Daily Analysis 20230717

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 17th, 2023

Good morning,

Dow closes 100 points higher Friday on solid earnings, registers best week since March

The Dow Jones Industrial Average
climbed Friday as strong earnings results from some of the biggest banks and companies kicked off earnings season.

Dow closes 100 points higher Friday on solid earnings, registers best week since March

Dow……34509 +113.9 +0.33%
Nasdaq14114 -24.9 -0.18%
S&P 500.4505 -4.6 -0.10%

FTSE…..7435 -5.6 -0.08%
Dax……16105 -35.96 -0.22%
CAC……7375 +4.7 +0.06%

Nikkei…32391 -28.1 -0.09%
HSI…….19414 +63.2 +0.33%
Shanghai.3238+1.2 +0.04%

IDX…..6869.57 +59.36 +0.87%
LQ45….964.09 +7.04 +0.75%
IDX30…500.82 +4.13 +0.83%

IDXEnergy…1863.89 +28.89+1.57%
IDX BscMat.1044.56 -0.74 -0.07%
IDX Indstrl…1196.73 -0.76 -0.06%
IDXNONCYC.762.23 +2.55 +0.34%
IDX Hlthcare1566.21+10.65+0.68%
IDXCYCLIC….916.08 +3.93 +0.43%
*IDX Techno.4945.59 +134.03 +2.79%*
IDX Transp..1927.88 +2.59 +0.13%
IDX Infrast… .857.09 +7.40 +0.87%
IDX Finance.1432.30 +6.02 +0.42%
IDX Banking.1196.00 +8.77 +0.74%
*IDX Property..760 +11.10 +1.48%*

*Indo10Yr.6.3071* +0.0114 +0.18%
*ICBI….368.9822* -0.0010. 0.00%
*US2Yr.4.7680 +0.136 +2.94%*
*US5Yr 4.0450 +0.098 +2.48%*
*US10Yr3.8300* +0.064 +1.70%
*US30Yr.3.9260*+0.027 +0.69%
*VIX…….13.34 -0.27 -1.98%*

*USDIndx 99.9140👍* +0.1440 +0.14%
Como Indx…270.79 +0.05 +0.02%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…….147.39 -0.21 -0.14%

*IndoCDS.80.72👍 -1.51 -1.84%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(14/07)*
*IDR…..14958.50👍 -7.00 -0.05%*
*Jisdor.14945.00👍 -33.00 -1.50%*

*Euro……1.1228* +0.0002 +0.02%

TLKM…26.17 -0.02 -0.08%
EIDO….23.61 -0.03 -0.13%
EEM…..41.01 -0.23 -0.56%

*Oil…..75.42 -1.78 -2.31%*
*Gold…1964.40* -0.90 -0.05%
*Timah..28543.00* -266.00 -0.92%
*(Closed 14/07)*
*Nickel..21629.00 +371.50 +1.75%*
(Closed 14/07)
Silver…. 25.19 +0.09 +0.36%
Copper.393.30 -1.80 -0.46%

*Iron Ore 62% 112.38 +1.43 +1.29%*
Nturl Gas.2.548 -0.005 -0.20%
Ammonia China..2866.67 unch +0%
(Domestic Price)(13/07)

*Coal price.131.65 +3.65 +2.85%*
*Coal price.132.75 +5.60 +4.40%‼️*
*Coal price.133.70 +5.45 +4.25%‼️*
*Coal price.138.00 +6.10 +4.62%‼️*

Coal price104.15 +0.50 +048%
Coal price..94.50 +1.00 +1.06%
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
Coal price…94.40 +0.95 +1.02%
Coal price..93.95 +0.80 +0.85%

CPO(Okt)..3895 +15 +0.40%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

*Corn…513.75 +13.25 +2.65%*
SoybeanOil 60.76 -0.51 -0.83%
*Wheat…661.50 +21.75 +3.40%‼️*

*Wood pulp..4390.00* unch +0%
(Closed 16/07)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Jum’at radaslow down, US DJI ijo Nasdaq merah, Europe tipis2, asia IDX tebel yang lain tipis. Prepare merah hari ini

USD index ijo, gold copper timah merah, silver nickel iron ore ijo, oil gas merah coal rebound, CPO ijo. ANTM MDKA sw dulu, hati2 MEDC ELSA, beware kalo oil price ngebalik lagi. INCO aman harusnya. Coal coal kemaren pas harga turun rada cuek, harusnya pas rebound jadi jalan

IHSG – stoch OB up, MACD up, zia up alligator up, udah touch fibo 38 prepare kalo kejedot dan balik ke 23 dulu. Ichimoku dah breakout cloud, FNB, BD acc, MFI up, w% uptrend, IHNS jalan, belum sampe target price, tapi kebanyakan setelah naik tinggi besoknya koreksi dulu

Basic Materials, Energy, Consumer Cyclicals, yang nyusul Healthcare sama Property. Financials lagi koreksi, kalo ga cepet rebound indexnya yang turun nanti malah

Stochastic Buy Signal: BBCA BBRI BMRI PWON. Kalo lanjut hari ini firm IHSG mau lari


Alligator Buy Signal: AKRA BUKA INTP ITMG UNTR

Supertrend Buy Signal: TINS

Daily Analysis 20230714

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 14th, 2023

Good morning,

Stocks rose Thursday after another key inflation reading came in lighter than expected. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite closed at their highest levels in over a year.

Dow……34395 +47.7 +0.14%
Nasdaq14139 +219.5 +1.58%
S&P 500.4510 +37.9 +0.85%

FTSE…..7440 +24.1. +0.32%
Dax……16141 +118.03 +0.74%
CAC……7370 +36.8. +0.50%

Nikkei…32419 +475.4 +1.49%
HSI…….19351 +489.7 +2.60%
Shanghai.3236 +40.4 +1.26%

IDX…..6810.21 +2.00 +0.03%
LQ45….956.95 -1.04 -0.11%
IDX30…496.69 -0.50 -0.10%

IDXEnergy…1835.00 -5.99 -0.33%
IDX BscMat.1045.30 +8.36 +0.81%
IDX Indstrl…1197.50 +2.66 +0.22%
IDXNONCYC.759.68 -1.99 -0.26%
IDX Hlthcare1555.56 +32.40 +2.13%
IDXCYCLIC….912.15 -9.33 -1.01%
IDX Techno.4811.56 -4.11 -0.09%
IDX Transp..1924.05 -0.29 -0.01%
IDX Infrast… .849.70 -7.09 -0.83%
IDX Finance.1426.28 +1.14 +0.08%
IDX Banking.1187.24 -0.80 -0.07%
IDX Property..749 -9.10 -1.20%

Indo10Yr.6.2957👍 -0.0145 -0.23%
ICBI….368.9832👍 +0.4154 +0.11%
US2Yr.4.6320 -0.255 -5.22%👍
US5Yr 3.9470 -0.128 -3.14%👍
US10Yr3.7660 -0.096 -2.49%👍
US30Yr.3.8990-0.112 -2.79%👍
VIX…….13.61 +0.07 +0.52%

USDIndx 99.7700👍 -0.7510 -0.75%
Como Indx…270.74 +2.44 +0.91%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN…….147.60 +2.19 +1.51%

IndoCDS.85.68👍 -1.97 -2.25%
(5-yr INOCD5) (12/07)
IDR…..14950.50 -109.00 -0.72%👍
Jisdor.14978.00 -106.00 -0.70%👍

Euro……1.1226 +0.009 +0.81%

TLKM…26.19 -0.22 -0.83%
EIDO….23.64 -0.03 -0.13%
EEM…..41.24 +0.53 +1.30%

Oil…..77.20 +2.40 +3.21%
Gold…1965.30 +2.90 +0.15%
Timah..29069.00 +1113.00+3.98%‼
(Closed 12/07)
Nickel..21257.50 -370.50 -1.71%
(Closed 12/07)
Silver…. 25.10 +0.76 +3.12%‼
Copper.395.10 +9.45 +2.45%

Iron Ore 62% 110.61 +1.27 +1.16%
Nturl Gas.2.553 -0.097 -3.66%‼
Ammonia China..2866.67 unch +0%
(Domestic Price)(13/07)

Coal price.128.00 -1.05 -0.81%
Coal price.127.15 -0.90 -0.70%
Coal price.128.25 -1.00 -0.77%
Coal price.131.90 -0.80 -0.60%

Coal price103.65 -0.40 -0.39%
Coal price..93.50 -0.95 -1.00%
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
Coal price…93.45 -0.65 -0.69%
Coal price..93.95 -0.95 -1.00%

CPO(Sept)..3853 -63 -1.60%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn…500.50 +16.75 +3.46%‼
SoybeanOil 61.27 +1.91 +3.22%‼
Wheat…639.75 +7.00 +1.11%

Wood pulp..4390.00 +10 +0.23%
(Closed 13/07)

©Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

semua index ijo, LANJUT!!!

USDindexturun, semua metal naik, ANTM INCO TINS MDKA lanjut… Oil jump, gas drop, coal merah dikit, harusnya MEDC ELSA rebound ini, Emiten Coal hati hati…. CPO lanjut turun, ditunggu mantulnya lagi buat re-entry LSIP

pada bangun kalo giliran index jalan sih… Yang paling potensi harusnya yang dari zone 2 berangkatnya: Healthcare sama Property, nanti kita liat di screeningnya, apa masih ada yang belum jalan dan bisa entry

Basic Materials yang masih jelas lagi jalan, Consumer Cyclicals, Energy, Industrials

Big accum ga sempet masuk tabel screener

Stochastic Buy Signal: BFIN WIKA

MACD Buy Signal: BBCA

MEDC MTEL MACD sell, consider exit today kalo ga ngebalik lagi

Alligator Buy Signal: AKRA BUKA INTP ITMG UNTR

Supertrend Buy Signal: MIKA

Daily Analysis 20230713

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 13th, 2023

Good morning,

Stock closes higher in after the S&P 500 closed at its highest level in over a year. Markets also looked ahead to another key inflation reading.

Dow……34347 +86.01 +0.25%
Nasdaq13981 +158.3 +1.18%
S&P 500.4472 +32.9 +0.74%

FTSE…..7416 +133.6 +1.83%
Dax……16203 +232.7 +1.47%
CAC……7333 +113.0 +1.57%

Nikkei…31943 -259.6 -0.81%
HSI…….18861 +201.1 +1.08%
Shanghai.3196 -25.2 -0.78%

IDX…..6808.21 +11.28 +0.17%
LQ45….957.99 +3.03 +0.32%
IDX30…497.19 +1.71 +0.35%

IDXEnergy…1840.99 -17.48 -0.94%
IDX BscMat.1036.93 -3.01 -0.29%
IDX Indstrl…1194.84 -2.03 -0.17%
IDXNONCYC.761.67 -0.10 -0.01%
IDX Hlthcare1523.16 +0.76 +2.88%
IDXCYCLIC….921.48 +0.00 +0.01%
IDX Techno.4815.68 +67.71 +1.43%
IDX Transp..1924.05 -0.29 -0.01%
IDX Infrast… .856.79 +0.16 +0.02%
IDX Finance.1425.15 +2.86 +0.20%
IDX Banking.1188.03 +3.53 +0.47%
IDX Property..751 +4.20 +0.56%

Indo10Yr.6.3102👍 -0.0270 -0.43%
ICBI….368.5678👍 +04692 +0.13%
US2Yr.4.8870 -0.139 -2.84%👍
US5Yr 4.0750 -0.164 -3.86%👍
US10Yr3.8620 -0.111 -2.79%👍
US30Yr.4.0110-0.062 -1.55%
VIX…….13.54 -1.30 -8.76%👍

USDIndx100.5210👍 -1.2110 -1.19%
Como Indx…268.30 +0.70 +0.26%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……145.40 +4.19 +2.97%

IndoCDS.87.66 -0.98 -1.11%
(5-yr INOCD5) (11/07)
IDR…..15074.50 -78.50 -0.52%
Jisdor.15084.00 -78.00 -0.51%

Euro……1.1136 +0.0126 +1.14%

TLKM…26.41 +0.33 +1.27%
EIDO….23.67 +0.63 +2.73%
EEM…..40.71 +0.89 +2.24%

Oil…..74.80 +1.08 +1.44%
Gold…1962.40‼ +24.50 +1.26%
Timah..27956.00 +6.00 +0.02%
(Closed 11/07)
Nickel..21628.00 +918.00 +4.43%‼
(Closed 12/07)
Silver…. 24.34 +1.01 +4.33%‼
Copper.385.65 +8.60 +2.28%

Iron Ore 62% 109.34 +0.13 +0.12%
Nturl Gas.2.6490 -0.083 -3.04%

Coal price.129.05 -1.95 -1.49%
Coal price.128.05 -5.95 -4.44%‼
Coal price.129.25 -6.60 -4.86%‼
Coal price.132.70 -7.10 -5.08%

Coal price104.05 -1.85 -1.70%
Coal price..94.45 -5.40 -5.41%‼
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
Coal price…94.10 -5.50 -5.52%‼
Coal price..94.90 -5.00 -5.00%‼

CPO(Sept)..3928 +40 +1.02%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn…483.75 -17.75 -3.54%‼
SoybeanOil 59.36 -0.57 -0.95%
Wheat…632.75 -27.75 -4.20%‼

Wood pulp..4380.00 +20 +0.46%
(Closed 10/07)

©Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia

Index regional hampir semua ijo kecuali nikkei, kayanya lanjut rally ini IHSG

USD index drop, automatically precious metals naik tinggi semua. Oil ijo Gas drop, coal drop, cpo ijo. Consider exit yang coal coal ya, bahaya ini udha 3 hari berturut2 coal price turun, ini ketahan index jalan makanya masih bertahan emiten coal

IHSG – lanjut FNB, SUpertrend Buy, Alligator up, tembus cloud ichimoku ke atas, IHNS jalan, stoch up, macd up, harusnya lanjut rally sih

Malah property sama Consumer Cyclicals yang kebaca arahnya bagus, tapi dengan harga komoditi naik tinggi gini sih, basic materials harusnya jalan lagi



Alligator Buy Signal: MEDC

Supertrend Buy Signal: BABP

Daily Analysis 20230712

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

July 12th, 2023

Good morning,

Dow closes 300 points higher Tuesday as key consumer inflation report looms

U.S. stocks rose Tuesday, a day after the major averages snapped a three-session decline, as traders awaited key inflation data slated for release later in the week.

Dow……34261 +317.02 +0.93%
Nasdaq13761 +75.2 +0.55%
S&P 500.4439 +29.7 +0.67%

FTSE…..7283 +8.7 +0.12%
Dax……15790 +117.2 +0.75%
CAC……7220 +76.3 +1.07%

Nikkei…32204 +13.8 +0.04%
HSI…….18660 +180.1 +0.97%
Shanghai.3221+17.7 +0.55%

IDX…..6796.92 +65.89 +0.98%
LQ45….954.96 +5.80 +0.61%
IDX30…495.48 +2.76 +0.56%

IDXEnergy…1858.47 +20.88 +1.14%
IDX BscMat.1039.94 +15.10 +1.47%
IDX Indstrl…1196.87 +2.89 +0.24%
IDXNONCYC.761.77 +6.31 +0.84%
*IDX Hlthcare1522.40 +42.66 +2.88%*
IDXCYCLIC….921.48 +10.67 +1.17%
IDX Techno.4747.96 +40.19 +0.85%
IDX Transp..1924.25 +7.87 +0.41%
IDX Infrast… .856.63 -0.21 -0.02%
IDX Finance.1422.28 +6.72 +0.47%
IDX Banking.1184.24 +5.53 +0.47%
IDX Property..751 +4.20 +0.56%

*Indo10Yr.6.3372 -0.0186 -0.29%*
*ICBI….368.0968 +0.6426 +0.17%*
*US2Yr.4.8870* +0.023 +0.47%
*US5Yr 4.2390* unch +0%
*US10Yr3.9730* -0.024 -0.60%
*US30Yr.4.0110*+0.014 +0.35%
*VIX…….14.84 -0.23 -1.53%*

*USDIndx101.7320👍* -0.2400 -0.24%
Como Indx…267.60 +3.21 +1.22%
(Core Commodity CRB)
BCOMIN……141.21 -0.17 -0.12%

*IndoCDS.88.63* – -%*
(5-yr INOCD5) *(10/07)*
*IDR…..15153.00‼️ -51.50 -0.34%*
*Jisdor.15162.00‼️ -30.00 -0.20%*

*Euro……1.1010* +0.0009 +0.08%

TLKM…26.08 +0.16 +0.62%
EIDO….23.04 +0.15 +0.66%
EEM…..39.82 +0.40 +1.01%

*Oil…..74.80 +1.68 +2.29%*
*Gold…1937.90* +7.80 +0.40%
Timah..27950.00 -392.00 -1.38%
*(Closed 10/07)*
Nickel..20710.00 -251.00 -1.20%
(Closed 11/07)
Silver….. 23.33 -0.01 -0.04%
Copper..377.05 -1.85 -0.49%

*Iron Ore 62% 110.54* – -%
*Nturl Gas.2.732 +0.079 +2.98%*

*Coal price.131.00 -2.70 -2.02%*
*Coal price.134.00 -3.05 -2.22%*
*Coal price.135.85 -5.10 -3.62%‼️*
*Coal price.139.80 -4.30 -2.98%*

*Coal price105.90 -5.05 -4.55%‼️*
*Coal price..99.85 -7.40 -6.89%‼️*
(Agt/ Rotterdam)
*Coal price…99.60 -7.50 -7.00%‼️*
*Coal price..99.90 -7.25 -6.77%‼️*

CPO(Sept)..3888 -35 -0.89%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn….501.50 +2.00 +0.40%
SoybeanOil 59.93 -0.88 -1.45%
*Wheat…660.50 +14.25 +2.20%*

*Wood pulp..4360.00* +10 +0.23%
(Closed 10/07)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: *_AT_*
_Desy Erawati/ *DE*_
*Source*: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
_Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas_

Masih lanjut ijo lagi semua, IDX kemaren tebel banget, kayanya ga akan tebel lagi hari ini, ada kemungkinan koreksi, tapi semoga ijo walau tipis

USD index merah, gold ijo silver copper merah tipis, timah nickel merah,oil gas ijo, coal lanjut merah. Kemaren emitan coal pada ijo ikut sentimen index, hari ini kayanya akan koreksi. CPO merah lagi

IHSG – stoch up MACD up, ZIA almost buy, alligator up, FNB, MFI up, w% uptrend, firm breakout IHNS, harusnya rally sih

Healthcare ikutan nyusul, Basic materials masih, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Non-Cyclicals

Stochastic Buy Signal: AKRA PTBA GGRM WIFI IGAR



Supertrend Buy Signal: INTP