpayment and corresponding underpayment penalties related to fluctuating income. Through the use of the annualized income installment method, taxpayers may estimate their taxes based on known information from the beginning of the tax year through the end of the period paid.

Key Takeaways

  • Self-employed taxpayers must pay quarterly estimated tax payments.
  • Typically, these estimated tax payments are made in four equal installments under the regular installment method.
  • The annualized income installment method refigures estimated tax payment installments so it correlates to when the taxpayer earned the money in the year.
  • It is designed to limit underpayment and corresponding underpayment penalties related to uneven payments when a taxpayer’s income fluctuates throughout the year.

How the Annualized Income Installment Method Works

The purpose of the regular installment method is to figure in quarterly tax installments. It divides the annual estimated tax into four equal segments. The resulting payments are appropriate for the quarterly estimated taxes of taxpayers with a steady income, but this does not work as well for taxpayers whose income fluctuates. Some taxpayers may have a hard time finding the cash to pay estimated taxes in slower months.

Consider, for example, taxpayers Jane and John. Each of them owes $100,000 in annual estimated tax. Jane pays her estimated payments in four $25,000 installments per the regular installment method. She evenly earned her income, 25% each quarter, so the quarterly portions paid her estimated tax in full and on time. 

John’s earnings were uneven, with each tax quarter at 0%, 20%, 30%, and 50%, respectively. John may have a difficult time coming up with the cash necessary to make his first and second quarter estimated tax payments when his earnings are low. Using the regular installment method, if John were to pay less estimated tax in the first two quarters and more in the second two quarters, he would owe an underpayment penalty for the first two quarters.

The annualized income installment method allows John to refigure his installments, so they correlate to his income as he earns it. It does so by annualizing John’s installments over four overlapping periods. Each period begins on Jan. 1. The first period ends on March 31, the second ends on May 31, the third on Aug. 31, and the fourth period ends on Dec. 31. Each period includes all the previous periods, with the final period encompassing the entire year. It allows John to estimate his tax payments based on his income to that point in the year.

In this example, we know the exact percentage of John’s annual earnings from each tax quarter. John pays $0 in March, $20,000 in May, $30,000 in August, and $50,000 in December. John now has four installments of different amounts that, when added together, equal his full annual estimated tax of $100,000. John’s refigured installments are now paid on time, his underpayment penalties abated.

IRS Publication 505 has forms, schedules, and worksheets that guide taxpayers desiring to refigure their installments using the annualized income installment method. However, figuring installments this way is complicated and best done on an IRS worksheet by your favorite tax professional.

How do I annualize my income for the annualized income installment method?

Unlike our scenario above, in real life, you will not already know your full annual tax payment when your quarterly estimated tax payment is due. Instead, you will have to estimate your annual tax payment by annualizing your income from the beginning of the year until the end of the period in which you are paying taxes. Because the “quarters” do not always fall on actual calendar quarters, year-to-date (YTD) income through May 31 is annualized by multiplying by 2.4, through Aug. 31 YTD by 1.5, and through Dec. 31 YTD by 1.

What is the tax form for the annualized income installment method?

I owed $500 when I filed my tax return. Do I need to file Form 2210?

No, there is no underpayment penalty if the difference between your total tax on your return and the amount of tax you paid through withholding is less than $1,000. 


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Annualized Rate of Return

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Annualized Rate of Return


What Is an Annualized Rate of Return?

An annualized rate of return is calculated as the equivalent annual return an investor receives over a given period. The Global Investment Performance Standards dictate that returns of portfolios or composites for periods of less than one year may not be annualized. This prevents “projected” performance in the remainder of the year from occurring.

Key Takeaways

  • The annualized rate of return is a process for determining investment returns on an annual basis. 
  • The rate of return looks at gains or losses on investments over varying periods of time, while the annualized rate looks at the returns on a yearly basis.
  • The annualized rate of return is expressed as a percentage and is consistent over the years that the investment has provided returns.
  • It differs from the annual performance of an investment, which can vary considerably from year-to-year.

Understanding Annualized Rate

Annualized returns are returns over a period scaled down to a 12-month period. This scaling process allows investors to objectively compare the returns of any assets over any period.

Calculation Using Annual Data

Calculating the annualized performance of an investment or index using yearly data uses the following data points:

P = principal, or initial investment

G = gains or losses

n = number of years

AP = annualized performance rate

The generalized formula, which is exponential to take into account compound interest over time, is:

AP = ((P + G) / P) ^ (1 / n) – 1

Annualized Rate of Return Examples

For example, assume an investor invested $50,000 into a mutual fund and, four years later, the investment is worth $75,000. This is a $25,000 gain in four years. Thus, the annualized performance is:

AP = (($50,000 + $25,000) / $50,000) ^ (1/4) – 1

In this example, the annualized performance is 10.67 percent.

A $25,000 gain on a $50,000 investment over four years is a 50 percent return. It is inaccurate to say the annualized return is 12.5 percent, or 50 percent divided by four because this does not take into effect compound interest. If reversing the 10.67 percent result to compound over four years, the result is exactly what is expected:

$75,000 = $50,000 x (1 + 10.67%) ^ 4

It is important not to confuse annualized performance with annual performance. The annualized performance is the rate at which an investment grows each year over the period to arrive at the final valuation. In this example, a 10.67 percent return each year for four years grows $50,000 to $75,000. But this says nothing about the actual annual returns over the four-year period. Returns of 4.5 percent, 13.1 percent, 18.95 percent and 6.7 percent grow $50,000 into approximately $75,000. Also, returns of 15 percent, -7.5 percent, 28 percent, and 10.2 percent provide the same result.

Using Days in the Calculation

Industry standards for most investments dictate the most precise form of annualized return calculation, which uses days instead of years. The formula is the same, except for the exponent:

AP = ((P + G) / P) ^ (365 / n) – 1

Assume from the previous example that the fund returned $25,000 over a 1,275-day period. The annualized return is then:

AP = (($50,000 + $25,000) / $50,000) ^ (365/1275) – 1

The annualized performance in this example is 12.31 percent.


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Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC): Definition and Who Qualifies

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary

Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC): Definition and Who Qualifies


What Is the Additional Child Tax Credit?

The additional child tax credit was the refundable portion of the child tax credit. It could be claimed by families who owed the IRS less than their qualified child tax credit amount. Since the child tax credit was non-refundable, the additional child tax credit refunded the unused portion of the child tax credit to the taxpayer. This provision was eliminated from 2018 to 2025 by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

However, under the TCJA, the child tax credit includes some provisions for refundable credits. In addition, on March 11, 2021, President Biden’s American Rescue Plan was voted into law and made child tax credits fully refundable in 2021.

Key Takeaways

  • The additional child tax credit was the refundable portion of the child tax credit.
  • It could be claimed by families who owed the IRS less than their qualified child tax credit amount.
  • The additional child tax credit was eliminated for 2018 to 2025 by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,
  • Child tax credits for 2021, however, were made fully refundable as part of the American Rescue Plan.
  • For 2021, advance child tax credits could be claimed via monthly payments in the amount of half of their total child tax credit. The second half can be claimed by those eligible on their 2021 tax returns.

Tax Deductions Vs. Tax Credits

Understanding the Additional Child Tax Credit

A tax credit is a benefit given to eligible taxpayers to help reduce their tax liabilities. If Susan’s tax bill is $5,550 but she qualifies for a $2,500 tax credit, she will only have to pay $3,050. Some tax credits are refundable, meaning that if the tax credit amounts to more than what is owed as tax, the individual will receive a refund. If Susan’s tax credit is actually $6,050 and is refundable, she will be given a check for $6,050 – $5,550 = $500.

Depending on what tax group a taxpayer falls in, they may be eligible to claim a tax credit. For example, taxpayers with children may qualify for the child tax credit which helps to offset the costs of raising kids.

For the 2022 through 2025 tax year, the child tax credit allows eligible tax filers to reduce their tax liability by up to $2,000 per child. To be eligible for the child tax credit, the child or dependent must:

  • Be 16 years or younger by the end of the tax year
  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, or resident alien
  • Have lived with the taxpayer for more than half of the tax year
  • Be claimed as a dependent on the federal tax return
  • Not have provided more than half of their own financial support
  • Have a Social Security number

Child Tax Credit vs. Additional Child Tax Credit

Previously, the child tax credit was non-refundable, which means the credit could reduce a taxpayer’s bill to zero, but any excess from the credit would not be refunded. Families who wanted to keep the unused portion of the child tax credit could go the route of another available tax credit called the additional child tax credit.

This credit was a refundable tax credit that families could qualify for if they already qualified for the non-refundable child tax credit. The additional child tax credit was ideal for families who owed less than the child tax credit and wanted to receive a refund for the surplus credit.

While the additional child tax credit was eliminated in 2018 under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), up to $1,400 of the $2,000 child tax credit can be refundable for each qualifying child if certain conditions are met. For example, a taxpayer needs to earn more than $2,500 for the tax year to qualify for any refund. To claim a refund, filers must complete Schedule 8812.

The American Rescue Plan created major changes to the child tax credit for 2021. The maximum credit rose to $3,000 (children up to 17) or $3,600 (children younger than six). Qualifying families started receiving monthly checks (half of the full credit) in July 2021. The credit also became fully refundable in 2021, and families may claim the second half of the credit on their 2021 tax return. This child-related tax benefit begins to phase out for individual filers with children who earn more than $75,000 and joint filers earning more than $150,000.

The additional child tax credit in its previous form was eliminated from 2018 to 2025 by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

Example of the Additional Child Tax Credit

Before the TCJA, the IRS allowed families with an annual income of more than $3,000 to claim a refund using the additional child tax credit. The tax credit depended on how much the taxpayer earned and was calculated by taking 15% of the taxpayer’s taxable earned income over $3,000 up to the maximum amount of the credit, which was then $1,000 per child. The total amount above $3,000 (subject to annual adjustments for inflation) was refundable.

For example, a taxpayer with two dependents qualifies for the child tax credit. Their earned income is $28,000, which means income over $3,000 is $25,000. Since 15% x $25,000 = $3,750 is greater than the maximum credit of $2,000 for two kids, they would have received the full portion of any unused credit.

So if the taxpayer received an $800 child tax credit, they would be refunded a $1,200 Additional child tax credit. However, if the taxable earned income was $12,000 instead, 15% of this amount over $3,000 is 15% x $9,000 = $1,350. Because the refundable portion of the credit cannot exceed 15% of earned income above $3,000, the taxpayer would receive a maximum refund of $1,350, not $2,000.

Taxpayers who were residents of Puerto Rico with income below $3,000 were eligible if they had at least three qualifying dependents and paid Social Security tax in excess of the amount of their earned-income credit for the year.

What Is the Difference Between Child Tax Credit and Additional Child Tax Credit?

Under President Biden’s 2021 American Rescue Plan, the child tax credit offers a maximum credit of $3,600 (younger than six years of age) and $3,000 (over age six and up to age 17) to those families who meet eligibility requirements. The additional child tax credit (up to $2,000 per child) was eliminated in 2018 under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

Is the New Child Tax Credit for 2020 or 2021?

President Biden’s new child tax credit is based on 2020 tax returns and will be used when you file 2021 taxes in April 2022. The changes to the child tax credit apply (as of July 2021) for the tax year 2021 only, unless they are extended.

Who Qualifies for the Additional Child Tax Credit?

The additional child tax credit was eliminated in 2018, so no one at present qualifies for the additional child tax credit. However, the full new child tax credit is offered to parents (who file jointly) who make up to $150,000 a year.

Are There Additional Requirements for the 2021 Child Tax Credit?

To qualify for advanced payments for the 2021 tax year to receive the Economic Impact Payment, had a main home in the U.S. for more than half the year (or file a joint return with a spouse who has a main home in the United States for more than half the year), have a qualifying child who is under age 18 at the end of 2021 and who has a valid Social Security number, and made less than certain income limits.


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Amortizable Bond Premium

Written by admin. Posted in A, Financial Terms Dictionary


What Is an Amortizable Bond Premium?

The amortizable bond premium is a tax term that refers to the excess price paid for a bond over and above its face value. Depending on the type of bond, the premium can be tax-deductible and amortized over the life of the bond on a pro-rata basis.

Key Takeaways

  • A tax term, the amortizable bond premium refers to the excess price (the premium) paid for a bond, over and above its face value.
  • The premium paid for a bond represents part of the cost basis of the bond, and so can be tax-deductible, at a rate spread out (amortized) over the bond’s lifespan.
  • Amortizing the premium can be advantageous, since the tax deduction can offset any interest income the bond generates, thus reducing an investor’s taxable income overall.
  • The IRS requires that the constant yield method be used to calculate the amortizable bond premium every year.

Understanding an Amortizable Bond Premium

A bond premium occurs when the price of the bond has increased in the secondary market due to a drop in market interest rates. A bond sold at a premium to par has a market price that is above the face value amount.

The difference between the bond’s current price (or carrying value) and the bond’s face value is the premium of the bond. For example, a bond that has a face value of $1,000 but is sold for $1,050 has a $50 premium. Over time, as the bond premium approaches maturity, the value of the bond falls until it is at par on the maturity date. The gradual decrease in the value of the bond is called amortization.

Cost Basis

For a bond investor, the premium paid for a bond represents part of the cost basis of the bond, which is important for tax purposes. If the bond pays taxable interest, the bondholder can choose to amortize the premium—that is, use a part of the premium to reduce the amount of interest income included for taxes.

Those who invest in taxable premium bonds typically benefit from amortizing the premium, because the amount amortized can be used to offset the interest income from the bond. This, in turn, will reduce the amount of taxable income the bond generates, and thus any income tax due on it as well. The cost basis of the taxable bond is reduced by the amount of premium amortized each year.

In a case where the bond pays tax-exempt interest, the bond investor must amortize the bond premium. Although this amortized amount is not deductible in determining taxable income, the taxpayer must reduce their basis in the bond by the amortization for the year. The IRS requires that the constant yield method be used to amortize a bond premium every year.

Amortizing Bond Premium With the Constant Yield Method

The constant yield method is used to determine the bond premium amortization for each accrual period. It amortizes a bond premium by multiplying the adjusted basis by the yield at issuance and then subtracting the coupon interest. Or in formula form:

  • Accrual = Purchase Basis x (YTM /Accrual periods per year) – Coupon Interest

The first step in calculating the premium amortization is to determine the yield to maturity (YTM), which is the discount rate that equates the present value of all remaining payments to be made on the bond to the basis in the bond.

For example, consider an investor that purchased a bond for $10,150. The bond has a five-year maturity date and a par value of $10,000. It pays a 5% coupon rate semi-annually and has a yield to maturity of 3.5%. Let’s calculate the amortization for the first period and second period.

The First Period

Since this bond makes semi-annual payments, the first period is the first six months after which the first coupon payment is made; the second period is the next six months, after which the investor receives the second coupon payment, and so on. Since we’re assuming a six-month accrual period, the yield and coupon rate will be divided by 2.

Following our example, the yield used to amortize the bond premium is 3.5%/2 = 1.75%, and the coupon payment per period is 5% / 2 x $10,000 = $250. The amortization for period 1 is as follows:

  • Accrualperiod1 = ($10,150 x 1.75%) – $250
  • Accrualperiod1 = $177.63 – $250
  • Accrualperiod1 = -$72.38

The Second Period

The bond’s basis for the second period is the purchase price plus the accrual in the first period—that is, $10,150 – $72.38 = $10,077.62:

  • Accrualperiod2 = ($10,077.62 x 1.75%) – $250
  • Accrualperiod2 = $176.36 – $250
  • Accrualperiod2 = -$73.64

For the remaining eight periods (there are 10 accrual or payment periods for a semi-annual bond with a maturity of five years), use the same structure presented above to calculate the amortizable bond premium.

Intrinsically, a bond purchased at a premium has a negative accrual; in other words, the basis amortizes.


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