Daily Analysis 20240124

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 24th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow……37905 -96.4. -0.25%
Nasdaq15425 +65.7 +0.43%
S&P 500.4865 +14.2 +0.29%
FTSE…..7485 -1.98 -0.03%
Dax……16627 -56.3 -0.34%
CAC……7388 -25.2 -0.34%

Nikkei..36518 -29.4 -0.08%
HSI…..15353 +392.8 +2.63%
Shanghai.2771 +14.6 +0.53%

IDX…..7256.23 +8.3. +0.11%
LQ45….971.77 -1.59 -0.16%
IDX30…493.06 -3.48 -0.70%

IDXEnergy..2127.88 -4.64 -0.22%
IDX BscMat.1299.74 +6.26 +0.48%
IDX Indstrl…1087.30 -13.09 -1.19%
IDXNONCYC.699.64 +0.31 +0.04%
IDX Hlthcare1297.30 -7.66 -0.59%
IDXCYCLIC…863.35 +0.68 +0.08%
IDX Techno4177.42 -28.86 -0.69%
IDX Transp 1621.96 -31.81 -1.92%
IDX Infrast 1547.30 +1.82 +0.12%
IDX Finance.1531.45 +0.76 +0.05%
IDX Banking.1314.52 -12.28 -0.93%
IDX Property.. 696 -8.50 -1.21%

Indo10Yr.6.6434👍 -0.0047 -0.07%
ICBI…375.9837 👍+0.3945 +0.11%
US2Yr.4.372 -0.021 -0.48%
US5Yr 4.042 +0.013 +0.32%
US10Yr4.132 +0.028 +0.68%
US30Yr.4.367 +0.044+1.02%
VIX….12.55👍 -0.64 -4.85%

USDIndx 103.6170❗️ +0.286 +0.28%
Como Indx..268.20 +1.25 +0.47%
BCOMIN……137.18 +2.72 +2.03%

IndoCDS..74.72 -0.50 -0.66%
(5-yr INOCD5) (22/01)

IDR…..15637.00 +0.50 +0.00%
Jisdor.15656.00 +29.00 +0.19%

Euro….1.0859 -0.0018 -0.17%

TLKM…25.55 +0.02 +0.08%
EIDO……21.87 -0.21 -0.95%
EEM……38.05 -0.34 -0.89’%

Oil……..74.37 -0.82 -1.09%
Gold..2045.20 +3.60 +0.18%
Timah..25617.00 +319.00 +1.26%
(Closed 22/01)
Nickel..16292.50 +269.00 +1.68%
(Closed 23/01)
Silver……22.46 +0.29 +1.31%
Copper.379.35 +4.60 +1.22%

Iron Ore 62% 135.42 -0.46 -0.34%
Nturl Gas..2.191 +0.048 +2.24%
Ammonia China.3343.33. – -%
(Domestic Price)(22/02)

Coal price.127.30 -0.15 -0.12%
Coal price 123.25 -0.70 -0.56%
Coal price.120.00 -0.25 -0.21%
Coal price 120.25 +0.30 +0.25%

Coal price.105.50 +0.15 +0.14%
Coal price .92.50 +0.15 +0.16%
Coal price…89.80 unch -3.23%
Coal price…88.10 +0.20 +0.23%

CPO(Apr)..3897 -19 -0.49%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn……446.50 +0.75 +0.17%
SoybeanOil 48.21 +0.05: +0.10%
Wheat…596.50 unch +0%

Wood pulp..5070.00 unch +0%
(Closed 23/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

DJI merah tapi nasdaq sama SP500 masih ijo, europe merah, asia kebanyakan ijo, US bond rate yang 2 tahun turun, yang panjang2 naik, bagus sih. USD index naik lagi, tapi metal2 pada naik juga, kecuali iron ore. Oil merah gas rebound, coal merah, CPO merah, rada kurang asik sepertinya hari ini

IHSG – masih lanjut NFS walau bd accum, stoch buy, macd down, MFI w% sw, masih beresiko

Cuma Basic Materials sama Infastructure yang terlihat mau jalan, yang lain melemah

Stochastic Buy Signal: BRIS EMTK TBIG MMIX RAJA. BRIS big accum


Stochastic Continuation Signal and Big Accum ACES

Alligator Buy Signal: DSNG

Daily Analysis 20240123

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 23th, 2024

Good morning,

Dow rises more than 100 points to close above 38,000 for the first time ever

Stocks rose Monday as investors built on the previous session’s historic move to record highs.

Dow……38002 +138.01+0.36%
Nasdaq15360 +49.3 +0.32%
S&P 500.4950 +10.6 +0.22%

FTSE…..7488 +25.8. +0.35%
Dax……16683 +128.2 +0.77%
CAC……7413 +41.6 +0.56%

Nikkei..36547 +583.7 +1.62%
HSI…….14961 -347.5 -2.27%
Shanghai.2756 -75.9 -2.68%

IDX…..7247.93 +20.53 +0.28%
LQ45….973.37 +0.69 +0.07%
IDX30…496.54 -1.38 -0.28%

IDXEnergy..2132.52 -31.56 -1.46%
IDX BscMat.1293.47 +1.98 +0.15%
IDX Indstrl…1100.39 -12.25 -1.10%
IDXNONCYC.699.33 -4.12 -0.59%
IDX Hlthcare1304.96 -1.55 -0.12%
IDXCYCLIC…862.67 +1.03 +0.12%
IDX Techno4205.28 -23.54 -0.56%
IDX Transp 1653.77 -27.72 -1.65%
IDX Infrast 1545.48 +14.81 +0.97%
IDX Finance.1530.69 +22.59+1.50%
IDX Banking.1326.80+6.08 +0.46%
IDX Property.. 702 -3.10 -0.44%

Indo10Yr.6.6657👍 -0.0260 -0.39%
ICBI…375.5892👍 +0.6217 +0.17%
US2Yr.4.393 +0.005 +0.12%
US5Yr 4.029 -0.025 -0.62%
US10Yr4.104 -0.026 -0.63%
US30Yr.4.323 -0.014 -0.32%
VIX….13.19 -0.11 -0.83%

USDIndx 103.3310 +0.043 +0.04%
Como Indx..266.95 +1.58 +0.59%
BCOMIN……134.45 -0.45 -0.34%

IndoCDS..75.22 – -%
(5-yr INOCD5) (19/01)

IDR…..15636.50 +21.00 +0.14%
Jisdor.15628.00 -1.00 -0.01%

Euro….1.0877 -0.0021 -0.19%

TLKM…25.53 +0.15 +0.59%
EIDO……22.08 -0.13 -0.59%
EEM……38.05 -0.34 -0.89’%

Oil……..75.19 +1.78 +2.42%
Gold..2041.50 -7.20 -0.35%
Timah..25298.00 – -%
(Closed 19/01)
Nickel..16023.50 -29.00 -0.08%
(Closed 22/01)
Silver……22.17 -0.54 -2.37%
Copper.374.75 -3.90 -1.03%

Iron Ore 62% 135.88 – -%
Nturl Gas..2.143 -0.109 -4.84%‼️
Ammonia China.3343.33 +66.66 +2.03%
(Domestic Price)(19/02)

Coal price.127.45 -0.55 -0.43%
Coal price 123.95 +1.95 +1.56%
Coal price.120.25 +2.00 +1.69%
Coal price 119.95 +1.70 +1.44%

Coal price.105.35 -0.65 -0.61%
Coal price .92.35 -3.70 -3.85%‼️
Coal price…89.80 -3.00 -3.23%‼️
Coal price…87.90 -3.15 -3.46%‼️

CPO(Apr)..3916 -24 -0.61%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn……445.75 +0.25 +0.06%
SoybeanOil 48.16 +1.26 +2.69%
Wheat…596.50 +3.25 +0.56%

Wood pulp..5070.00 +4 +0.08%
(Closed 21/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US ijo, europe ijo, asia china hongkong merah, jepang indonesia ijo. Lanjut ijo lah harusnya, apalagi US bond rates kebanyakan turun, yang 2 tahun yang naik

USD index naik, metal2 turun, oil naik, gas lanjut turun, coal masih turun, walau future yang newcastle naik, PTBA exit, ADRO udah kemaren exit duluan. MDKA ANTM INCO TINS kayanya masih sideways dulu. CPO turun dikit, masih belum kemana mana AALI LSIP

IHSG – masih FNS, masih belum pada masuk lagi, BD accum sih, stoch buy, macd still down, MFI w% sw, kalo diliat minor ABC flat correction, mungkin sekarang major mau wave B, masih belum bisa dibilang aman untuk aggressive, masih belum beres ABC correction

Tinggal Healthcare, sama yang mau bangun Basic Materials dan Infrastructure


MACD Buy Signal: SCMA, and ada spike

Stochastic Continuation Signal and big accum: ARTO BBTN MAPI

Supertrend Buy Signal: TPIA… udah lari, pegang BRPT aja deh

Daily Analysis 20240122

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 22th, 2024

Good morning,

S&P 500 rallies 1% to all-time high, surpassing previous record set in 2022

The S&P 500
closed at an all-time high on Friday as investors returned to buying equities in force following a short-lived market stumble to start the new year.

Dow……37864 +395.2 +1.05%
Nasdaq15311 +255.3 +1.70%
S&P 500.4939 +58.9 +1.23%

FTSE…..7462 +2.8. +0.04%
Dax……16555 -12.2 -0.07%
CAC……7372 -29.7 -0.40%

Nikkei..35963 +497.1 +1.40%
HSI…….15309 -83.1 -0.54%
Shanghai.2832 -13.5 -0.47%

IDX…..7227.40 -25.57 -0.35%
LQ45….972.67 -0.29 -0.03%
IDX30…497.91 -0.88 -0.18%

IDXEnergy..2164.07 -16.53 -0.76%
IDX BscMat.1291.50 +7.99 +0.62%
IDX Indstrl…1112.63 -0.61 -0.05%
IDXNONCYC.703.45 +0.08 +0.01%
IDX Hlthcare1306.51 -14.00 -1.06%
IDXCYCLIC…861.65 -0.70 -0.08%
IDX Techno4228.82 -35.18 -0.83%
IDX Transp 1681.49 -14.15 -0.83%
IDX Infrast 1530.68 -11.66 -0.76%
IDX Finance.1508.10 +4.02 +0.27%
IDX Banking.1320.72 -3.55 -0.27%
IDX Property.. 702 -3.10 -0.44%

Indo10Yr.6.6657 -0.0260 -0.39%
ICBI…375.5892 +0.6217 +0.17%
US2Yr.4.388 +0.035 +0.80%
US5Yr 4.054 +0.009 +0.22%
US10Yr4.130 -0.017 -0.41%
US30Yr.4.337 -0.028 -0.64%
VIX….13.30👍 -0.83 -5.87%‼️

USDIndx 103.2880❗️-0.248 -0.24%
Como Indx..265.38 -0.09 -0.03%
BCOMIN……134.91 +0.53 +0.39%

IndoCDS..75.22 -1.02 -1.32%
(5-yr INOCD5) (19/01)

IDR…..15615.00 -8.50 -0.05%
Jisdor.15628.00 -2.00 -0.01%

Euro….1.0898 +0.0023 +0.21%

TLKM…25.38 -0.12 -0.47%
EIDO……22.21 +0.02 +0.09%
EEM……38.39 +0.40 +1.05’%

Oil……..73.41 -0.67 -0.90%
Gold..2048.60 +7.50 +0.37%
Timah..25298.00 -59.00 -0.23%
(Closed 19/01)
Nickel..16052.50 -109.50 -0.68%
(Closed 19/01)
Silver……22.71 -0.10 -0.42%
Copper.378.65 +4.15 +1.11%

Iron Ore 62% 135.88 -0.20 -0.15%
Nturl Gas..2.252 -0.462 -17.02%‼️
Ammonia China.3276.67 +26.67 +0.82%
(Domestic Price)(19/02)

Coal price.128.00 -0.90 -0.70%
Coal price 122.00 -3.75 -2.98%‼️
Coal price.118.25 -4.40 -3.59%‼️
Coal price 118.25 -4.35 -3.55%‼️

Coal price.106.00 -1.05 -0.98%
Coal price .96.05 -3.35 -3.37%‼️
Coal price…92.80 -2.95 -3.08%‼️
Coal price…91.05 -3.05 -3.24%‼️

CPO(Apr)..3940 +39 +0.99%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn……445.50 +1.50 +0.34%
SoybeanOil 46.90 -0.72 -1.51%
Wheat…593.25 +7.75 +1.32%

Wood pulp..5066.00 unch +0%
(Closed 21/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US closing ijo jum’at, europe mostly merah, asia merah kecuali jepang. US bond rate yang pendek naik, yang panjang turun, kurang bagus buat saham. USD index turun, Gold copper up, metal2 lain down. Oil down gas drop 17%, coal merah, CPO ijo. Semoga bagus buat MDKA ANTM, saham2 coal masih belum dapet greenlight, AALI LSIP belum jalan jalan padahal CPO nya bagus

IHSG – masih NFS, belum pada masuk lagi… stoch buy, macd down, MFI down, w% sw, BD acc, minor flat pattern ABC correction keliatannya, masih beresiko, janga aggressive dulu

Helathcare yang arahnya bagus, dan basic materials yang lagi siap siap jalan


Big accum ICBP


Stochastic Continuation Signal and big accum: BRIS

Daily Analysis 20240119

Written by itho suryoputro. Posted in Daily Analysis

January 19th, 2024

Good morning,

Stocks close near record highs
Big Tech led a stock market rally on Tuesday as Apple (AAPL) had its best day since May 2023.

Dow……37469 +201.9 +0.54%
Nasdaq15056 +200.03+1.35%
S&P 500.4780 +41.7 +0.88%

FTSE…..7459 +12.8. +0.17%
Dax……16567 +135.7 +0.83%
CAC……7401 +82.7 +1.13%

Nikkei..35466 -11.6 -0.03%
HSI…….15392 +114.9 +0.75%
Shanghai.2845 +12.2 +0.43%

IDX…..7252.97 +52.33 +0.73%
LQ45….972.96 +4.02 +0.41%
IDX30…498.80 -1.13 -0.23%

IDXEnergy..2180.61 +1.26 +0.06%
IDX BscMat.1283.51 +34.75+2.78%
IDX Indstrl…1113.24 -1.14 -0.10%
IDXNONCYC.703.37 -2.26 -0.32%
IDX Hlthcare1320.50+20.33 +1.56%
IDXCYCLIC…862.35 +2.35 +0.27%
IDX Techno4264.01 -4.02 -0.09%
IDX Transp 1695.63 -13.44 -0.79%
IDX Infrast 1542.32 +14.76 +0.97%
IDX Finance.1504.08+0.28 -0.55%
IDX Banking.1324.28 -1.84 -0.14%
IDX Property.. 705 – -%

Indo10Yr.6.6837 -0.0157 -0.23%
ICBI…374.9675 +0.2794 +0.07%
US2Yr.4.354 -0.007 -0.16%
US5Yr 4.045 -0.061 -1.51%
US10Yr4.147 +0.041 +1.00%
US30Yr.4.365 +0.052 +1.21%
VIX….14.13 -0.66 -4.46%

USDIndx 103.5360❗️ +0.086 +0.08%
Como Indx..265.46 +2.42 +0.92%
BCOMIN……134.38 +0.09 +0.06%

IndoCDS..78.18 +2.49 +3.33%
(5-yr INOCD5) (17/01)

IDR…..15623.50 -19.50 -0.12%
Jisdor.15630.00 -9.00 -0.06%

Euro….1.0875 -0.0002 -0.02%

TLKM…25.50 -0.09 -0.39%
EIDO……22.20 +0.07 +0.29%
EEM……37.99 +0.31 +0.82%

Oil……..74.08 +1.52 +2.09%
Gold..2021.60 +15.10 +0.75%
Timah..25175.00 +58.00 +0.23%
(Closed 17/01)
Nickel..16162.00 +64.5 +0.40%
(Closed 18/01)
Silver……22.81 +0.14 +0.61%
Copper.374.50 +1.20 +0.32%

Iron Ore 62% 135.79 -0.96 -0.70%
Nturl Gas..2.714 -0.153 -5.34%‼️
Ammonia China.3250.0 – -%
(Domestic Price)(17/02)

Coal price.128.90 -0.60 -0.46%
Coal price 125.75 -0.45 -0.36%
Coal price.122.70 -1.00 -0.80%
Coal price 122.60 -0.50 -0.41%

Coal price.107.05 -0.05 -0.50%
Coal price .99.40 -1.30 -1.29%
Coal price…95.75 -1.50 -1.54%
Coal price…94.10 -1.50 -1.57%

CPO(Apr)..3901 +83 +2.17%
(Source: bursamalaysia.com)

Corn……444.00 +1.75 +0.40%
SoybeanOil 47.62 -0.08 -0.17%
Wheat…585.50 +13.25 +0.51%

Wood pulp..5066.00+4.00 +0.08%
(Closed 17/01)

©️Phintraco Sekuritas
Broker Code: AT
Desy Erawati/ DE
Source: Bloomberg, Investing, IBPA, CNBC, Bursa Malaysia
Copyright: Phintraco Sekuritas

US europe rebound, asia rebound duluan, semoga lanjut tudei,

US bond rate yang pendek turun, yang panjang naik, fine aja kalo yang panjang tinggi mah, harusnya ga terlalu ngaruh dibanding yang pendek. USD index naik lagi, tapi ga banyak, metal2 naik kecuali iron ore, MDKA udah jalan duluan, baru buy signal kemaren. Oil up, gas drop, coal down, CPO up rada tinggi, semoga AALI LSIP finally jalan

IHSG – stoch revup, macd still down, 33 buy, MFI sw, w% sw, BD acc, FNS walau mengecil, kalo dari level harga, ada 2 target titik koreksi, ke suppport 7046 dan closing dap dibawah 6900, kayanya sih akan dibawa ke support, kalo dibanting tutup gap bisa goyang Indonesia

Yang confirmed tinggal Healthcare, Infrastructure sama Basic Materials mengintai gantian jalan

Stochastic Buy Signal: BUKA INTP MDKA TPIA BMTR HMSP WIFI, big accum MDKA WIFI


Stochastic Continuation Signal and big accum: ICBP ISAT

Alligator Buy Signal: INDF ELSA. INDF spike, ELSA Big accum

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